Commands used to create the project structure
Run these commands only if the Workspace was not created before:
npx create-nx-workspace projectx --preset=nest
cd projectx
npx nx add @nx/nest
npx nx g @nx/nest:app apps/auth --frontendProject web
Create a lib for the business models (DTOs, common types, etc):
npx nx g @nx/nest:lib libs/models
npm add @nestjs/swagger class-validator class-transformer lodash @2toad/profanity
Create a lib for the database:
npx nx g @nx/nest:lib libs/backend/db
npm add -D prisma
npm add @prisma/client
cd libs/backend/db
npx prisma init
Create a lib for sending emails:
npx nx g @nx/nest:lib libs/backend/email
npm add @sendgrid/mail mjml
Create a lib for backend utils (hashing functions, nestjs, logger and temporal utils, etc):
npx nx g @nx/nest:lib libs/backend/core
npm add -D @types/bcrypt
npm add bcrypt @nestjs/config body-parser helmet express-rate-limit
Install dependencies for authentication
npm add @nestjs/jwt @nestjs/passport passport passport-local passport-jwt
npm add -D @types/passport-local @types/passport-jwt
Install common dependencies
npm add nestjs-pino pino-http pino-pretty uuid @nestjs/terminus lodash
npx nx g @nx/nest:app apps/order --frontendProject web
Install temporal dependencies
npm add @temporalio/client @temporalio/worker @temporalio/workflow @temporalio/activity @temporalio/common
Install packages for HTTP communication
npm add @nestjs/axios axios
npm add -D @golevelup/ts-jest
Create a lib for workflows utils:
npx nx g @nx/nest:lib libs/backend/workflows
npx nx g @nx/nest:app apps/product --frontendProject web
Create a lib for payment integrations:
npx nx g @nx/nest:lib libs/backend/payment
Install Payment third party provider