This implementation only supports the original POSIX crypt(3), not the extended variants thereof.
There is only one name for this implementation:
- crypt
The following properties can be used to distinguish this particular implementation of the crypt KDF when fetching it with EVP_KDF_fetch(3):
- provider=extra
These parameters can be retrieved using EVP_KDF_gettable_params(3) and EVP_KDF_get_params(3):
"size" <unsigned integer>
The maximum size of the resulting key. Because the resulting key is always in ASCII form, this size includes the terminating NUL byte.
The function EVP_KDF_get_kdf_size(3) uses this parameter implicitly.
These parameters can be retrieved using EVP_KDF_CTX_gettable_params(3) and EVP_KDF_CTX_get_params(3):
"pass" <UTF8 string>
The passphrase to derive a key from.
"salt" <UTF8 string>
The salt to use when deriving the key. This string must be at least two characters long. Only the first two characters will be used.
The Unix passwd program used to pass the username as salt when deriving a key from the user's password.
This implementation doesn't use any environment variables.
These examples all assume that
/ extra.dll
is located in
the current directory.
$ openssl kdf -provider-path . -provider extra \
-keylen 13 -kdfopt pass:'testing' -kdfopt salt:'ef' -binary crypt