Cross-Version API Compatibility Test Framework provides test helper functions to write config APIs compatibility test cases.
Test writer is responsible for writing the go tests using the framework provided helper methods.
As a test writer you should be knowledgeable on specific APIs and specific Runtime libraries i.e. what arguments each API takes and what it returns. Test writers should also be familiar with how to write combination tests with multiple APIs i.e. when testing mutators(Set***, Delete*** APIs) and reader(Get*** APIs) together. When writing a test involving two versions of Runtime library APIs a test writer should be aware of what specific fields are added or removed from the API method for those 2 versions and design tests accordingly.
├── core # compatibility core module contains types and helpers methods
├── docs # compatibility testing docs on how to write a test and framework details
├── framework # compatibility framework contains helper methods to construct API Commands, Test Case builder, executer, validator and actual tests
│ ├── compatibilitytests # config APIs compatibility test cases
│ │ ├── context # context API compatibility test cases
│ │ ├── contextserver # combination tests including context and server APIs compatibility test cases
│ │ └── server # server API compatibility test cases
│ ├── executer # Functions to execute the testcase
│ └── validators # validator functions to validate the input and output options of API Commands
└── testplugins # Specific Runtime version Test Plugin to trigger APIs
├── bin # Generated test plugin binaries
│ ├── runtime-test-plugin-latest
│ ├── runtime-test-plugin-v0_11_6
│ ├── runtime-test-plugin-v0_25_4
│ └── runtime-test-plugin-v0_28_0
├── runtime-test-plugin-latest
├── runtime-test-plugin-v0_11_6
├── runtime-test-plugin-v0_25_4
└── runtime-test-plugin-v0_28_0
Build and Run compatibility tests
This command will build all the runtime specific test plugins and run all the tests available in /test/framework/compatibilitytests directory
Internally runs build-compatibility-test-plugins
and run-compatibility-tests
make compatibility-tests
Build all the runtime specific version test plugins. Binaries of all the test plugins needs to be build to run any compatibility test.
make build-compatibility-test-plugins
Run all compatibility tests
Runs all the tests available in /test/framework/compatibilitytests directory
make run-compatibility-tests
The tests are executed as a GitHub runner CI pipeline Tanzu Plugin Runtime Compatibility Tests
Interactions of different implementations of APIs across various versions of library works as expected.
GitHub CI runner pipeline include Logs with details on test cases from test-case that are executed and succeeded/failed.
- All the cross-version API compatibility tests reside in
- Test Suites are added for each group of APIs.
Ex: Context related API tests are added in
- Cross-version API Compatibility tests are run as a GitHub workflow.
The tests are added for below Runtime APIs
- Test Suite located at
- Tests involving Context APIs SetContext, GetContext, DeleteContext, GetCurrentContext, SetCurrentContext, DeleteCurrentContext using single context and multiple context objects are implemented.
- Total number of tests added 7
- Test Suite located at
- Tests involving Server APIs SetServer, GetServer, DeleteServer, GetCurrentServer, SetCurrentServer, RemoveCurrentServer using single context and multiple server objects are implemented.
- Total number of tests added 11
- Test Suite located at
- Total number of tests added 18
Runtime APIs | latest | v0.28.0 | v0.25.4 | v0.11.6 |
Contexts APIs | Added | Added | Added | N/A |
Servers APIs | Added | Added | Added | Added |
DiscoverySources APIs | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Feature Flags APIs | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Env APIs | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Config Metadata APIs | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Client Options APIs | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Repositories APIs | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
For the latest test results check the most recent job that is run for the workflow Tanzu Plugin Runtime Cross-version API Compatibility Tests
TBA - to be added in future sprints
N/A - API not applicable to the specific Runtime Library
Framework has framework.NewTestCase
to write a specific test case, each test case consists of a sequence of commands, with each command corresponding to an invocation of a API from a specific version of runtime.
// Construct series of commands to execute
testCase := framework.NewTestCase().Add(setContextCommand).Add(getContextCommand)
To write compatibility test cases, the test writer should be aware of below high level framework Test APIs, each below API helps to test specific runtime API by constructing test command: We need to use the below test helper functions to construct specific test command, the input data for each high level apis changes based on runtime version's its being tested, for more details look into the input parameter's type definition.
func NewSetXXXCommand(setXXXInputOptions SetXXXInputOptions, setXXXOutputOptions SetXXXOutputOptions) (*Command, error)
func NewGetXXXCommand(getXXXInputOptions GetXXXInputOptions, getXXXOutputOptions GetXXXOutputOptions) (*Command, error)
// NewSetContextCommand contructs a command to make a call to specific runtime version SetContext API.
// Input Parameter: setContextInputOptions has all input parameters which are required for Runtime SetContext API.
// Input Parameter: setContextOutputOptions has details about expected output from Runtime SetContext API call.
// Return: A command to execute or error if any validations fails for SetContextInputOptions or SetContextOutputOptions
// This method does validates the input parameters SetContextInputOptions/SetContextOutputOptions based on Runtime API Version
// For more details about supported parameters refer to SetContextInputOptions/SetContextOutputOptions definition(and CtxOptions struct, which is embedded).
func NewSetContextCommand(setContextInputOptions SetContextInputOptions, setContextOutputOptions SetContextOutputOptions) (*Command, error)
func NewGetContextCommand(getContextInputOptions GetContextInputOptions, getContextOutputOptions GetContextOutputOptions) (*Command, error)
func NewDeleteContextCommand(delContextInputOptions DeleteContextInputOptions, deleteContextOutputOptions DeleteContextOutputOptions) (*Command, error)
More details about input parameters for above high level API:
const (
Version0110 RuntimeVersion = "v0.11.0"
Version0250 RuntimeVersion = "v0.25.0"
Version0280 RuntimeVersion = "v0.28.0"
VersionLatest RuntimeVersion = "latest"
type RuntimeVersion string
type RuntimeAPIVersion struct{
RuntimeVersion RuntimeVersion
type GetContextInputOptions struct {
*core.RuntimeAPIVersion // required
ContextName string // required
type GetContextOutputOptions struct {
*core.RuntimeAPIVersion // required
*ContextOpts // For specific version options look into ContextOpts definition
ValidationStrategy core.ValidationStrategy // Type of validation to be performed i.e. exact or partial. default is partial
Error string // expected error message could be the sub string of actual error message
type SetContextInputOptions struct {
*core.RuntimeAPIVersion // required
*ContextOpts // required
SetCurrentContext bool // required
type SetContextOutputOptions struct {
ValidationStrategy core.ValidationStrategy // Type of validation to be performed i.e. exact or partial. default is partial
Error string // expected error message could be the sub string of actual error message
type DeleteContextInputOptions struct {
*core.RuntimeAPIVersion // required
ContextName string // required
type DeleteContextOutputOptions struct {
ValidationStrategy core.ValidationStrategy // Type of validation to be performed i.e. exact or partial. default is partial
Error string // expected error message could be the sub string of actual error message
- Each of these struct represents the super set of all fields for their respective config types (e.g .Context, Server, DiscoverySource) across for all Runtime versions in which the types are defined.
- The xxxOpts structs are used as inputs to the API invocation as well as data to verify against the output of the invocation. The implications of setting or not setting certain attributes changes depend on which scenario under which it is being used.
- Command Creation Helper functions (i.e. NewSetContextCommand) validate the supplied inputOptions as per RuntimeVersion and make sure all required attributes are set. If not Command Creation Helper functions will throw error and Test fails.
- The validation of “Input and expect output” happens in Set/Get/DeleteXXXCommand creation (within framework.NewTestCase), so it's not part of test case execution. so its kind of test case setup.
- Input struct: Framework validates the supplied Input data (eg: GetContextInputOptions/SetContextInputOptions/DeleteContextInputOptions) as per specified runtime version supported fields.
- Output struct: Framework validates the supplied outputOptions as per specified runtime version whether certain fields are supported for the runtime version used and compares the supplied data with what is returned from API method i.e. every non-null field in output struct will be checked for equality with returned result. (Eg: GetContextOutputOptions/SetContextOutputOptions/DeleteContextOutputOptions) as its test writer responsibility, the Output data is depends on the Input data (eg: if input is not valid, runtime API may return error) OR the sequence of calls made before the current call (eg: NewGetContextCommand() output depends on the previous SetContext** calls). If test writer is not passing valid expected output data, then it fails during the TEST CASE EXECUTION as test case fail.
- Test framework does validate the expected Output struct’s field values with runtime API response to its entirety.
- Test writer does not have to explicitly specify to check whether an attribute value is nil as all fields default values are nil or “”.
- Test writer will need to specify what exact object attribute values he expects out of GetXX API method (framework perform a full equality check and not partial equality, means if API returns attribute which not specified by test writer then test case will fail).
- So for the output struct, all filed are optional, there are NO MANDATORY fields!!! its test writer responsibility to identify the expected data!!
Example 1: For the Below NewSetContextCommand if the context arguments are passed incorrect
// Input Parameters for Runtime SetContext API
setContextInputOptions := SetContextInputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &core.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: core.Version0280,
CtxOptions: CtxOptions{
Name: "context-one",
Type: framework.CtxTypeK8s, // Invalid attribute since Type is not supported in v0.28.0
GlobalOpts: &framework.GlobalServer{
Endpoint: "test-endpoint",
// Create SetContext Command
setContextCommand, err := framework.NewSetContextCommand(setContextInputOptions, setContextOutputOptions)
Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // Error is thrown since Type is not supported in specified runtime version v0.28.0
Below Error is thrown when the test case with above command input options is run
<*errors.fundamental | 0x140000b8030>: {
msg: "invalid set context input options for the specified runtime version v0.28.0",
stack: [0x1051f2ac9, 0x1051f1bf0, 0x1051f4544, 0x10500a120, 0x105009c64, 0x105009474, 0x10500c478, 0x10500bec8, 0x1050285c0, 0x10502833c, 0x105027ad0, 0x105029b5c, 0x105034da0, 0x105034c44, 0x1051f4d38, 0x104e27fd0, 0x104d91814],
to be nil
Example 2 How framework validates the null fields and what is expected of test writer
SetContext V0.28.0 with ClusterOpts.Endpoint value set then SetContext v0.28.0 with ClusterOpts.Endpoint value unset then GetContext v0.28.0 with two different expectations and behaviour explained below
It("SetContext v0.28.0 SetContext v0.28.0(Unsetting ClusterOpts.Endpoint) GetContext v0.28.0", func() {
// Input Parameters for Runtime SetContext API V0.28.0
setContextInputOptions := &framework.SetContextInputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.Version0280,
ContextOpts: &framework.ContextOpts{
Name: "context-one",
Target: framework.TargetTMC,
ClusterOpts: &framework.ClusterServerOpts{
Endpoint: "test-endpoint",
Path: "test-path",
// Input Parameters for Runtime SetContext API V0.28.0 With ClusterOpts.Endpoint unset
setContextInputOptionsWithEndpointUnset := &framework.SetContextInputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.Version0280,
ContextOpts: &framework.ContextOpts{
Name: "context-one",
Target: framework.TargetTMC,
ClusterOpts: &framework.ClusterServerOpts{
Endpoint: "",
Path: "test-path",
// Create SetContext Command 1
setContextCommand, err := framework.NewSetContextCommand(setContextInputOptions, nil)
// Create SetContext Command WithEndpointUnset
setContextCommandWithEndpointUnset, err := framework.NewSetContextCommand(setContextInputOptionsWithEndpointUnset, nil)
// Input Parameters for Runtime GetContext API
getContextInputOptions := &framework.GetContextInputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.Version0280,
ContextName: "context-one",
// Output Parameters for Runtime GetContext API
getContextOutputOptions := &framework.GetContextOutputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.Version0280,
ContextOpts: &framework.ContextOpts{
Name: "context-one",
Target: framework.TargetTMC,
ClusterOpts: &framework.ClusterServerOpts{
Endpoint: "test-endpoint",
Path: "test-path",
getContextOutputOptionsWithEndpointNotExpected := &framework.GetContextOutputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.Version0280,
ContextOpts: &framework.ContextOpts{
Name: "context-one",
Target: framework.TargetTMC,
ClusterOpts: &framework.ClusterServerOpts{
Path: "test-path",
// Create GetContextAPIName Command
getContextCommand, err := framework.NewGetContextCommand(getContextInputOptions, getContextOutputOptions)
// Create GetContextAPIName Command WithEndpointNotExpected
getContextCommandWithEndpointNotExpected, err := framework.NewGetContextCommand(getContextInputOptions, getContextOutputOptionsWithEndpointNotExpected)
// Construct series of commands to execute
testCase1 := framework.NewTestCase().Add(setContextCommand).Add(setContextCommandWithEndpointUnset).Add(getContextCommand)
// Executes the commands from the list and validates the expected output with actual output
testCase1.Execute() // This execution fails since ClusterOpts.Endpoint is unset in setContextCommandWithEndpointUnset but expected in getContextCommand
testCase2 := framework.NewTestCase().Add(setContextCommand).Add(setContextCommandWithEndpointUnset).Add(getContextCommandWithEndpointNotExpected)
// Executes the commands from the list and validates the expected output with actual output
testCase2.Execute() // This execution succeeds since ClusterOpts.Endpoint is unset in setContextCommandWithEndpointUnset and not expected in getContextCommandWithEndpointNotExpected
ContextOpts is the super set of parameters for Context, for all Runtime Versions. Based on the Runtime Version CtxOptions attributes may change(mandatory/optional/Not applicable). Command Helper functions (i.e. NewSetContextCommand) validate the supplied inputOptions as per RuntimeVersion and make sure all required attributes are set. If not Command Helper functions will throw error and Test fails.
Below table explains about each attribute of CtxOptions requirement based on Runtime Version.
Attribute | v1.0.0 | v0.28.0 | v0.25.0 | v0.11.0 |
Name | M | M | M | M |
Target | M | M | N/A | N/A |
Type | N/A | M | M | M |
GlobalOpts | M | M | M | M |
ServerOpts | M | M | M | M |
DiscoverySources | O | O | O | O |
IsCurrentContext | O | O | O | O |
Either one of GlobalOpts or ServerOpts is required.
M: Mandatory
O: Optional
N/A: Not Applicable
// Look below for each attribute documentation for which version its been supported/mandatory/optional.
type ContextOpts struct {
// Name of the context.
// required for all runtime versions till v0.28.0
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"`
// Target of the context.
// required for runtime versions from v0.28.0
Target Target `json:"target,omitempty" yaml:"target,omitempty"`
// Type of the context.
// required for all runtime versions from v0.25.0 to v0.27.0
Type ContextType `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty""`
// GlobalOpts if the context is a global control plane (e.g., TMC).
// Either global opts or clusterOpts should be specified for all runtime versions till v0.28.0
GlobalOpts *GlobalServer `json:"globalOpts,omitempty" yaml:"globalOpts,omitempty"`
// ClusterOpts if the context is a kubernetes cluster.
// Either global opts or clusterOpts should be specified for all runtime versions till v0.28.0
ClusterOpts *ClusterServer `json:"clusterOpts,omitempty" yaml:"clusterOpts,omitempty"`
// DiscoverySources determines from where to discover plugins associated with this context.
// supported from v0.25.0 ; optional
DiscoverySources []DiscoverySourceOptions `json:"discoverySources,omitempty" yaml:"discoverySources,omitempty""`
// supported from v0.25.0 ;optional; default is false
IsCurrentContext bool `json:"isCurrentContext,omitempty" yaml:"isCurrentContext,omitempty"`
It("Run Runtime V100 SetContext API and Runtime V0280 GetContext API", func() {
// Input Parameters for Runtime SetContext API
setContextInputOptions := &framework.SetContextInputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.VersionLatest,
ContextOpts: &framework.ContextOpts{
Name: "context-one",
Target: framework.TargetK8s,
GlobalOpts: &framework.GlobalServerOpts{
Endpoint: "test-endpoint",
// Output Parameters for Runtime SetContext API
var setContextOutputOptions *framework.SetContextOutputOptions
// Input Parameters for Runtime GetContext API
getContextInputOptions := &framework.GetContextInputOptions{
RuntimeAPIVersion: &framework.RuntimeAPIVersion{
RuntimeVersion: framework.VersionLatest,
ContextName: "context-one",
// Output Parameters for Runtime GetContext API
getContextOutputOptions := &framework.GetContextOutputOptions{
ContextOpts: &framework.ContextOpts{
Name: "context-one",
Target: framework.TargetK8s,
GlobalOpts: &framework.GlobalServerOpts{
Endpoint: "test-endpoint",
// Create SetContext Command
setContextCommand, err := framework.NewSetContextCommand(setContextInputOptions, setContextOutputOptions)
// Create GetContext Command
getContextCommand, err := framework.NewGetContextCommand(getContextInputOptions, getContextOutputOptions)
// Construct series of commands to execute
testCase := framework.NewTestCase().Add(setContextCommand).Add(getContextCommand) // re-named from NewTestCommands
// Executes the commands from the list and validates the expected output with actual output and return err if output doesn't match
For more details on framework go to Cross_Version_API Compatibility Framework