All you need to run this app is to download index.html and script.js files and open index.html with your browser.
This is a data visualization and sharing web app that first displays a welcome message and a button to initiate the authentication process.
With a click on the login button, a popup opens in your browser where you can either authenticate or create a new account.
When signed in, you can consent to give the app access to the streams "Body" and "Baby" where the data from the form (see "Collect survey data" example) is stored.
Once you have accepted, it displays the saved data of your baby's weight and your own blood pressure.You can choose to share this data by creating a new sharing at the bottom of the page. This will generate a URL link that contains the shared streams ("Baby-Body", "Heart" or both).
The recorded data and the sharings are put into tabular form. You will find the code related to the data display in the index.html file. We invite you to customize it with your own message and headings, and adapt the data display according to your needs.
For this application, we have used the Pryv JavaScript library, loading it for the browser as following:
<script src=""></script>
For authentication, we will use the consent process adding the following element in the HTML:
<span id="pryv-button"></span>
The auth request parameters and callback are defined in the separate script.js file:
var connection = null;
var authSettings = {
spanButtonID: 'pryv-button',
onStateChange: pryvAuthStateChange,
authRequest: {
requestingAppId: 'pryv-example-view-and-share',
languageCode: 'en',
requestedPermissions: [
streamId: 'body',
defaultName: 'Body',
level: 'read'
streamId: 'baby',
defaultName: 'Baby',
level: 'read'
clientData: {
'app-web-auth:description': {
'type': 'note/txt',
'content': 'This sample app demonstrates how you can visualize and share data with an app token.'
function pryvAuthStateChange(state) {
console.log('##pryvAuthStateChange', state);
if ( === Pryv.Browser.AuthStates.AUTHORIZED) {
connection = new Pryv.Connection(state.apiEndpoint);
username = state.displayName;
if ( === Pryv.Browser.AuthStates.INITIALIZED) {
connection = null;
async function showData() {
document.getElementById('please-login').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('data-view').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('data-view').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('sharing-view').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('sharing-view').style.visibility = 'visible';
await loadData();
function showLoginMessage() {
document.getElementById('please-login').style.visibility = 'visible';
document.getElementById('data-view').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('data-view').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('sharing-view').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('sharing-view').style.visibility = 'hidden';
The root streams of the requestedPermissions
array are created if they don't exist yet. They will already be populated with events data if you ran the Collect survey data example previously.
The auth request is done on page load, except when the shared data is loaded by a third-party:
window.onload = async (event) => {
// ...
service = await Pryv.Browser.setupAuth(authSettings, serviceInfoUrl);
Once the user is signed in, data from his account is fetched. If there is no data, a warning is displayed to invite the user to fill in the form from the previous example on Survey data collection.
async function loadData() {
const result = await connection.api([{method: 'events.get', params: {limit: 40}}]);
const events = result[0].events;
if (! events || events.length === 0) {
alert('There is no data to show. Use the Collect survey data example first');
Data from both "Baby-Body" and "Heart" streams is presented in a tabular form:
const babyDataTable = document.getElementById('baby-weight-table');
const heartDataTable = document.getElementById('blood-pressure-table');
for (const event of events) {
if (event.streamIds.includes('baby-body') && event.type === 'mass/kg') {
addTableEvent(babyDataTable, event, [event.content + ' Kg']);
if (event.streamIds.includes('heart') && event.type === 'blood-pressure/mmhg-bpm') {
addTableEvent(heartDataTable, event,
[event.content.systolic + 'mmHg', event.content.diastolic + 'mmHg']);
if (apiEndpoint == null)
The sharings of the user are also displayed using the function updateSharings() that performs a get.accesses API call:
async function updateSharings() {
const result = await connection.api([{ method: 'accesses.get', params: {}}]);
const sharingTable = document.getElementById('sharings-table');
const accesses = result[0].accesses;
if (! accesses || accesses.length === 0) {
for (const access of accesses) {
await addListAccess(sharingTable, access);
In order to create a sharing, we add a listener to the Create button:
window.onload = (event) => {
document.getElementById('create-sharing').addEventListener("click", createSharing);
// ...
This will fetch values for the scope of the sharing ('streamId' for permissions):
const checkBaby = document.getElementById('check-baby').checked;
const checkBP = document.getElementById('check-bp').checked;
const permissions = [];
if (checkBaby) permissions.push({streamId: 'baby-body', level: 'read'});
if (checkBP) permissions.push({ streamId: 'heart', level: 'read' });
It will package those values into an accesses.create API call.
const res = await connection.api([
method: 'accesses.create',
params: {
name: name,
permissions: permissions
This call is made using Connection.api() method.
In the same way, the function deleteSharing() enables to delete the selected access by the user by performing an accesses.delete API call.
async function deleteSharing(accessId) {
if (! confirm('delete?')) return;
await connection.api([
method: 'accesses.delete',
params: {
id: accessId}
Following our app guidelines, we build apps that can work for multiple platforms providing a serviceInfoUrl
query parameter:
const serviceInfoUrl = Pryv.Browser.serviceInfoFromUrl() || '';
To set a custom platform, provide the service information URL as shown here for the Pryv Lab:
To launch this app on your local Open platform use (the link requires to have a running Open with the rec-la SSL proxy):
You can also load the app already authenticated, by providing the pryvApiEndpoint
query parameter. For example:[email protected]/
window.onload = async (event) => {
if (apiEndpoint != null) {
document.getElementById('welcome-message-mme').style.visibility = 'hidden';
connection = new Pryv.Connection(apiEndpoint);
document.getElementById('username').innerText = apiEndpoint.split('@')[1].slice(0,-1);
// ...