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293 lines (209 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

293 lines (209 loc) · 7.46 KB

Lakehouse POC


Step 1: Download the Needed JARs for Spark Jobs

To download the necessary JAR files for running Spark jobs, execute the following command:

make download_jars

Step 2: Spin up all microservices

make run_all

Step 2.1: Check if all the containers are in healthy state

docker ps


Step 3: Access Airflow UI

Access localhost:8080, Airflow UI, with airflow as username & password


Five dags are present


Step 4 : Postgres and Debezium Steup

Unpause & Trigger Dags:

    • to create schema iot and table iot.taxi_nyc_time_series in postgres
    • to create connector taxi-nyc-cdc that tracks db commis table(s) iot.taxi_nyc_time_series and publish the captured commits to kafka topic device.iot.taxi_nyc_time_series

Step 4.1 : Inspect schema and table(s)

docker exec -it dw-postgresql bash

# psql
psql -U k6 -d k6

# show schema


Step 4.2 : Check if debezium cdc connector taxi-nyc-cdc is created successfully

Access debezium UI http://localhost:8085


Step 5 : Write data to postgres db table iot.taxi_nyc_time_series with synthetic data

Unpause dag and trigger DEMO.FAKELIVEDATA.POSTGRES.v.0.0.1


Step 5.1: Check postgres db iot.taxi_nyc_time_series data



Step 5.2 Check topic device.iot.taxi_nyc_time_series in broker

Access Kafka Control Center at http://localhost:9021

Topic created with published synthetic data in the message step5-2-confluent

Step 5.3 Write topic messages into datalake with spark batch read

  • create s3 Minio bucket bronze
  • spark read broker streaming-broker:29092
  • write to object storage in minio
  • partition by column p_date for efficient read and for analytical uses later

Unpause and trigger dag DEMO.KAFKA.CONSUMER.v0.0.1


Data written to minio object storage with specified partition

MinIO is accessible at http://localhost:9001 with minio_access_key as username and minio_secret_key as password


Step 6: Trigger and run dag DEMO.BATCH.JOB.NYCTAXI.v0.0.1 with different runs as parallelled backfill job, as well as parallel write with no conurrent write issue like race condition on a sinlge partition

  • fetch source data of below entities and store them in bucket raw:
    • yellow_tripdata
    • green_tripdata
    • fhv_tripdata
  • write to bucket bronze partitioned by p_date , in delta table format


raw bucket with source data


delta table for yellow_tripdata, green_tripdata and fhv_tripdata created with _delta_log


Step 7: Register schema in hive metastore and query in trinio

# docker shell
docker exec -it sleekflowlake-trino bash

# launch trino cli

create needed schema and table with external source

-- create schema
CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS datalake.bronze WITH (location = 's3a://bronze/');

-- yellow_tripdata
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datalake.bronze.yellow_tripdata;

CREATE TABLE datalake.bronze.yellow_tripdata (
       VendorID INT,
       tpep_pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       tpep_dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       passenger_count INT,
       trip_distance DOUBLE,
       RatecodeID INT,
       store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR,
       PULocationID INT,
       DOLocationID INT,
       payment_type INT,
       fare_amount DOUBLE,
       extra DOUBLE,
       mta_tax DOUBLE,
       tip_amount DOUBLE,
       tolls_amount DOUBLE,
       improvement_surcharge DOUBLE,
       total_amount DOUBLE,
       congestion_surcharge INT,
       airport_fee INT,
       p_date VARCHAR
    format = 'PARQUET',
    external_location = 's3a://bronze/yellow_tripdata/',
    partitioned_by = ARRAY['p_date']

-- partition discovery
CALL datalake.system.sync_partition_metadata('bronze', 'yellow_tripdata', 'ADD');

-- green_tripdata
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datalake.bronze.green_tripdata;

CREATE TABLE datalake.bronze.green_tripdata (
       VendorID INT,
       lpep_pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       lpep_dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       store_and_fwd_flag VARCHAR,
       RatecodeID INT,
       PULocationID INT,
       DOLocationID INT,
       passenger_count INT,
       trip_distance DOUBLE,
       fare_amount DOUBLE,
       extra DOUBLE,
       mta_tax DOUBLE,
       tip_amount DOUBLE,
       tolls_amount DOUBLE,
       ehail_fee INT,
       improvement_surcharge DOUBLE,
       total_amount DOUBLE,
       payment_type INT,
       trip_type DOUBLE,
       congestion_surcharge INT,
       p_date VARCHAR
    format = 'PARQUET',
    external_location = 's3a://bronze/green_tripdata/',
    partitioned_by = ARRAY['p_date']

call datalake.system.sync_partition_metadata('bronze', 'green_tripdata', 'ADD');

-- fhv_tripdata
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datalake.bronze.fhv_tripdata;

CREATE TABLE datalake.bronze.fhv_tripdata (
       dispatching_base_num VARCHAR,
       pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       dropOff_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       PUlocationID DOUBLE,
       DOlocationID DOUBLE,
       SR_Flag INT,
       Affiliated_base_number VARCHAR,
       p_date VARCHAR
    format = 'PARQUET',
    external_location = 's3a://bronze/fhv_tripdata/',
    partitioned_by = ARRAY['p_date']

CALL datalake.system.sync_partition_metadata('bronze', 'fhv_tripdata', 'ADD');

-- SELECT * FROM datalake.bronze.fhv_tripdata;

-- fake_device_iot_taxi_nyc_time_series
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS datalake.bronze.fake_device_iot_taxi_nyc_time_series;

CREATE TABLE datalake.bronze.fake_device_iot_taxi_nyc_time_series (
       dolocationid INT,
       pulocationid INT,
       ratecodeid DOUBLE,
       vendorid INT,
       congestion_surcharge DOUBLE,
       extra DOUBLE,
       fare_amount DOUBLE,
       improvement_surcharge DOUBLE,
       mta_tax DOUBLE,
       passenger_count DOUBLE,
       payment_type INT,
       tip_amount DOUBLE,
       tolls_amount DOUBLE,
       total_amount DOUBLE,
       tpep_dropoff_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       tpep_pickup_datetime TIMESTAMP,
       trip_distance DOUBLE,
       p_date VARCHAR
    format = 'PARQUET',
    external_location = 's3a://bronze/fake_device_iot_taxi_nyc_time_series/',
    partitioned_by = ARRAY['p_date']

CALL datalake.system.sync_partition_metadata('bronze', 'fake_device_iot_taxi_nyc_time_series', 'ADD');

Queryable table examples below

SELECT * FROM datalake.bronze.yellow_tripdata;
select * FROM datalake.bronze.green_tripdata;
SELECT * FROM datalake.bronze.fake_device_iot_taxi_nyc_time_series;




To clean up and kill all containers:

make stop_all

That's it Thank you for your time :)