Sample Docker configurations to facilitate installation, configuration, and environment setup for Docker users. This project includes quick start dockerfiles for SOA based on Oracle Linux 7, Oracle JRE 8 (Server) and Oracle WebLogic Infrastructure
At the end of this configuration there will be 3 containers running : 1) DB Container 2) WLS Admin Server Container 3) WLS Managed Server (SOA Server) Container. The containers will be connected using a Docker User Defined network
In this configuration creation of a user defined network will enable the communication between the containers just using container names. For this setup we will use a user defined network using bridge driver.
Create a user defined network using the bridge driver by executing the following command :
$ docker network create -d bridge <some name>
Sample command:
$ docker network create -d bridge SOANet
Data volumes are designed to persist data, independent of the container’s lifecycle. The default location of the volume in container is under /var/lib/docker/volumes
. There is an option to mount a directory from the host into a container as volume. In this project we will use that option for the data volume. The volume will be used to store Database datafiles and WebLogic server domain files.This volume will be created on the host at /scratch/DockerVolume/SOAVolume/
. Since the volume is created as "root" user, provide read/write/execute permissions to "oracle" user (by providing permissions to "others"), as all operations inside the container happens with "oracle" user login.
To determine if a user already exists on your host system with uid:gid of 1000, run:
# getent passwd 1000
If that returns a username (which is the first field), use that user for the useradd
command below. If not, create the oracle
user manually.
# useradd -u 1000 -g 1000 oracle
Run the following commands as root:
# mkdir -p /scratch/DockerVolume/SOAVolume/
# chown 1000:1000 /scratch/DockerVolume/SOAVolume/
# chmod 700 /scratch/DockerVolume/SOAVolume/
You need to have a running database container or a database running on any machine. The database connection details are required for creating SOA specific RCU schemas while configuring SOA domain. While using a CDB/PDB DB, ensure PDB is used to load the schemas. RCU loading on CDB is not supported.
Please refer under docker/OracleDatabase for details on how to build Oracle Database image.
The DB image created through above step need to be retagged from
to oracle/database:
before continuing with next steps.
$ docker tag oracle/database:
Create an environment file db.env.list
Sample Data will look like this:
Sample Command to Start the Database is as follows
$ docker run --name soadb --network=SOANet -p 1521:1521 -p 5500:5500 -v /scratch/DockerVolume/SOAVolume/DB:/opt/oracle/oradata --env-file ./db.env.list oracle/database:
The above command starts a DB container attaching to a network and mounting a host directory as /opt/oracle/oradata
for persistence.
It maps the containers 1521 and 5500 port to respective host port such that the services can be accessible outside of localhost.
To build a SOA image either you can start from building Oracle JDK and Oracle FMW Infrastrucure image or use the already available Oracle FMW Infrastructure image. The FMW Infrastructure image is available in the Oracle Container Registry, and can be pulled from there. If you plan to use the Oracle FMW Infrastructure image from the Oracle Container Registry, you can skip the next two steps and continue with "Building a Docker Image for SOA".
Please refer under docker/OracleJava for details on how to build Oracle Database image.
Please refer under docker/OracleFMWInfrastructure for details on how to build Oracle FMW Infrastructure image.
The Oracle FMW Infrastructure image created through above step need to be retagged from
to middleware/fmw-infrastructure:
before continuing with next steps.
$ docker tag oracle/fmw-infrastructure:
IMPORTANT: To build the SOA image, you must first download the Oracle SOA Suite binary and drop in folder ../OracleSOASuite/dockerfiles/
. The binaries can be downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Search for "Oracle SOA Suite" and download the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( SOA Suite and Business Process Management
software. Extract the zip file and drop the fmw_12.
under dockerfiles/
for building SOA. To build the Oracle Service Bus image, search for 'Oracle Service Bus' and download the Oracle Service Bus
, extract the zip file and drop the fmw_12.
$ sh -v
Usage: -v [version] Builds a Docker Image for Oracle SOA Suite.
Verify you now have the image oracle/soa:
in place with
$ docker images | grep "soa"
The Oracle SOA Suite image created through above step need to be retagged from middleware/soasuite/oracle/soasuite:
to oracle/soa:
before continuing with next steps.
$ docker tag middleware/soasuite/oracle/soasuite: oracle/soa:
Start a container to launch the Admin Server from the image created using above steps. The environment variables used to configure the domain are defined in adminserver.env.list
file. Replace in adminserver.env.list
the values for the Database and WebLogic passwords.
Create an environment file adminserver.env.list
CONNECTION_STRING=<Database Container Name>:<port#>/<ORACLE_PDB>
DB_SCHEMA_PASSWORD=<soa-infra schema password>
MANAGED_SERVER=<managed servername>
Sample Data will look like this:
To start a docker container with a SOA domain and the WebLogic AdminServer call docker run
command and pass the above adminserver.env.list
A sample docker run command is given below:
$docker run -i -t --name soaas --network=SOANet -p 7001:7001 -v /scratch/DockerVolume/SOAVolume/SOA:/u01/oracle/user_projects --env-file ./adminserver.env.list oracle/soa:
IMPORTANT: the resulting images will NOT have a domain pre-configured. But, it has the scripts to create and configure a soa domain >while creating a container out of the image.
The options -i -t
in the above command runs the container in interactive mode and you will be able to see the commands running in the container. This includes the command for RCU creation, domain creation and configuration followed by starting the Admin Server.
IMPORTANT: You need to wait till all the above commands are run before you can access the AdminServer Web Console. The following lines highlight when the Admin server is ready to be used:
INFO: Admin server is running
INFO: Admin server running, ready to start managed server
The above line indicate the admin server started successfully with the name soaas
, mapping container port 7001 to host port 7001 enables accessing of the Weblogic host outside of the local host, connecting to SOANet network enables accessing the DB container by it's name i.e soadb. This includes the command to tail logs to keep the container up and running.
Start a container to launch the Managed Server from the image created. The environment variables used to run the Managed Server image are defined in the file soaserver.env.list
Create an environment file soaserver.env.list
with the below details:
MANAGED_SERVER=<managed server name, For Exp:- soa_server1, osb_server1, bpm_server1>
ADMIN_HOST=<Admin host name>
ADMIN_PORT=<port number where Admin Server is running>
Sample Data will look like this:
To start a docker container for SOA server you can simply call docker run
command and passing soaserver.env.list
A sample docker run command is given below:
$ docker run -i -t --name soams --network=SOANet -p 8001:8001 --volumes-from soaas --env-file ./soaserver.env.list oracle/soa: "/u01/oracle/dockertools/"
Using --volumes-from
reuses the volume created by the Admin container. In the above docker run
command, soaas
is the name of the Admin server container started in the previous step and we must use the same name used for the AdminServer to start the SOA managed server.
This includes the command to tail logs to keep the container up and running.
IMPORTANT: You need to wait till all the above commands are run before you can start the SOA Server.
The following lines highlight when the SOA managed server is ready to be used:
INFO: Managed Server is running
INFO: Managed server has been started
Once the SOA container is created logs will be tailed and displayed to keep the container running.
Now you can access
AdminServer Web Console at http://:7001/console with weblogic/Welcome1 credentials.
EM Console at http://:7001/em with weblogic/Welcome1 credentials.
SOA infra Console at http://:8001/soa-infra with weblogic/Welcome1 credentials.
Service Bus Console at http://:7001/servicebus with weblogic/Welcome1 credentials.
To download and run SOA 12c Distribution regardless of inside or outside a Docker container, and regardless of the distribution, you must download the binaries from Oracle website and accept the license indicated at that page.
All scripts and files hosted in this project and GitHub docker-images/OracleDatabase repository required to build the Docker images are, unless otherwise noted, released under UPL 1.0 license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.