ChainIDE has been supporting Dfinity blockchain by the plugin format , you can now run this project by
npm run compile
to bundle your application
npm run start
to start your application
src 目录下为主项目目录 extension.ts 为插件入口文件,暴露三个属性
activate: 插件激活时,触发该函数,函数入参,
ctx: 插件内部上下午
Impl: 插件接口
deactivate: 插件注销时,触发该函数
config: 插件提供基本信息,详见 PluginConfigurations 类型
const addControls = Impl.addControl({
componentFunc: controls,
name: 'Deploy & Interaction',
iconName: 'GroupObject',
const setWelcomePage = Impl.setWelcomePage({
componentFunc: welcomePage,
name: 'welcomePage',
iconName: 'GroupObject',
const setCommand = Impl.registerCommand({
id: 'commandId',
name: 'command',
callback: <T>(data?: T) => void,
const registerFunction = Impl.registerFunction({
name: 'functionName',
function: <T>(data?: T) => void,