- 'wear' / 'wield'.
- 'identify'.
- (For thieves) 'trip'.
- (For thieves) 'stab'.
- 'scan'.
- 'look in body'.
- 'get all from body'.
- 'read ledger'.
- 'stab' requires a sharp weapon.
- 'talk soldier'.
- 'quests'.
- 'score'.
- "Our healer managed to scrape together a waypoint just outside of my hut. Don't forget to 'pray here' so you can 'recall' back to the camp."
- "As you find waypoints, you can add them to your waypoint list with 'waypoint set' or 'pray here'. You can travel between waypoints you have on your list, see 'waypoint help' for more information."
- "Nyssra the archer says to you, 'Hey! If you're heading out into the badlands, make sure you're healed up first! A good place to rest or sleep is by a fire like this one! Sleeping by a nice warm fire will keep you feeling sharp and ready for anything! Also, look out for potions you can drink and food. A lot of potions have healing effects, and food will help restore your health and stamina. Take this potion and drink it if your health gets low!'"
- "FYI: The warmth of the fire will help you recover more quickly from battle. Resting or sleeping near fires will give you a boost to regeneration. If you sleep long enough, you will become sharp. While sharp, your base regeneration is boosted, and you will gain slightly more experience, in addition to other benefits. You do not need a fire to become sharp, but one will help you become sharp more quickly."
- 'train'.
- 'practice' / 'learn'.
- 'level'.
- "To open the second chest, try 'open 2.chest'. Similarly, you can get things from the second chest by using the 'get' command, for example 'get all 2.chest'."
- 'enter cave'.
- Best to quit at a waypoint.
- Critical skills can be leveled without a trainer.
- 'slist'.
- 'check thief'.
- 'check thief important'.
- "If you are looking for a trainer for a particular ability, try 'spell find '. To find trainers in a city, try 'where trainers'."
- 'skill find ' also works.
- 'compare'.
- 'run' / 'flee'.
- "The 'flee' command will work both in battle and outside of battle, while 'run' will only work when you are fighting something. With 'run', you can spam it multiple times and not have to worry about accidentally fleeing back into the room you just fled from."
- Sheep newbies, 'You can either "Donate" the item while its in your inventory or "Drop" the item and "Sacrifice" it.'
- 'replay'.
- 'load' / 'fire'.
- 'put all.dart pouch'.
- 'where'.
- FYI: some types of creatures are more vulnerable to certain weapons types, and resistant to others. For example, skeletons are difficult to harm with edged and pointed weapons, but are vulnerable to blunt weapons that pound or crush. Blobs are resistant to blunt weapons, but take extra damage from edged ones that slice , slash or chop. If you don't seem to be hurting a creature very much, try the 'consider' command. It will give you information about their resistances and vulnerabilities. There are also help pages for damage types and creature types, see 'help creature type' and 'help basic damage' for more information.
- With only one object, the compare command will compare the designated item to a similar object that you are wearing, if possible.
- Alter Aeon has a number of player channels where you can socialize and talk to other players. Some of the most common channels are 'gossip', 'auction', 'chat', and 'event'. You can turn these on or off at any time by typing the channel name.
- 'nearby'.
- Sheep newbies, 'You can use the "Where" command with "Where thief" in order to track down a thief trainer, while inside a town.'
- 'help 3.where'.
- 'help 1.recast'.
- Eggweard newbies, 'you can type list at any NPC store and it will tell you at the end what items they will buy'
- Eggweard newbies, 'However, most NPC shops will have very little gold'
- Look for the ranger and the butcher in town. They can teach you skills such as butchering and foraging that are very useful in the wild.
- The Vemarken butcher says to you, 'Welcome to the Rangers Guild! As you advance in rank, you'll learn how to make the most of creatures you hunt. You'll advance in ranks by collecting meat and hides for jobs, and later, creating mastercraft items from leather, and making leathercraft items for jobs.'
- 'help autosac'.
- 'help hunter'.
- 'help advice'.
- 'help library'.
- Hint: 'remove poison' can be cast on yourself or an ally to reduce how much they are poisoned. It can also be cast on objects, such as food, to remove any poison from them.
- Re: when to take on a thired class: Draak newbies, 'that is, as soon as the cost is roughly equal to your first and second classes'
- Draak newbies, 'you might not practice many of its abilities, but the practices, hp, mana and movement are invaluable'
- 'search north' / 'trap examine gate' / 'trap disarm gate'.
- There is a place to 'memorize hue' in Fort Marguera.
- 'pick lock' can be used to force locks even without the skill.
- 'Welcome to the Smiths Guild! As you advance in rank, you'll get discounts on most forging projects. You'll advance in rank by forging mastercrafted items from metal.'
- 'help metallurgy'.
- 'help survey'.
- Warm clothing can protect from the cold.
- 'help forester'.
- Talk to the pole-maker in Stillwater to buy a fishing pole. (I think.)
- 'gather wood'.
- 'help gather'.
- 'plant lore' is a level 1 Druid skill needed for certain types of gathering.
- A woodswoman says to you, 'Welcome to the Woodwrights Guild! As you advance in rank, you'll learn techniques to find rarer types of wood and more successfully complete projects. You'll advance in ranks by creating mastercraft quality items from wood and doing jobs for the guild.'
- 'help woodcraft'.
- 'quest nearby'.
- Maps can be bought at general stores.
- Javers the Prospector says to you, 'Welcome to the Lapidarists Guild! As you advance in rank, you'll learn maximine yields from mineral deposits and work successfully with more difficult minerals. You'll advance in ranks by completing guild jobs and creating mastercraft quality items from stone.'
- 'help mining'.
- 'help lapidary'.
- A skilled seamstress says to you, 'Welcome to the Haberdashers Guild! As a guild member, you will learn how to customize existing clothing before you learn to make bespoke clothing of your own. As you advance in the guild, you will get discounts on new materials when making clothing. You will advance in rank by customizing and making clothing.'
- 'help hatter'.
- Most apothecaries or potion sellers will sell some form of liquid container.
- Skill 'poison lore' is important for thieves.
- Remember that guildmasters offer jobs that won't by listed in 'where jobs'.
- Jobs take six hours to refresh, until you level out, which is when they will no longer be offered in a given area. (On the newbie islands at least.)
- 'butcher' large fish into manageable pieces for cooking.
- Items that zap when worn/wielded are in conflict either with your alignment or an equipped item's alignment.
- 'help crafter'.
- Re: trying to brew poison: [crafter] Sheep: If I remember right, its a chance, but I believe its increased by having poison tagged items.
- 'help questinfo'.
- (Hint: To help you recall this passcode, you can use the 'quest replay' command to review the final text of quests you have completed, such as "quest replay 79200".)
- Re: finding items for brewing poison: Morpheus newbies, 'everywhere.. try list search +poisoned with a plus sign before poison and an ed on the e.d.. Items with a poison flag have a higher chance of brewing poisons.'
- Morpheus newbies, 'mining can be a great way to find comps too. and can kill 2 birds with one stone.. '
- Woody Woodworker tells you, 'If you have the skill to make it, I need a woodcrafted 'fishing pole'. The client was very specific - it must be crafted from hackberry. Since those are long and skinny, I suggest using 'gather limb' when looking for wood.
- 'show acorns'.
- Re: where to find hackberry wood: Morpheus newbies, 'try lib search name'