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EXample 12: DQN algorithm on Gridworld

In this example, we will train an agent so that it learns to navigate itself in a grid. Specifically, we will be using the Gridworld environmant from the book Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action. We have implemented this environment in rlenvs_from_cpp; check the class Gridworld.

We will use the DQN algorithm, see Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action and references therein, in order to train our agent and we will TensorBoard to monitor the training. We will use a static environment configuration in this example something that makes this problem a lot easier to work on.

We will code the same model as is done in the Deep Reinforcement Learning in Action book so you may also want to follow the code therein.

Driver code

 * Use DQN on Gridworld
 * */
#include "cubeai/base/cubeai_config.h"

#if defined(USE_PYTORCH) && defined(USE_RLENVS_CPP)

#include "cubeai/base/cubeai_types.h"
#include "cubeai/io/csv_file_writer.h"
#include "cubeai/rl/trainers/rl_serial_agent_trainer.h"
#include "cubeai/maths/optimization/optimizer_type.h"
#include "cubeai/maths/optimization/pytorch_optimizer_factory.h"
#include "cubeai/rl/policies/epsilon_greedy_policy.h"
#include "cubeai/utils/torch_adaptor.h"
#include "cubeai/maths/vector_math.h"
#include "rlenvs/envs/grid_world/grid_world_env.h"

#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <torch/torch.h>

#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <any>
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <vector>

namespace rl_example_12{

const std::string EXPERIMENT_ID = "3";

namespace F = torch::nn::functional;

using cubeai::real_t;
using cubeai::uint_t;
using cubeai::float_t;
using cubeai::torch_tensor_t;

using cubeai::rl::RLSerialAgentTrainer;
using cubeai::rl::RLSerialTrainerConfig;
using cubeai::rl::policies::EpsilonGreedyPolicy;
using rlenvs_cpp::envs::grid_world::Gridworld;

const uint_t l1 = 64;
const uint_t l2 = 150;
const uint_t l3 = 100;
const uint_t l4 = 4;
const uint_t SEED = 42;
const uint_t TOTAL_EPOCHS = 1000;
const uint_t TOTAL_ITRS_PER_EPOCH = 50;
const real_t GAMMA = 0.9;
const real_t EPSILON = 1.0;
const real_t LEARNING_RATE = 1.0e-3;

// The class that models the Policy network to train
class QNetImpl: public torch::nn::Module


    torch_tensor_t forward(torch_tensor_t);


   torch::nn::Linear fc1_;
   torch::nn::Linear fc2_;
   torch::nn::Linear fc3_;


      fc1_(torch::nn::Linear(l1, l2)),
      fc2_(torch::nn::Linear(l2, l3)),
      fc3_(torch::nn::Linear(l3, l4))
    register_module("fc1", fc1_);
    register_module("fc2", fc2_);
    register_module("fc3", fc3_);

QNetImpl::forward(torch_tensor_t x){

    x = F::relu(fc1_->forward(x));
    x = fc2_->forward(x);
    x = F::relu(fc3_->forward(x));
    return x; 

// create the model

// 4x4 grid
typedef Gridworld<4> env_type;
typedef env_type::state_type state_type;

flattened_observation(const state_type& state){
	std::vector<float_t> data;
	for(uint_t i=0; i<state.size(); ++i){
		for(uint_t j=0; j<state[i].size(); ++j){
			for(uint_t k=0; k<state[i][j].size(); ++k){
	return data;


int main(){

    using namespace rl_example_12;


        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Starting agent training...";
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Numebr of episodes to trina: "<<TOTAL_EPOCHS;

        // let's create a directory where we want to
        //store all the results from running a simulation
        std::filesystem::create_directories("experiments/" + EXPERIMENT_ID);

        // set the seed for PyTorch

        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Creating the environment...";

        // create a 4x4 grid
        auto env = env_type();

        std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> options;
        env.make("v1", options);

        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Environment name: "<<;
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Number of actions available: "<<env.n_actions();
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Number of states available: "<<env.n_states();

        // the network to train for the q values
        QNet qnet;

        auto optimizer_ptr = std::make_unique<torch::optim::Adam>(qnet->parameters(),

        // we will use an epsilon-greedy policy
        EpsilonGreedyPolicy policy(	EPSILON, 

        // the loss function to use
        auto loss_fn = torch::nn::MSELoss();

        std::vector<real_t> losses;

        // loop over the epochs
        for(uint_t epoch=0; epoch < TOTAL_EPOCHS; ++epoch){

            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Starting epoch: "<<epoch<<std::endl;

            // for every new epoch we reset the environment
            auto time_step = env.reset();
            auto done = false;
			uint_t step_counter = 0;
			std::vector<real_t> epoch_loss;
			std::vector<float_t> rand_vec(64, 0.0);

				auto obs = flattened_observation(time_step.observation());
				float_t a = 0.0;
				float_t b = 1.0;
				rand_vec = cubeai::maths::randomize(rand_vec, a, b, 64);
				rand_vec = cubeai::maths::divide(rand_vec, 10.0);
				// randomize the flattened observation
				obs = cubeai::maths::add(obs, rand_vec);
				auto torch_state = cubeai::torch_utils::TorchAdaptor::to_torch(obs, cubeai::DeviceType::CPU);
                // get the qvals
                auto qvals = qnet(torch_state);
                auto action_idx = policy(qvals, cubeai::torch_tensor_value_type<float_t>());
				BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Action selected: "<<action_idx<<std::endl;

				// step in the environment
                time_step = env.step(action_idx);
				obs = flattened_observation(time_step.observation());
				// randomize the flattened observation
				obs = cubeai::maths::add(obs, rand_vec);
                torch_state = cubeai::torch_utils::TorchAdaptor::to_torch(obs, cubeai::DeviceType::CPU);

                // tell the model that we don't use grad here
                auto new_q_vals = qnet(torch_state);
				// we are training again

                // find the maximum
                auto max_q = torch::max(new_q_vals);
                auto reward = time_step.reward();
				BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Reward: "<<reward;
				// update done
				done = time_step.done();
				if(done){ //#Q
					//done = true;
					BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Reward: "<<reward;
					BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Finishing epoch at step: "<<step_counter;
                auto y = torch::tensor({reward});
                if(reward == -1.0){
                    y +=  max_q * GAMMA;

                // the target according to Qvals
                auto X = torch::tensor({qvals.squeeze()[action_idx].item<float_t>()});
                // calculate the loss
                auto loss = loss_fn(X, y); 
                optimizer_ptr -> zero_grad();
                optimizer_ptr -> step();

                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Loss at epoch: "<<loss.item<real_t>();
				step_counter += 1;

            BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Epoch finished...";
			// get the epsilon
			auto eps = policy.eps_value();
			if(eps > 0.1){
				eps -= 1/static_cast<real_t>(TOTAL_EPOCHS);

        // save the rewards per episode for visualization
        // purposes
        auto filename = std::string("experiments/") + EXPERIMENT_ID;
        filename += "/dqn_grid_world_policy_rewards.csv";
        cubeai::io::CSVWriter csv_writer(filename, cubeai::io::CSVWriter::default_delimiter());;
        // save the policy also so that we can load it and check
        // use it
        auto policy_model_filename = std::string("experiments/") + EXPERIMENT_ID;
        policy_model_filename += std::string("/dqn_grid_world_policy.pth");
        torch::serialize::OutputArchive archive;
        qnet -> save(archive);

    catch(std::exception& e){
        std::cout<<"Unknown exception occured"<<std::endl;
    return 0;
#include <iostream>
int main(){

	std::cout<<"This example requires PyTorch and rlenvscpplib."<<std::endl;
	std::cout<<"Reconfigure cuberl with USE_PYTORCH and USE_RLENVS_CPP flags turned ON."<<std::endl;
    return 0;

Running the code above produces the following output:

[2024-09-22 15:21:59.327047] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Starting agent training...
[2024-09-22 15:21:59.327062] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Numebr of episodes to trina: 1000
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.527724] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Creating the environment...
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.528006] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Done...
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.528012] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Environment name: Gridworld
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.528018] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Number of actions available: 4
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.528022] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Number of states available: 16
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.554437] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Starting epoch: 0

[2024-09-22 15:22:00.599219] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Action selected: 3

[2024-09-22 15:22:00.601347] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Reward: -1
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.607770] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Loss at epoch: 1.02671
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.608588] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Action selected: 2

[2024-09-22 15:22:00.608693] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Reward: -1
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.608754] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Loss at epoch: 0.989844
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.608844] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Action selected: 3

[2024-09-22 15:22:00.608925] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Reward: -1
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.608974] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Loss at epoch: 1.01939
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.609058] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Action selected: 3

[2024-09-22 15:22:00.609138] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Reward: -1
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.609183] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Loss at epoch: 1.02671
[2024-09-22 15:22:00.609268] [0x00007f1454f2f000] [info]    Action selected: 2

The average per epoch loss is shown in the figure below

Figure: Average loss per epoch.