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Miroslav Suchý edited this page May 25, 2021 · 8 revisions

Released on - TBD.

Mock 2.11 features:

  • You can use --cwd together with --shell now. [PR 732]

  • You can use mock --install 'external:pypi:hwdata' now. [PR 733]

  • Mock now defines macro %{_platform_multiplier} which is set to 1 by default. However, when forcearch is used, then it is set to 10. [PR 730]

    This can be used to tune timeouts in e.g., %check and reflects that emulated platforms can take longer to finish task. Suggested use case can be:

%{!?_platform_multiplier:%global _platform_multiplier 1}
timeout $(( 60*%_platform_multiplier )) the-long-running-task

This will wait 60 seconds, but on emulated platforms 600 seconds.

If you have slow builder for some architecture, you can put in your config

config_opts['macros']['%_platform_multiplier'] = 5

to tune up this macro.

Mock 2.11 bugfixes:

  • TBD [PR 678][PR#678].

Mock-core-configs vXXX:

  • centos-stream-8 repositories use mirrorlist now. And have additional repositories which are presented in defautl centos-stream-8 installation [PR 729]

The following contributors contributed to this release:

  • TBD

Thank you!

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