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Sending Information

For sending information between systems, we will often need some form of predefined structure to ensure the data gets to it's destination correctly and without any errors. For systems that use defined methods for data transport (such as i2c and TCP/IP), such methods are already defined. From there you can take a piece of data, tell it where it needs to go, and that's it. However, this will not be adequate for more complicated systems, such as those where we would like to send either a lot of different types of data, or those that have multiple components all sending data at once. Another consideration is that we may want to use one of the predefined transport protocols to create a layered effect (for example, we might want to have the same protocol for use over UART and TCP/IP for simplicity).

Packet Structure

To send information, we need to pack it into a basic format that we can easily send. One main thing to take note of is that most of our processing will need to be done at a byte-level. For example, it is likely that the easiest access to a communication device will be done using characters, or in our case bytes. Because of this, all of the information we will want to send will need to be organized into a byte array (an array of 8-bit unsigned integers).

Here we will define a packet as having 4 main sections:

[(Start), (Header), (Payload), (Checksum)]

Start Byte

Signals that the receiver should start listening. for a message. Chosen somewhat arbitrary.


Contains any other useful information about the message, usually: the sender ID, packet ID, payload length, and a sequence ID, etc.

For the most part, the start byte will not change, and all of the IDs in the header won't usually be more than a byte (and for simpler cases the header probably only needs to consist of a packet type, and everything else can be assumed).


The payload structure is usually the trickiest part of a structuring a packet. For more complicated examples, there may be multiple variables worth of data in a row.

The structure of the payload should be defined in line with the packet ID. For each variable in the payload, we need to break it down, such that we can place all of it's values into a sequence, and be able to pull the back out reliably.

In the following explanation, we will take a look at packing a payload on a 32-bit microcontroller, using integer point numbers (32 bit Integer, or int32_t) for the payload data, and packing them into a byte array to be passed for transmission over UART.

Take, for example, 3 integer numbers to represent a vector:

[x; y; z]

This would be represented in memory as:

[(x0, x1, x2, x3), (y0, y1, y2, y3), (z0, z1, z2, z3)]

So assuming we look at the packet structure defined before, the final message will look something like this:

[(Start), (Header), x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, z0, z1, z2, z3, (Checksum)]

To do this, we need to do a little bit of fancy coding to manipulate the data just how we want it. Let's just look at packing the 'x' variable.

First we need to extract out each byte (x0 -> x3). To do this, we will use 2 processes: bit shifting and masking. The next examples will be written for use 'C'.

Presume that the binary data stored in the 'z' variable is the following (the spaces are just for our convenience):

//x: 01101001 01001110 10100101 10101001

int32_t z = 0b01101001010011101010010110101001;

Masking a variable is similar to turning off all the bits we don't care about, so all we are left with is relevant part. This is done with a bitwise AND operation. The process of masking is the following:

//0xFF:       0b00000000000000000000000011111111
//0xFF00:     0b00000000000000001111111100000000
//0xFF0000:   0b00000000111111110000000000000000
//0xFF000000: 0b11111111000000000000000000000000
//z:          0b01101001010011101010010110101001

uint32_t t0 = z & 0xFF;
uint32_t t1 = z & 0xFF00;
uint32_t t2 = z & 0xFF0000;
uint32_t t3 = z & 0xFF000000;

//t0: 0b00000000000000000000000010101001
//t1: 0b00000000000000001010010100000000
//t2: 0b00000000010011100000000000000000
//t3: 0b01101001000000000000000000000000

Note that we used unsigned integers for storing the data. While this doesn't really matter, it could potentially save the compiler messing with the data when we just want it in the most raw format we can.

Now that we have the data we care about isolated, we can use bit shifting to move the data across so it all fits within a single byte worth of space (so we can pack it into the byte array). Expanding on the previous:

//0xFF:       0b00000000000000000000000011111111
//0xFF00:     0b00000000000000001111111100000000
//0xFF0000:   0b00000000111111110000000000000000
//0xFF000000: 0b11111111000000000000000000000000
//z:          0b01101001010011101010010110101001

uint8_t t0 = z & 0xFF;    //First bits aren't shifted
uint8_t t1 = (z & 0xFF00) >> 8;
uint8_t t2 = (z & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
uint8_t t3 = (z & 0xFF000000) >> 24;

//t0: 0b10101001
//t1: 0b10100101
//t2: 0b01001110
//t3: 0b01101001

Note that we are now using 8-bit Unsigned Integers to store our data. The last step is to pack it into the appropriate spot in our message buffer:

[(Start), (Header), x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, 10101001, 10100101, 01001110, 01101001, (Checksum)]

After the message is sent, received, and verified to be correct, we can now unpack the data using the bit shifting method:

uint8_t buffer[] = {0b10101001, 0b10100101, 0b01001110, 0b01101001}; //Take this as a snippet of the actual packet

uint32_t tmp = ( buffer[1] << 24 ) || (buffer[1] << 16 ) || ( buffer[1] << 8 ) || ( buffer[0] );

int32_t z = (int32_t)tmp;

Note in the last step, we cast the final value to the type we want, which will convert the byte representation of 'tmp' from unsigned to signed. It is note always this simple (floating point tends to give a lot of hassles), so other techniques may be required.


Usually 1 or 2 bytes generated from the original packet that helps verify the received packet is the same as the original packet. Depending on the type of implementation, the checksum generator may be a very simple or a very complex algorithm.

The general idea is that you will pass the entire message (except for the checksum) through the algorithm, then append the the output as the final values of the message. Once the message is received by another system, it is ran back through the checksum, with the newly generated value compared to the values received in the packet. If they differ, then something is wrong with the received data. If they match, then the data should be correct and fine for use.


The above description of packet structure heavily references the method that is employed by the MAVLINK communication library.

The packet structure of a MAVLINK message is as follows:

[(Start), (header), (Payload), (Checksum)]
[0xFE, len, seq, sys, cmp, id, (Payload), chk0, chk1]

Start Byte

For MAVLINK, the start byte is always the hexadecimal value: 0xFE.


The header for a MAVLINK message contains 5 values:

  • len: The length of the payload
  • seq: A message sequence counter (should increment every message to ensure the checksum changes for identical messages)
  • sys: The ID of the system sending the message
  • cmp: The ID of the component sending the message
  • id: The ID of the message being sent


MAVLINK defines both a common structure and a common set of messages as a baseline for the protocol. These message definitions can change from device to device, the base set of messages can be found here

The payload is organized such that the largest variables are added into the payload first (i.e. UInt64, then UInt32, then UInt16, etc.). The variables are packed from Least Significant Byte (LSB) to Most Significant Byte (MSB).


For a MAVLINK message, the message is run through an algorithm to accumulate the checksum, then performs some additional logic to calculate the final checksum bytes. The 2 calculated checksum bytes are then attached to the end of the message.

An example of the checksum implementation can be found here, under the "crc_calculate" function.

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