This table of contents give pointers in the Coq formalisation following the sectioning of the paper
- Category definition
- Category of Types
- Category of Setoids
- Functor 𝑬𝑸 : Type -> Setoid
- Product definition
- Product-preserving functor definition
- Streams
- Cosubstitution for streams
- Infinite triangular matrices
- Redecoration for infinite triangular matrices
- Relative comonad definition
- Functoriality of relative comonads
- Morphism of relative comonads
- Category of relative comonads
- Comodule over a relative comonad definition
- Functoriality of comodules
- Morphism of comodules
- Category of comodules
- Tautological comodule
- Pushforward comodule
- Morphism of comonads induces morphism of comodules
- Relative comonad with cut definition
- Morphism of relative comonads with cut
- Category of relative comonads with cut
- Canonical cut operation
- Precomposition with product
- Pushforward commutes with precomposition with product
- Category of streams
- Terminal object in Stream
- Category TriMat of infinite triangular matrices
- Terminal object in TriMat