Connect to Azure Container Registry via Azure CLI.
az login
Run the script: powershell/azure-deployment.ps1 to deploy the Azure resources.
Services that will be created:
- Location: WestUS 2
- SKU: Basic
- Admin enabled: true
- SKU: Standard
- Secrets:
- cosmosdb-connectionstring-[deployment-identifier]cos
- cosmosdb-primarykey-[deployment-identifier]cos
- servicebus-connectionstring-[deployment-identifier]sbns
- storage-connectionstring-[deployment-identifier]stg
- storage-primarykey-[deployment-identifier]stg
- Nodes: 3
- VM Size: Standard_DS2_v2
- Node Pools: 1
- Managed Identity: true
- Attached ACR: true
- SKU: Standard_LRS
- SKU: Premium
- Consistency Level: Strong - Kind: GlobalDocumentDB - Containers: - Throughput: Autoscale
Note: At the end of the script execution there is a call to action to save the information that will be used in the future, be sure keep safe that information.
****************************CALL TO ACTION**************************** Deployment alias: Subscription id: Tenant id: Resource group: Location: Cluster name: Kubernetes version: Managed identity name: Managed identity id: Managed identity client id: Container registry name: Key vault name: Storage name: Storage connection string: Storage primary key: Service bus namespace name: Service bus connection string: CosmosDB account name: CosmosDB database name: CosmosDB workflow 1 container name: CosmosDB primary key: CosmosDB connection string: ****************************CALL TO ACTION****************************
Run the script: powershell/azure-removal.ps1 to remove the Azure resources.