Schema Version: 0.0.23
Mandatory Rule: False
Rule ID: 10-11
Rule Description: Except for spaces with baseline system 9 or 10, if no cooling system exists or no cooling system has been submitted with design documents, the proposed building cooling system type shall be the same as modeled in the baseline building design and shall comply with the requirements of Section 6.
Rule Assertion: P-RMR = B-RMR
Appendix G Section: Table G3.1 Section 10 proposed column d.
90.1 Section Reference: None
Data Lookup: None
Evaluation Context: Evaluate each HeatingVentilatingAirConditioningSystem Data Group
Applicability Checks: None
Function Calls:
- get_proposed_hvac_modeled_with_virtual_cooling()
Applicability Check 1:
- Call function to get list of applicable HVAC systems due to virtual cooling being modeled in the proposed per G3.1-10 d:
applicable_HVAC_systems_cooling_list_p = get_proposed_hvac_modeled_with_virtual_cooling(U_RMR,P_RMR)
- For each hvac system in applicable_HVAC_systems_cooling_list_p:
for hvac_p in applicable_HVAC_systems_cooling_list_p:
Rule Assertion:- Case 1: For applicable HVAC system:
outcome == "UNDETERMINED" and raise_message "Check that the proposed cooling system type is modeled as the same type as is modeled in the baseline building design model and that it complies with but does not exceed the requirements of Section 6."
- Case 1: For applicable HVAC system: