did not return any error, warning or note:
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes
We checked 0 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
- We saw 0 new problems
- We failed to check 0 packages
This is a resubmission. In this version We have fixed the following notes: Found the following HTML validation problems: full_join.html:303:1 (full_join.Rd:179): Warning: trimming empty
These notes were created because there was a typo in our roxigen comments. They has been fixed. All check are still passing:
0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔
- changes and additions are available in
- Local Windows 10, R 4.1.1
- Github Actions checked for windows-latest (release), macOS-latest (release), ubuntu-20.04 (release), ubuntu-20.04 (devel) 0 errors | 0 warning | 0 notes
0 errors | 1 warning | 0 notes
Warning was: checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK WARNING 'qpdf' is needed for checks on size reduction of PDFs
0 errors √ | 0 warnings √ | 1 note x
The note reads:
checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
URL: From: man/merge.Rd Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: Status: Error Message: libcurl error code 35: schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE (0x80090326) - This error usually occurs when a fatal SSL/TLS alert is received (e.g. handshake failed).
- Explanation: I am referring to the original documentation of data.table. I read online that it could be ignored. Right?
0 errors | 0 warning | 0 notes