Some common erlang modules, types and macros used by protofy. Compatible to R16B03+
Some types that help writing specs more readable. E.g. reason(), void(), ignored().
Types used in this package.
Well... some macros
Includes common_types.hrl, protofy_types.hrl, protofy_macros.hrl
Configure the current node.
configure/0, configure/1 configure the current node according to an app environment or a given proplist. They currently only set the cookie.
set_cookie/1, set_cookie/2 allow setting of cookies by atom, list, binary or file.
Generate and convert a pulse.
If you don't know what the pulse is, never mind. Will blog about it later.
Time measurement and conversion functions.
Some inet helpers.
Some utils to help writing tests.
Collection of util functions.
CI with travis:
See modules for further information.