- Add 'external' source set to 'test' source set
- Updates 'provided' Nebula plugin to version 3.1.0
- Changes Java target compatibility to version 1.8
- Updates 'provided' Nebula plugin to version 3.0.3
- Applies 'optional' Nebula plugin (with version 3.0.3)
- Replaces own provided configuration with Nebula provided-base provided configuration.
- Fixes Junit version to '4.12' instead of '4.+'
- Adds IntelliJ IDEA support
- Adds shortened plugin name 'com.rapidminer.java-basics' to comply with plugins.gradle.org standards
- Moved Java publishing related tasks to new Gradle plugin. For sourceJar, javaDocJar and publications please apply 'com.rapidminer.gradle.java-publishing'
- Do not show exception if shadowJar task does not exist
- Added test and sources artifact to main artifact publication
- Changes buildDir from 'target/' to Gradle default ('build/')
- Makes updateTestTimestamps task more robust
- Adds Gradle 2.1 compatible plugin name 'com.rapidminer.gradle.java-basics'
- Adds 'external' sourceSet
- Adds testJar task and Maven publication
- Disables Java 8 JavaDoc doclint check
- Fixes updateTestTimestamps task
- Adds 'generated' sourceSet which extends main sourceSet
- Adds updateTestTimestamps task
- Replace Pivotal's prop-devs plugins by custom implementation
- Use Pivotal's prop-devs plugin to generate provided and optional dependency scope
- Appplies 'maven-publish' plugin
- Configures Jar, JavaDoc, and Sources publications
- Do not ignore test failures by default
- Fix provided configuration for Gradle 2.0
- Adds JavaDoc and Sources Jar tasks
- By default JUnit 4.11 will be added as testCompile dependency
- Set system properties when executing tests
- By default test errors will be ignored (otherwise Jenkins will become red instead of yellow on test failures)
- Changes default compile encoding to UTF-8
- Extension release