One-line code examples can be executed using shortcuts without selecting them. Multi-line examples must be selected first.
tests only for object equality (like in Java). More likely the user wants=
. -
"Literal arrays are created at parse time and are read-only" (but copies are mutable—presumably the
primitive code handles this detail). -
Use dynamic arrays for instances like this one:
{ (2 + 3) . (6 * 6) }
. -
Dynamic arrays are mutable from the get-go and do not need to be sent
. -
Pharo works with the system clipboard. How's that for Smalltalk playing along nice with the host system? :)
for logical "and" and|
for logical "or". Logical "not" is a unary message of the same name. (Actually, I was toldand:
are more idiomatic because they're shortcut operators.) -
Indeed, Kent Beck's Guide to Better Smalltalk says that an expression like
anArray size >= 10 and: [(anArray at: 10) isNil]
is useful to guard from errors. -
Sending the binary message
to a number type along with another number type to create aPoint
object. -
PolyMath implements complex number arithmetic!
Date today + 3 weeks
andDate yesterday < Date today
both work, very nice. -
4 between: 0 and: 10
and1 max: 3
are good examples of keyword messages. -
Keyword messages can be written across multiple lines. (And it looks like this applies to other messages as well.)
ProfStef perform: #next
is the same asProfStef next
. -
Remember "unary > binary > keyword", "left to right". There is no algebraic order of operations. All exceptions to the rules need to be implemented with parentheses.
These are the same:
Transcript show: 'hello'. Transcript show: 'Pharo'. Transcript cr.
and (uses the cascade operator):
Transcript show: 'hello'; show: 'Pharo' ; cr.
Examples of block invocation:
[:x | x + 2] value: 5. [GTPlayground open] value. [:x | x + 2] value: 10. [:x :y| x + y] value: 3 value: 5.
Pharo blocks have lexical closure.
Example of an "if" statement:
1 < 2 ifTrue: [100] ifFalse: [42].
It's just sending
to a Boolean type! -
Examples of loops:
1 to: 100 by: 3 do: [:i | Transcript show: i asString; cr]. 100 to: 0 by: -2 do: [:i | Transcript show: i asString; cr]. 1 to: 1 do: [:i | ProfStef next].
More nice loops:
#(11 38 3 -2 10) do: [:each | Transcript show: each printString; cr]. "Some other really nice iterators" #(11 38 3 -2 10) collect: [:each | each abs]. #(11 38 3 -2 10) collect: [:each | each odd]. #(11 38 3 -2 10) select: [:each | each odd]. #(11 38 3 -2 10) select: [:each | each > 10]. #(11 38 3 -2 10) reject: [:each | each > 10]. #(11 38 3 -2 10) do: [:each | Transcript show: each printString] separatedBy: [Transcript show: '.'].
Double quotes denote comments in Pharo.
The implementation of the unary
method does something likemethods
in Ruby. -
with a symbol is another useful bit of introspection. -
Shift+Alt+Left Click brings up the halo on a Morph to get rid of a pesky morph.
There is a Vim mode for Pharo!
From the Discord:
readyready15728: "I want to file a bug report for Pharo 9.0: whenever I delete text over multiple lines using the Backspace key in a Playground, the Transcript gets flooded with SubscriptOutOfBounds errors. I'm not sure I would be able to fix it on my own but I don't know exactly how to track down the error without a tool like grep. How can I find the offending call to Transcript show:?"
Todd Blanchard: "SubscriptOutOfBounds is a class. Specifically, it is a subclass of Error. So I would probably get it up in the browser (type its name in a playground, select it, cmd-b for browse) and then hit the old 'class refs' button to see where it is used. That should give you some clues."
WelcomeHelp open
opens the initial welcome help window on a fresh image. -
Nice examples of reflection:
"You can inspect and change the system at runtime.
Take a look at method #ifFalse:ifTrue: source code of class True:"
(True>>#ifFalse:ifTrue:) sourceCode.
"Or just its comment:"
(True>>#ifFalse:ifTrue:) comment.
"Here's all the methods I implement:"
ProfStef selectors.
"Now let's create a new method to go to the next lesson:"
ProfStef class compile:'goToNextLesson
self next'.
"Wow! I can't wait to use my new method!"
ProfStef goToNextLesson.
- How to get rid of the Exercism logo:
I want an untainted background image of a Mechanicus Forge World and both the
Pharo and Exercism logos have to go. The former can easily be removed using
the system menu but the latter requires a little work. I found out where the
logo is set by using Finder, setting the type of search to "Classes" and
searching for "Exercism", at BaselineOfExercism>>setExercismLogo
| exercismLogo |
exercismLogo := (AlphaImageMorph
layout: #scaledAspect;
extent: 100 @ 100;
position: 10 @ 135;
World addMorph: exercismLogo
I then figured out I could go into a Playground and inspect World submorphs
in search of my quarry. There are two AlphaImageMorph
objects in there with
the Exercism logo and I sent them both the unary message delete
for an
unblemished background.
- The Iceberg tutorial omitted the part where, after creating
, you select the newly created directory as the location for uploaded source. - From a thread about Iceberg:
Indeed. Here's how to get the repository for class MyClass:
repo := IceRepository registeredRepositoryIncludingPackage: MyClass package.
And then the path ist just
repo location.
- Even more threads about Git and storing text files using Pharo: https://www.google.com/search?q=pharo+iceberg+text+site:forum.world.st
- Example of default parameter in Smalltalk:
self displayOn: Display
Which is implemented as:
displayOn: aDisplayMedium
self displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: 0@0
- "Use an Array if you know the size of the collection when you create it and
if the indices into the elements (the first argument to
) are consecutive integers between one and the size of the array." OrderedCollection
is more flexible.- Instances of
can be used as stacks and queues, not unlike Python lists. - The
class also exists, similar to Python ranges.