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Cordova (PhoneGap) 3.0+ Plugin to connect to Google's native Universal Analytics SDK Al 1/9/2016, hicimos rebase al commit 17ea1a3de44553caaaa69b591fbb85398537bae9 xq pudimos agregar el plugin ( no ocurre el conflicto de abajo )

Este fork está hecho porque al 20/10/2015 no podemos integrar una versión en FibertelZone:

  • La versión 0.8.0 rompe el gradle porque agrega el y salta el error:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'.
> Error: more than one library with package name ''
  You can temporarily disable this error with android.enforceUniquePackageName=false
  However, this is temporary and will be enforced in 1.0

En el menciona como fix temporario usar la v0.7.2, pero esta agrega Google Play Services v19 y ya van por la v23 y la necesitamos para el Google Maps Plugin

Así ANDA pero no me gusta que baje la versión porque sí

En este fork le cambiamos la dependencia al codigo en la v 0.7.2 para que use el Google Play Services v23

cordova dice:

WARNING: has been renamed to cordova-plugin-googleplayservices. You may not be getting the latest version! We suggest you `cordova plugin rm` and `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googleplayservices`.
Fetching plugin "[email protected]" via cordova plugins registry

Tengo que hacer el fork a

git branch v_0.7.2_play_v3 5957d36fef3242487c38f6348ba391ac85394c7d

Edito ahí el plugin.xml y tagueo, ahora se agrega así:

cordova plugin add


  • A Cordova 3.0+ project for iOS, Android and/or Windows Phone 8
  • A Mobile App property through the Google Analytics Admin Console
  • (Android) Google Play Services SDK installed via Android SDK Manager


This plugin follows the Cordova 3.0+ plugin spec, so it can be installed through the Cordova CLI in your existing Cordova project:

cordova plugin add

This plugin is also available on npm if you are using Cordova 5.0+:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-google-analytics

... OR the Cordova Plugin Registry if you are using a version of Cordova before 5.0 (while it remains open, as it is planning to shut down soon due to the move to npm):

cordova plugin add com.danielcwilson.plugins.googleanalytics

Important Note If the latest versions (0.8.0+) of this plugin are not working for you with Android on Cordova 5.0+, please try the suggestions in Issues 123. Google Play Services has been very confusing to integrate, but in recent months it has been simplified. This plugin uses the new simpler way (including it as a framework instead of bundling it which can conflict with other plugins bundling it), but if you previously installed this plugin some old files might still be lingering.

The plugin.xml file will add the Google Analytics SDK files for Android, iOS and/or Windows Phone 8. Follow Google's steps if you need to update these later. Also make sure to review the Google Analytics terms and SDK Policy

If you are not using the CLI, follow the steps in the section Installing Without the CLI

Windows Phone users have to manually add the Google Analytics SDK for Windows 8 and Windows Phone to your solution. To do this, just open your Cordova solution in Visual Studio, and add the GoogleAnalyticsSDK package via NuGet. This plugin requires v1.3.0 or higher.

#Release note v1.0.0 -- api change from to, 'analytics' is deprecated since 1.0.0 and you should use the new api 'ga', because in the next release we are removing the analytics.

#JavaScript Usage In your 'deviceready' handler, set up your Analytics tracker:

  •'UA-XXXX-YY') where UA-XXXX-YY is your Google Analytics Mobile App property

To track a Screen (PageView):

  •'Screen Title')

To track a Screen (PageView) w/ campaign details:

  •'Screen Title', 'my-scheme://content/1111?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=my-campaign')

To track an Event:

  •'Category', 'Action', 'Label', Value) Label and Value are optional, Value is numeric

To track custom metrics:

  •'key', Value) Value is optional

To track an Exception:

  •'Description', Fatal) where Fatal is boolean

To track User Timing (App Speed):

  •'Category', IntervalInMilliseconds, 'Variable', 'Label') where IntervalInMilliseconds is numeric

To add a Transaction (Ecommerce)

  •'ID', 'Affiliation', Revenue, Tax, Shipping, 'Currency Code') where Revenue, Tax, and Shipping are numeric

To add a Transaction Item (Ecommerce)

  •'ID', 'Name', 'SKU', 'Category', Price, Quantity, 'Currency Code') where Price and Quantity are numeric

To add a Custom Dimension

  •'Key', 'Value', success, error)
  • Key should be integer index of the dimension i.e. send 1 instead of dimension1 for the first custom dimension you are tracking.
  • e.g., 'Value', success, error)

To set a UserId:


To set a specific app version:


To set a anonymize Ip address:


To enabling Advertising Features in Google Analytics allows you to take advantage of Remarketing, Demographics & Interests reports, and more:


To enable verbose logging:


To enable/disable automatic reporting of uncaught exceptions

  •, success, error) where Enable is boolean

#Installing Without the CLI Copy the files manually into your project and add the following to your config.xml files:

<feature name="UniversalAnalytics">
  <param name="ios-package" value="UniversalAnalyticsPlugin" />
<feature name="UniversalAnalytics">
  <param name="android-package" value="" />
<feature name="UniversalAnalytics">
  <param name="wp-package" value="UniversalAnalyticsPlugin" />

You also will need to manually add the Google Analytics SDK files:

  • Download the Google Analytics SDK 3.0 for iOS and/or Android
  • For iOS, add the downloaded Google Analytics SDK header files and libraries according to the Getting Started documentation
  • For Android, add libGoogleAnalyticsServices.jar to your Cordova Android project's /libs directory and build path
  • For Windows Phone, add the GoogleAnalyticsSDK package via NuGet

#Integrating with Lavaca The lavaca directory includes a component that can be added to a Lavaca project. It offers a way to use the web analytics.js when the app is running in the browser and not packaged as Cordova.

  • Copy AnalyticsService.js to your Lavaca project (I create a directory under js/app called data).
  • In your config files (local.json, staging.json, production.js) create properties called google_analytics_id (for the Mobile App UA property) and google_analytics_web_id (for the Web UA property) and set the appropriate IDs or leave blank as needed.
  • In any file you want to track screen views or events, require AnalyticsService and use the methods provided.
var analyticsService = require('app/data/AnalyticsService');
