2.0.2 (2018-01-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add
option to disable cache from wp-config.php #2735
Fixed bugs:
- WP_Query being modified in upgrade routine by Polylang plugin causing issues #2747
- Getting unexpected error message while using tools #2744
- Use dynamic cache group name while deleting cache #2743
- Prevent importer modifying existing form settings #2737
- Shortcode generator issue with inserting Donation Form goal #2728
- Import doesn't import Donations or Donors in version 2.0.1 #2725
- Form sales does not update when change donation status {complete} --> {abandon} #2708
- Quick Enable/Disable of new Email API not working properly #2649
- When viewing donations filtered by donor performing bulk actions causes to lose filter #2334
- The donation form should reset when go back from the donation confirmation page. #2091
Closed issues:
- Styling issue for addon list on update page #2706
- Remove licences tab if there is no add-on activated #2375
- Improve donor detail page heading #2286
- Minimum and maximum donation amount slider #1920
- Clarify language on the Login fields. #2745
- Consider having ajax issue admin notice link open in new tab/window #2727
- Deprecating the second $_POST parameter #2663
Merged pull requests:
- Release/2.0.2 #2753 (DevinWalker)
- Do not update meta when form is already being created #2737 #2752 (raftaar1191)
- Revert "Add/Update Donation goal meta on donation form update or when donating #2250" #2750 (ravinderk)
- Issues 2744 #2749 (raftaar1191)
- clarify language on login form #2746 (Benunc)
- Issue #2091 - Reset Form Fields on clicking browser back button #2742 (mehul0810)
- Donation form preview fixes #2456 #2741 (PareshRadadiya)
- Issue #2708 - Form Sales and Amount doesn't update on donation status change #2736 (mehul0810)
- Fix Status issues when importing donation #2725 #2733 (raftaar1191)
- Change dashboard donor single page title #2732 (raftaar1191)
- Improve React / JSX linting and Form Preview #2731 (PareshRadadiya)
- Issue/2728 - Resolve query issue with Donation Form Goal option in shortcode builder #2729 (DevinWalker)
- Made PR #2724 compatible with feature/gutenberg-donation-form-block/ branch #2726 (PareshRadadiya)
- Fix changelog #2723 (mathetos)
- update and clean up more phpdoc params #2722 (tw2113)
- Fix style issues in Admin plugin update page #2706 #2713 (raftaar1191)
- Add/Update Donation goal meta on donation form update or when donating #2250 #2691 (raftaar1191)
- Remove Parameter the unwanted parameter #2663 #2687 (raftaar1191)
- Add Donor filter that was getting lost when changing the donation status #2334 #2686 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1920 - Minimum and maximum donation amount slider #2666 (emgk)
2.0.1 (2018-01-25)
Fixed bugs:
- {billing_address} showing up blank on PDF Receipts #2707
- Resolve failing unit tests in 2.0.1 #2702
- View all donation of donor link is not working #2683
- [Give 2.0] MySQL error after updating on Email Preview #2677
- Custom Payment meta not being stored in 2.0+ #2675
- Fix stalled upgrade process #2671
- Database error on donations list page in backend in Windows 64-bit OS. #2533
- Getting Notice in donation-history Page #2326
Closed issues:
- Don't use price fallback for amounts because often it's confusing and redundant #2700
- Remove unwanted code #2698
- Add setting in Form Terms and Condition that it should be checked by default or not #2685
- Removing the Message when give Add-on is activating in the plugin section with Ajax #2681
- [Give 2.0] New user notification emails missing headings #2670
- Add a filter/option for separate email templates for donor receipts and admin notifications #1493
- Upgrade Process Stalled at 0% under Privacy Mode #2697
- Update PopUp message for Restart and Pause button of upgrade routine #2696
- Give 2.0.1 Testing Checklist #2695
- Add clarity to the Settings Importer inline docs #2688
- Add icon for per form emails tab and update tab title #2680
- Add table prefix in system report #2678
- Add pause and restart feature to background update #2676
- Currency Position dosn't update when you change Currency (you have to save) #2667
Merged pull requests:
- Fix - Displays Upgrade Notice on Fresh Installs #2714 (mehul0810)
- Release/2.0.1 #2712 (DevinWalker)
- Issue #2692 - Fix Table Creation Issue when utf8mb4 #2705 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2700 - Don't use fallback in give_get_price_option_name() to simplify UX #2701 (DevinWalker)
- Phpdoc cleanup to help with Scrutinizer in #675 #2694 (tw2113)
- rename "customer_id" variables to a better fit of "donor_id" #2693 (tw2113)
- Remove variable that is globally accessible #2663 #2690 (raftaar1191)
- Issue #2688 — Add clarity to settings Importer docs #2689 (Benunc)
- Issue/2677|2533 - MySQL error after updating on Email Preview #2679 (emgk)
- issues #2667 On currency change the currency place text symbol #2667 #2674 (raftaar1191)
2.0.0 (2018-01-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Hard to map a field to correct column on large screen. #2507
Fixed bugs:
- Remove unwanted hidden fields from Donation Process Page #2664
- ID not define proper when guess donation is disable #2661
- [Give 2.0] Show 'Undefined' while Run Background Process. #2654
- Not redirecting to Welcome page on Plugin Activation 2.0 #2650
- Getting PHP Notice at the Time of activating the plugin on a fresh Sites #2637
- [Give 2.0] Adding additional parameter with ID returns error in /donations/ endpoint #2633
- [Give 2.0] Email recipient setting missing from form settings for email notification #2628
- [give_login] not redirecting properly #2622
- [Give 2.0] Recipients shows blank space when add blank value in Add recipients #2619
- [Give 2.0] Upgrade routine stuck at 0% #2610
- [Give 2.0] Donation Goal - Number of donations option does not work as intended always #2607
- [Give 2.0] Email send on page refresh #2606
- [Give 2.0] preview_id and user_id repeated in query string when preview email #2596
- [Give 2.0] API Requests Logs are not working properly #2592
- [Give 2.0] PHP log notices #2584
- [Give 2.0] WordPress Default Admin Email Goes Blank #2581
- Default payment method is not selected by default if we deactivate any default payment gateway add-on. #2570
- [Give 2.0] Renewals Display Incorrect Level on Donations Listing Screen #2567
- [Give 2.0] Timeouts on Donations Listing Page with Caching Disabled #2566
- [Give 2.0] Billing address State/County Placeholder value ''undefined' #2565
- Donations get processed with Empty First Name #2562
- [Give 2.0] Give_Payments_Query() and 'meta_key' arg #2561
- [Give 2.0] Upgrade WP Db Error #2560
- Income Reports not showing Total Income with any filter #2472
- Active floated label inputs inherit background color of container #2155
- Address fields are not being passed to the API #1112
Closed issues:
- Add email option to form setting also #2659
- [Give 2.0] Enabling/Disabling the "Email access" email should be restricted by the Email Access setting #2658
- More inline doc fixes #2647
- [Give 2.0] Donations are not processing with latest code #2635
- [Give 2.0] Incorrect message displayed when removing email recipient #2634
- Constants need to be obeyed #2631
- [Give 2.0] Uncaught TypeError when switch payment gateway in front-end. #2630
- [Give 2.0] Inline Documentation is confusing on the emails settings. #2626
- [Give 2.0] Snippet Library Snippet causing fatal error on 2.0 #2625
- [Give 2.0] Grammar and clarity needed for new email settings in-app docs. #2620
- New donations logs are not display if user does not update the DB in 2.0 #2618
- [Give 2.0] Exporting PDF of Donations and Income gives TCPDF error #2614
- [Give 2.0] ToolTips affected the donation listing view #2612
- Transaction ID is displayed as Donation ID under Donations Detail Page #2604
- images not showing in pdf and email receipts #2601
- [Give 2.0] Separator between the links on donor detail page is missing #2599
- [Give 2.0] give_get_meta and related meta functions should support all the custom tables #2593
- [Give 2.0] Settings Tabs are not responsive. #2588
- Menu issues in Donation form single page of dashboard in Email notification section #2587
- Admin should able to restart the upgrade if it's get fail #2585
- Goal Column under Donation Forms Listing is showing incorrect amount #2582
- Disable Payment Gateway Settings when Payment Gateways are disabled. #2576
- Donation form should have nonce verification. #2568
- Getting PHP notices when passing meta query in Give_Payments_Query #2556
- Run Database upgrade in background. #2531
- Simplify give_is_admin_page conditional #1091
Merged pull requests:
- Issues 2661 new #2669 (raftaar1191)
- Release/2.0 #2668 (DevinWalker)
- Add class give-disable which return false and add some css and run g… #2665 (raftaar1191)
- Fix element id name #2661 #2662 (raftaar1191)
- [Feature] #2659: Add email options to form setting #2660 (ravinderk)
- grammar/clarity cleanup. #2648 (Benunc)
- Issue #2507 Fix Hard to map a field to correct column on large screen #2645 (akashsonic)
- Issue/1091 Fix Simplify give_is_admin_page conditional #2639 (emgk)
- Issue/2635 #2636 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2631 #2632 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2619 #2629 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2610 #2627 (ravinderk)
- Issues 2069 #2624 (raftaar1191)
- Properly allow
attribute to override variable #2622 #2623 (DevinWalker) - Grammar and clarity for the inline docs for the new email API settings. #2621 (Benunc)
- Issue/2614 #2616 (mehul0810)
- issue/2610 #2615 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2612 #2613 (mehul0810)
- Fix: Issue #2606 #2609 (jaydeeprami)
- Issue/2607 #2608 (mehul0810)
- issue/1112 #2603 (emgk)
- Issue/2599 #2600 (mehul0810)
- Fix: preview_id and user_id repeated in query string when preview email #2596 #2598 (jaydeeprami)
- Issue/2155 #2597 (emgk)
- Issue/2592 #2594 (mehul0810)
- #2581 [Give 2.0] WordPress Default Admin Email Goes Blank #2590 (akashsonic)
- Issue/2588 #2589 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2582 #2583 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2568 #2573 (emgk)
- Issue/2570 #2571 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2567 #2569 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2562 #2564 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2561 #2563 (ravinderk)
- Add variable check #2556 #2557 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/2531 #2541 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2472 #2529 (mehul0810)
1.8.19 (2017-12-21)
Fixed bugs:
- [Give 1.8.18] Getting Database error when verify the email. #2554
Merged pull requests:
- Give recurring issues 424 #2559 (raftaar1191)
- Release/1.8.19 #2558 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/2554 #2555 (mehul0810)
1.18.18 (2017-12-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Give 2.0] Show emails status in system report #2550
- [Give 2.0] Merge Revamped Email Access Functionality of 1.8.17 #2504
Fixed bugs:
- Bug with shortcode inserter, creating new pages/posts and the enter key #2545
- [Give 2.0] PHP Warning: Division by zero display when set Number of Donations in Donation Goal #2534
- Minimum amount incorrect with changed decimal and thousands separators. #2526
- Give PDF Report not output variable price. #2523
- [Give 2.0] Emails sent twice when sent via Send Test Email under Settings > Emails #2510
- [Give 2.0] Not getting donor's meta from payment object when Give caching is enabled. #2506
- [Give 2.0] Can't preview or send test notification email from form edit page in backend. #2498
- Error Log receives messages WordPress database error Duplicate column #2493
- Donation total not showing up when switch levels if donation form has default donation level with $0 amount. #2488
- Donor delete button doesn't work when select donor(s) on donor listing page. #2487
- Unformatted amount showing in Donation Confirmation page. #2484
- Data Tool: Reset dropdown value #2475
- [Give 2.0] Donor's information removed from donation after upgrading database #2464
- Invalid Argument Supplied when no Donation Levels #2451
- IMPORTER: Donations are being inaccurately marked as duplicates #2420
- Donor Profile Editor shortcode improvement #2407
- Donations should be easily identified for form with Set Donation Method #2401
- Plain text email template doesn't support links #2346
Closed issues:
- With Give activated, Purchasing and creating an account with WooCommerce forces the customer login after purchase #2539
- Hide Offline Donation Email Notification When Offline Donation is disabled #2538
- Country with no base state defined returns false instead of array() #2528
- [Give 2.0] Preview Email field description is wrong. #2518
- [Give 2.0] Notice in meta_query backward compatibility #2511
- Add custom icon to our Add-ons for the WordPress Update screen #2509
- [Give 1.8.18] PHP Notice for not passing second argument as Array in give_currency_filter fn. #2508
- Disabling "Anyone can register" doesn't stop user to create an account. #2499
- [Give 1.8.18] PHP Notice on donation details page in back-end. #2496
- [Give 2.0] Clicking Email Notification Tab under New Donation Form goes blank #2489
- Clean Up of Legacy Code for View it in browser link under Donation Receipt Email #2483
- Give Worker still has Capabilities it Shouldn't #2476
- Add a line to System Info to indicate whether the database updates have been done or not #2452
- Improve sql query for give_get_purchase_id_by_key fn #2443
- Add give_ignore_user_abort fn #2442
- Add feature to sort donations on basis of gateway #2397
- QUESTION: Investigate how the Dashboard Widgets store data #2373
- Dashboard Update page Title #2353
- Cache direct queries and objects #1944
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.18 #2551 (DevinWalker)
- MinorFix/2542 #2549 (mehul0810)
- MinorFix/2545 #2548 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2545 #2547 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2539 #2546 (DevinWalker)
- issue/2476 - Give Worker Role Cleanup #2544 (DevinWalker)
- Filter and action add #2542 (raftaar1191)
- Minorfix/2407 #2540 (mehul0810)
- MinorFix/2346 #2537 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2534 #2536 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2504 #2535 (mehul0810)
- Minor Fix - Failing Unit Tests #2532 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2483 - Remove legacy in browser receipt code #2527 (DevinWalker)
- Hide first multi-level repeatable row's delete button #2525 (DevinWalker)
- Fix: Give PDF Report not output variable price. #2523 #2524 (jaydeeprami)
- Issue/2518 #2522 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2443 #2521 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2442 #2520 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2452 #2519 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2346 #2513 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2498 #2512 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2397 #2505 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2401 #2502 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2487 #2500 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2496 #2497 (emgk)
- Issue/2488 #2495 (emgk)
- Issue/2493 #2494 (mehul0810)
- Add Page Status #2353 #2490 (raftaar1191)
- Update drowdown on ajax completed #2475 #2486 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2420 #2434 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/2360 #2379 (emgk)
- Issues/1944 #2374 (ravinderk)
1.8.17 (2017-12-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow admins to collect donor's address #370
- IMPORTER: Investigate ways to increase speed of the Importer #2427
- Use correct function to get the minimum donation amount. #2403
- Consider showing goal without decimal places #2372
- Add filter when getting payment amount #2317
- Add helper function to get total donation amount of donor #2315
- Add filter to Give_Payment_Stats:get_earnings #2314
- Add $form_id support to give_currency_filter #2311
- Create WordPress environment section in Github issue and PR template #2310
- Allows to sanitize amount based on currency #2258
- Add inline notice support to Give_Notices #2180
- User Roles and Capabilities need to be cleaned up a bit #2112
- Bulk Actions for Donors #2086
- Enforcing email access on donation history to prevent easy access through a small donation #2023
- Create setting import/export tool #2009
- Modal close button gets hidden with some themes #1709
Fixed bugs:
- Unable to create user when create an account checkbox is checked #2408
- Chosen field alignment issue on multiple places #2370
- Give Core 2.0 Issues updating the Database #2366
- [Donor Profile Page] State field is not work as in other address form field #2363
- User chosen dropdown is not visible on donor edit screen #2312
- Lockdown sensitive data throughout plugin for give_worker role #1223
- Donation total not respect to the number of decimal #2461
- Donor name overwrite when update payment #2460
- Multi-level donation default option selected for all Level #2455
- Getting fetal error when activating the Give Plugin 2.0 #2446
- Clicking on Save Changes button under Settings should not trigger popup #2440
- Improve get_payment_by_group fn #2432
- JS Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: update_multiselect_vals is not defined in 1.8.17 #2428
- Poupup in not opening for Modal and Button display type #2425
- Licenses not being deleted after deactivating #2418
- Typo in Documentation link on Welcome page #2416
Change Donor
chosen list hidden while open on donation detail page #2412- Resolve dashboard timeouts due to inefficient stats query for sites with many donations. #2383
- Change Donor option not showing all donors in donation detail page in back-end. #2378
- PHP Notice when changing the donation form title on the donation details page. #2377
- Search functionally in donor dashboard is not working #2371
- Give 1.8.17 issue with upgrade routine #2356
- Donate Now button is not preventing click events after clicking on it. #2351
- Give error when entering the same value for set donation and minimum donation amount #2348
- Floating labels don't work in modal or button display mode #2341
- Goal achieved message is not getting display #2337
- Not able to set offline payment as my default option in donation form #2336
- Right to left supported currency formatting issue #2332
- Recalculate income amount and donation counts for all forms not working #2319
- Issue with new getPriceID when levels share the same price #2305
- Problem with email access due to complication with #1790 #2304
- Text Change in Donations Tools Submenu #2299
- Show 0 amount in goal. #2296
- If more than one form is embedded on the page using radio multi-level amounts it causes jumping #2292
- Run flush_rewrite_rules after editing category/tag settings in display options #2291
- Unable to change donation level within donation details edit screen #2280
- Licensing for individual addons that were upgraded are reflecting their original subscriptions, not the upgraded ones #2268
- No Success Message for Bulk Actions under Donation History List in Admin #2243
- Inputs don't focus the cursor correctly on iPhone #2239
- Recalculate Income Amount and Donation Counts for All Forms tool is not working as intended #2235
- Address Fieldset: "State/Province/County" should not go before "City" #2226
- Responsive settings tabs in Dashboard Color issues #2189
- Settings Tabs needs UI/UX improvement for smaller devices #2139
- Give Importer: Delete Imported Donations doesn't Delete Users created during import #2062
Closed issues:
- Getting PHP Notices with WordPress Default widget #2468
- PHP Warning #2466
- Add 'Times New Roman' font in TCPDF lib for support in PDF Receipt Add-on #2438
- Naming conversion issue in Give Donation list page of dashboard #2437
- Goal Amount Placeholder and field should be 1.00, not 0 #2402
- Donation statuses not following sort applies on donation listing page. #2400
- Reports Income Not Working Properly after DB update in 2.0 #2365
- Notice displayed on donation for with Give 2.0 #2344
- Give PDF Receipt - Create an End Of Year Report with Donation Details #2321
- Data Tool: Recalculation Income Amount and Donation Counts of all forms flushes all the sales and earnings #2300
- [Recurring Donations] PayPal Pro Gateway (NVP API) - Request Body Bug #2293
- Use last_changed meta data for query performance for custom tables #2121
- Add donor id support to email tags #1992
- Allow admin to update donor name properly #1715
- Logged in donations always default to the First Name/Last Name and email of that existing Give Donor. #1625
- Research JS Graphs for Reports Refactor #1524
- Remove type argument in give_donation_amount() function call. #2481
- Smoothing out email access UX #2474
- Multi-level and Set amounts as $1.00 default value causes bad UX #2454
- [give_delete_donation] Check before deleting any payment for quick exit #2393
- [1.8.17] Give_Donors_Query related notices #2391
- Passing form currency when formatting large goal amount. #2386
- Disable XDebug to speed up Travis builds #2381
- Prevent duplicate hierarchy from displaying #2369
- Set default donor country to base country #2343
- Enable/Disable category and tag immediately after core setting updates. #2328
- Add new filter for give_get_earnings_by_date() function. #2324
- Data Tool: Reset the dropdown properly on Recalculate Income Amount and Donation Count for a form #2301
- Multi-level should be the new default donation form type when adding new #2281
- Adding additional currency support and use chosen dropdown to select/search currency list #2275
- Link missing in All Donation Page when there is no donation #2263
- Make the error message more helpful on the importer. #2249
- Create currency-functions.php to keep all currency related helper functions together #2220
- Add support for dynamic currency #2197
- Fix currency code for "Iranian rial" #2175
- Better handling of custom amount text sent to PayPal #2161
- Reports: Headings and Text Modifications #2144
Merged pull requests:
- Release 1.8.17 #2482 (DevinWalker)
- Revert #2397 #2480 (ravinderk)
- Receipt Access Improvements #2479 (mehul0810)
- Email access improvements #2477 (DevinWalker)
- Magnific popup improvements #2470 (DevinWalker)
- Fix variable checking #2468 #2469 (raftaar1191)
- Fix PHP Warning #2466 #2467 (jaydeeprami)
- Remove notice on bulk delete #2463 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2461 #2462 (ravinderk)
- Minorfix/2356 #2459 (mehul0810)
- Issues 1992 #2450 (ravinderk)
- Complete the available currencies for the test data providers #2449 (tw2113)
- Issue/2317 #2447 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2440 #2444 (mehul0810)
- Add input box for per page #2427 #2441 (raftaar1191)
- time fonts added #2438 #2439 (jaydeeprami)
- Minorfix/issue/1715 #2435 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2432 #2433 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2425 #2431 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2428 #2430 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2363 #2422 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2418 #2421 (ravinderk)
- MinorFix/2416 #2417 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2412 #2413 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2370 #2411 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2407 #2410 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2408 #2409 (mehul0810)
- issue/2403 #2404 (emgk)
- Issues/2397 #2399 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2086 - Issue with Search and Query Parameters #2398 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2304 #2395 (mehul0810)
- Exit donation delete fn if payment does not exist #2394 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2391 #2392 (ravinderk)
- Issues 2371 #2388 (raftaar1191)
- issue/2386 #2387 (emgk)
- Goals without decimals and added filters: issue/2372 #2385 (DevinWalker)
- Use give_get_total_earnings() for dashboard yearly stats #2384 (DevinWalker)
- Prevent xDebug on Travis-ci builds #2382 (DevinWalker)
- Issues 2377 #2380 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2366 #2367 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/2356 #2362 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2161 - Modified payment title content output for PayPal Standard and other gateways using #2355 (DevinWalker)
- Add disable button on form submit #2351 #2352 (raftaar1191)
- Fix error when user focus out #2348 #2349 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2275 #2345 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/2341 #2342 (raftaar1191)
- Fix goal achieved message #2337 #2339 (raftaar1191)
- Hotfix/cli generate donor #2335 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/arabic currencies #2333 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2312 #2331 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2258 #2330 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/2328 #2329 (ravinderk)
- Issues 2291 #2327 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2280 #2325 (raftaar1191)
- Added filter when getting the donation's earnings between dates. give_get_earnings_by_date() function. #2323 (emgk)
- Reset all form stats tool fix #2320 (DevinWalker)
- Passing form's currency while format the amount. #2318 (emgk)
- Add filter when getting payment amount through give_payment_amount() function. #2316 (emgk)
- Issues 2310 #2313 (raftaar1191)
- Added filter when getting donor's purchase value. #2309 (emgk)
- Issue/2180 #2308 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2305 #2307 (ravinderk)
- Issues 2235 #2303 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2263 #2302 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/2220 #2298 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2296 #2297 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2281 #2294 (mehul0810)
- Pass $form_id to give_currency_filter. #2290 (emgk)
- Correct spelling of Philippines #2289 (nciske)
- Issue/2086 - Refactored with Bulk Delete #2288 (mehul0810)
- Added filter when getting the earnings. #2287 (emgk)
- Issues 2144 #2285 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2226 #2284 (raftaar1191)
- Fix php warning when update total donation to 0 #2283 (jaydeeprami)
- Fix Unable to change donation level within donation details edit screen #2280 #2282 (jaydeeprami)
- Minorfix/2086 #2276 (mehul0810)
- MinorFix/Replace #2274 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2189 #2273 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1709 #2272 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2243 #2271 (raftaar1191)
- Grd issues 401 #2270 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2249 #2267 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1625 #2264 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2112 #2262 (mehul0810)
- Made currency global JS variables per form based. #2255 (emgk)
- Issue/2139 #2252 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2009 - Settings Import/Exporter #2236 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/370 #2233 (ravinderk)
- Corrected currency code for the "Iranian rial". #2174 (emgk)
1.8.16 (2017-10-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to specify certain rows output by the [donation_history] shortcode #2156
- Save currency settings to payment for better currency formatting #2153
- Add email access token logic to "View In Browser" link in Donation Receipt email #1790
Fixed bugs:
- Add-on activation banners aren't displaying anymore #2241
- Harden give_listen_for_failed_payments #2240
- Donations set to 00:00 time don't show on the "Today" or "Yesterday" filter #2221
Closed issues:
- [give_form] ShortCode should support Featured Image #2231
- CC fields incorrectly marking as invalid on page load #2244
- give_profile_editor shortcode styling issue #2190
- Display Notice on saving Donor Info #2181
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.16 #2261 (DevinWalker)
- give_sanitize_amount and give_maybe_sanitize_amount allows to sanitize amount based on currency's setting #2257 (emgk)
- Issue/2221 #2248 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2244 #2247 (ravinderk)
- Minorfix/1790 #2246 (mehul0810)
- Issues/2240 #2245 (ravinderk)
- Fix Display Notice on saving Donor Info #2181 #2237 (jaydeeprami)
- Issue/2086 #2234 (mehul0810)
- Fix multiple form tag on form detail report page #2232 (jaydeeprami)
- Hotfix/table #2229 (ravinderk)
- GH#2190 Fixed CSS break for fieldset and legend tags #2228 (Sidsector9)
- Issues/2241 #2242 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1790 #2186 (mehul0810)
1.8.15 (2017-10-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add "All forms" as first option in the "Export Donors as CSV" form dropdown #2192
- Add support for dynamic currency for donation forms #2183
- Importer: "Postal Code" should auto-map to "Zip" #2164
Fixed bugs:
- Tools > Data: Confirmation Checkbox and Submit button needs to be in sync #2195
- Update list of zero based currency #2191
Closed issues:
- Update Copyright Year in all files every year #2216
- Importer: "Donation Form" should be "Donation Form Title" #2165
Merged pull requests:
- Release 1.8.15 with licensing fix and current completed issues #2225 (DevinWalker)
- Fix php-doc for give_update_meta #2222 (jaydeeprami)
- Issues 2164 #2219 (raftaar1191)
- Revert "Map postal code to zip during importing" #2218 (ravinderk)
- Passing ID when getting currency through give_get_currency(). #2214 (emgk)
- Add new filter #2213 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2156 #2212 (mehul0810)
- Map postal code to zip during importing #2205 (BhargavBhandari90)
- Issue/2153 #2182 (mehul0810)
- Fix issue #2152 #2160 (jaydeeprami)
1.8.14 (2017-10-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Easier Registration Process #1517
- Autofill already mapped CSV fields if any error occurred while importing #2146
- Output attachment id when media setting field output set to url #2136
- Importer: After import - sort/insert multi-level amounts within donation forms #2123
- Improve ways to query donors from database #2101
- Add setting to select default state #2036
- Add Donation Importer to allow for Bulk Adding of Donations #1966
- If user is disconnected from associated donor, an error should show when user tries to login #1721
- 'Donation Receipt' is not an accurate heading for a pending or offline donation #1396
- Add a link on Donor Profile to go to User Profile #1249
- Integrate with Akismet for added spam filtering #673
Fixed bugs:
- Error when viewing Preview Email in New Donor Register and Donor Register #2102
- {fullname} email tag is broken with two-word first names and blank last name #1585
- Give Donor Profile not updating First/Last Name correctly #1481
- PHP Notice when linking new wp user with guest donor. #2193
- PDF of Donations and Income reports not support for various currencies #2152
- PHP Warning: give_maybe_sanitize_amount #2147
- All Forms displays wrong amounts #2145
- Notices not showing in setting page #2142
- Multisite new user activation error when user previously donated #2118
- Minor Alignment Issue on Add New Donation Page with Multi Levels #2115
- Responsive settings tabs are now broken #2106
- Give_Notices: Non-dismissible notices shouldn't have "x" icon #2100
- Give Receipt Shortcode attributes does not work as intended #2085
- Add proper text preferably donation amount to Paypal item title instead of custom amount text #2071
- Fix JS issue when clicking on an item within donations list page #2051
- Occational display issue when browser window is resized #2000
- Donation Goal amount is reduced when thousands separator is set to a period #1982
Closed issues:
- Conflict with EDD when updating donor's meta using Give_Donor class instance. #2202
- Fix margin between button and table #2176
- [Improvement] Fee recovery checkbox should disappear when offline payment is selected. #2169
- Add helpful descriptions to Importer fields for clarity #2130
- Add Docs link to Importer screen #2128
- New Donor Register in preview is not visible #2104
- Custom Form Fields To Dropdown #2099
- Recurring Donations Parent Payment link incorrect view parameter #2098
- Using reCAPTCHA on email access fails with more than one shortcode on the page #2081
- Add new sub tab inside Donaitions > Setting Called CSS and JS #2060
- Donation email stored in payment meta duplicated #1148
- Notice appereance issue #2203
- Donation form section title should be in proper alignment. #2187
- Price formatting issue with Iranian rial on multi type forms on form listing page #2177
- Exporter: Add filter to donor data #2170
- Prevent download "System Info" window flash when loading tools #2141
- Import Donation button on Donations listing page conflicts with Give Notice #2140
- Give Importer: Do not import option is shown twice in dropdown #2134
- Change Importer screen settings to radio_inline and select for consistency #2132
- Importer typos #2126
- Refactor Import Donation tools page #2114
- give_profile_editor shortcode styling issue #2097
- Remove the "Donors" report because it's not helpful #2074
- Give Tools>Data: Add JS window alert if closing tab or reload the page #2069
- Give Reports section no thousands separator #2053
- All Give admin pages should have a valid H1 #2047
- Rearrange address fieldset in more logical order #2037
- "Give Accountant" user role should be able to access the admin dashboard after logging in with WooCommerce activated #2022
- Changes to settings are lost if not saved when changing between tabs or sub-tabs, no notification gievn #1998
- Consider alternatives to the browser popup for the upgrade script to run #1959
- Repeater amount field shows incorrect decimals for the amount field. #1886
Merged pull requests:
- Smoothly render addon activation message #2211 (ravinderk)
- Fix - issue #2195 #2209 (BhargavBhandari90)
- Fix - issue #2192 #2207 (BhargavBhandari90)
- Fix - issue #2165 #2206 (BhargavBhandari90)
- Issues/2203 #2204 (ravinderk)
- Fix license issue #2199 (ravinderk)
- Pass default address value if not exists. #2194 (emgk)
- Issues 2176 #2178 (raftaar1191)
- Filter to the set_donor_data() method #2171 (allan23)
- Fix Autofill already mapped CSV fields #2146 #2162 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2140 #2158 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2132 #2157 (raftaar1191)
- Issue 2141 - Adjusted the download "System Settings" notice to prevent it moving #2154 (DevinWalker)
- Fix wrong currency in donation history #2151 (jaydeeprami)
- Issues 2123 #2150 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/2147 #2149 (ravinderk)
- Remove give-message parameter #2100 #2143 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 1959 #2138 (raftaar1191)
- Issues/2136 #2137 (ravinderk)
- Fixes #2130 Adding descriptions to Importer fields #2131 (mathetos)
- Fixes #2128 #2129 (mathetos)
- Fixes #2126 #2127 (mathetos)
- Fix Alignment #2115 #2125 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 1959 #2124 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/2045 #2122 (mehul0810)
- Output payment objects - Fixes #2118 #2120 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/2097 #2117 (mehul0810)
- Show list of import instead of Donation importer #2116 (ravinderk)
- Issues/2101 #2111 (ravinderk)
- Grid CSS for Admin #2110 (mehul0810)
- Fix Non-dismissible notices #2100 #2109 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2102 #2107 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1721 #2103 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2085 #2095 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2081 #2094 (DevinWalker)
- Corrected grammar #2092 (Sidsector9)
- Changed the layout of the donation receipt for offline payment. #1396 #2090 (emgk)
- Issues 1966 #2089 (raftaar1191)
- Allow admin dashboard to 'Give Accoutant' user role even though WooCommerce is active. #2088 (emgk)
- QuickFix/2071 #2087 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2037 #2084 (raftaar1191)
- Fix #1982 #2083 (ravinderk)
- Fix option to delete WP user #2062 #2080 (raftaar1191)
- Fixed: Integrate with Akismet for added spam filtering #673 #2079 (jaydeeprami)
- Improved Responsive UI #2078 (mehul0810)
- Give stripe 98 #2077 (raftaar1191)
- GH#2074 Removed donors tab #2076 (Sidsector9)
- Issue/2071 #2075 (mehul0810)
- GH#2053 Fixes thousands separator in reports #2073 (Sidsector9)
- Issue/Stripe/91 #2072 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2064 #2068 (raftaar1191)
- Fix for give setting page #1998 #2067 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 2047 #2066 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1249 #2059 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2051 #2057 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2036 #2041 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1517 #2031 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1715 #1885 (mehul0810)
- Version 1.8.14 ready for release #2198 (DevinWalker)
- Fix #1886 #2082 (ravinderk)
- Issues 2069 #2070 (raftaar1191)
1.8.13 (2017-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Link log to payment instead of form #1227
- Store page ID and URL the donor used to make a donation for future reporting #1996
- When updating a donation form the user should be returned to the last active tab #1968
- Show Pre-Approved payment status even if stripe addon disable #1957
- Add a setting to set the default User Role that donors get when registering and donating #1918
Fixed bugs:
- Amount column shows an incorrect price range in all forms table for multi level donation #1946
- Give Logs getting disconnected from their parent forms #1286
- Fix warning within give_unset_error error #2049
- Return
label id from give_get_price_id #2042 - Fresh Give install default settings missing #2035
- License expired/invalid notification issue #2034
- Customer meta value not getting deleted #2028
- PHP Notice: undefined variable "new_public_key" and "new_secret_key" #2024
- Bottom "Donations" bulk actions not working as expected #2008
- Generating API keys does not resolve 404 on API endpoint #1999
- "Email address ... already active for another user" even when it isnt. #1975
- PHP Notice Errors #1973
- Give session is not working #1971
- Calculate payment count on basis of active payment status #1955
- Delete payment's log if admin delete payment with tools #1954
Closed issues:
- Rename
db tables #1960 - Add common style for URL field to Give Core. #1941
- Fix error notice during PHPUnit test #1833
- Refactor log #1796
- Clarify structure of payment meta #1132
- Link the donation # for period to the log for easy user viewing of actual donations for specified period #774
- The "Import Donations" should only display on listing page not on donation details #2052
- Suggest move banner, makes UI confusing #1997
- Donation Success and error pages shouldn't be displayed on search results #1984
- PHP Notice related to Yoast clear sitemaps function #1977
- Prevent flash of multi-level fields when form editor loads #1969
- Create PHPunit helper function API #1967
- Twenty Seventeen "dark" theme colors default are just not good. #1962
- Multi-level dropdown needs max-width #1952
- Fail Gracefully for release 1.8.13 in preparation for 2.0 with PHP 5.2 #1931
- When no list items in the tables display an informative graphic #1917
Merged pull requests:
- Remove import donation link from donation single page #2052 #2055 (raftaar1191)
- Release/1.8.13 #2054 (DevinWalker)
- Fix notices #2049 #2050 (raftaar1191)
- MinorFix/1997 #2048 (mehul0810)
- MinorFix/2034 #2046 (mehul0810)
- Issue/2034 #2044 (mehul0810)
- Return custom level id from give_get_price_id #2043 (ravinderk)
- Unittest/2035 #2040 (mehul0810)
- GH#2035 Added default decimal separator #2039 (Sidsector9)
- Issue/2024 #2033 (mehul0810)
- Issues 2028 #2030 (raftaar1191)
- change #2029 (Umangvaghela)
- Validate #2027 (Umangvaghela)
- add command #2026 (Umangvaghela)
- add wp give donors example to list all donors #2025 (Umangvaghela)
- add changes #2021 (Umangvaghela)
- Issues/1227 #2019 (ravinderk)
- Feature/phpunit #2018 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1918 #2017 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1997 #2016 (mehul0810)
- QuickFix/Recurring/Issue/145 #2015 (mehul0810)
- i18n: Avoid using HTML tags in translation strings #2014 (ramiy)
- Issue/1975 #2011 (mehul0810)
- Issues 1996 #2003 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1917 #2002 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issues 1966 #2001 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1968 #1995 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issues/1953 #1994 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1984 #1986 (DevinWalker)
- Issues 1954 #1985 (raftaar1191)
- remove [type=“url”] from float-labels exclude option #1980 (pryley)
- Feature/donor_tables #1979 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1977 #1978 (DevinWalker)
- Upgrade Give to float-labels v3.0.3 #1976 (pryley)
- Issue/1957 #1974 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1952 #1965 (mehul0810)
- Fix delete log #1935 #1961 (raftaar1191)
- Feature/meta tables #1958 (ravinderk)
- Payments unit tests #1951 (DevinWalker)
- Show only minimum php version notice (5.2) and Do not load plugin #1949 (ravinderk)
- Spelling Corrections #1948 (garrett-eclipse)
- Sanitizing donation level amounts before comparision #1947 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1941 #1943 (mehul0810)
- Refactor payment meta #1794 (ravinderk)
- Issue/2008 #2013 (mehul0810)
- Refactor Give_Cron #2010 (ravinderk)
- Add some guidelines for how to test well you code before creating PR #2007 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1999 #2005 (mehul0810)
- Issues/1967 #1991 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1973 #1990 (ravinderk)
- Performance #1989 (ravinderk)
- Use donor id instead of user email or user id #1988 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1981 Issues/1982 #1983 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1971 #1972 (ravinderk)
- Fix #1955 #1956 (ravinderk)
1.8.12 (2017-08-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow Goal to be set as number of Donations #1443
- Donation Form Goal option under Give Shortcodes editor button shows all forms #1898
- Add Donation History page url to System Info #1841
- WP List Column: "Donations" link should go to payments screen with filter #1824
- Update System Info with PayPal IPN setting #1787
- Donation Methods Report Columns should be Sortable #1616
- Better way to notify user about updates and upgrades #1538
- Allow admin to filter donations by form id #1199
- Dynamically hide/show and unrequire/require state fields based on country. #1050
- Add check for TLS 1.2 support #810
Fixed bugs:
- Ensure country required state/county conditional field is properly required or not required #1935
- Fix total donated amount value in donation method report page #1933
- {user_email} and {billing_address} does not reflect value within Email or Preview Donation Receipt #1929
- Incorrect currency displaying under Donations > Donors #1925
- Update routines: Required parameter "$current_total" missing #1924
- Changing level of existing Multilevel donation is buggy #1911
- Recalculate Income Amount and Donation Counts for All Forms tool is not working #1905
- Delete data on Uninstall prevents deletion #1900
- Variable price is not loading on multi type form change on payment detail page #1894
- Unable to view Renewal payment listing #1891
- Admin Dashboard Donation form issues #1874
- When period used as thousands separator, the total is wrong and minimum amount alert triggers #1849
- Pagination for listing in admin is not working through a custom page number #1847
- Activate License Notice UI issue under Plugins for Multisite setup #1844
- Email tag in emails are not converting. #1793
- Pagination incorrect on any instance of extending the WP_List_Table in the give back end #1378
Closed issues:
- assets/js/frontend/give.all.min.js does not work #1928
- Database error in Donations pages #1888
- Phpcs PHPCompatibility issues #1860
- Update readme install count #1921
- Scroll icons display incorrectly on Windows within the Form edit Sub-tab items on flyout #1910
- Deprecate give_get_purchase_summary() and improve function #1902
- Improve CSS of Donations List Filters #1901
- Touch up content styles for new Updates screen #1896
- Prevent background scrolling on iPhone Safari #1866
- Add PHPUnit test for email tag functionality #1843
- Update Receipt language for Offline Donation Instructions to match other instances #1840
- Export screen CSS issues #1838
- Implement auto hide functionality for frontend notice in Give_Notices #1837
- Including ESLint for JS coding standards #1827
- Don't display donation payment status if no payments are within that status #1823
- New data tool to delete all donors and their payments, keep the donation forms #1700
- update_customer_email_on_user_update adds itself as an action #1358
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.12 merge in Master for Release #1942 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1843 #1940 (DevinWalker)
- Prevent scrolling background within iOS safari - Fixes #1866 #1939 (DevinWalker)
- Issues 1935 #1937 (raftaar1191)
- issues/1933 #1934 (ravinderk)
- Query Improvement #1932 (ravinderk)
- Fix issue 1929 #1930 (jaydeeprami)
- Issues/1925 #1927 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1924 #1926 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1910 #1923 (mehul0810)
- Hotfix - Comment Improvement #1922 (mehul0810)
- Updates to unit tests travis ci fixes and upgrades routine for php 5.2 compat #1919 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1849 #1916 (ravinderk)
- Fix phpunit fail cause #1915 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1911 #1914 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1896 #1912 (DevinWalker)
- Issues 1900 #1907 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1898 #1906 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1901 #1904 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1902 #1903 (DevinWalker)
- Issues 1700 #1897 (raftaar1191)
- Fix: #1894 #1895 (ravinderk)
- Fix: apply filters before give_pre_get_payments hook #1892 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1538 #1890 (ravinderk)
- Fix Database error #1888 #1889 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 1050 #1887 (raftaar1191)
- Hotfix for Issue 1824 #1884 (mehul0810)
- Hotfix/1824 #1883 (mehul0810)
- Refactor: Give_Setting_Gateways ---> Give_Gateways_Report #1881 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1249 #1880 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1443 #1879 (mehul0810)
- Added TLS check to System Info Issue/810 #1878 (DevinWalker)
- Issues 1874 #1877 (raftaar1191)
- Issues 1823 #1875 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1616 #1872 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1844 #1870 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1827 #1869 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1840 #1868 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1824 #1867 (mehul0810)
- Change text domain "edit" to "give" #1865 (dixitadusara)
- Fix: # 1358 #1864 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1847 #1863 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1841 #1859 (mehul0810)
- Issues 1050 #1858 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1838 #1857 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1787 #1856 (mehul0810)
- Pagination Fix for Issue/1378 #1855 (mehul0810)
1.8.11 (2017-07-11)
Closed issues:
- Fix conflict with Yoast SEO's new Link Checker tool on fresh Give Install #1848
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.11 #1854 (DevinWalker)
- Fix Yoast SEO Link Checker Conflict #1848 #1852 (DevinWalker)
- Update: add auto dismissible feature to frontend notices #1846 (ravinderk)
1.8.10 (2017-07-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add login notification upon successful login within donation form #1384
Fixed bugs:
- Non-core email tags not working in Give 1.8.9 #1839
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.10 #1845 (DevinWalker)
- Fix: load email tags earlier #1842 (ravinderk)
- WIP: Issues 1384 #1836 (raftaar1191)
- Issue/1378 #1835 (mehul0810)
- Issues/1796 #1797 (ravinderk)
1.8.9 (2017-07-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Credit Card Expiry Date Format #1781
- Specify timeframe for "Export Donors" option on export tab. #1427
- Accessing Goals from the API #1423
- Require stronger password for Give Registration #1305
Fixed bugs:
- Show error message while visiting receipt page without payment_key #1484
- WP List Column: Donor's donation count column incorrect link #1830
- WP List Column: "Income" links are broken #1825
- Emails: New username and registration emails missing heading #1821
- give_count_payments is not working when pass #{payment_id} #1817
- Licensing Issue with Give Fee Recovery Addon #1816
- Give_Payment_Query class issue #1813
- Multiple time give_update_edited_donation hook #1811
- Update message showing incorrectly on fresh WP + Give install #1810
- No "Processing" filter and "Set To Processing" option in Donation Page #1803
- Invalid entry created on bulk action under Donations #1801
- Broken link to documentation within readme.txt #1791
- Issue with Install After Initializing via plugins_loaded from PR #1767 #1772
- Translation banner showing incorrectly for some users #1770
- Per User Language Setting Bug #1769
- Notice: Undefined index in /wp-content/plugins/give/templates/shortcode-receipt.php on line 38 #1763
- "File" and "Media" settings field types are synonymous #1758
- Currency raw HTML character output appears within gateways #1757
- Editing donor shouldn't detach user #1751
- If donor is using an additional email and the same email used to register user from donation form creates conflict #1722
- Show correct donor name on donation detail page #1716
- Fix admin ajax warning's false positives or remove altogether #1631
- WPML Compatiblity #1609
- Recalculate for ALL Forms doesn't work for All forms #1554
- Sorting by minimum amount #1253
- Fix API request log count #1069
- Fix #1811 #1812 (jaydeeprami)
Closed issues:
- [Request] Filter by Payment Type #1783
- Add prefix to on_create_blog() #1809
- Add Confirmation popup to Resend Receipt on Donation List page #1802
- Invalid text-domain "easy-digital-downloads" #1784
- Add confirmation alert when deleting donations with hover link #1773
- Include "Donation Forms" within WP-admin Menus by Default On Install #1765
- Fail gracefully with unsupported PHP versions. #1723
- Compatibility with Yoast SEO when Form Single Views are disabled #1690
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.9 merging to master for release #1832 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1830 #1831 (DevinWalker)
- Hotfix/1690 #1829 (mehul0810)
- Issues/1817 #1828 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1825 #1826 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1821 #1822 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1816 #1820 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/1801 #1819 (mehul0810)
- issues/1817 #1818 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1813 #1815 (ravinderk)
- Prefix on_create_blog() function #1814 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1801 #1808 (mehul0810)
- Fix text changes in CONTRIBUTING.md file #1806 (dixitadusara)
- Issue/1802 #1805 (mehul0810)
- Fixed #1803 #1804 (jaydeeprami)
- Issue/1631 #1799 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1793 #1795 (mehul0810)
- issue/1423 - With Code Updates from Devin Walker #1792 (DevinWalker)
- Hotfix - Irrelevant comment #1789 (mehul0810)
- Issues/1781 #1788 (ravinderk)
- Fix issue #1784 #1786 (jaydeeprami)
- Issue/1773 #1782 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1427 #1777 (mehul0810)
- i18n Banner Displays Per User's Locale #1776 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1769 #1775 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1772 - Give initialization improvement and resolving install issue #1774 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1554 #1771 (mehul0810)
- fixed enabled donation form issue on nav menu. #1768 (emgk)
- Ensure Give() function is run on
action hook so other… #1767 (DevinWalker) - Check that the payment exists prior to outputting content. If it does… #1766 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1722 #1762 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1758 #1761 (ravinderk)
- Fixed login and register phpunit tests #1760 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1757 #1759 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1723 #1756 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1305 #1754 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1751 #1753 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1253 #1752 (mehul0810)
- Issue/1690 #1750 (mehul0810)
- Issue/896 deprecate *_Customer_* classes for *_Donor_* classes #1739 (DevinWalker)
- Bye bye Qtip2 and hello Hint.css Tooltips #1596 (DevinWalker)
1.8.8 (2017-05-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Check if we can create email notification setting under any plugin setting or any form metabox tab #1718
- Refactor Core Email Settings #1346
- Enhancing Disconnect User feature on Donor Single View in admin #1720
- Make receipt table row positioning easily customizable #1682
- Investigate possible bug with default terms and conditions #1679
- Show payment gateways label on donation listing page for each donation #1674
- Add date-range to /donation API endpoint #758
Fixed bugs:
- Categories and Tags are disabled but shown in exported PDF #1692
- Investigate issue with minimum donation amount conflicting with levels #1680
- Add-ons outside of /plugins/ cause page output before headers are sent #1672
- Add missing function give_get_currency_name #1670
- Allow decimal values in amount field #1666
- Wrong currency icon on view donation page #1664
- Donor, Donation, and Donation Form Dropdowns need to be AJAX powered #1572
- Sometimes expiration field in form stops auto formatting date #1278
- Issue/1680 #1728 (DevinWalker)
Closed issues:
- Trunk Folder in Give source code at WordPress Plugin Repository #1685
- Function to clear
transients created byget\_earnings
#1117 - Improve Strings and Links to Docs #889
- Shorten description strings and link out to documentation #876
- Showing Labels for Form Featured Image dropdown #1713
- Conflict with WP101 #1710
- Exports should relocate to Donations > Tools > Exports #1702
- Prioritze Donation Form Options metabox while using Yoast SEO plugin #1698
- Minor styling issue in form metabox #1695
- Clicking license notice dismissal shouldn't refresh page #1694
- give_get_field_description() needs to take into account $field['desc'] usage #1668
- Metabox Panel styling issue #1662
- Change images on welcome Screen #1561
- Give Workers need to have expanded user roles. #844
- When Form Single view is disabled in settings, a "View Form" link shows on Publish/Update #646
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.8 #1749 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1069 #1748 (mehul0810)
- Fix: add filter give_get_meta before setting default value #1747 (ravinderk)
- Fix: typo in filter name #1745 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1572 #1744 (DevinWalker)
- Currency decoding update #1743 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1694 #1742 (mehul0810)
- Refactor: goal template and add extra params to filters #1741 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1716 #1740 (mehul0810)
- Deprecated a bunch of *_store_* and *_customer_* filters #1738 (DevinWalker)
- Code updates to PR #1730 #1737 (DevinWalker)
- Emgk issue 1720 #1736 (DevinWalker)
- Mehul0810 issue/1682 1 #1735 (DevinWalker)
- Change give_goal_amount_funded_percentage_output filter position #1734 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/1692 #1733 (mehul0810)
- Issues/1680 #1732 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/give get featured image sizes #1731 (ravinderk)
- Fix/ecommerce terminology: Rename give_checkout_button_purchase function #1730 (ravinderk)
- Renamed a bunch of *_purchase_* functions to *_donation_* within process-donations.php #896 #1729 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/758 #1726 (mehul0810)
- Fix: #1278 #1725 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1718 #1719 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1713 #1717 (mehul0810)
- Hotfix/graph #1714 (ravinderk)
- issue/1561 #1712 (DevinWalker)
- Ensure fitvids and scripts for the welcome screen are only output on … #1711 (DevinWalker)
- refactor give_currency_filter #1708 (ravinderk)
- fix phpunit failing test (version 2.0) #1706 (ravinderk)
- Fixed - Issue #1698 #1705 (mehul0810)
- Tabs, not spaces #1704 (corywebb)
- Issue/1702 #1703 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1672 #1699 (DevinWalker)
- Expanded Give Worker User Role - Issue/844 #1697 (mehul0810)
- Hotfix/metabox style #1696 (ravinderk)
- Fixed - Issue #1692 #1693 (mehul0810)
- Hotfix/give currency symbol #1691 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1679 #1689 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/646 - Form Single View #1687 (mehul0810)
- Add WPML config file #1686 (vukvukovich)
- textdomain #1684 (sebastienserre)
- add missing Text-domain l737 #1683 (sebastienserre)
- issues/1679 #1681 (ravinderk)
- Use give meta related functions #1678 (ravinderk)
- Add post type meta data related functions #1676 (ravinderk)
- Fix: #1674 #1675 (ravinderk)
- Issues/611 - Email Enhancement #1673 (ravinderk)
- Fix: add missing fx give_get_currency_name #1671 (ravinderk)
- Added additional conditional check for $field[‘desc’] #1668 #1669 (DevinWalker)
- issues/1666 #1667 (ravinderk)
- issues/1664 #1665 (ravinderk)
- issues/1662 #1663 (ravinderk) (2017-05-05)
Fixed bugs:
- License notice returns and is not dismissible when expiration timestamp is out of date #1658
Closed issues:
- PHP Strict Standards warning displays when you have add-ons installed #1659
Merged pull requests:
1.8.7 (2017-05-04)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Clearing Test Data should not affect non-test data #1654
- When an add-on license is deactivated it should be remove from field and database #1649
- Donation form model rendering issue #1636
- Ensure core version updates run in a proper order #1626
- give_stats_* transients filling up database unnecessarily - New Give_Cache API needed #1617
- New User notification emails formatting is broken. #1577
Closed issues:
- After Give + addons update, custom form fields are misplaced. #1645
- User request: Implement Express checkout for PayPay Standard #1629
- can't extend statuses #1606
- Wording issues #1653
- If a license is not active for an add-on display notice on plugins page #1648
- Update WP Session Manager version included #1646
- Typos in Give License handler #1638
- Danish Kroner is formatted incorrectly #1632
- Make "Email already in use" error more explanatory. #1624
- Make New User Notification email filterable #1623
- Change the "placeholder" address for offline donations #1620
- Shortcodes should not echo output #1614
- Modifications to the Admin Notification for an offline notification. #1569
- Use @property and @property-read PHPdocs #992
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.7 #1657 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1653 #1656 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1654 #1655 (DevinWalker)
- issues/1649-devin-updates-fixes #1652 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1649 #1650 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1646 #1647 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1615 #1644 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1624 #1643 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1614 #1642 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1620 #1641 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1632 #1640 (DevinWalker)
- typo fixes #1639 (Benunc)
- Issues/1636 #1637 (ravinderk)
- Add give_init action hook #1635 (ravinderk)
- feature/version_update #1634 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1569 #1633 (DevinWalker)
- Fix: #1626 #1628 (ravinderk)
- Implement Give_Cache for all transients #1627 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1617 #1622 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1577 #1621 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1586 #1619 (ravinderk)
- Issue/992 #1613 (DevinWalker)
1.8.6 (2017-04-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Payment Gateway API Keys and sensitive fields should be a password field #1455
Fixed bugs:
- Prevent "Show Terms" click event from running multiple times #1602
- Wrong label applied on Donation Confirmation and Email Receipt when Donating a Custom Amount on Multi-level forms #1598
- Multilevel Form issues with 10+ options. #1592
Closed issues:
- Rendering two give forms shortcodes on the same page results in duplicated IDs and invalid code #1605
- The plugin outputs HTML that does not pass validation #1604
- FEATURE/ADDON REQUEST. Kiosk mode + Incorporating with a card swiper/chip reader. #1594
- Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).qtip is not a function #1591
- Form doesn't change when user selects payment method #1590
- Give API not sending Billing Fields #1587
- Give Plugin Breaks Eform Plugin Quizes #1584
- Add slack channel invite link to plugin about page #1388
- give_get_current_page_url() should really trailing slash it #1589
- Remove give_export_all_customers() - no longer in use #1571
- Lingering bugs with Settings tab dropdown #1544
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/1544 #1611 (DevinWalker)
- Release/1.8.6 #1610 (DevinWalker)
- Fix unit test failing in PHP 7.1 #1608 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1602 #1603 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1598 #1599 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1589 #1597 (DevinWalker)
- Removed give_export_all_customers() and code cleanup #1595 (DevinWalker)
- fix #1592 #1593 (ravinderk)
- Update Documentation. #1588 (MaedahBatool)
1.8.5 (2017-03-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support Posting data to Give via the Give API #1576
- Add Billing Fields as an option in PayPal Standard #1573
- Add colorpicker setting field to admin setting page API #1566
- Button display mode should have attribute for Button Text #1494
Fixed bugs:
- Upgrade routine cannot run on plugins listing page due to JS error #1580
- 1.8 Upgrade routine is incorrectly disabling Offline Donations gateway per form #1579
- Add backwards compatibility for those who haven't run upgrade for give_logged_in_only #1578
Merged pull requests:
- New option to toggle billing details and corresponding logic #1573 #1583 (DevinWalker)
- Fixes for #1579 and #1580 #1582 (DevinWalker)
- Updated give_logged_in_only to return enabled if metakey missing #1581 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1494 #1568 (ravinderk)
- Add colorpicker setting field #1567 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1494 #1564 (DevinWalker)
- Fix #1494 #1563 (ravinderk)
- Fix #1544 #1562 (ravinderk)
1.8.4 (2017-03-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Update software licensing class and fix Active licenses placeholders #1556
- Registration + Login is not working when guest donation is enabled on 1.8.3 #1553
- RLT with banner and alert #1547
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.4 #1560 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1547 #1559 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1556 #1558 (ravinderk)
- Update EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php file to the latest version #1556 #1557 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1553 #1555 (ravinderk)
1.8.3 (2017-02-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Settings API: New API Key Field Needed #1540
- Close form message upon Goal Complete should be a WYSIWYG instead of Give alert #1504
Fixed bugs:
- Email Access issues w/ 1.8+ #1551
- Hyphen in icomoon fonts triggers security warnings #1535
- Show correct logs count for payment errors list #1531
- Gateway and Donation ID is not showing in logs #1529
Closed issues:
- The new Goal Complete WYSIWYG doesn't currently render oEmbeds #1545
- Settings pages return errors w/ Hebrew #1510
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/1551 #1552 (kevinwhoffman)
- Release/1.8.3 #1550 (DevinWalker)
- Use
to output Goal complete message #1545 #1549 (DevinWalker) - Issues/1544 #1548 (ravinderk)
- Fix translation related cmb2 compability issue #1546 (ravinderk)
- Removed hyphens flagging mod_security regex #1535 #1543 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1510 #1542 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1540 #1541 (DevinWalker)
- Fix cmb2 compability issue with php7 #1537 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/setup_transaction_id #1534 (ravinderk)
- Show unnamed title #1533 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1531 #1532 (ravinderk)
- Show correct donation id and gateway name in log list #1530 (ravinderk)
1.8.2 (2017-02-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Offline Donations Email field should have Email Tags listed #1516
- Form Metabox API should have the ability to set a Give icon or Dashicon class name #1506
Fixed bugs:
- Reporting "Last Year" filter shows December donations on wrong vertical Axis #1428
- Weird WordPress editor height in metabox setting fields #1522
- Offline donation instructions Per form is not functional on 1.8.1 #1513
- Floating labels shouldn't increase the input height #1511
- Multi-level donation total does not always reflect current selection #1502
- Donate button does not reappear if login is cancelled #1482
Closed issues:
- show login form non logged in donor in history page shortcode #1485
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.2 #1528 (DevinWalker)
- Hotfix/wpeditor height #1523 (ravinderk)
- Display [give_login] shortcode to prompt user to login to view donati… #1521 (DevinWalker)
- issue/1482 #1520 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1511 #1519 (DevinWalker)
- Output email template tags for offline donations gate #1516 #1518 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1513 #1514 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1506 #1509 (ravinderk)
- Issue/896 #1507 (DevinWalker)
- Fix #1502 #1503 (ravinderk)
1.8.1 (2017-02-15)
Fixed bugs:
- "Give in Footer" setting still looking for 'on' rather than new 'enabled' #1498
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.8.1 #1501 (DevinWalker)
- Hotfix/is single price mode #1500 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1498 #1499 (ravinderk)
1.8 (2017-02-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- New Metabox API data-type=decimal/currency needs to trigger formatting when not focused #1460
- Render Donations -> Reports admin page with new setting api #1478
- Clean up form styles #1453
- New Metabox API needs an Upload field #1451
- Add Upgrade Notice for Version 1.8 db changes #1408
- Implement shortlinks in all code references #1405
- Update getting started page images and gifs for release 1.8 #1264
- Ensure the repeater field is available for developers for single and multiple fields in API #1171
- New "Tools" submenu #1046
- Only show activation banner for user who activated the plugin #1036
- Change some settings to properly reflect Enable/Disable Correctly #962
- Auto fill total donation amount when admin user change donation level on transaction edit screen #884
- Provide the ability to export donations based on category or tag #867
- Bulk deleting transactions does not display a notification #850
- Add more context to system info page #826
- Create Global Terms and Conditions setting #679
- Refactor the Give Settings section #668
- New Shortcode attribute: button_only=true #520
- a11y Review List #325
- Design and develop new donation form creation UI #281
- Change reCAPTCHA to shortlink for easier redirect in the future #1402 (mathetos)
Fixed bugs:
- Dynamic Error Messages are not internationalized #1394
- Show correct donor count on donor listing page #1497
- Donor search is not working on Donations -> Reports -> Donors for donor listing #1486
- Show offline payment gateways on form edit screen for new form #1479
- Minor CSS Issue with Highlighted Tabs #1444
- Shortcode parameters for Button display broken in Give 1.8 #1435
- Offline Donation Instructions email is blank by default in Give 1.8 #1434
- New Give Receipt shortcode attribute "status_notice" doesn't work as expected #1431
- Shortcode parameters broken in 1.8 #1430
- Offline Donation Confirmation page not updating after donation marked as Complete #1429
- "Export Donors" creating multiple instances of the same donor. #1426
- Form Action Not Updating on Payment Gateway Change #1418
- "Create New Donor" Link not working on admin. #1417
- Member-only form problem has resurfaced in 1.8 #1398
- Incompatibility with PHP 7.1 #1377
- Release/1.8 WYSIWYG editor format saving issue #1311
- Add currency symbol for price setting field #1299
- Legend are not showing properly in chrome browser #1298
- Show default title for untitled form in donation list. #1276
- If only one payment gateway is enabled than make sure that default gateway should set properly #1268
- Clean up Donor search results URLs #1175
- Add support for CMB2 custom fields #1166
- Tools > API issues with generating key and link to view api log #1073
- Setting "Success" and "Failed" pages to the same page results in Failed status with PayPal Standard #724
Closed issues:
- Loading spinner does not disappear when switching gateways #1495
- Add a way to display custom fields to the bottom of the donation receipt shortcode output #1406
- Invalid form control JS warning - 'Donate Now' not functioning #1373
- PHP Notice and Catchable fatal error #1372
- Review all labels, settings, and descriptions for grammer #1488
- 1.8 update issue for fields that are "Disable" checkboxes #1470
- Implement shortlinks in readme.txt and readme.md #1467
- Improve responsive single donation form tabs #1466
- Typo "your" in readme.txt #1454
- Link Donor's Name to Donor Profile on Donor's Report Listing Screen #1448
- CSS Tweak for Single Form Edit Icons and Text Spacing in 1.8 #1441
- Add support for multi-level arg donations within give_send_back_to_checkout #1422
- Settings tab UI improvement to prevent bumping to two lines #1413
- Minor typo in translation banner #1410
- Display horizontal rule below subtabs and display single tab if present #1409
- Guest Donations description adds confusion to what the setting does #1397
- If "Offline Donations" is disabled, don't display the tab on the single donation edit screen #1391
- Settings table rows need compatibility with CMB2 row_classes option #1370
- Convert "Logs" dropdown select to tabs to keep UI consistent #1368
- Reorder request for donation form tabs #1309
- Add display settings to widget #1269
- Add Download option as DEFAULT for System Info #1260
- Improve CSS when background colors present #1258
- If only one payment gateway is enabled the "Select Payment Method" fieldset should be hidden #1122
- Reports UI / UX Improvements #1114
- Add default icon for add-on tabs within donation form creation admin UI #1078
- Settle on "Enable/Disable" rather than "Yes/No" #1065
- New Settings and Form Fields Fixes & Optimization #1064
- Update Settings field ids for improved code clarity #1063
- Ensure settings subfields toggle properly #1062
- All setting notices should be dismissible #1061
- Deprecate usage of CMB2 in favor of our own settings & metabox fields #991
- Create settings update script for settings changes #976
- Convert all Doc links to Shortened URLs for better management #890
- Include the Icomoon JSON file in Github repo #795
Merged pull requests:
- Issues/1486 #1496 (ravinderk)
- Release/1.8 #1492 (DevinWalker)
- Implement shorturls to readme.txt #1491 (mathetos)
- Issue/1488 #1490 (mathetos)
- Issue/1453 #1489 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1478 #1487 (ravinderk)
- Do not use global params #1483 (ravinderk)
- Show offline payment gateway for new donation form #1480 (ravinderk)
- Make setting tab responsive for all setting pages #1477 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1453 #1476 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1470 #1471 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1466 #1468 (DevinWalker)
- readme.txt updates fixed typos, improved language #1465 (DevinWalker)
- Minor Fix: Set default currency position #1464 (ravinderk)
- Minor Fix: style registration #1463 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1408 #1462 (ravinderk)
- makes the language less confusing #1461 (Benunc)
- Issues/1413 #1459 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1451 #1458 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1453 #1456 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1422 #1450 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1444 #1449 (DevinWalker)
- Fix show/hide tab process lagging #1447 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1426 #1446 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1444 #1445 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1441 #1442 (DevinWalker)
- Do not always show form title for button display style #1440 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1429 #1439 (ravinderk)
- Setup default offline email content on plugin install #1438 (ravinderk)
- Minor Fixes #1436 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1430 #1433 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1431 #1432 (kevinwhoffman)
- Add give_form_validation_passed javascript event #1421 (ravinderk)
- Fix issues #1417 #1420 (ravinderk)
- Update donation form action url #1419 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/r18 #1416 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1413 #1415 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1409 #1412 (ravinderk)
- Fixed minor typo #1410 #1411 (DevinWalker)
- Resolves #1405 #1407 (mathetos)
- Change System Info link to a short url #1404 (mathetos)
- Changing the Forms Terms shortlink #1403 (mathetos)
- Issues/1398 #1401 (ravinderk)
- Typo in Terms and Conditions Settings page. #1399 (mathetos)
- Fixes #1394 #1395 (mathetos)
- Fix #1175 #1393 (ravinderk)
- Fix #1391 #1392 (ravinderk)
- Fix version comperision #1389 (ravinderk)
- Highlight tab which has submenu when active #1387 (ravinderk)
- Update url in form table to show donation logs for specific form #1386 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/setting api updates #1385 (ravinderk)
- Feature/subtab metabox #1383 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/fix notices #1381 (ravinderk)
- Remove CBM2 #1379 (ravinderk)
- Set all docs urls to HTTP instead of HTTPS #1375 (mathetos)
- Minor fix #1374 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1370 #1371 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1368 #1369 (ravinderk)
- Minor Fix #1367 (ravinderk)
- Minor Fix #1366 (ravinderk)
- Fix notice #1365 (ravinderk)
- issues/1122 #1364 (ravinderk)
- Add links to documentation throughout the plugin settings #1363 (mathetos)
- Issues/281 #1053 (ravinderk)
- Issues/668 #1039 (ravinderk)
1.7.2 (2016-12-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Form Preview doesn't work while in Draft Status #1343
Closed issues:
- Recurring donation email receipts should say they are a recurring donation #1348
- New User email producing issues. #1215
- Compatibility with TwentySeventeen theme #1353
- i18n review after v1.7 release #1349
- In-form login doesn't refresh properly #1341
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.7.2 #1356 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1349 #1355 (DevinWalker)
- TwentySeventeen Compatibility Issue/1353 #1354 (DevinWalker)
- SCSS optimization for darker backgrounds and minor additional adjustments - Issue/1258 #1352 (DevinWalker)
- Icon font fix #1351 (DevinWalker)
- Update to use
action andnew\_cmb2\_box
function. #1350 (jtsternberg) - Do not render form if #1345 (ravinderk)
- Add selected option class to li tag instead of label #1342 (ravinderk)
- Add test #1340 (ravinderk)
- Add give_create_payment filter #1339 (ravinderk)
- Issues/520 #1338 (ravinderk)
- Scrutinizer #1337 (ravinderk)
1.7.1 (2016-12-10)
Fixed bugs:
- PayPal gateway is not properly passing the donation form name #1334
Closed issues:
- Add filter for Magnific closeOnBgClick option #1328
- WordPress 4.7 adds a grey border around our Welcome images #1322
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.7.1 #1336 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1334 #1335 (DevinWalker)
- Tests #1333 (ravinderk)
- Documentation #1332 (ravinderk)
- Minor Fix #1331 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1328 #1329 (DevinWalker)
- Offline late escaping #1327 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed border added by WP 1.7 #1326 (DevinWalker)
- Scrutinizer score #1325 (ravinderk)
- Add fs-extra to package.json requirements #1324 (mathetos)
- Add missing $low param #1323 (ravinderk)
1.7 (2016-12-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow filter form title on basis of form id and form object #1290
- Donations column needs to be sortable, also rename "price" to "amount" #1250
- Better give/tests/README.md instructions for unit testing #1232
- Check that activated license URL matches site URL to prevent issues #1051
- Use get_admin_page_title() for admin page titles #1028
- Make transaction columns "Donation Form" and "Status" sortable #866
- Develop Give CLI Class #841
- Payment date details #687
- Need a {receipt_link_url} email tag for easier styling #581
- Fill form fields with previously entered validated values on give_send_back_to_checkout() #576
- Determine an appropriate [donation_history] "thank you" text by the transaction status. #509
- Improve extension license key activation and add weekly status checks #357
- Customize HTML5 Alert Messages #351
Fixed bugs:
- Do not render unpublish or transhed form by shortcode #1289
- Offline gateway issue with pending notification #1261
- Offline Donation donation amount tag not displaying properly #1247
- Multiple donation forms on a page with the Terms checkbox causes jumping #1244
- Give CLI is not working with PHP version 5.3.29 #1242
- Send Test Email button produces PHP Notice #1231
- Changing a payment's donation form breaks in 1.7+ #1220
- Test mode warning not shown by default. #1196
- give_get_payment_status() sometimes returns false for non-English locales #1141
- Updating donor profile results in email error #1131
- Build correct redirect url in give_send_back_to_checkout if request url already has query param #1130
- Remove credit card related class when credit card type update #1121
- Auto check correct payment gateway #1119
- Show message on form edit screen if form single view is disabled #1049
- Donors unable to see certain transactions in history, depending on logged-in status. #983
- Incorrect donor being assigned for logged-in donors when they giving under different name while logged in #970
- Encoded HTML and long form titles are going outside of select field in shortcode generator panel #804
- Problem with the "Estimated monthly income for this period" amount incorrect #773
- Admin transaction details screen's "Donation Details" needs better responsive styling #767
- User able to donate minimum amount then custom minimum amount with multi level donation form #712
- User Role Cleanup #662
Closed issues:
- Fix notices appearing on form list table #1319
- --- #1302
- Add Google analytics ecommerce tracking code to donation confirmation page #1238
- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /plugins/give/includes/admin/forms/class-metabox-form-data.php on line 767 #1229
- Inconsistent naming of class-setting-system-info.php #1173
- Remove bulk edit "Price" field #1252
- Default term & condition label is not showing in form in release/1.7 #1240
- a11y + UX : The terms agreement checkbox should be a required field #1200
- a11y: Shortcodes required fields #1193
- CLI Improvement: id parameter on report command unclear #1192
- CLI Improvement: Export Donor List in Machine Readable Format #1191
- CLI Improvement: Ability to filter donors by form #1190
- Give 1.7: --name parameter does not work on the wp give donors CLI command #1189
- Update CMB2 #1188
- a11y: Payments method list #1186
- a11y: fieldset hierarchy #1181
- a11y: Donation form required fields #1178
- a11y: terms show/hide should be a button not a link #1177
- Slowness on Transactions and Logs screens #1172
- Reverting hooks that use "payment" in 1.7 #1160
- Give form action URL needs escaped differently #1146
- Clicking outside modal should not close the modal #1116
- there is an error in one of the spanish states in the give_get_spain_states_list function (line 922) #1113
- Profile Editor Template #1111
global $wp\_post\_statuses
#1101 - STOP USING
global $wp\_taxonomies
#1099 - STOP USING
global $wp\_post\_types
#1097 - STOP USING
global $give\_options
#1024 - Error messages in trigger_error() #1019
global $pagenow
#1017 - STOP USING
global $wp\_admin\_bar
#1015 - STOP USING
global $current\_user
#1013 - STOP USING
global $wp\_version
#1011 - i18n improvements #1005
- Remove "Form Labels" functions from translation strings #1003
- Automate RTL using gulp #995
- Move CSS from
#993 - PO/MO language files and i18n improvements in 4.6 #967
- Use only one text-domain #964
- Fix pre-4.6 backwards compatibility which broke unit tests #957
- Give tabs need consistent nav-tab-wrapper class #936
- a11y: donor profile page missing h1 heading #934
- a11y: donor stats in donor profile page #931
- a11y: progress bar accessibility #925
- a11y: newsletter form #924
- a11y: table accessibility #922
- a11y: check label focus #920
- a11y: replace
attributes witharia-label
where needed #918 - Transaction page improvements #887
- Merge similar translation strings #879
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #1319 #1321 (ravinderk)
- Updated screenshots, text and minor CSS edits for welcome screen #1264 #1318 (DevinWalker)
- Release/1.7 merging to master for release #1317 (DevinWalker)
- Update cmb2 backword competibility to WP version 4.7 #1316 (ravinderk)
- Tests #1315 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/give sidebar #1314 (ravinderk)
- Filter wysiwyg setting field value #1313 (ravinderk)
- issue/1309 #1312 (ravinderk)
- Improving doc blocks / Scrutinizer #675 #1308 (DevinWalker)
- Tests #1306 (ravinderk)
- Issues/884 #1304 (ravinderk)
- Issues/679 #1303 (ravinderk)
- Fix setting api #1301 (ravinderk)
- Minor: Fix typo #1297 (ravinderk)
- Issues/867 #1294 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1268 #1292 (ravinderk)
- Hotfix/give form title #1291 (ravinderk)
- Do not render unpublish or transhed form #1288 (ravinderk)
- Issues/850 #1282 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1276 #1281 (ravinderk)
- Issues/520 #1280 (ravinderk)
- Issue/520 revisions #1279 (DevinWalker)
- Show default title in donation list #1277 (ravinderk)
- Issues/866 #1275 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1269 #1274 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1247 #1272 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/520 #1270 (ravinderk)
- New licensing UI updates and code review #1267 (DevinWalker)
- Consolidate offline donation gateway functions #1266 (DevinWalker)
- Revert "Add line and file name to error notice" #1265 (DevinWalker)
- Add line and file name to error notice #1263 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1261 #1262 (ravinderk)
- Re issues/997 #1257 (ravinderk)
- refactor give_get_payment_status #1256 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1247 #1255 (DevinWalker)
- Remove amount field from quick and bulk edit #1254 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1250 #1251 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1119 #1248 (DevinWalker)
- issue/896 #1246 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1244 #1245 (DevinWalker)
- Do not short array tag because we support PHP 5.3 >= #1243 (ravinderk)
- show global and default tern and agreement text conditionally #1241 (ravinderk)
- Issue/896 #1239 (DevinWalker)
- Minor fix: param is not need in delete_cache function #1237 (ravinderk)
- Show multi level price if level title is not defined #1236 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1119 #1235 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1200 - terms agreement checkbox a11y #1234 (ramiy)
- Fixed unit tests and #1233 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1172 #1226 (ravinderk)
- Update update_donation_details --> update_payment_details #1225 (ravinderk)
- Issue/662 #1224 (DevinWalker)
- Updated CMB2 to #1222 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1196 #1221 (DevinWalker)
- Change class-setting-system-info.php file name to follow file naming … #1219 (ravinderk)
- Make type of changes suggestion comment in pr github template #1218 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1191 #1217 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1171 #1216 (ravinderk)
- Issue/826 #1214 (kevinwhoffman)
- Add logo function command to give cli #1213 (ravinderk)
- Issues/1190 #1202 (ravinderk)
- Issues/970 #1009 (ravinderk)
- Issues/957 #960 (ravinderk)
1.6.4 (2016-11-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- New Email tag for just the donation title without level #943
Fixed bugs:
- "This plugin does not have a valid header" message #1208
- If theme doesn't register image sizes our we get a PHP Warning on the Give Settings page #1163
Closed issues:
- a11y: Terms fieldset legend #1179
- User Integration with Events Calendar #1133
- mod_security flagging our icomoon font #794
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.6.4 #1210 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed {donation} and new {amount} email tag #1209 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/794 #1207 (DevinWalker)
- Add license.txt #1205 (mathetos)
- Ravinderk issues/724 #1203 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1189 #1198 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1193 - Shortcodes required fields #1194 (ramiy)
- Issue/1186 - Payments method radio buttons accessibility #1187 (ramiy)
- Issue/1177 - Accessible terms display #1185 (ramiy)
- Issue/1178 - Use
in required fields #1184 (ramiy) - Issue/1181 - displays terms fieldset before checkout fieldset, not inside #1183 (ramiy)
- Issue/1179 - add <legend> to Terms <fieldset> #1182 (ramiy)
- Escape translation strings #1176 (ramiy)
- Minor Fixed #1170 (ravinderk)
- Hide unnessary attachment detail fields #1169 (ravinderk)
- Add image sizes to modal #1168 (ravinderk)
- Provided a default icon "chevron right" #1078 #1167 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1163 #1165 (mathetos)
- Issue/1114 #1162 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1160 #1161 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1036 #1158 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1141 #1151 (kevinwhoffman)
1.6.3 (2016-10-26)
Fixed bugs:
- PayPal Standard Payment Being Incorrectly Set to Failed #1152
- Custom number of decimals formatting is not working in give_sanitize_amount #1144
Closed issues:
- oEmbed of Give Blog Posts on GiveWP.com #1138
- Change the "Completed Donations" language on the Donor Profile tab of the Donor admin page #1134
- Widget UI #1086
- Add a dedication functionality #176
- Make the email access message filterable. #1147
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/1152 #1155 (DevinWalker)
- Release/1.6.3 #1154 (DevinWalker)
- Fix PayPal Standard Failing for Donation Transactions - Issue/1152 #1153 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1147 #1150 (ramiy)
- Issue/1130 #1149 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issues/1144 #1145 (ravinderk)
- Add give_is_close_donation_form filter hook #1142 (ravinderk)
- Issue/509 #1140 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1134 - update the "Completed Forms" title in "Donor Profile" screen #1139 (ramiy)
- Issue/1122 #1137 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1130 #1136 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1131 #1135 (kevinwhoffman)
- Release/1.8 #1129 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1116 #1128 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1121 #1127 (kevinwhoffman)
- Issue/1119 #1125 (ramiy)
- Issue/1122 #1123 (ramiy)
- Issue/1113 - Update spanish "Álava" state in give_get_spain_states_list() #1120 (ramiy)
- Issues/896 #1118 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1111 - Fix profile editor field alignment #1115 (ramiy)
- Issue/896 #1110 (ravinderk)
- README.MD: add "built with gulp" badge :-) #1109 (ramiy)
- i18n: Fix wrong use to translation string function #1107 (ramiy)
- Fix admin_url() function usage #1106 (ramiy)
- issues/896 #1104 (ravinderk)
- Comment pr #980 code #1103 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1101 - STOP USING
global $wp\_post\_statuses
#1102 (ramiy) - Issue/1099 - STOP USING
global $wp\_taxonomies
#1100 (ramiy) - Issue/1097 - STOP USING
global $wp\_post\_types
#1098 (ramiy) - Issue/1017 - STOP USING
global $pagenow
#1096 (ramiy) - update phpDocs #1095 (ramiy)
- Issues/1062 #1093 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1049 - conditional edit messages #1092 (ramiy)
- Test: remove unneeded test check #1090 (ramiy)
- Issues/1065 #1089 (ravinderk)
- Fix typo in change log #1088 (GaryJones)
- Issues/576 #1068 (ravinderk)
1.6.2 (2016-10-04)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- PayPal Standard w/ donation form that has an apostrophe issue and processing message #1079
- Stop donor from saving empty email address #999
Closed issues:
- Dynamically update giving form Amount #1057
- New Issue & PR Template and .github directory #1052
- Unifying the addons action-links in "plugin" screen #1033
- Addon alerts have RTL issue #1031
- Update readme.txt changelog so Github links have nicer hyperlink #1083
- Improve add-on activation banner style #1081
- Use radio buttons for floating label setting option in widget #1042
- Use i18n module #1021
Merged pull requests:
- Release/1.6.2 #1085 (DevinWalker)
- Readme.txt improvements #1084 (DevinWalker)
- New i18n banner and Add-on activation banner improvements #1082 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1079 #1080 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/976 #1077 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1073 #1076 (ravinderk)
- Fix bulk action issue for api setting tab #1075 (ravinderk)
- Issue/281 text icons #1072 (DevinWalker)
- Issues/1061 #1071 (ravinderk)
- Release/1.8 #1070 (ravinderk)
- Translate deprecated hook notice #1067 (ramiy)
- Issue/1017 - STOP USING
global $pagenow
#1066 (ramiy) - Issues/1051 #1060 (ravinderk)
- Issues/668 #1059 (ravinderk)
- Give License #1058 (ramiy)
- Issue/1035 - Automation: minify plugin images #1056 (ramiy)
- Convert float label widget setting to radio button #1048 (ravinderk)
- Plugin action links #1045 (ramiy)
- Scrutinizer Docs #1044 (ramiy)
- minor updates #1043 (ramiy)
- Add option to widget to allow opening in modal/reveal #1041 (ravinderk)
- Issues/999 #1040 (ravinderk)
- Issue/1031 - Addon alerts RTL issue #1032 (ramiy)
- Issue/1028 - Start using
for sreen titles #1029 (ramiy) - Scrutinizer Comprehensibility #1026 (ramiy)
- Scrutinizer braces #1025 (ramiy)
- Issue/1013 - Use
$current\_user = wp\_get\_current\_user\(\)
instead ofglobal $current\_user
#1023 (ramiy) - Docs: globals #1022 (ramiy)
- Issue/1019 - Error messages in trigger_error() #1020 (ramiy)
- Issue/960 - globals in deprecated filters/actions #1018 (ramiy)
- Issue/1015 - Use the action parameter instead of
global $wp\_admin\_bar
#1016 (ramiy) - Issue/1013 - Use
$current\_user = wp\_get\_current\_user\(\)
instead ofglobal $current\_user
#1014 (ramiy) - Issue/1011 - Use
get\_bloginfo\( 'version' \)
instead ofglobal $wp\_version
#1012 (ramiy) - Issue/1005 - i18n improvements #1006 (ramiy)
1.6.1 (2016-09-06)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Notices generated when user submit donation form #954
- Pre-populate First and Last name in PayPal Standard #945
- Apostrophe's break how Goals amounts are output #914
- Thousands separator doesn't respect apostrophe's #913
- Currency icon css issue for money field #902
- Date incorrect in transaction details view #898
- Switching donation form in transaction view "-2" appears when no form set #877
- Blank preview email for new installs that haven't saved options #863
- Payment errors log missing gateway data and payment ID column issue #780
Closed issues:
- Styling issue on donor profile editor page #997
- a11y: review row action links accessibility #948
- a11y: View Details #946
- Id columns #915
- Css conflict in donation information metabox #906
- Add Support for Beaver Builder #690
- Readme.txt screenshot issues #990
- Encode html link print for empty offline donation message #981
- Donation amount is not updating while changing payment gaetway #956
- Revert Settings AJAX tabs from #494 #937
Merged pull requests:
- Default email receipt value upon install #1008 (DevinWalker)
- PayPal first and last name support #1007 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/1003 - Remove "Form Labels" functions from translation strings #1004 (ramiy)
- Issue/995 - Automate RTL using gulp #1002 (ramiy)
- Issues/997 #998 (ravinderk)
- i18n Improvements #996 (ramiy)
- Issue/993 - Move CSS from
#994 (ramiy) - Use missing parameter #989 (ravinderk)
- Issue/943 - Fix the title level text in {donation} email template tag #988 (ramiy)
- Issue/896 - Terminology: Donators > Donors #987 (ramiy)
- Release/1.6.1 #984 (DevinWalker)
- Fix issue #981 #982 (ravinderk)
- Override per form term and condition empty settings with global setting #980 (ravinderk)
- minor updates #978 (ramiy)
- Issue/967 - language files #977 (ramiy)
- Make exception message translatable #974 (ramiy)
- Issues/957 #973 (ravinderk)
- Fix typo: "login" is a noun or adjective. "log in" is the verb. #971 (Benunc)
- Cleanup all option (transients) when user uninstall plugin #969 (ravinderk)
- Issue/964 - gulp text-domain task #966 (ramiy)
- Update doc block in formatting.php #965 (ravinderk)
- Issues/773 #963 (ravinderk)
- Issue/876 - Shorten description strings in Give Settings Screen #961 (ramiy)
- Donor screen - view form table #958 (ramiy)
- Hotfix/fix notices #955 (ravinderk)
- Issue/581 - Add {receipt_link_url} email tag #953 (ramiy)
- Issues/804 #952 (ravinderk)
- issues/687 #951 (ravinderk)
- Issues/896 #950 (ravinderk)
- Issue/948 - row action links accessibility #949 (ramiy)
- Issue/946 - replace generic "View Details" string with specific strings #947 (ramiy)
- Issues/357 #944 (ravinderk)
- issues/914 #942 (ravinderk)
- Issue/780 #941 (DevinWalker)
- Settings tab revert #940 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/924 - newsletter form accessibility #939 (ramiy)
- Issue/936 - Use WordPress
class in Donor screen tabs #938 (ramiy) - Issue/934 - add H1 heading to admin "Donor" screen #935 (ramiy)
- Dynamic filter hooks #932 (ramiy)
- Fix issues #712 #930 (ravinderk)
- issues/902 #929 (ravinderk)
- Issues/913 #928 (ravinderk)
- Issue/925 - progress bar accessibility #927 (ramiy)
- Issue/922 - table accessibility #923 (ramiy)
- Issue/920 - check label focus #921 (ramiy)
- Issue/918 - replace
attributes witharia-label
#919 (ramiy) - Docs: document template action hooks #917 (ramiy)
- Terminology: Transaction > Donation #912 (ramiy)
- Simpler code for "contributor list" #911 (ramiy)
- Docs: document customer action hooks #910 (ramiy)
- minor title updates #909 (ramiy)
- Fix issue #902 #908 (ravinderk)
- Issues/351 #907 (ravinderk)
- Transaction Details > Donor Details Metabox #905 (ramiy)
- Transaction Details > Donation Details Metabox (Responsiveness) #904 (ramiy)
- Prevent generate give action related notices #901 (ravinderk)
- Dynamic action hooks structure #900 (ramiy)
- Document action hooks #899 (ramiy)
- a11y: add role="search" for better accessibility #895 (ramiy)
- Docs: document action hooks #894 (ramiy)
- a11y: remove "title" attributes for better accessibility #891 (ramiy)
- a11y: transaction page #888 (ramiy)
- Make transaction columns "Donation Form" and "Status" sortable #886 (ramiy)
- i18n Improvements #885 (ramiy)
- Merge similar translation strings #883 (ramiy)
- Give cli #882 (ravinderk)
- Fix issues #877 #880 (ravinderk)
- i18n improvements #878 (ramiy)
- phpDocs - documenting give actions #875 (ramiy)
- Text Change - replace "Lost Password?" with "Reset Password" #874 (ramiy)
- i18n: add esc_html__() function to make the string translatable #873 (ramiy)
- a11y - add 'for' attributes to labels #872 (ramiy)
1.6 (2016-08-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- FPDF Library is outdated #756
- Add Conditional Functions #832
- Unify wp_die() all over the plugin. Add title and HTML status response codes. #828
- Auto select api key when click on input field on apikey list page #823
- Adjust donor name and donation ID column in transaction list #814
- Allow developers to skip gateways by filter when changing pending payments to abandon payments #809
- Allow developers to add a custom logo image to "Export PDF of Donations and Income" #802
- Add setting to set number of decimal points shown and saved in prices #738
- Allow user to add custom logout url to give_login shortcode #702
- Update the country dropdown to use the new ISO country codes for islands in Dutch West Indies #698
- Introduce Customer Meta Table & Class w/ CRUD Methods #653
- Add a way to make large goals (and progress) more readable. #650
- Switch a transaction to a different form #429
- Add template for Give Goals #411
Fixed bugs:
- Amount not formatting after adding a new level to multi-level form #864
- Transaction ID link goes to 404 page #865
- PHP 5.2 Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context #860
- Add email tag support for offline donation admin notification #846
- "Author" User role has a useless shortcode generator on pages and posts #845
- Dashboard donation stats widget not counting test payments and incorrect # formatting #837
- Wrong total api key count on api key list page #821
- Transaction list and donor donation list design break on tablet and mobile #813
- esc_html doesn't expect a textdomain #781
- Amount field not formatting on focus out & lingering tooltip issues #778
- Issue with padlock icon CSS #769
- Mixed content warning with placeholder image #768
- Goal format not respecting space for thousands separator #764
- Bug related to i18n esc_attr__ usage #759
- Export Donation History no longer has Form Title and also has unnecessary columns #757
- Unrendered html in multi-level donation confirmation emails. #754
- Reports Tooltip & Donation Counts Needs Proper Formatting #749
- Admin Amount Field Tooltip Issues Related to #734 #747
- Multiple modal popups with "show terms" on one page lead to JS issues. #741
- Auto populate correct donation level when user adds a matching custom amount #730
- Donation stat for donor and form is not decrease when payment status change from complete to cancel #726
- Categories and Tags are registering incorrectly on a fresh install #725
- Form stats increase each time the payment status changes from revoked to complete #722
- Unable to see payment history for donors with unusual characters in the email #717
- Auto populate state list is not working on transaction detail page #715
- Update user lifetime donation stat when donation amount changed in payment in wp backend #714
- Prevent admin/give user to save negative donation amount from wp backend #708
- Need to add better support for the use of a space as thousands separator value #696
- Amount formatting issue #693
- Text editor do not have same height for visual mode and text mode. #688
- Email Previews & Add-on Specific Email Tags Don't Display #274
- Form stats increase each time the payment status changes from revoked to complete #785 (ravinderk)
Closed issues:
- Update Google Logo on Mashup Metabox #739
- Prevent user to save non numeric or negative amount #705
- Dedicated Funds for donations #701
- Dismissing notices doesn't dismiss them on refresh #365
- Update floating labels links to go to our documentation #869
- Role typo causing stats not to display properly for new installs #861
- Accessibility Headings #820
- Css conflict appear when users see receipt in browser & admins preview emails in wp-admin #818
- i18n: Add translator comments #746
- RTL Audit & Resolution #736
- Remove @description due to not being PHP DocBlock compliance #733
- Update to latest version of CMB2 & Test Compatiblity #670
- Incorporate proper sanitization for i18n strings #471
- Fix translatable strings according to GlotPress #451
Merged pull requests:
- Amount not formatting after adding a new level to multi-level form #870 (ravinderk)
- Transaction column fixes and touch ups #865 #868 (DevinWalker)
- Release/1.6 #859 (DevinWalker)
- a11y in give shortcode #858 (ramiy)
- phpDocs #856 (ramiy)
- phpDocs #855 (ramiy)
- Ravinderk hotfix/issues/814 #854 (DevinWalker)
- removes EDD language #851 (Benunc)
- Add check for ability to edit give forms #849 (Benunc)
- phpDocs - various updates #848 (ramiy)
- Fixes Admin Offline Donation Notification #847 (Benunc)
- minor context update #843 (ramiy)
- Fixed incorrect formatting in dashboard widget #837 #840 (DevinWalker)
- a11y: use WordPress default screen-reader class #829 (ramiy)
- issues/675 #825 (ravinderk)
- Auto select api key when click on input field #824 (ravinderk)
- Fix transient key name #822 (ravinderk)
- New filter for PDF export logo #816 (DevinWalker)
- i18n sucurity: escaping translation strings - Resolve Merge Conflict #811 (DevinWalker)
- Do not pass more then three params to remove_filter #808 (ravinderk)
- Issues/411 #805 (ravinderk)
- Issues/757 #803 (ravinderk)
- Corrects capitalization for proper localization #799 (Benunc)
- update readme links "http" => "https" #798 (ramiy)
- update readme file typo "the the" => "the" #797 (ramiy)
- Issue/725 #793 (DevinWalker)
- Makes country names translatable #786 (Benunc)
- Missing code #783 (ravinderk)
- i18n: don't esc strings with html code #779 (ramiy)
- Fix amount style in form header for larger donation #777 (ravinderk)
- i18n sucurity: escaping translation strings #776 (ramiy)
- Fixed TinyMCE height issue #688 #765 (DevinWalker)
- Ravinderk issues/650 #763 (DevinWalker)
- strips the tags from the donation form #762 (Benunc)
- i18n: fix html esc issue #760 (ramiy)
- i18n: Add translator comments #753 (ramiy)
- Reports Tooltip & Dohttps://github.com/WordImpress/Give/pull/751nation Counts Needs Proper Formatting #751 (ravinderk)
- Admin Amount Field Tooltip Issues Related to #748 (ravinderk)
- i18n Improvments #745 (ramiy)
- Remove @description tag from code documentation #743 (ravinderk)
- Text Changes: periods #740 (ramiy)
- Permission Error Messages #737 (ramiy)
- Remove @description tag from code documentation #735 (ravinderk)
- Amount formatting #734 (ravinderk)
- Few more i18n improvments #732 (ramiy)
- Fix code documentation #731 (ravinderk)
- Fix broken plugin welcome url #728 (ravinderk)
- Decrease stat if payment update from revoked/complete to cancelled #727 (ravinderk)
- Remove unnecessary %s from form report detail page #721 (ravinderk)
- Fix coding documentation #720 (ravinderk)
- Break from foreach loop if price id found for multi donation form #719 (ravinderk)
- Fix view all donation for this donor link #718 (ravinderk)
- Remove current total instead of new total from old user donation stat #713 (ravinderk)
- Fix code documentation #711 (ravinderk)
- More i18n improvments #710 (ramiy)
- i18n Improvments #707 (ramiy)
- Fix code documentation #706 (ravinderk)
- Adds "forgot password" link to login form. #700 (Benunc)
- add/update caribbean islands on country list #699 (pryley)
- Fix documentation #695 (ravinderk)
- Remove console.log from admin-scripts.js #694 (ravinderk)
- Issues/670 #692 (ravinderk)
- Unit test fixes and resolved travis-ci issues #838 (DevinWalker)
- Multiple enhancements to the donation receipt preview functionality #274 #835 (DevinWalker)
- Add Give conditional functions #831 (ramiy)
- New Customer Meta Class & Table #830 (DevinWalker)
- Unify wp_die() all over the plugin. Add title and HTML status response codes. #827 (ramiy)
- i18n and a11y Improvments #819 (ramiy)
- Setting to set number of decimal points #817 (ravinderk)
- issues/809 #815 (ravinderk)
- Give frontend RTL #812 (ramiy)
- More RTL Updates #796 (DevinWalker)
- Amount field not formatting on focus out & lingering tooltip issues #784 (ravinderk)
- Auto populate correct donation level when user add amount on checkout page #775 (ravinderk)
- Fix smaller then million amount formatting issue #772 (ravinderk)
- Issue/769 #771 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/715 #766 (DevinWalker)
- Ravinderk issues/429 - Switch a transaction to a different form #761 (DevinWalker)
- adds form id to terms link class #742 (Benunc)
- Fix user lifetime donation stat #716 (ravinderk)
- Issues/702 #704 (ravinderk)
1.5.2 (2016-07-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Log for Forms Need Status Column #684
Fixed bugs:
- Don't Display Submit button for API Tab in Settings & Improve Instructions #681
- Bug when clicking on donors name from transactions list #680
- give_forms doesn't register correctly on new installs #671
Closed issues:
- Donation amount and count get reduced when delete pending donation #677
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed issue with API key & settings, customize description so it's be… #686 (DevinWalker)
- New status column for donation logs #685 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/677 #683 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/671 #682 (DevinWalker)
- Modifies language to be donation-specific #678 (Benunc)
1.5.1 (2016-06-30)
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/671 #672 (DevinWalker)
1.5 (2016-06-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Agree to Terms checkbox should be on the lefthand side #669
- Feature Request: Private Donation Checkbox #83
- Remove use of Grunt #666
- [give_receipt] needs Donor Name as an attribute #645
- Export additional data for donors in Reports #630
- Add South Korean Won to Currencies #624
- Remove the fr_FR from the extension #618
- New Payments Class #504
- Make settings tabs actual tabs without reload #494
- Advanced feature: Delete all test payments #441
- Implement honeypot to prevent spam submissions #424
- Add Date Range for Export Donation History #414
- Make Payment Gateways Drag/Drop Reorderable #391
- Add Moroccan currency #381
- Ability to Adjust Payment Gateway Order Easily #276
- Add ability to delete all test transactions #263
- Show Multi-level labels on confirmation page and reports #175
Fixed bugs:
- Duplicate "Save Settings" buttons #651
- "Request Billing Information" checkbox doesn't properly override Global setting #649
- Attaching a new user to a donor isn't updating #644
- Need to Remove shortcode generator when visual editor disabled in user settings #638
- Bug with shortcode & show_content when two of the same forms on a page #634
- Reports Custom Date Range & Refresh Reports Button Overlap #626
- give_get_current_page_url and domain mapped server with $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] #622
- Reports Tooltips not displaying currency properly formatted #620
- Transactions Status Changes Causes Donation Form Income Amounts + Goals to Not Calculate Correctly #188
Closed issues:
- French translation not working properly #525
- Make ALL the ids be unique to avoid multiple identical ids when multiple forms are on the page #379
- Support for the "Catch Evolution" theme #632
- Add South African & South Korea Currency Support #631
- Unit tests for reports needed #397
- Automatically close Forms that reach their Goal #168
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/666 #667 (DevinWalker)
- Honeypot field now being validated server side rather than via JS, wh… #665 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/630 #663 (DevinWalker)
- Corrects instances of "products" in comments #661 (Benunc)
- fixes typo in comment #660 (Benunc)
- Properly check for form value for offline billing field out put htt… #659 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/175 #657 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/644 #656 (DevinWalker)
- Remove action once added to prevent incorrect output when multiple do… #654 (DevinWalker)
- Automatically close Forms that reach their Goal #642 (ravinderk)
- Implement honeypot to prevent spam submissions #641 (ravinderk)
- Make Payment Gateways Drag/Drop Reorderable #640 (ravinderk)
- Adds check for visual editor #637 (Benunc)
- Use funciton give_get_errors instead edd_get_errors #635 (ravinderk)
- Merge pull request #628 from WordImpress/release/1.5 #629 (DevinWalker)
- Release/1.5 #628 (DevinWalker)
- Fix bug on current_url retrival #625 (Rahe)
- Properly set hover ID - it was 'earnings' when we changed it to 'inco… #623 (DevinWalker)
- Release/1.5 #664 (DevinWalker)
1.4.5 (2016-05-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Bug with $_REQUEST array key being passed causes improper min. donation calc #616
Closed issues:
- Typo in help text #617
1.4.4 (2016-05-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Version 1.4.3 breaks modal popup display method #615
1.4.3 (2016-05-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add Error Reporting Level to System Report #605
Fixed bugs:
- Error Related to minimum donation amount. #610
- Run install process when network activated and new WP site is created #609
- Update the email address of a customer record when the email on a user is updated #607
- If Min. Donation is 0 Don't Display the Notice #604
- Bug with is_single_price_mode() method in Give_Donate_Form #602
- Bug with Donation History Pagination #600
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/609 #613 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/610 #612 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/607 #608 (DevinWalker)
- Don't display minimum amount warning if it's 0 #604 #606 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/602 #603 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/600 #601 (DevinWalker)
1.4.2 (2016-04-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Break up readme.txt changelog into changelog.txt and add release dates #596
- Remove ID column from multi-value column & Cleanup CSS #554
Fixed bugs:
- Bug with Custom Amount Minimum due to ,/. confusion on FR locale #591
- Set Email Access Token When Enabled Upon Successful Donation #587
- Card number is passed to $_SESSION with ['post_data'] #585
- Closing Give Donation Modal Displays give-hidden classes improperly #582
- Fix line breaking with animation "Updating Amount" #556
- Add a cancel/back button to the optional login form #500
Closed issues:
- Ability to Add Manual Transactions in the backend #163
- Unreachable code after return statement #586
- Two Functions for Getting Success Page URL #547
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/586 #595 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/556 #594 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed bug with Custom Amount minimum and currencies with "," for deci… #592 (DevinWalker)
- Fix: Tooltips weren't loading properly when clicking the "Cancel" but… #589 (DevinWalker)
- Fixes small typo in admin ajax notice #584 (MikePayne)
- Added give hidden to not method within magnific close method #583 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/554 #598 (DevinWalker)
- New changelog.txt file and added dates #596 #597 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/587 #588 (DevinWalker)
1.4.1 (2016-04-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add DOM extension and MBString extension to System Info #560
- Improve WordPress.org Screenshots #528
- Added a check for DOM and MBString PHP extensions in System Info tab #566 (DevinWalker)
Fixed bugs:
- Some Give settings don't have defaults #577
- login/cancel/register checkout form links don't trigger float-labels, and it has problems when changing gateways #574
- Email Access Cookie Set Incorrectly Breaks Viewing Details #570
- Validation conflicts with MemberPress #568
- If no Live Transactions log drop down doesn't display properly #564
- Member-only donation forms don't display member-only validation responses properly #551
- Issue/551 #567 (DevinWalker)
Closed issues:
- Error messages don't show on
if user is not logged in #572 - [give_receipt] attributes needs docs #335
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/551 #580 (DevinWalker)
- Tested #563 and give_set_error works well in admin #579 (DevinWalker)
- Fix login/cancel/register checkout form link behavior #575 (pryley)
- Add the form ID to template action hooks #573 (pryley)
- Set appropriate cookie path using constant COOKIE_PATH #571 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/564 #578 (DevinWalker)
- Force JavaScript validation to only look at Give forms #569 (jimwebb)
- Issue/562 #565 (DevinWalker)
1.4 (2016-04-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a link to settings page from the plugin listing page #531
- Alternatives for allow_url_fopen or fail gracefully #511
- System Info should check for ZLib, GD, and allow_url_fopen #506
- Improve speed of Shortcode selector #463
- Guest Donors should be able to access their donation history if they later create an account #446
- Goal formatting is not easily filterable #387
- Featured image size option for single donation forms found under Sett… #557 (DevinWalker)
- Added additional checks to the "System Info" settings tab #506 #534 (DevinWalker)
- Added new "Goal Format" option which will allow totals to be output b… #533 (DevinWalker)
- New links on the plugin settings page Fixes #531 #532 (DevinWalker)
Fixed bugs:
- When form is on the homepage it fails in various ways #545
- Request Email Access link then Giving Refresh Issue #558
- Email compatibility with Mandrill Regarding - HTML email problems with Mandrill #548
- Issues with Gulp File Minify & Sourcemaps #542
- Improve templating wrapper start and end with various themes #537
- Blurry Single Donation Form Featured Image #535
- Bug give_get_current_page_url() $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] #530
- Increase Modal Windows Z-Index Value #524
- PHP Warning upon activation for currency setting #523
- "Custom Amount Text" should not show if the field is left blank #522
- Session cookies are created on every page load preventing various caches #521
- Transactions with a "cancelled" status are not shown in the wp-admin Transactions table #514
- Transaction Complete Issue when Creating an Account Upon Donation #505
- Refresh Sessions or Login Functionality when expired sessions for receipt links & r #496
- The plugin overwrites other styles and breaks them #466
- Why do we have two names for the same image size? #412
- Don't mess with the success page URI Fixes #558 #559 (DevinWalker)
- New plugin-compatibility.php file #549 (DevinWalker)
- Allow for $0 set donations to be saved properly #529 #540 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/530 #536 (DevinWalker)
Closed issues:
- Personalise tooltips #33
- You have to ( save + reload ) after enabling a gateway in order to select it as the default #512
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/527 #541 (DevinWalker)
- Show "cancelled" transactions on Transaction page #515 (pryley)
- Issue/521 #561 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/496 #553 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/521 #552 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/523 #550 (DevinWalker)
- Use trailingslashit to prevent homepage redirect #545 #546 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/542 #544 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/537 #539 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/535 #538 (DevinWalker)
- Check $_POST for enabled gateways before $give_options #519 (pryley)
- Adding unit tests for the Give_Donate_Form class #517 (cklosowski)
- Issue/412 #516 (DevinWalker)
1.3.6 (2016-03-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add deployment script to WordPress.org from Github #513
- AJAX spinner animation optimization #508
- Not all Legends have filters #487
- Offline Donations Admin Notification Needs Better Messaging #448
- Offline Donation Emails not using Give_Emails class #447
- Ability to set a minimum donation amount #390
- Add Total Donations to Payment Methods Report #302
- add currency sign to give_format_currency() #486 (pryley)
- Modified get_earnings to filter by payment gateway in use #478 (DevinWalker)
Fixed bugs:
- Field Validation Needed for "Disable Guest Donations" Checkbox #503
- Switching levels doesn't show the loading animation #510
- Sessions should not be started in WP admin OR switch action to send_headers #493
- Update icon in dashboard widget #492
- Card type image not showing when floating-labels is enabled #490
- Donation total does not show the currency sign when changing custom amount #485
- PHP Warning: Deprecated wp_new_user_notification when donor creates a new account #474
- PHP7 Constructor error #470
- Revisit Floating Labels for Password & Additional Input Types #468
- Required to have value in "Custom Amount Text" for field to display #462
- Currency Symbols don't output reliably #461
- Fix placeholder image translation string #450
- "Generate API Keys" Profile setting not reflecting saved state #440
- Update Transaction Payment Date not working as expected when in "Pending" status #435
- Thai language doesn't output the Donation Title correctly on the Donation Receipt page #421
- {receipt_link} markup stripped in text-only emails #384
Closed issues:
- Blank notice when updating / saving settings #480
- Payment Gateway - Ability to rename gateway title #464
- New Troubleshooting Give Doc Article #398
- Add Spanish Translation Files #501
- Include new French translation files #472
Merged pull requests:
- Added Spanish translation files #502 (DevinWalker)
- Output URL if plain-text selected for email format #495 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/474 #483 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/448 #482 (DevinWalker)
- Added
true to wp_update_post to Fix #435 #481 (DevinWalker) - Issue/461 #477 (DevinWalker)
- New French translation files and updated readme Fixes #472 #476 (DevinWalker)
- Fixes #468 #475 (DevinWalker)
- Rename constructor method to __contruct #460 (lots0logs)
- Issue/500 #507 (DevinWalker)
- Geminilabs issue/490 #499 (DevinWalker)
- Geminilabs issue/390 #498 (DevinWalker)
- only start up sessions on frontend #497 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/440 #479 (DevinWalker)
1.3.5 (2016-01-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a setting to cap total amount one donor can give per calendar year #322
- Receipts Need More Details Specifically for Canadian Receipt Requirements #299
- Add support for TF "Philanthropy" theme #454
Fixed bugs:
- .mo file corruption issue with Brazilian Portuguese translation file #458
- Add support for TF "Philanthropy" theme #454
- Recent [give_receipt] changes affecting PayPal Standard / Offsite Gateways #452
- Readme issue with <p> tag #449
- give_receipt not passing Form title properly #443
- Give Network Activated on WP Multisite Displaying upgrade messages for new sites incorrectly #439
- Logged in user, different email address, new customer #437
- Test email save notification appears three times #364
Closed issues:
- Documentation to create add-on #455
- .progress-bar needs a prefix to avoid conflicts with Bootstrap #399
Merged pull requests:
- Correct for/id relationship in credit card fields #459 (joedolson)
- New Network Activated site setup which runs give_install() to setup n… #445 (DevinWalker)
- Check for session purchase key before shortcode attribute #444 (DevinWalker)
- Handle lack of customer id more gracefully #442 (davisshaver)
- Issue/437 #438 (DevinWalker)
1.3.4 (2015-12-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Pending "Offline Donations" payments should not be marked as abandoned #434
Merged pull requests:
- Issue/434 #436 (DevinWalker)
1.3.3 (2015-12-14)
Closed issues:
- Ensure session IDs are a valid md5 #432
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed vulnerability within wp-sessions.php #433 (DevinWalker)
1.3.2 (2015-12-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Login form has a <p> with no text in it. It's the <p> for the Submit Button #332
- Multi-level select field has no label #331
- id="give-amount" is output twice on the page, once as an input, once as a span #330
- id="give-form-{ID}"is output twice on the page, once as a div, once as the form ID #329
- <input class="give-text-input" name="give-amount"> doesn't have a label #328
- Give_Cron class needed for upcoming recurring scheduled emails #422
- Test and include new German translation files #383
- Custom wrapper needed for Avada #366
- Change labels to "Donation Form" within admin #303
- User link on Transactions Page Should goto Donor's Page #258
- Basic form & button styles #234
Fixed bugs:
- Divi 2.5 receipts fatal error #237
- Give not calculating donation total of multi-value select properly #425
- Can't get earnings for specific form (unfinished code) #408
- HTML5 Required does not alert users to the problem on iOS devices #402
- [give_register] and [give_login] and other shortcodes use of give_print_errors #394
- [give_register] shortcode template missing #393
- CMB2 Conflict with Maps Builder #389
- Donor Details dropdown is not reflecting saved value #388
- North/South Korea country codes reversed #382
- WordPress 4.4 bug and Give Tabs #377
- Address field is not editable on Donor Screen #369
- Give donation form shortcode not respecting show_goal="false" #360
- give_send_back_to_checkout() needs to take into account form ID #337
Closed issues:
- Conflicts with WP Geo #386
- HTML5 required attribute needs to respect give_is_field_required() conditonal #361
- id="give-amount" output multiple times on the page #326
- Add new Polish translation to the Give core repository #418
- Shortcode builder dialogs do not work when the "SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle" plugin is active #405
- CSS conflicts with Twenty Sixteen #401
- Divi and Give in modal tooltips CSS z-index conflict #400
- Unit Test: Login / Register functionality #342
- Unit Test: Verify constant version matches actual version #222
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed Safari iOS bug with HTML5 required attribute and form reloading… #431 (DevinWalker)
- Fix: Discrepancies between competing metakeys causing donor details d… #430 (DevinWalker)
- Added styles to fix issues with the new twentysixteen #428 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/407 #427 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed a nasty little bug passing improper amounts most likely due to … #426 (DevinWalker)
- New Give_Cron class added #423 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed textdomain and wrong use of escape functions #420 (valeriosouza)
- New polish translations fixes #418 #419 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed missing earnings stats calculation #409 (DevinWalker)
- Added table_exists method to Give_DB class #404 (ibndawood)
- Customized styles for register shortcode #395 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/389 #392 (DevinWalker)
- Updated nav wrappers #377 #378 (DevinWalker)
- Fix check in give_install_roles_on_network #376 (jimwebb)
- Fix wrong param order for _x() i18n function #375 (andrejcremoznik)
- Fix the broken link to github repo link #374 (shivapoudel)
- User link aka now "Donor" link now goes to donor's page #258 #373 (DevinWalker)
- Added the word "Donation" before for the name, add new item, and edit… #372 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/369 #371 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/234 #367 (DevinWalker)
- Wrapped html5 required attributes with give_is_field_required #361 #363 (DevinWalker)
- Take into account shortcode show_goal option when outputting goal #362 (DevinWalker)
- Added hidden label to multi-level select dropdown #359 (mathetos)
- Added hidden label to input.give-text-input #358 (mathetos)
- Swapped out "p" tags for "div's" #355 (mathetos)
- Changes div ID for the main content wrapper div to be "give-form-{ID}… #354 (mathetos)
- Edited the WooCommerce section #347 (michaelbeil)
- Restructured unit testing #415 (ibndawood)
- #405 : SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin compat #406 (pryley) (2015-10-20)
1.3.1 (2015-10-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add no-cache header to Receipt page to avoid conflict with server and browser caching #338
- Checkbox for "Create Account" #194
- Shortcode Attributes #165
- Reporting: Bar Graph Width #71
- Add html5 required attribute to required donation fields #346
- New Add-on Activation Banner Class #316
- Add Form Name or ID to CSV Export #314
- New filter needed for multilevel donation form level text #307
- New filter needed for give form classes #306
- Add new filter for default form amount #301
- The label for the "Transaction Types" just says "PayPal" right now. It should say "PayPal Transaction Type". #293
- Prefix stats transient cache keys #277
- CSS Compatibility with Jupiter Theme #170
- Add no-cache headings to the Email Receipt page. #341 (mathetos)
Fixed bugs:
- Modal CC fields get squeezed and bumped to two lines #227
- Fatal Error upon activation on Media Temple #353
- Fix broken Travis CI build test #334
- Fatal error when accessing donate page with theme that includes CMB2. #321
- $0.00 Donations are going through when Display Method is "Show on Page" #320
- Give admin dashicon incorrectly lights up on page load #315
- Settings saved successfully admin notice not displaying #312
- Multiple billing fields being output when multiple forms on a single page #310
- Divi Theme and New Shortcode Builder Conflict #304
- Floating Labels Get Messed Up with Multiple Donation Forms on a Single Page #271
- [give_receipt] attributes do not work as expected #267
- Server side validation errors don't reopen modal or slide down panel #264
Closed issues:
- For deprecating tx #348
- Support multiple currencies on site #344
- Latest update reintroduced a previous bug #300
- Allow thousands separator to be empty #213
- More efficient script loading #162
- Featured image displays in preview, but not when form inserted into a page #54
- Floating Labels Not Working with CC Masking #273
Merged pull requests:
- 😷 Remove transifex references 💀 #349 (michaelbeil)
- Issue/314 #345 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/338 #343 (DevinWalker)
- New settings_notices method for displaying the Updated message #333 (DevinWalker)
- Checks to see if CMB2 plugin is installed first the uses included CMB… #327 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/315 #318 (DevinWalker)
- New activation banner #317 (DevinWalker)
- Fixed issue with multiple gateways #311 (DevinWalker)
- Added $level arg to new filter #309 (DevinWalker)
filter added for altering multilevel donation … #308 (DevinWalker)- Issue/264 #340 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/320 #336 (DevinWalker)
- Assume multiple give dropdown buttons #305 (pryley) (2015-10-06)
Fixed bugs:
- PHP 5.2 Issue with anonymous function / Closure used in new shortcode generator #291
- Remove usage PHP 5.4+ bracket array declarations #290
- wp_mail function conflict with Mandrill and the new shortcode generator #289
- array_column() PHP 5.5 function used #288
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Shortcode "show_content" attribute now accepts 3 values #298 (pryley)
- Show the shortcode button/dropdown conditionally #297 (pryley)
- Fix: #294 #296 (pryley)
1.3 (2015-09-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Salient theme wrapper fixes #280
- Add Swedish Translation Files #238
- Add basic table styling #232
- API Enhancement: Populate Custom Meta Fields for Forms & Donations Endpoints #215
- Add "Refresh Reports" button to Reports page #210
- Loading scripts in footer #209
- Menu section should be called "Donation Forms" #196
- Fully test multisite compatibility and network settings #180
Fixed bugs:
- Fix broken welcome screen columns #287
- Salient theme wrapper fixes #280
- Conditional floating labels not respecting switching payment gateways #278
- Floating Labels Clashing with Custom Fields #272
- Stripe floating label is undefined #270
- Norwegian Kroner Not Showing #265
- Unit Tests Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_post_type_viewable() in /tmp/wordpress-tests-lib/includes/utils.php on line 365 #255
- Multiple Give Forms on Single Page Causes CC Validation to Fail #254
- When Only a Payment Gateway without CC Fields is Active Fatal JS error #253
filter is always set tofalse
#249- Reports bar graphs incorrectly overlaid on eachother #248
- Reports JS Uncaught Error: Time mode requires the flot.time plugin. #246
- Include CMB2CSS in the head to avoid FOUC #243
- Test Mode Active notification displays for editors when inactive #242
- Custom amount field needs to display numbers by default on mobile/tablet #233
- Modal has no close button #228
- Custom Amount label in PayPal Standard is wrong #212
- Licenses are not deleted when deactivated #203
- Form Content Wrap doesn't go full width without Featured Image #192
- Multiple donations don't display in reports or on the forms fields #85
Closed issues:
- Adding donation area below the content of every post? #286
- Purchase confirmation? #285
- Where is the shopping cart? #284
- Removing addon and then adding same addon bug? #283
- Shortcodes not outputting properly on page #279
- Change the ajax loader from "Updating Price" to "Updating Amount" #269
- Documentation: New Give Goals shortcode #261
- Admin Column: If no goal is set for form show "n/a" rather than "0.00" #256
- Session Issues with Pantheon and Possibly PHP 5.6+ #218
- Create Shortcode for Goals #184
Merged pull requests:
- Hotfix/fix floatlabel on events #282 (pryley)
- Feature: 1. Form-specific float-labels option / 2. Extended shortcode attributes #275 (pryley)
- Refresh button for Issue/210 #266 (DevinWalker)
- Fix for Issue/249 #262 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/184 #260 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/188 #259 (DevinWalker)
- Check if form has goal for admin column #257 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/203 #252 (DevinWalker)
- Re: #249 #251 (pryley)
- Fix bar order in report graph: #248 #250 (pryley)
- Fixes: #246 #247 (pryley)
- Create give-sv_SE.mo #241 (mepmepmep)
- Create give-sv_SE.po #240 (mepmepmep)
- Feature/bower #236 (pryley)
- bump float-labels.js to v1.0.4 #235 (pryley)
- Feature/floatlabels #204 #231 (pryley)
- Added option to disable single give forms sidebar #230 (DevinWalker)
- New option to load scripts in the footer Fixes #209 #229 (DevinWalker)
1.2.1 (2015-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- UX Improvement for viewing Donations Details #216
- Success Page Fallback #214
- Status change options on the history screen #34
- Custom Slug #27
Fixed bugs:
- Donation History Shortcode Error CSS Hidden by Default #225
- PayPal Standard back button issue #221
- Modal loads ALL form data #217
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed #216 #224 (DevinWalker)
- Issue/214 #223 (DevinWalker)
1.2 (2015-09-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- trigger JS events after any ajax requests that change the form DOM #204
- Spinner should be an icon font #193
- Custom donation #110
- Input mask for credit card fields #76
Fixed bugs:
method applied twice #208- Goal amount not respecting thousands separator #205
- GIVE_SLUG define doesn't affect slug #199
- Fix widget tooltips #195
- Addons page PHP Warnings #191
- Form title not displayed on PayPal Standard #190
- Polish and verify give_is_admin_page() new function #187
Closed issues:
- Broken SSL padlock! #220
- New map post title while map builder modal customizer is enabled by default #202
- Add new Maps Builder button notice tooltip #201
- Creation of Give Pages #197
- GoDaddy Windows Plesk Fatal Error #183
Merged pull requests:
- Use accounting.js for formatting custom donation #219 (helgatheviking)
- Extensibility improvements #211 (cwackerman)
- Input mask for credit card fields - fixes #76 #206 (pryley)
1.1 (2015-07-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Test Mode Admin Notification Improvements #174
- API Integration #172
- PalPal Standard - Display Multi-Level Select Option #164
- Optimization: Combine ALL js and CSS when SCRIPT_DEBUG turned off #64
- Offline Payment: Enhance with Donation Pending Email w/ Instructions #19
Fixed bugs:
- Font icons are block with SSL and ugly permalinks #182
- Fix Broken Donor Links #179
- Fatal Error on Give_DB_Customers #171
Closed issues:
- Transaction Detail page has "Customer" language #177
Merged pull requests:
- Change rendered text Customer to Donor #178 (topher1kenobe)
1.0.1 (2015-07-14)
1.0 (2015-07-14)
1.0.0 (2015-07-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve give_is_admin_page() function #166
Fixed bugs:
- Donor Log link goes to All logs, not filtered view of log #167
- Translations don't seem to take #161
- PHP notice #159
- Not Obvious that Custom Text is Required #158
- Divi Theme: Fix template not respecting container #157
- [give_receipt] and Divi Page Builder #156
- Modal Window Login Issue #155
- Microdata added twice to titles #154
- Warning: is_readable() [function.is-readable]: open_basedir restriction in effect. #82
Closed issues:
- Feature Request: Reoccurring donations (subscriptions) #169
- Registration form on lightbox appearance #60
Merged pull requests:
- fix PHP notice for Undefined index: _give_price. closes #159. #160 (helgatheviking) (2015-06-05)
0.9.5 (2015-06-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Composer package #131
- Shortcode: Add support for [give_profile_editor] #130
- Offline Donation Enhancements #124
- PayPal Standard: Allow Option to Switch from Donations to Standard Purchase #121
- Give - Brazilian Portuguese Translation #107
- Sending test email doesn't notify user that anything was sent #102
- Apply donation for #81
- Stripe live_publishable_key error #75
- Reporting: Switch from Line to Bar graphs #66
- Support multiple colors. #58
- When "custom donation" is enabled it's not obvious to the end user #53
- New Form: Is Excerpt used? #51
- Custom Amount Validation: Do not allow $0.00 amount to open modal or slide down #44
- Custom Amount Language #43
- Consistency in Language #41
- AddOn for Events #28
- Offline Donation Enhancement #26
- Custom Amount #23
- Add Setting to disable single posts #18
- Goals #42
Fixed bugs:
- Reports: Filtering by "Last Month" incorrect url "&" #149
- Give Sidebar displays shop sidebar #140
- Dollar sign in modal doesn't always work #120
- Welcome Screen CSS Alignment off #119
- Permissions Bug: edit_give_payments preventing deletion of transactions #118
- Orphans #114
- Emails: There was an error retrieving this donation title #106
- Donation amount not restored when clicking option after selecting custom amount #88
- Setting Section Title Not Displaying Proper Text #87
- Global vs Form Payment Gateways #86
- WordPress.org - Unexpected Output Error #84
- Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error (/libraries/cmb2/) #80
- Dashboard capabilities error #73
- Admin Form Creation: Custom Amount Text Field Won't Accept Empty Value #72
- Shortcodes don't output in the content #68
- Content shouldn't be in the modal #67
- Admin: Multi-Level Amount Fields Not Passed through give_format_amount() #65
- Undefined Index "page_success" when Page is null in settings #62
- Getting started typo #61
- Optional login is not optional #59
- Template System: Not Respecting Some Theme Containers #55
- Custom Amount Validation: Do not allow $0.00 amount to open modal or slide down #44
- Installation: Default Settings Not Saving Properly #40
- Incorrect donation notification - or possible email settings issue #38
- Various fails with out-of-the-box settings #32
- Fatal error on list forms screen #31
- Odd donation total formatting #30
- Warnings on forms with out-of-the-box settings #29
- Offline Donation Customization #24
- Welcome Screen Should always Goto About Give #22
- Donations over $999.99 #21
- Unsaved changes prompt on publishing a new form #20
- Checks Gateway Not Working Properly #16
- Metabox order #15
- Broken Column Links to Reports #14
- Fix Gulp Sourcemaps Generation Bug #10
- Dashboard Widget: PHP Warning with date #9
- Logs: Fix Dropdown Filter #8
- Admin-footer.php Fatal Error #7
- No Editor Toolbar in Visual Mode #6
- Add New Form Category link doesn't work #5
- Yet Another Bug #2
- Test Bug #1
- Single Form image displays featured image using incorrect size #152
- Column Bug: Multi-level values incorrect #151
- Currency Separator Calculations Bug #150
- Conflict between Related Posts plugin and Give #129
Closed issues:
- Decrease required PHP version in composer.json #147
- Add CONTRIBUTING.md to README.md #145
- Coding standards #142
- Tag releases #133
- Contributions #132
- Fix Broken Icon Image for SSL Secure Sites #128
- CSS Issue: Search Box under Reports > Logs > API Requests #127
- Jetpack style for activating addons? #117
- Import/Export #116
- TinyMCE icon? #113
- New top level pages.. #112
- To include a picture. #111
- Prefix .icon class to prevent conflicts #103
- {name} isn't correctly rendered in test email #100
- When exporting a report, apostrophe's are not correctly shown #96
- Inconsistent UI when switching Report types #95
- PHP warning when exporting PDF #93
- Property of non-object on Forms Report #91
- PHP Notice: Undefined variable: unlimited #89
- Setting - General Tab: Form fields #57
- 5 star rating opens bad link #56
- Improve "Register / Login Form" description #50
- Improve "Default Gateway" description #49
- Improve "Payment Fields" description #48
- Improve "Display Content" description #47
- Improve "Display Style" description #46
- Improve description of one donation price vs multiple levels #45
- Split (aka A/B) testing #37
- [UK-specific] Gift Aid extension #36
- Add ability to toggle on/off stylesheet #13
- Write "Getting Started" content #12
- Add an Add-ons Tab to Welcome page #11
- Auto Scroll #4
- Feature Request #3
- Need to specify .mpf-content more specifically to avoid conflicts #141
Merged pull requests:
- Update featured-image.php #153 (ibndawood)
- Decrease required PHP version in composer.json #148 (michaelbeil)
- Add CONTRIBUTING.md to README.md #146 (michaelbeil)
- Inline docs edits #144 (michaelbeil)
- Coding standards #143 (michaelbeil)
- Mergin to Goals branch. Implements #42 #139 (ibndawood)
- Added Donation Limiting for Logged-In Users. #138 (d4mation)
- Composerify #135 (michaelbeil)
- Guidlines for contributing in CONTRIBUTING.md #134 (michaelbeil)
- Admin notice when test email sent #126 (NikV)
- inline Docs for /forms/template.php and /single-give-form/featured-image.php #122 (NikV)
- New action - give_payment_receipt_before_table #109 (cryptoapi)
- Give - Brazilian Portuguese Translation "pt_BR" #108 (monecchi)
- Update README.md #105 (chriscct7)
- Resubmit impress-org#99 #104 (chriscct7)
- Fixes #100 #101 (amdrew)
- Fixes #96 #97 (amdrew)
- Fix #93 #94 (amdrew)
- Check that categories are returned and are not a WP Error. #91 #92 (pippinsplugins)
- Fixes #89 #90 (amdrew)
- Release/0.8 #70 (DevinWalker)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator