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executable file
420 lines (349 loc) · 18.9 KB

Lua Class Based Call


This library aims to perform generic calls to Lua through code snippets, passing any kind of arguments and retrieving all types of results. It has the same goal as LuaGenericCall, but with a completely different implementation. It is easier to use, because there is no more the complex format string, supports many more data types, is more expandable and is now type-safe. The drawback is that it can only be used in the C++ language.

It mainly uses overloaded class constructors and templates to deal with a lot of different variable types. The binding takes place in a single C++ header file, with all functions declared as inline.

The introduction example of LuaGenericCall, performing a simple multiplication and returning the result or a possible error message, becomes:

double result;
const char* errmsg = L.PCall("local a,b = ...; return a*b", Inputs(3, 2.5), Outputs(result));

Just compare this short code with the original implementation using only plain Lua API:

const char* errmsg = NULL;
double result;
lua_settop(L, 0);
if(luaL_loadstring(L, "local a,b = ...; return a*b"))
  errmsg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
  lua_pushinteger(L, 3);
  lua_pushnumber(L, 2.5);
  if(lua_pcall(L, 2, 1, 0))
	errmsg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
	result = lua_tonumber(L, -1);

The license used is MIT, like Lua itself.


  • Automatic Lua state creation and closing
  • Automatic C++ type handling for both input and output values
  • Lots of data types are already supported (see next paragraph)
  • Some types can specify an optional size to an explicit constructor, as a second argument
  • It is usually possible to add support for custom types externally
  • Code snippets can also be wide character strings
  • Snippets strings can alternatively be external file names
  • Support both Lua 5.1 and 5.2 API
  • Various error handling possibilities:
    1. unprotected call
    2. protected call: the function returns the error message or NULL
    3. exception call: a C++ exception can be thrown with the error message
  • Several calling syntaxes
  • Compiled code snippets are cached for performance
  • Error messages include the stack back trace
  • Some compilation switches can exclude unportable code or huge headers
  • Included test suite which can also serve as usage examples
  • Can be used as a C++ data type converter library!

C++ types currently handled

  • Special enumerated nil value
  • Boolean values
  • Regular char and wide wchar_t characters
  • All types of numerical values
  • Regular const char* strings
  • Wide character strings, automatically converted to/from UTF-8
  • C functions having the signature lua_CFunction
  • Lua threads represented as lua_State*
  • Generic void* pointers, mapped to light or full userdata
  • C arrays of any supported type: the number of elements must be passed to the explicit constructor as its first argument.
  • Multidimensional C arrays (like const int array[2][5][3]). Only the first dimension (here 2) has to be passed as the first argument.
  • Containers and data adapters from the C++ Standard Library. Any supported type can be used as template argument T or K.
    • string, wstring
    • vector<T>, map<K,T>, list<T>, set<T>, deque<T>, multiset<T>, multimap<K,T>
    • queue<T,C>, priority_queue<T,C>, stack<T,C>
    • pair<T1,T2>, valarray<T>, bitset<N>
  • MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) elements. Again, T or K template argument can be any supported type.
    • CObject* : using (de-)serialization in a userdata
    • CStringA, CStringW
    • CArray<T,A>, CTypedPtrArray<B,T>, CByteArray, CDWordArray, CObArray, CPtrArray, CStringArray, CUIntArray, CWordArray
    • CList<T,A>, CTypedPtrList<B,T>, CPtrList, CObList, CStringList
    • CMap<K,AK,V,AV>, CTypedPtrMap<B,K,V>, CMapWordToPtr, CMapPtrToWord, CMapPtrToPtr, CMapWordToOb, CMapStringToPtr, CMapStringToOb, CMapStringToString
    • CPoint, CRect, CSize, CTime, CTimeSpan



To limit the risk of name clashes, all the library header is placed under a C++ namespace called lua. It is easy to change the name of that namespace if your prefer. A big advantage here is that we can use very generic names for library classes, like Input or Array, without having to bother of naming problems with other libraries.

In general, you might want to include the following line either at the beginning of your C++ file or inside a function:

using namespace lua;


The header file defines the following classes:

  • Input: This class stores a C++ value and is responsible to push the corresponding value onto Lua stack. There are a lot of overloaded constructors, with some being template ones, to support a great number of C++ value types. With template specialization, you can even add the support for your custom types.
  • Output: This class stores a reference to a C++ variable and is responsible to extract a Lua value from the stack into the corresponding C++ variable. Like Input, there are also several constructor overloads, most of them are template ones. You can also use template specialization for your types.
  • Registry: Helper class to specify that an input or an output value shall be taken from or put into the Lua registry. Its constructor expects an 'Input` object, so that any supported Lua type can be used for the registry key.
  • SizeRef: Convenience class for Output that turns a plain size_t value into a reference to a size_t variable.
  • Array: This template class implement a simple array of objects. Its main particularity is that it has constructors taking 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 arguments, each of the underlying object type. Because the last (N/2)-1 arguments for each constructor have a default value of nil, you can in fact pass any number of objects (up to 32) when calling the constructor.
  • Inputs: Defined as Array<Input>, it represents all input arguments for a call.
  • Outputs: Similarly defined as Array<Output>, it represents all result variables from a call.
  • Script: Base class encapsulating a code snippet. It is responsible to load (compile) the snippet and defines the cache behavior.
  • File: Class deriving from Script, to specify loading from a Lua file instead of a snippet.
  • Global: Class also deriving from Script, telling to use a global function instead of a snippet.
  • ErrorT<C>: A simple container for a string, used to throw Lua errors as C++ exceptions. The C parameter can either be char or wchar_t.
  • ErrorA: Defined as ErrorT<char>
  • ErrorW: Defined as ErrorT<wchar_t>
  • Error: Defined to either ErrorA or ErrorW, depending on the definition of UNICODE.
  • LuaT<C>: The main class. It is responsible to open and close the Lua state, and most importantly to call Lua using a script, passing inputs and retrieving outputs. There are several forms of calling interfaces (UCall, PCall, ECall, TCall) and a number of overloads to handle all user cases. The C parameter can either be char or wchar_t, and determines the error message type.
  • LuaA: Defined as LuaT<char>
  • LuaW: Defined as LuaT<wchar_t>
  • Lua: Defined to either LuaA or LuaW, depending on the definition of UNICODE.

Calling syntax

A Lua call follow one of the following generic syntax:

luaObject . {UCall|PCall|ECall} ( script [, Inputs(inargs...)] [, Outputs(outargs...)] );
luaObject . {UCall|PCall|ECall} ( script [, inarg] [, outarg] );
T outval = luaObject . TCall<T> ( script [, inargs...] );
luaObject . VCall ( script [, inargs...] );  
error = luaObject [<< inargs...] [>> outargs...] | script;
luaObject [<< inargs...] [>> outargs...] & script;

As introduced earlier, Lua class has many different methods for performing a call to Lua.

  • UCall: performs an unprotected Lua call, like lua_call API function. Lua will panic in case of errors, except if run under a protected environment.
  • PCall: does a protected call, using lua_pcall function. That interface has a string return type, returning either NULL when no error happens, or the error message including the stack trace when a Lua compile-time or run-time occurs.
  • ECall: calls Lua and throws exceptions in case of errors. You will need to catch ErrorT<C> objects to handle error messages.
  • TCall: has an alternate syntax inspired from luabind::call_function. In this variant, inputs aruguments are simply placed after the code snippet, without the Inputs constructor. There are no Outputs arguments, instead one (or zero) output result is directly returned by the function. You have to specify the template return type. TCall also throws an exception in case of errors.
  • VCall: is like TCall but for the case when there is no return value (T=void).
  • Form with <<, >> and | : This is another alternate syntax, inspired from iostream classes in the C++ Standard Library. It is just a wrapper on top of PCall. Note that you have to place every argument and the script snippet in the same instruction.
  • Form with <<, >> and & : If a bitwise AND is used instead of the bitwise OR, the syntax becomes a wrapper over ECall which may throw an exception.

The script argument must be an object of type Script or a deriving class. Thanks to the implicit constructor of Script, you can pass const char* or const whar_t* code snippets wherever a script argument is expected. It will be loaded using luaL_loadstring. If you want to run code from a file, explicitely call File(filename) constructor. To call a global function (for example, print), use the Globalconstructor, like in Global("print").

Code footprint

All functions being inline, the footprint highly depends on the usage. Just including lgencall.hpp by itself does not generate any code. Then, the more features you use, the higher the footprint. In the extreme case when a lot of custom types, arrays and maps are used, the generated code could become high, but this is unlikely. Most of the time, you only need a small subset of the overloaded functions.

A compiler is free to decide whether or not it actually inlines code noted inline. This depends on the optimization options and on the size of the function. Single instructions functions will normally be inlined, but it would be better if there is only one copy of big function like Input::PushWideString.


First steps

First include in your C++ file the header file. Before the #include line, you might want to #define some compilation switches used in the library (as explained on top of the file):

#define LCBC_USE_MFC 1
#include "lgencall.hpp"

If you don't have name clash in your project, the next step is to import the lua namespace into you code with the using keyword. It is best to put this clause not in a shared header file, but close to where it is needed.

Then instantiate a Lua class object. This will automatically call luaL_newstate. If the Boolean parameter to the constructor is true (default), luaL_openlibs is also called . Similarly, the destructor calls lua_close. Since there is an implicit conversion to lua_State*, that main object can be passed as the first argument to any Lua API function when needed.

You can now easily call Lua snippets. You have to decide which calling interface (?Call) best fits your needs. Also, especially on Windows, you might prefer to use wide character string versions of the functions. Note that if the code snipped is a wide character string, so will the returned error message or the exception object.

The Lua script gets its arguments using the ... syntax introduced in Lua 5.1, and outputs its results using the return keyword. Think of it as if the snippet was included inside a function definition like this

function fct(...) 
	-- your script snippet goes here 

If you need to execute a script file, prefix its name with the @ character and use the resulting string as the snippet code. Note that although in the script file you will be able to access input arguments using the ... syntax, the arg table won't be set and will probably be nil.

Input arguments

Inside Inputs() constructor, nearly all simple value can be passed, since there are implicit Input constructors for most types. When there are more than one argument to a constructor, an explicit construction is needed. This is the case for not zero terminated strings, full userdata, and C array types (note that is the latter case, the size must be before the pointer). This example shows a single char array interpreted in various ways:

const char data[5] = {65,0,1,0,100};
L.ECall("data = {...}; print(...)", Inputs( 
	data,                      // push a zero-terminated string, of length 1
	(const void*)data,         // push a light userdata pointing to the C variable
	Input(data, sizeof(data)), // push a string of length 5
	Input((const void*)data, sizeof(data)), // push a full userdata of 5 bytes
	Input(sizeof(data), data), // push a table with 5 single character strings
	Input(sizeof(data), (signed char*)data))); // push a table with 5 numbers

Output results

Similarly, inside Outputs() constructor, you can pass variables of most simple types. There are implicit Output constructors taking a reference to those types as arguments. Some constructors require an additional reference to a size argument. These are to obtain the size of a string or a full userdata, in addition to a pointer to the value.

To fill out C arrays, the size reference must be placed before the pointer reference, and initialized with the number of elements of the container. After the call it will receive the size of the Lua table (which can be smaller or larger than the initial value). For arrays of char or wchar_t elements, but not signed char for instance, a Lua string is expected and will be copied into the buffer.

const char* str1, *str2;
void* ptr1;
const void*	ptr2;
char str3[8];
signed char arr[10];
size_t str2len, ptr2len, str3len=sizeof(str3), arrlen=sizeof(arr); 
L.ECall("s='P\\0Q\\0R'; u=io.stdin; return s,u,s,u,{1,2,3},s", Outputs( 
	str1,                  // get a zero-terminated string
	ptr1,                  // get a userdata pointer
	Output(str2, str2len), // get a string and its length
	Output(ptr2, ptr2len), // get a full userdata and its length
	Output(arrlen, arr),   // fill out an array containing 3 numbers
	Output(str3len, str3))); // copy a string into a buffer

Data type converter

An unexpected possibility of LuaGenericCall is to use Lua as an intermediate storage for converting C++ data between two different types. For example, suppose you want to copy all strings from a vector<string> into the corresponding MFC class CStringArray. That latter class behaves differently whether or not UNICODE is defined. So the copy is not straightforward. With this Lua binding, it now is:

bool ConvertStringArray(const vector<string>& src, CStringArray& dst)
	Lua<> L(false);
	return L.PCall("return ...", Input(src), Output(dst)) == NULL;

In fact, only considering arrays of strings, there are a huge number of possibilities. Here is an incomplete list of such container types that can be used with the library:

const char*[], const wchar_t*[], vector<string>, vector<wstring>, vector<const char*>, vector<const wchar_t*>, list<string>, list<const wchar_t*>, deque<string>, queue<wstring>, stack<const char*>, CStringArray, CStringList, CArray<const char*>, CArray<CStringA>, CList<CStringW>, CArray<wstring>, ...

And with numeric data, because of the big number of basic numeric types in C, the number of possible template combination is huge !

Full example

#include "lgencall.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace lua;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	Lua<> L;  // The constructor will open a new Lua state and include libraries
	L.UCall("print('Hello world')"); // Lua will panic in case of runtime error
	const char* error = L.PCall("mytable = {...};", Inputs(true, 2, 3.1416, "Hello", L"world"));
		printf("Lua error : %s\n", error);
		L.ECall("for k,v in pairs(mytable) do print(k,v,type(v)) end");
		bool res1; double res2; float res3; const wchar_t* res4; const char* res5;
		L.ECall("return unpack(mytable)", Outputs(res1, res2, res3, res4, res5));
		printf("mytable = { %d, %g, %g, %S, %s }\n", res1, res2, res3, res4, res5);
		double sum = L.TCall<double>("local a,b,c=...; return a+b+c", 2.3, 4, 3.1416);
		printf("The sum is %g\n", sum);
	catch(Error err)
		printf("Lua exception: %s\n", err.str());
	return 0;
} // The Lua state is closed by the destructor

Custom types support

It is normally possible to input and output custom types like structures or classes, by using template specialization, without modifying lgencall.hpp source file.

For input, the custom type must be a pointer (if it is not, just pass the address of your value), and define a function of the following form (you must be under the namespace lua):

namespace lua {
template<> inline void Input::PushValue<yourType>(lua_State* L) const
	const yourType* ptr = (const yourType*)PointerValue;
	// Push *ptr to Lua stack the way you want

For output, any type that can be passed by reference can be specialized. The prototype is:

namespace lua {
template<> inline void Output::GetValue<yourType>(lua_State* L, int idx) const
	yourType* ptr = (yourType*) PointerValue;
	// Retrieve your value from Lua stack at index idx and set it to *ptr

Custom type example

#include "lgencall.hpp"
struct tMyStruct
	const char* text;
	int number;
namespace lua {
template<> inline void Input::PushValue<tMyStruct>(lua_State* L) const
	const tMyStruct* ptr = (const tMyStruct*)PointerValue;
	lua_createtable(L, 0, 2);
	lua_pushstring(L, ptr->text);
	lua_setfield(L, -2, "text");
	lua_pushinteger(L, ptr->number);
	lua_setfield(L, -2, "number");
template<> inline void Output::GetValue<tMyStruct>(lua_State* L, int idx) const
	tMyStruct* ptr = (tMyStruct*) PointerValue;
	luaL_checktype(L, idx, LUA_TTABLE);
	lua_getfield(L, idx, "text");
	ptr->text = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
	lua_getfield(L, idx, "number");
	ptr->number = luaL_checkint(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 2);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	using namespace lua;
	Lua<> L;
	tMyStruct s1 = {"Hello world", 42}, s2;
	L.UCall("local s=...; print(s.text, s.number); s.text='new text'; return s", &s1, s2);
	printf("text = '%s', number = %d\n", s2.text, s2.number);
	return 0;