Apache Pinot now supports a Vector Index for efficient similarity searches over high-dimensional vector embeddings. This feature introduces the capability to store and query float array columns (multi-valued) using a vector similarity algorithm.
- Vector Index is implemented using HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) for approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search.
- Adds support for a predicate and function:
- VECTOR_SIMILARITY(v1, v2, [optional topK]) to retrieve the topK closest vectors based on similarity.
- The similarity function can be used as part of a query to filter and rank results.
Below is an example schema designed for a use case involving product reviews with vector embeddings for each review.
"metricFieldSpecs": [],
"dimensionFieldSpecs": [
"dataType": "STRING",
"name": "ProductId"
"dataType": "STRING",
"name": "UserId"
"dataType": "INT",
"name": "Score"
"dataType": "STRING",
"name": "Summary"
"dataType": "STRING",
"name": "Text"
"dataType": "STRING",
"name": "combined"
"dataType": "INT",
"name": "n_tokens"
"dataType": "FLOAT",
"name": "embedding",
"singleValueField": false
"dateTimeFieldSpecs": [
"name": "ts",
"dataType": "TIMESTAMP",
"granularity": "1:SECONDS"
"schemaName": "fineFoodReviews"
In this schema:
• The embedding column is a multi-valued float array designed to store high-dimensional vector embeddings (e.g., 1536 dimensions from an NLP model).
• Other fields, such as ProductId, UserId, and Text, store metadata and review text.
To enable the Vector Index, configure the table with the appropriate fieldConfigList
. The embedding column is specified to use the Vector Index with HNSW for similarity searches.
"fieldConfigList": [
"encodingType": "RAW",
"indexType": "VECTOR",
"name": "embedding",
"properties": {
"vectorIndexType": "HNSW",
"vectorDimension": 1536,
"vectorDistanceFunction": "COSINE",
"version": 1
Explanation of Properties:
- vectorIndexType:
Specifies the type of vector index to use. Currently supports HNSW.
- vectorDimension:
Defines the dimensionality of the vectors stored in the column. (e.g., 1536 for typical embeddings from models like OpenAI or BERT).
- vectorDistanceFunction:
Specifies the distance metric for similarity computation. Options include:
• Computes the inner product (dot product) of the two vectors.
• Typically used when vectors are normalized and higher scores indicate greater similarity.
• Measures the Euclidean distance between vectors.
• Suitable for tasks where spatial closeness in high-dimensional space indicates similarity.
• Measures the Manhattan distance between vectors (sum of absolute differences of coordinates).
• Useful for some scenarios where simpler distance metrics are preferred.
• Measures cosine similarity, which considers the angle between vectors.
• Ideal for normalized vectors where orientation matters more than magnitude.
- version:
Specifies the version of the Vector Index implementation.
SELECT ProductId,
l2_distance(embedding, ARRAY[-0.0013143676, -0.011042999, ...]) AS l2_dist,
FROM fineFoodReviews
WHERE VECTOR_SIMILARITY(embedding, ARRAY[-0.0013143676, -0.011042999, ...], 5)
ORDER BY l2_dist ASC
A predicate that retrieves the top k closest vectors to the query vector.
- embedding: The vector column.
- Query vector (literal array).
- Optional topK parameter (default: 10).