No significant changes.
New features:
- Added support for indexing custom blocks [@JeffersonBledsoe] (#21)
No significant changes.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed exception handling when @nswSiteSettings serialization is a dictionary not a JSON string [@JeffersonBledsoe] (#19)
- Remove circular checker in CI [@JeffersonBledsoe] (#17)
- Nothing changed yet.
- Nothing changed yet.
- Added NSW Design System Control Panel [JeffersonBledsoe] (#4)
- Fixed Recaptcha for forms [JeffersonBledsoe] (#5)
- Added spacing to control panel title [JeffersonBledsoe] (#6)
- Added option to customise acknowledgement of country [JeffersonBledsoe] (#7)
- Added view permission to all users [JeffersonBledsoe] (#8)
- Added collective.volto.formsupport [JeffersonBledsoe] (#2)
- Added collective.volto.subfooter [JeffersonBledsoe] (#3)
- Initial release. [PretaGov]