Schema Version: 0.0.36
Mandatory Rule: True
Rule ID: 16-3
Rule Description: The elevator cab ventilation fan shall be modeled with the same schedule as the elevator motor.
Rule Assertion: P-RMD = Expected Value
Appendix G Section: G3.1
Appendix G Section Reference: Table G3.1-16 Proposed Building Performance
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Each elevator
Applicability Checks:
- The proposed and baseline buildings have an elevator.
Function Call:
Applicability Check 1:
- Rule is applicable if the proposed and baseline RMD contain at least 1 elevator:
if find_all("$.buildings[*].elevators[*]", rmd_b) and find_all("$.buildings[*].elevators[*]", rmd_p):
Determine if the project schedule uses a leap year:
is_leap_year = RPD.calendar.is_leap_year
If it is a leap year, set the schedule comparison mask to 8784 hours, else set it to 8760 hours:
mask_schedule = [1] * 8784 if is_leap_year else [1] * 8760
For each elevator in the proposed RMD:
for elevator in P_RMD...elevators
- Get the modeled schedule for the elevator motor use in the proposed:
motor_use_schedule_p = elevator_p.cab_motor_multiplier_schedule
- Get the modeled schedule for the elevator cab ventilation use in the proposed:
cab_ventilation_schedule_p = elevator_p.cab_ventilation_fan_multiplier_schedule
- Compare the schedules:
comparison_data = compare_schedules(cab_ventilation_schedule_p, motor_use_schedule_p, mask_schedule, is_leap_year):
Rule Assertion:
- Case 1: If the schedules match for all hours:
if comparison_data['total_hours_matched'] == len(cab_ventilation_schedule_p) == len(motor_use_schedule_p): PASS
- Case 2: Else:
- Get the modeled schedule for the elevator motor use in the proposed:
Notes/Questions: None