These are all the values than can/should be defined in your .env file to customize your application.
We use a database to store most of the application data. Currently, only PostgreSQL is supported, since we use JSONB columns and its full text search features.
Key | Example for value | Description |
DATABASE_HOST | localhost | Database host. |
DATABASE_USERNAME | census | Database user. |
DATABASE_PASSWORD | census | Database password. |
DATABASE_PORT | 5432 | Database port. |
DATABASE_URL | postgres://census:census@localhost:5432/census | Database connection URL. Replaces previous settings on staging and production environments. |
We use SMTP to send emails to people and Esendex to send them SMSs.
Key | Example for value | Description |
ESENDEX_ACCOUNT | census | Esendex account. |
ESENDEX_USERNAME | [email protected] | Esendex username. |
ESENDEX_PASSWORD | potato | Esendex password. |
MAILS_FROM | [email protected] | Email address used to send emails. |
SMTP_ADDRESS | | SMTP server address. |
SMTP_AUTHENTICATION | plain | SMTP authentication mode. |
SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO | true | Detects if STARTTLS is enabled in your SMTP server and starts to use it. |
SMTP_USER_NAME | census | If your mail server requires authentication, set the username in this setting. |
SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE | none | 'none' or 'peer'. When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate. |
SMTP_PASSWORD | census | If your mail server requires authentication, set the password in this setting. |
SMTP_PORT | 25 | SMTP server port. |
The applications needs some URLs and IPs to work properly.
ALLOWED_IPS_API_CLIENTS | | Allow these IPs to access API. CAS_SERVER | | CAS server URL. Optional. HOST_URL | | URL where the application will be running.
We use RabbitMQ for message queue processing. We use Hutch to allow external applications to be notified about person changes and Sneakers to implement background jobs.
Key | Example for value | Description |
HUTCH_MQ_HOST | localhost | RabbitMQ host for hutch. |
HUTCH_MQ_USERNAME | hutch | RabbitMQ user for hutch. |
HUTCH_MQ_PASSWORD | hutch | RabbitMQ password for hutch. |
HUTCH_MQ_PORT | 5672 | RabbitMQ port for hutch. |
HUTCH_MQ_VHOST | /hutch | RabbitMQ vhost for hutch. |
HUTCH_ENABLE_HTTP_API_USE | false | Use or not RabbitMQ HTTP API. |
SNEAKERS_HOST | localhost | RabbitMQ host for sneakers. |
SNEAKERS_USERNAME | jobs | RabbitMQ user for sneakers. |
SNEAKERS_PASSWORD | jobs | RabbitMQ password for sneakers. |
SNEAKERS_VHOST | /jobs | RabbitMQ vhost for sneakers. |
SNEAKERS_PORT | 5672 | RabbitMQ port for sneakers. |
We allow credit card and direct debit payments. The first one is done with ActiveMerchant and it currently supports Redsys. The second one is done throught SEPA formats and it's implemented with the SEPA King gem.
Key | Example for value | Description |
ALLOWED_IPS_CALLBACK_PAYMENTS | | Allow these IPs to access to payments callback endpoint. |
REDSYS_NAME | CENSUS | Redsys username. |
REDSYS_MERCHANT_ID | 123456789 | Redsys merchant ID. |
REDSYS_SECRET_KEY | abcdefghijklmno | Redsys secret key. |
REDSYS_TERMINAL | 001 | Redsys terminal. |
SEPA_NAME | CENSUS | Organization SEPA name. |
SEPA_IBAN | DE89370400440532013000 | Organization SEPA IBAN. |
SEPA_BIC | DEUTDEFFXXX | Organization SEPA BIC code. |
SEPA_CREDITOR_IDENTIFIER | DE12345678A12345678 | Organization SEPA creditor identifier. |
We use Errbit to receive Airbrake messages.
Key | Example for value | Description |
AIRBRAKE_API_KEY | 1234567890abcedf1234567890abcdef | Airbrake API key. |
AIRBRAKE_HOST | | Airbrake host URL. |
AIRBRAKE_PROJECT_ID | 1 | Airbrake project ID. |
We use Capistrano to deploy this application to our servers.
Key | Example for value | Description |
SEED_PASSWORDS_PREFIX | staging_ | Prefix used for seeded users password (only for testing) |
STAGING_SERVER_MASTER_HOST | census-staging-master | Staging server master host |
STAGING_SERVER_MASTER_PORT | 22 | Staging server master SSH port |
STAGING_SERVER_SLAVE_HOST | census-staging-slave | Staging server slave host |
STAGING_SERVER_SLAVE_PORT | 22 | Staging server slave SSH port |
STAGING_USER | capistrano | Staging server user (master and slave) |
PRODUCTION_SERVER_MASTER_HOST | census-production-master | Production server master host |
PRODUCTION_SERVER_MASTER_PORT | 22 | Production server master SSH port |
PRODUCTION_SERVER_SLAVE_HOST | census-production-slave | Production server slave host |
PRODUCTION_SERVER_SLAVE_PORT | 22 | Production server slave SSH port |
PRODUCTION_USER | capistrano | Production server user (master and slave) |
You can also create files to override settings.yml values locally, as explained here.
This variables are only useful on the development environment.
Key | Example for value | Description |
ALLOWED_IPS_DEVELOPMENT | | Allow these IPs to debug application (development env only). |
API_TESTS | 1 | If present, allows external applications to run tests against a census development server. For example, it allows to bypass OTP validations. |