Preface: If the request does not meet the authorization requirements, the response will be 400; body: "Unauthorized", unless stated otherwise.
Represents a single achievement achieved by some user
Field |
Type |
Properties |
Id |
long |
PK, autogenerated |
userName |
String |
achievement |
String |
achieveData |
LocalDateTime |
Endpoint url |
Method type |
Input |
Output |
Authorization |
Description |
/api/achievements |
none |
200, body: List<Achievements> |
any user |
Finds all achiements anyone has ever achieved |
/api/achievement/{username} |
none (uses url) |
body: List<Achievements>; status code: 200 or 404, if list is empty |
any user |
Finds all achiements of username. Note the 404 if the list is empty. |
Represents the solar panel setup of some user
Field |
Type |
Properties |
panelId |
int |
PK, autogenerated |
userName |
String |
area |
float |
date |
LocalDate |
Nullable |
producedKwh |
float |
Nullable |
Endpoint url |
Method type |
Input |
Output |
Authorization |
Description |
/api/addSolarpanels |
none |
200, body: List<AddSolarpanels> |
any user |
Finds all recorded solar panels |
/api/addSolarpanels/{username} |
none (uses url) |
body: List<AddSolarpanels>; status code: 200 or 404, if the list is empty |
any user |
Returns the installed solar panels of username. |
/api/addSolarpanels |
body: AddSolarpanel (JSON) |
200, body: "Successfully saved solarpanel entry for user : username" |
be username |
Sets the solarpanel for user. |
Represents a friendship pair
Field |
Type |
Properties |
Id |
long |
PK, autogenerated |
addTime |
LocalDateTime |
userName |
String |
friendName |
String |
Endpoint url |
Method type |
Input |
Output |
Authorization |
Description |
/api/friend/{username} |
none (uses url) |
body: List<Friend>; status code: 200 or 404, if list is empty |
any user |
Retrieves all friends (as a friend pair, not the user object) of username |
/api/friend/record/{username} |
none (uses url) |
header: "friendAmount" (int) body: List<Records>, status code: 200 or 404, if list is empty. |
any user |
Returns the list of records achieved by all friends. friendAmount header contains the number of friends. |
/api/friend |
body: Friend (JSON) |
200, body: "successfully added friend", or 208, body: "friendship already exists", or 404, body: "User friend.friendName not found" if the requested friend does not exist. |
be same as userName in body |
Adds a friendship pair. Please leave Id null. |
Main activity entity. A combination of an username, the activity name and all posssible properties. This excludes solar panels, as their co2 calculation is too different.
Field |
Type |
Properties |
Id |
long |
PK, autogenerated |
insertDate |
LocalDateTime |
userName |
String |
activityName |
String |
activityPrice |
float |
alternateActivity |
String |
alternateActivityPrice |
float |
activityIsLocalproduce |
boolean |
alternateActivityIsLocalproduce |
boolean |
transportDistanceKm |
float |
energyActivityDurationMinutes |
float |
energyActivityTempAreaM2 |
float |
energyActivityTempDegreesDecreased |
float |
co2Saved |
float |
output only* |
*There are 2 entities: InsertHistory, and InsertHistoryCo2. InsertHistoryCo2 is the same as InsertHistory, but it also has co2Saved. InsertHistory is used to send data for the server, InsertHistoryCo2 is what is sent back.
Endpoint url |
Method type |
Input |
Output |
Authorization |
Description |
/api/insertHistory/{username} |
header: "limit" (int, optional |
body: List<InsertHistoryCo2>; status code: 200 or 404, if list is empty |
any user |
Retrieves all records of username. use limit to restrict to x most recent entries (10 by default) |
/api/insertHistory/amount/{username} |
none (uses url) |
200, body: int or 404, body: empty if username does not exist, or username has no histories at all |
any user |
Returns the amount of activities username has performed. |
/api/insertHistory/days/{username} |
none (uses url) |
200, body: int or 404, body: empty if username does not exist, or username has no histories at all |
any user |
Returns the time between the first and the last activity. |
/api/insertHistory |
body: InsertHistory |
200, body: "Successfully insertHistory for user : usernames" |
be InsertHistory.userName |
Add a new activity to the database. This is the most important part. Set only the fields that represent the activity performed, leave other fields as null. |
Represents all the statistics (records) of some user.
Field |
Type |
Properties |
userName |
String |
PK |
kwhProducedSolarpanels |
float |
savedKwhEnergy |
float |
savedCo2Solarpanels |
float |
savedCo2Food |
float |
savedCo2Energy |
float |
savedCo2Transport |
float |
savedCo2Total |
float |
savedPriceFood |
float |
savedPriceSolarpanels |
float |
savedPriceTransport |
float |
savedPriceEnergy |
float |
savedPriceTotal |
float |
Endpoint url |
Method type |
Input |
Output |
Authorization |
Description |
/api/records |
none |
200, body: List<Records> |
any user |
Retrieves all records by all users. |
/api/records/{username} |
none (uses url) |
200, body: Records, or 404, body: "null" if not found |
any user |
Retrieves a single record from username. |
Represents a single user and their profile details.
Field |
Type |
username |
String, PK |
password |
String |
email |
String, Nullable |
bdate |
LocalDate |
dateCreated |
LocalDate |
Endpoint url |
Method type |
Input |
Output |
Authorization |
Description |
/api/user/findUser/{username} |
Get |
none (uses url) |
200, body: "success" or 404, body: "fail" |
none |
Tells whether the the user {username} exists |
/api/createUser |
Post |
body: User (JSON) |
200, body: sent user (JSON) or 400, body: "User already exists" |
none |
Adds a new user to the db. The password will be hashed and salted. |
/api/updateUser/{username}/{property} |
Post |
body: String or LocalDateTime |
200, body: "success" or 400, body: "property is not an user property" |
be username |
Change one of the user values (properties) to the content in body. Valid properties are: email , password , birthday , photo . email, photo (which is an url to a picture, e.g. and password are plain text (pass will be obv. hashed), birthday is expected to be as "yyyy-MM-dd" (with quotes). This is probably how Jackson serialises LocalDate by default, but if not, please change the server code to the correct format. |
/api/createUser/upload |
Post |
multipart parameters: "username" (string), "profile_pic" (MIME: multipart/form-data) |
200, body: "success" or 500, body: "cannot save picture" if the picture could not be saved for any reason. |
none (!) |
Uploads a image to the GoGreen server and sets it as the profile picture of *username * |
/api/user/photo/{username} |
Get |
none (uses url) |
body: png image (byte array); status code: 200 or 404 if null |
any user |
Returns an png image. Use it to access images stored on the GoGreen server. |
/api/user/photourl/{username} |
Get |
none (uses url) |
body: url (String); status code: 200 or 404 if null |
any user |
Returns an url pointing to a image. Use this to have an picture without needing to uploading one yourself. |
/api/user/{username} |
Delete |
none (uses url) |
200, body: "success" |
be username |
Deletes the user from the db. |