An x.509 certificate is required to authenticate with AWS IOT service via TLS SNI before the MQTT handshake.
We won't use Terraform to create the certificate because it could expose the private key. Better that we create the certificate with AWS via the CLI then associate it with the TF infrastructure.
Set the region to the region where the infrastructure will be installed. Take note of the certificate ARN. It is needed as an infrastructure variable.
aws iot create-keys-and-certificate \
--certificate-pem-outfile "growatt-to-iot.cert.pem" \
--public-key-outfile "growatt-to-iot.public.key" \
--private-key-outfile "growatt-to-iot.private.key" \
--set-as-active \
--region $myAwsRegion
Be careful not to commit certificate files to git.
We are saving the public key, but that is what everyone else can see, and what AWS keeps. So we actually have no use for it. We will use the PEM file and the private key.
Add the "certificateArn"
from the output above into a
aws_iot_certificate_arn = "arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:12345678910:cert/47747474747474747474747474"
You can also set the aws_region
here instead of the default us-east-1
. However, note that
some infrastructure may not be available in all regions. Also ensure you follow the same region
that you used to generate the certificates.
You can either go with local state or organise a
terraform {
cloud {
organization = "my-org"
workspaces {
name = "growatt-you-like"
required_version = ">= 1.0.2"
terraform init
terraform apply