Augury is broadly separated into two separate but related concerns: backend
and frontend. The backend is responsible for querying data from Angular;
updating component state when the user does so from the Augury UI; firing
or rxjs Subject
events; and things of that nature. Generally
speaking, the backend deals in data.
The frontend is the UI of Augury itself.
Augury is divided into several execution contexts. It is important to note that these contexts do not have direct access to each other and therefore cannot read or write each other's in-memory state. Communication between contexts must happen using Chrome's extension message-passing system. This communication can take several forms which are covered in more detail in Communication.
Conceptually the following contexts belong to the Chrome extension framework and are not unique to Augury. If you have built a Chrome extension before, you will recognize these contexts:
The background script is the first thing to start.
A background script is always running in the background in its own context.
Augury uses a background script (channel.ts
) to transmit small messages
between the backend and frontend execution contexts.
It's likely that it would be possible to transmit messages directly between
these two contexts, but it is helpful to have a channel that is (almost)
guaranteed to always exist so that we can reduce the complexity of the code
that establishes communication connections (in both the frontend and backend).
And because the messages that we send using the background script channel
are uniformly very small and contain no actual application data, we do not
need to worry much about performance or serialization.
Note that messages are stored in memory in the background execution context until they can be delivered to their target.
The content script is loaded in conjunction with each open tab in the browser. When you navigate to a new page or reload an existing page, the content script will be loaded as part of this process.
The content script is associated with a particular tab, but it does not have
direct access to JavaScript application data inside that tab. It runs in its
own execution context. If you put a breakpoint in content-script.ts
reload your page, and then try to inspect the window
variable, you will
notice that it gets a different instance of window
than scripts executing
inside your actual page or application get. This is because the content script
runs inside an isolated environment.
However, Augury does need direct access to JavaScript state inside the
running application, so it uses a trick to inject code into that execution
context so that we can do things like query Angular for application state
(using ng.probe()
If you open content-script.ts
, you will see this piece of code (clipped
for clarity):
const inject = (fn: (element: HTMLScriptElement) => void) => {
const script = document.createElement('script');
const injectScript = (path: string) => {
inject(script => {
script.src = chrome.extension.getURL(path);
This code can be used to inject a script or a block of code into the application execution context, so that that code is running in exactly the same context as the application that is being debugged (the inspected application). This is critical. This is what allows us to query Angular for its internal state, which is the foundation of Augury.
Further down content-script.ts
, you'll see this (again clipped) bit of code:
send(MessageFactory.initialize()).then(() => injectScript('build/ng-validate.js'));
This basically means _send an initialization message to the background script, and if it responds, then begin the bootstrapping process.
is a piece of code that essentially verifies that Angular is
running and attached to some piece of the current page. (There can be multiple
Angular applications on the same page, but there must be at least one in
order to use Augury.)
If the validator detects that Angular is running, it will post a
message to the browser event queue. If you go
back to content-script.ts
, you will see this piece of code:
() => {
loadOptions().then(options => {
// We want to load the tree rendering options that the UI has saved
// because that allows us to send the correct tree immediately upon
// startup and send it to the message queue, allowing Augury to render
// instantly as soon as the application is loaded. Without this bit
// of code we would have to wait for the frontend to start and load its
// options and then request the tree, which would add a lot of latency
// to startup.
return true;
This is the final step of the bootstrapping process. At this stage, we load any
preferences that have been saved to extension local storage,
inject those settings into the application execution context, and then—the
final step—we inject the backend.ts
script into the application execution
This brings us to the most critical element of the Augury architecture, the backend.
The backend is the piece of Augury that actually integrates with the target Angular application that is being debugged (or inspected). This is the piece of Augury that:
- Queries Angular for the complete component tree (the same tree that gets rendered in the Component Tree tab in Augury);
- Reads component instance state for individual components when they get selected;
- Loads the router tree structure from Angular;
- Highlights elements when the user hovers his mouse over components in the Component Tree view.
It is the most important piece of Augury and the piece you should study closely if you wish to understand how Augury works (or if you need to debug Augury issues or add new features).
The most critical function in backend.ts
is a function called updateTree
(clipped for brevity):
const updateTree = (roots: Array<DebugElement>) => {
const {tree} = createTreeFromElements(roots, treeRenderOptions);
if (previousTree == null) {
else {
const changes = previousTree.diff(tree);
if (changes.length > 0) {
else {
return; // no changes
/// Send a message through the normal channels to indicate to the frontend
/// that messages are waiting for it in {@link messageBuffer}
send<void, void>(MessageFactory.push());
previousTree = tree;
The essential purpose of this function is to create our own representation of
the component tree (a MutableTree
instance, see: mutable-tree.ts
) for
all running applications. These tree representations, although they use the
same MutableTree
type, should be considered immutable on the backend
and mutable on the frontend and must be as small and performant as
possible. On the backend, we need to create a complete new tree every time any
application updates itself so that we can compare it to the last tree we
generated and produce a delta (the changes between those two trees). On the
frontend, we maintain a single MutableTree
instance that we patch when
a new delta comes across the wire. This approach is optimized for the way that
Angular does change detection and renders components. The mutable tree on
the frontend allows us to only re-render pieces of the tree that have actually
been updated since the last time we rendered. Therefore even if there is a
massive component tree, as long as the entire thing is not changing very often,
Augury will perform very well.
Also note: for performance reasons, we do not include any actual application
state in the MutableTree
structure—only component metadata.
How do we know when the application has been updated (and, crucially, has finished updating itself)? With this piece of code:
const bind = (root: DebugElement) => {
const ngZone = root.injector.get(ng.coreTokens.NgZone);
if (ngZone) {
ngZone.onStable.subscribe(() => 0));
subject.debounceTime(0).subscribe(() => update()); 0); // initial load
This is the same mechanism used by tools like Protractor to determine when the application has finished updating itself.
So when the update happens, we create a new immutable tree representation of the application component tree:
const {tree} = createTreeFromElements(roots, treeRenderOptions);
This is a rough Augury equivalent of what you would get if you executed this piece of code inside your debugger Console tab:
getAllAngularRootElements().map(root => ng.probe(root))
The crucial difference is that our tree is a readonly representation of the
tree at a particular moment in time, whereas the tree produced by ng.probe()
is a living tree that changes over time (as the application itself changes).
Having a representation of the component tree at a particular moment in time allows us to perform difference comparisons of two trees from two different moments. This allows us to send a far smaller data set than if we had to send the entire tree each time the application updates (how Augury used to work).
The frontend is essentially the Augury UI that is visible to you in the Chrome Developer Tools window. This includes the Component Tree, the Router Tree, the component info panel, and some other elements.
The frontend is not actually bootstrapped until the user opens Developer Tools and navigates to the Augury tab. At that point you will see a loading indicator and Augury will load the current component tree in short order.
Chrome extensions are not built to send large amounts of data between two different execution contexts. Therefore we try to minimize the amount of data we send from the backend to the frontend as the application is running and being debugged. This is the primary reason for the tree delta mechanism described in the prior section. If we have a component tree with 8,000 elements (and there are applications out there with many more than that), we must ensure that we are not sending data for each of the 8,000 elements each time the page changes. We only send data for elements that have changed. Even then, we are sending a very small amount of metadata. By this we mean things like providers, dependencies, properties, change detection, and many of the bits of information displayed in the component tree or in the Component Info panel on the right-hand side of Augury.
However, there is more information than that displayed in Augury. Crucially, we display the actual application state associated with each element on the page (in the State accordion panel). But this state information is not transmitted as part of the element tree or tree delta; having to serialize and transmit all that state for every single element on the page, each time the application changes, produces massive amounts of latency in Augury. (Augury used to work this way before a recent refactoring.) Therefore we only transmit that data when an element is actually selected in the frontend UI. (This is the only time that data is displayed anyway.) This significantly reduces the amount of data that has to be serialized and transmitted while the target application is running.
There are a number of performance considerations to keep in mind when working on Augury. As mentioned previously, the Chrome extension framework is not designed to transmit large amounts of data from one execution context to another. The typical way that an extension transmits data from an inspected application to the extension UI itself is through this pipeline:
Backend -> Content script -> Background channel -> Frontend
It therefore takes four hops just to send a small amount of data from the
inspected application to the Augury UI. Keep in mind that at each step in the
pipeline, Chrome will internally serialize and deserialize the message being
sent using a native implementation of JSON.stringify
and JSON.parse
Therefore if we are sending a very large message containing an element tree
composed of tens of thousands of elements, there is going to be a lag of
5 or 6 seconds before that data arrives at the frontend. This constitutes an
unacceptable performance penalty. To get around this, we employ a clever
trick when we are sending large amounts of data from the backend to the
If you navigate back to backend.ts
, you will notice this piece of code toward
the top of the file, along with a large block comment:
/// For large messages, we do not send them through the normal pipe (which
/// is backend > content script > backround channel > frontend), we add them
/// to this buffer and then send a {@link MessageType.Push} message that
/// tells the frontend to read messages directly from this queue itself.
/// This allows us to prevent very large messages containing tree data from
/// being serialized and deserialized four times. Using this mechanism, they
/// are serialized and deserialized a total of one times.
const messageBuffer = new MessageQueue<Message<any>>();
As described in the comment, we use this buffer for transmitting large data
buffers. We do not use the normal message pipeline when sending very
large amounts of data, because repeated serialization will kill performance.
Instead we push a new message into messageBuffer
and then we send a very
small message to the frontend (a MessageType.Push
message) indicating
that new messages are waiting for it inside messageBuffer
Now, open the file frontend/channel/direct-connection.ts
. This contains a
class named DirectConnection
which is the mechanism we use to avoid
repeated message JSON serialization. First, keep in mind that large amounts
of data flow in only one direction in Augury: from the backend to the frontend.
Under no circumstance will we be sending a large message from the frontend to
the backend. This is because the backend is where the application itself is
running and therefore it contains all the data of interest. The frontend is
simply a way to present that UI to the developer.
So, with that in mind, take a look at the code in DirectConnection
readQueue(processor: (message: Message<any>, respond: (response: MessageResponse<any>) => void) => void) {
return this.remoteExecute('inspectedApplication.readMessageQueue()')
.then(result => {
const encode = value => JSON.stringify(value);
for (const message of result) {
const respond = (response: MessageResponse<any>) => {
processor(message, respond);
.catch(error => {
throw new Error(`Failed to read message queue: ${error.stack || error.message}`);
And then a little further down in the same file:
private remoteExecute(code: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
type ExceptionInfo = chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.EvaluationExceptionInfo;
const handler = (result, exceptionInfo: ExceptionInfo) => {
if (exceptionInfo &&
(exceptionInfo.isError ||
exceptionInfo.isException)) {
reject(new Error('Code evaluation failed'));
else {
chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval(code, handler);
When the frontend receives a MessageType.Push
message, it calls this readQueue
function. That function in turn calls remoteExecute
and invokes
in the backend execution context, using the
convenient chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval
function. This function allows us
to reach directly into the backend context and read any data we want. It is then
serialized once on its way back to the frontend execution context. This allows
us to omit three repeated serialize/deserialize operations in the transmission
of this data. This significantly reduces the latency introduced in the data
transmission process.
So while the mechanism is slightly more complicated than just firing a message through the normal communication pipeline, it performs significantly better and produces a better user experience and less latency inside Augury itself.
A complicating factor when transmitting data from the backend to the frontend is
that very often, that data contains circular references to itself. Recall that
it is impossible to serialize such data using the standard JSON.stringify
Therefore we have a custom serializer (in serialize.ts
) which is capable of
serializing data that contains circular references, in a way that consumes very
little memory. In essence, the serializer takes a very complex object and produces
a set of JavaScript instructions that are capable of reconstructing that object
inside of another execution context. It produces a string that is a JavaScript
function. The string is what is transmitted across context boundaries.
When the function string reaches the other side, we reconstruct the object using this construct:
export const deserialize = value => (new Function(value))();
(Security note: this is safer than eval()
because it does not provide access
to the global context or any closure variables. It executes completely
independently of the context in which it was run. It is faster than eval()
This allows us to serialize and deserialize any object that we may come across
in the wild without fear. (Note: The serializer is capable of serializing ES6
data structures like Set<T>
and Map<K, V>
, but it cannot deserialize
them back to their original type on the other side. So the reconstructed object
will contain all of the values and properties that the original had, but it will
not have the same prototype chain. In fact it will have no prototype chain at
all. The only exception to this rule is the standard Array<T>
type, which is
reconstructed properly back into an array type.)
The primary data structures that Augury trafficks in are the types MutableTree
and Node
. (MutableTree
contains Node
s.) This is our own internal
representation of component metadata, and it is what powers the Component Tree
view in the Augury UI.
Each node has an ID property (id
) that looks like this:
0 0 1 2 0 1 4 2 0
This ID doubles as a path to that node inside of the MutableTree
. First,
recall that a MutableTree
can contain multiple application component trees.
So the first number in the path is the index of the application that the node
belongs to. Each subsequent number is an index into the children
array inside
of the parent node. Therefore, if you have an ID, you now how to traverse the
path and find that node inside of the MutableTree
structure. This is a
critical performance optimization and allows us to avoid doing any searches
when looking for nodes. We simply deserialize the ID and traverse the path,
and voila, we have reached the node.
These IDs are also used in any place where we wish to store data about
particular tree nodes in the Augury UI. For example, we wish to save which
nodes have been expanded or collapsed inside of the Component Tree view.
For this purpose we have a Map<string, Node>
structure (in component-view-state.ts
Therefore even after the tree mutates and re-renders, we still maintain the correct
expand/collapse state.
We do something similar in the Component Info panel on the right-hand side of the UI. Except in that case, we wish to maintain expand/collapse state for properties inside of the component instance state. For this purpose, we concatenate the node ID together with the path to the property in question. Therefore the path to a property may look like this:
0 0 1 2 0 myProperty subKey foobar
So when searching for that property (for example, when the user updates a piece of state from inside the Augury UI), we simply cleave that ID in two pieces: the node path and the property path. In the example above, the result would be:
const nodePath = [0, 0, 1, 2, 0];
const propertyPath = ['myProperty', 'subKey', 'foobar'];
So we search for the node first, then once found, we search inside of its
value and find the foobar
property. (To see this in
action, check out NodeItem
and ComponentPropertyState
The frontend is much simpler than the backend. In essence, it is not dissimilar
from any other Angular application that you may come across. It contains
plenty of @Component()
classes and composes those together into a UI that the
developer interacts with when debugging Angular applications.
If you have worked with Angular applications, you should have no trouble
understanding the Augury UI code in the frontend
Augury should work as normal when used to inspect an AoT app in development
mode, however not every feature will be available for use. Since at this time
there is no easy way to attain the metadata associated with an applications
modules, the NgModules
tab in augury will not populate correctly.