This git repo is the history of all the steps a had to do when i was learning python.
This is not simply python the language but also the how to make a good dev environment.
Sorry for my english...
I will work on windows platform, but will use cmder or gitbash for some commands,
so there will be some unix commands also.
First, create the folder for the project and make the python virtual env
mkdir learnpython
cd learnpython
virtualenv pythonvenv
Then we activate the venv (here pythonvenv)
(pythonvenv) should prompt on your command
add your work folder to the pythonpath ! Find yout fullpath
then it to the pythonpath
set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;C:\Users\fabas\Desktop\dev\git\learnpython
if you want to see if the folder is in the PYTHONPATH you can invoke the python command, then import sys, and print sys.path
pip is a python command, you can dowload with it a lot of package.
in a virtualenv you can found those packages in venv\site-packages\
We are going to install this packages first :
pip install black
pip install pylint
black : code formatter , more info
pylint : linter ,
info on vscode/python :