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Configuration of L1 REPACK #1

rekovic opened this issue Mar 24, 2016 · 6 comments

Configuration of L1 REPACK #1

rekovic opened this issue Mar 24, 2016 · 6 comments


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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

cat Configuration/StandardSequences/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras

## L1REPACK FULL:  Re-Emulate all of L1 and repack into RAW

if not (eras.stage2L1Trigger.isChosen()):
    print "L1T WARN:  L1REPACK ALL only supports Stage 2 eras for now."
    print "L1T WARN:  Use a legacy version of L1REPACK for now."
    print "L1T INFO:  L1REPACK ALL will unpack all L1T inputs, re-emulated (Stage-2), and pack uGT, uGMT, and Calo Stage-2 output."

    # First, Unpack all inputs to L1:
    import EventFilter.DTTFRawToDigi.dttfunpacker_cfi
    unpackDttf = EventFilter.DTTFRawToDigi.dttfunpacker_cfi.dttfunpacker.clone(
        DTTF_FED_Source = cms.InputTag( 'rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()))    

    import EventFilter.CSCRawToDigi.cscUnpacker_cfi
    unpackCSC = EventFilter.CSCRawToDigi.cscUnpacker_cfi.muonCSCDigis.clone(
        InputObjects = cms.InputTag( 'rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()))

    import EventFilter.DTRawToDigi.dtunpacker_cfi
    unpackDT = EventFilter.DTRawToDigi.dtunpacker_cfi.muonDTDigis.clone(
        inputLabel = cms.InputTag( 'rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()))

    import EventFilter.RPCRawToDigi.rpcUnpacker_cfi
    unpackRPC = EventFilter.RPCRawToDigi.rpcUnpacker_cfi.rpcunpacker.clone(
        InputLabel = cms.InputTag( 'rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()))

    import EventFilter.EcalRawToDigi.EcalUnpackerData_cfi
    unpackEcal = EventFilter.EcalRawToDigi.EcalUnpackerData_cfi.ecalEBunpacker.clone(
        InputLabel = cms.InputTag( 'rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()))

    import EventFilter.HcalRawToDigi.HcalRawToDigi_cfi
    unpackHcal = EventFilter.HcalRawToDigi.HcalRawToDigi_cfi.hcalDigis.clone(
        InputLabel = cms.InputTag( 'rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()))

    # Second, Re-Emulate the entire L1T

    # Legacy trigger primitive emulations still running in 2016 trigger:
    # NOTE:  2016 HCAL HF TPs require a new emulation, which is not yet available...    
    from SimCalorimetry.HcalTrigPrimProducers.hcaltpdigi_cff import *
    simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.inputLabel = cms.VInputTag(
    # not sure when/if this is needed...
    # HcalTPGCoderULUT.LUTGenerationMode = cms.bool(True)

    from L1Trigger.Configuration.SimL1Emulator_cff import *
    simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis.digiTag = 'unpackDT'
    simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCComparatorDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'unpackCSC', 'MuonCSCComparatorDigi' )
    simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCWireDigiProducer       = cms.InputTag( 'unpackCSC', 'MuonCSCWireDigi' )
    simTwinMuxDigis.RPC_Source         = cms.InputTag('unpackRPC')
    simOmtfDigis.srcRPC                = cms.InputTag('unpackRPC')
    simCaloStage2Layer1Digis.ecalToken = cms.InputTag('unpackEcal:EcalTriggerPrimitives')
    simCaloStage2Layer1Digis.hcalToken = cms.InputTag('simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis')
    # Picking up simulation a bit further downstream for now:
    simTwinMuxDigis.DTDigi_Source = cms.InputTag("unpackDttf")
    simTwinMuxDigis.DTThetaDigi_Source = cms.InputTag("unpackDttf")
    simBmtfDigis.DTDigi_Source       = cms.InputTag("simTwinMuxDigis")
    simBmtfDigis.DTDigi_Theta_Source = cms.InputTag("unpackDttf")

    # Finally, pack the new L1T output back into RAW

    from EventFilter.L1TRawToDigi.caloStage2Raw_cfi import caloStage2Raw as packCaloStage2
    from EventFilter.L1TRawToDigi.gmtStage2Raw_cfi import gmtStage2Raw as packGmtStage2
    from EventFilter.L1TRawToDigi.gtStage2Raw_cfi import gtStage2Raw as packGtStage2

    # combine the new L1 RAW with existing RAW for other FEDs
    import EventFilter.RawDataCollector.rawDataCollectorByLabel_cfi
    rawDataCollector = EventFilter.RawDataCollector.rawDataCollectorByLabel_cfi.rawDataCollector.clone(
        verbose = cms.untracked.int32(0),
        RawCollectionList = cms.VInputTag(
            cms.InputTag('rawDataCollector', processName=cms.InputTag.skipCurrentProcess()),

    SimL1Emulator = cms.Sequence(unpackEcal+unpackHcal+unpackCSC+unpackDT+unpackRPC+unpackDttf
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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

cat L1Trigger/Configuration/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

# Defines the L1 Emulator sequence for simulation use-case subsystem emulators
# run on the results of previous (in the hardware chain) subsystem emulator:
#     SimL1Emulator = cms.Sequence(...)
# properly configured for the current Era (e.g. Run1, 2015, or 2016).  Also
# configures event setup producers appropriate to the current Era, to handle
# conditions which are not yet available in the GT.
# Author List
# Jim Brooke, 24 April 2008
# Vasile Mihai Ghete, 2009
# Jim Brooke, Michael Mulhearn, 2015

# Notes on Inputs:

# ECAL TPG emulator and HCAL TPG run in the simulation sequence in order to be able 
# to use unsuppressed digis produced by ECAL and HCAL simulation, respectively
# in Configuration/StandardSequences/python/
# SimCalorimetry.Configuration.SimCalorimetry_cff
# which calls
# SimCalorimetry.Configuration.ecalDigiSequence_cff
# SimCalorimetry.Configuration.hcalDigiSequence_cff

# At the moment, there is no emulator available for upgrade HF Trigger Primitives,
# so these missing (required!) inputs are presently ignored by downstream modules.

from L1Trigger.Configuration.SimL1TechnicalTriggers_cff import *

from L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.simDigis_cff import *
from L1Trigger.L1TMuon.simDigis_cff import *
from L1Trigger.L1TGlobal.simDigis_cff import *

# define a core which can be extented in customizations:
SimL1EmulatorCore = cms.Sequence(
    SimL1TCalorimeter +
    SimL1TMuon +
    SimL1TechnicalTriggers +

SimL1Emulator = cms.Sequence( SimL1EmulatorCore )

# Next we load ES producers for any conditions that are not yet in GT,
# using the Era configuration.
from L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.hackConditions_cff import *
from L1Trigger.L1TMuon.hackConditions_cff import *
from L1Trigger.L1TGlobal.hackConditions_cff import *

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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

cat L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras

# Stage-2 Trigger
if eras.stage2L1Trigger.isChosen():
    from SimCalorimetry.HcalTrigPrimProducers.hcaltpdigi_cff import *
    print "L1TCalorimeter Sequence configured for Stage-2 (2016) trigger. "
    # select one of the following two options:
    # - layer1 from L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter package
    from L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.simCaloStage2Layer1Digis_cfi import simCaloStage2Layer1Digis
    # - layer1 from L1Trigger/L1TCaloLayer1 package
    #from L1Trigger.L1TCaloLayer1.simCaloStage2Layer1Digis_cfi import simCaloStage2Layer1Digis
    from L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.simCaloStage2Digis_cfi import simCaloStage2Digis
    SimL1TCalorimeter = cms.Sequence( simCaloStage2Layer1Digis + simCaloStage2Digis )

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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

cat L1Trigger/L1TMuon/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras

# Legacy L1 Muon modules still running in 2016 trigger:

#  - DT TP emulator
from L1Trigger.DTTrigger.dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis_cfi import *
import L1Trigger.DTTrigger.dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis_cfi
simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis = L1Trigger.DTTrigger.dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis_cfi.dtTriggerPrimitiveDigis.clone()

simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis.digiTag = 'simMuonDTDigis'
#simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis.debug = cms.untracked.bool(True)

# - CSC TP emulator
from L1Trigger.CSCCommonTrigger.CSCCommonTrigger_cfi import *
import L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis_cfi
simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis = L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis_cfi.cscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.clone()
simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCComparatorDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'simMuonCSCDigis', 'MuonCSCComparatorDigi' )
simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCWireDigiProducer       = cms.InputTag( 'simMuonCSCDigis', 'MuonCSCWireDigi' )

SimL1TMuonCommon = cms.Sequence(simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis + simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis)

# Stage-2 Trigger
if eras.stage2L1Trigger.isChosen():
    print "L1TMuon Sequence configured for Stage-2 (2016) trigger. "
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuonBarrel.simTwinMuxDigis_cfi import *
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuonBarrel.simBmtfDigis_cfi import *
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuonEndCap.simEmtfDigis_cfi import *
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuonOverlap.simOmtfDigis_cfi import *
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuon.simGmtCaloSumDigis_cfi import *
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuon.simMuonQualityAdjusterDigis_cfi import *
    from L1Trigger.L1TMuon.simGmtStage2Digis_cfi import *
    SimL1TMuon = cms.Sequence(SimL1TMuonCommon + simTwinMuxDigis + simBmtfDigis + simEmtfDigis + simOmtfDigis + simGmtCaloSumDigis + simMuonQualityAdjusterDigis + simGmtStage2Digis)

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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

cat L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/python/

# WARNING: This file is in the L1T configuration critical path.
# All changes must be explicitly discussed with the L1T offline coordinator.
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from Configuration.StandardSequences.Eras import eras

# Stage-2 Trigger
if eras.stage2L1Trigger.isChosen():
# -  Global Trigger emulator
    print "L1TGlobal Sequence configured for Stage-2 (2016) trigger. "
    from L1Trigger.L1TGlobal.simGtStage2Digis_cfi import *
    SimL1TGlobal = cms.Sequence(simGtStage2Digis)

cat L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/python/

# WARNING: This file is in the L1T configuration critical path.
# All changes must be explicitly discussed with the L1T offline coordinator.
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

# cfi uGT emulator

simGtStage2Digis = cms.EDProducer("L1TGlobalProducer",
    MuonInputTag = cms.InputTag("simGmtStage2Digis"),
    ExtInputTag = cms.InputTag("none"),
    EGammaInputTag = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis"),
    TauInputTag = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis"),
    JetInputTag = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis"),
    EtSumInputTag = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis"),
    AlgorithmTriggersUnmasked = cms.bool(False),    
    AlgorithmTriggersUnprescaled = cms.bool(False),

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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

PACKERS of caloStage2, gmtStage2, gtStage2

cat EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

caloStage2Raw = cms.EDProducer(
    Setup = cms.string("stage2::CaloSetup"),
    TowerInputLabel = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Layer1Digis"),
    InputLabel = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis"),
    FedId = cms.int32(1366),
    FWId = cms.uint32(1),
    lenSlinkHeader = cms.untracked.int32(8),
    lenSlinkTrailer = cms.untracked.int32(8)

cat EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

gmtStage2Raw = cms.EDProducer(
    Setup = cms.string("stage2::GMTSetup"),
    InputLabel = cms.InputTag("simGmtStage2Digis"),
    BMTFInputLabel = cms.InputTag("simBmtfDigis", "BMTF"),
    OMTFInputLabel = cms.InputTag("simOmtfDigis", "OMTF"),
    EMTFInputLabel = cms.InputTag("simEmtfDigis", "EMTF"),
    FedId = cms.int32(1402),
    FWId = cms.uint32(1),
    lenSlinkHeader = cms.untracked.int32(8),
    lenSlinkTrailer = cms.untracked.int32(8)

cat EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/python/

import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

gtStage2Raw = cms.EDProducer(
    Setup = cms.string("stage2::GTSetup"),
#    TowerInputLabel = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis"),
    InputLabel = cms.InputTag("simGtStage2Digis"),
    FedId = cms.int32(1404),
    FWId = cms.uint32(1),
    lenSlinkHeader = cms.untracked.int32(8),
    lenSlinkTrailer = cms.untracked.int32(8)

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rekovic commented Mar 24, 2016

An example how to run from RAW (i.e. GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG) test_mc_RAW2DIGI -s RAW2DIGI --era=Run2_2016 -n 200 --mc --no_exec --no_output 
--filein=/store/relval/CMSSW_7_6_3_patch2/RelValTTbar_13/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG/PUpmx25ns_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v12-v1/10000/0EC8A075-BFDF-E511-B513-0CC47A4C8F08.root --geometry=Extended2016,Extended2016Reco

code snipet from L1Trigger/Configuration/

def L1TReEmulFromRAW(process):
    process.simEcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.Label = 'ecalDigis'
    process.simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis.inputLabel = cms.VInputTag(
    process.L1TReEmul = cms.Sequence(process.simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis * process.SimL1Emulator)
    process.simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis.digiTag = 'muonDTDigis'
    process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCComparatorDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'muonCSCDigis', 'MuonCSCComparatorDigi')
    process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCWireDigiProducer       = cms.InputTag( 'muonCSCDigis', 'MuonCSCWireDigi' )

    if eras.stage2L1Trigger.isChosen(): 
        process.simTwinMuxDigis.RPC_Source         = cms.InputTag('muonRPCDigis')
        # When available, this will switch to TwinMux input Digis:
        process.simTwinMuxDigis.DTDigi_Source      = cms.InputTag("dttfDigis")
        process.simTwinMuxDigis.DTThetaDigi_Source = cms.InputTag("dttfDigis")
        process.simOmtfDigis.srcRPC                = cms.InputTag('muonRPCDigis')
        process.simBmtfDigis.DTDigi_Source         = cms.InputTag("simTwinMuxDigis")
        process.simBmtfDigis.DTDigi_Theta_Source   = cms.InputTag("dttfDigis")
        process.simCaloStage2Layer1Digis.ecalToken = cms.InputTag("ecalDigis:EcalTriggerPrimitives")
        process.L1TReEmulPath = cms.Path(process.L1TReEmul)
        print "L1TReEmul sequence:  "
        print process.L1TReEmul
        print process.schedule
        return process

code snipet from L1Trigger/Configuration/

# Unpack Stage-2 GT and GMT
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo(process):
    for b in cutlist:
    return process

@rekovic rekovic changed the title Test syntax Configuration of L1 REPACK Apr 10, 2016
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