Mandatory Rule: True
Schema Version: 0.0.24
Rule ID: 19-24
Rule Description: Schedules for HVAC fans that provide outdoor air for ventilation shall run continuously whenever spaces are occupied in the proposed design.
Rule Assertion: Options are Pass/Fail/NOT_APPLICABLE
Appendix G Section: Section G3.1-4 Schedules for the proposed building excluding exception #1 and Section G3.1.2.4.
Appendix G Section Reference: None
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Evaluate each HeatingVentilatingAirConditioningSystem
Applicability Checks:
- This rule does not apply when no heating and/or cooling system is to be installed, and a heating or cooling system is being simulated only to meet the requirements described in Section G3.1-10 HVAC Systems proposed column c and d.
Function Call:
- get_proposed_hvac_modeled_with_virtual_heating()
- get_proposed_hvac_modeled_with_virtual_cooling()
Manual Check: None
Rule Logic: Applicability Check 1:
- Call function to get list of inapplicable HVAC systems due to virtual cooling being modeled in the proposed per G3.1-10 d :
inapplicable_HVAC_systems_cooling_list_p = get_proposed_hvac_modeled_with_virtual_cooling(U_RMI,P_RMI)
- Call function to get list of inapplicable HVAC systems due to virtual heating being modeled in the proposed per G3.1-10 c:
inapplicable_HVAC_systems_heating_list_p = get_proposed_hvac_modeled_with_virtual_heating(U_RMI,P_RMI)
There may be duplicates in the following list of inapplicable hvac systems but it is not impactful - Combine list of inapplicable hvac systems:
inapplicable_HVAC_systems_list_p = inapplicable_HVAC_systems_cooling_list_p + inapplicable_HVAC_systems_heating_list_p
- For each HeatingVentilationAirconditioningSystem in the P_RMI check if this check is applicable:
for each hvac_p in P_RMI..HeatingVentilatingAirConditioningSystem:
Check if hvac_p is not in the list of inapplicable systems, if it is not found then carry on with rule logic, if found then the rule outcome is NOT_APPLICABLE for this HVAC system, :
if hvac_p not in inapplicable_HVAC_systems_list_p:
- Get fan operation during occupied periods:
operation_during_occupied_p = hvac_p.fan_system.operation_during_occupied
- Get minimum_outdoor_airflow:
minimum_outdoor_airflow_p = hvac_p.fan_system.minimum_outdoor_airflow
Rule Assertion:
- Case 1: If the fan system operation during occupied periods is continuous and the minimum OA is greater than 0 in the P_RMI:
if operation_during_occupied_p == “CONTINUOUS” and minimum_outdoor_airflow_p >0 : PASS
- Case 2: else if, fan system operation during occupied periods is cycling and the minimum OA equals 0 in the P_RMI:
elif: operation_during_occupied_p == “CYCLING” and minimum_outdoor_airflow_p == 0 : PASS
- Case 3: Else:
Else: FAIL
- Get fan operation during occupied periods:
- Updated the Rule ID from 19-27 to 19-24 on 04/17/2023