Schema Version: 0.0.22
Mandatory Rule: False
Rule ID: 19-11
Rule Description: For systems that serve computer rooms, if the baseline system is HVAC System 11, it shall include an integrated fluid economizer meeting the requirements of Section in the baseline building design.
Appendix G Section: Section G3.
90.1 Section Reference: None
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Each HeatingVentilatingAirConditioningSystem
Applicability Checks:
- Baseline HVAC systems that serve computer rooms and are of system type 11.
Function Calls:
- get_baseline_system_types()
- baseline_system_type_compare()
Applicability Check 1 - Check if there are any Applicable Baseline System Types in the Project at All
- Create a list of the target system types:
target_system_types = [HVAC_SYS.SYS_11]
- Create dictionary of baseline system types:
baseline_system_types_dict = get_baseline_system_types(B_RMD)
- Check if B-RMR is modeled with at least one air-side system that is of type 11, if yes then carry on, if no then NOT_APPLICABLE for the project:
if any(baseline_system_type_compare(system_type, target_sys_type, false) for system_type in baseline_hvac_system_dict.keys() for target_system_type in target_system_types):
This segment identifies applicable HVAC system types (outcome for inapplicable system types will be NOT_APPLICABLE)- For each hvac system in the B_RMD:
for hvac in B_RMD...HeatingVentilatingAirConditioningSystem:
Get the baseline system type:
sys_type = list(baseline_system_types_dict.keys())[list(baseline_system_types_dict.values()).index(])
Check if system type is of an applicable system type, if yes then carry on, if no then NOT_APPLICABLE outcome for the hvac system:
If baseline_system_type_compare(sys_type, HVAC_SYS.SYS_11, false) == TRUE:
- Rule Assertion:
- Case 1: The system is modeled as baseline system type 11 and so the outcome is UNDETERMINED:
outcome = "UNDETERMINED" and raise_message "<Insert> was modeled as baseline system type 11-1, conduct a manual check that an integrated fluid economizer meeting the requirements of Section was modeled in the baseline building design."
- For each hvac system in the B_RMD:
Notes/Questions: None