In this directory you can find the build descriptions and information for the parts of the exhaust section. They are one part of the system as a whole. To get an overview of the system as a whole, see the toplevel description or the assembly document.
What's here
This section there are two system parts that are partly combined: pressure "valves" and air cleaning solutions. You will need both.
Pressure "valves"
In a normal ventilation machine, these are formed by relatively simple, but well calibrated spring-loaded valves. Since we assume those are not available, we need an other easy way to create a given pressure threshold. The water column allows to do this, by setting the depth of the tubes in the water. We create two pressure thresholds this way: PEEP and overpressure (OVP). See the RegulatingWaterColumn for this.
Air cleaning solution
The water column is the first part of the air cleaning, since it is filled with chloride water. But next, the air should be filtered better with an UV-C lamp, and perhaps also by heating the air to well above 60 degrees. See UVSterilizer.