Schema Version: 0.0.34
Mandatory Rule: True
Rule ID: 23-10
Rule Description: System 11 Fan volume shall be reset from 100% airflow at 100% cooling load to minimum airflow at 50% cooling load.
Rule Assertion: B-RMR = expected value
Appendix G Section: Section 23 Air-side
90.1 Section Reference: G3.1.3.17 System 11 Supply Air Temperature and Fan Control
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Building
Applicability Checks:
- B-RMR is modeled with at least one air-side system that is Type-11.
Function Calls:
- get_baseline_system_types()
- baseline_system_type_compare()
Applicability Checks:
create a list of the target system types:
Get B-RMR system types:
baseline_system_types_dict = get_baseline_system_types(B-RMR)
loop through the applicable system types:
for target_sys_type in APPLICABLE_SYS_TYPES:
- and loop through the baseline_system_types_dict to check the system types of the baseline systems:
for system_type in baseline_system_types_dict:
- do baseline_system_type_compare to determine whether the baseline_system_type is the applicable_system_type:
if((baseline_system_type_compare(system_type, target_sys_type, false)):
- the systems in the list: baseline_system_types_dict[system_type] are sys-11 - loop through the list of systems:
for hvac_system_id in baseline_system_types_dict[system_type]:
- otherwise, rule not applicable:
- the systems in the list: baseline_system_types_dict[system_type] are sys-11 - loop through the list of systems:
- do baseline_system_type_compare to determine whether the baseline_system_type is the applicable_system_type:
Rule Logic:
- and loop through the baseline_system_types_dict to check the system types of the baseline systems:
get the hvac system:
hvac_system = get_object_by_id(hvac_system_id)
get the fan_system:
fan_system = hvac_system.fan_system
Rule Assertion:
- Case 1: the fan volume is reset to minimum airflow at 50% load - this is determined by both fan_volume_reset_fraction == 50% AND fan_volume_reset == DESIGN_LOAD_RESET:
if ((fan_system.fan_volume_reset_fraction == 50%) AND (fan_system.fan_volume_reset == DESIGN_LOAD_RESET)): PASS
- Case 2: otherwise, this is a fail:
else: FAIL
- Case 1: the fan volume is reset to minimum airflow at 50% load - this is determined by both fan_volume_reset_fraction == 50% AND fan_volume_reset == DESIGN_LOAD_RESET: