This directory contains JSON files that define keyword categories. Each category represents a distinct topic area that generates significant public discourse.
Each category file follows this structure:
"Category Name": {
"description": "Category description",
"keywords": {
"term": {
"weight": 0-3,
"description": "Term description"
These keywords were weighted by Sonnet 3.5 using Cline in VS Code.
- Weight 9-10: High-intensity topics (e.g., Race Relations, Reproductive Health)
- Weight 8: Significant topics (e.g., Social Policy)
- Weight 7: Important topics (e.g., US Government Institutions)
Keywords within each category follow this distribution:
- Weight 8-10: ~15% (most critical terms)
- 10: Reserved for presidents and highest impact terms
- Highly polarizing figures and critical policy terms
- Frequent, significant terms
- Weight 7: ~25% (frequently discussed terms)
- Weight 6: ~30% (common terms)
- Weight 5 and below: ~30% (regular and basic terms)
tracks emerging political figures and developing stories. Terms may graduate to permanent categories as their significance stabilizes.
maintains a list of international leaders with weight 0 to exclude them from muting while preserving their reference information for easy muting.
Both full names (us-political-figures-full-name.json
) and single names (us-political-figures-single-name.json
) are tracked separately with consistent weights across both files.
Weight Distribution
- Regularly audit weight distributions within categories
- Maintain target percentages while preserving appropriate weights for critical terms
- Consider both frequency and polarization when assigning weights
- Monitor
for emerging figures and stories - Graduate terms to permanent categories when appropriate
- Keep political figure weights consistent across full/single name files
- Maintain weight 0 for world leaders
- Monitor
Adding New Terms
- Place in most relevant category
- Assign initial weight based on current impact and polarization
- Add to both name variants if a political figure
- Include clear, consistent descriptions
File Organization
- Maintain alphabetical order within files
- Keep descriptions concise and factual
- Ensure JSON validity
- Include both common variants of terms where applicable
The weight system enables smart selection at different scales:
- 100 keywords: Highest weights only
- 300 keywords: High and frequent terms
- 500 keywords: Include common terms
- 1200 keywords: Comprehensive coverage
This graduated system helps optimize performance while maintaining effectiveness at various scales.