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Continuous Integration

Richard Schneider edited this page Oct 18, 2015 · 14 revisions

We use AppVeyor for continuous integration. Whenever a commit is made to the Github repo the CI is kicked off. Each build produces an artifact the Ipfs.Core package containing:

  • Ipfs.Core.dll - the assembly
  • Ipfs.Core.pdb - debugging info
  • Ipfs.Core.xml - programmer level documentation on the assembly

The status of the latest build is found on the project readme. Clicking on the link will bring up the AppVeyor project lastest build details.

Quality Assurance

The unit tests and run against the release build to confirm that the shipped package is working (or not).

OpenCover is used to determine what lines have been executed and Coveralls is used to produce the coverage report.

NuGet feeds

A NuGet feed for all IPFS.Core builds is at These builds are beta and are considered prerelease by NuGet.

nuget list -source 
           -prerelease -allversions

All the .Net IPFS packages can be found


Making a release is a as simple as creating a git tag it the correct format.

git tag -a v2.1.0 -m "Release v2.1.0" 
git push --tags origin

For a release, the CI also publishes to the NuGet Gallery as well as the AppVeyor NuGet feeds.

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