- nuka-carousel Pure React Carousel
- react-topui React Topcoat UI components
- react-material Material design components written with React.js and React Style
- material-ui A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components for Material Design
- react-desktop OS X and Windows UI components built with React
- react-touch React photo viewer for mobile
- griddle A simple grid component for use with React
- react-grid Data grid for React
- React-iCheck iCheck components built with React. Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons
- react-absolute-grid An absolutely positioned, animated, filterable, sortable, drag and droppable, ES6 grid for React
- react-async Async rendering for React components
- react-async-input{State,Props} calls Inputs that behave properly with async set
- react-mediaswitch Choose your DOM based on media queries
- react-frame-component Render your React app to an iFrame
- react-gravatar React component for rendering a gravatar profile image
- markdown-react React Render for Standard Markdown
- react-component-gallery — React component for creating an evenly spaced components
- react-markdown-textarea Component to create textareas for entering Markdown
- react-markdown-area Github flavored markdown editor with live preview
- react-textarea-autosize Textarea component for React which grows with content
- react-spinner Zero configuration loading spinner
- react-treeview Easy, light, flexible tree view made with React
- react-tree-menu A stateless tree menu component built with the Flux architecture in mind
- react-tween-state React animation tween state
- react-stripe-checkout Easily load Stripe Checkout as a React component
- react-swipe's swipe.js, as a React component Brad Birdsall
- react-smart-time-ago"time ago" dates Show relative
- react-autoupdate-time element that autoupdates Renders a
- react-time/or formatted dates into Component for React to render relative and
- react-crouton A message component for reactjs
- react-ago-component Renders the approximate time ago in words from a specific past date
- react-translate-component/localized text content Provides multi-lingual
- react-lorem-component Renders lorem ipsum placeholder text
- react-interpolate-component Renders elements into a format string
- react-proxy-loader Hot Module Replacement and Code Splitting
- RCSS Turn your JavaScript objects into CSS classes
- ReactiveElements Allows to use React.js component as HTML element
- react-chosen React wrapper for Chosen jQuery
- react-inlinesvg An SVG loader component for React
- react-imageloader A React component for wrangling image loading
- expose A React mixin for lazy loading
- react-loadqueueloader A React component for managing loads with a load queue
- react-loadermixin A React mixin for giving components loading behavior
- react-controlfacades Style form controls but use their default behavior
- react-pressable Add onRelease, onReleaseInside, onReleaseOutside, and onPress events
- react-google-analytics Google analytics component
- react-layers A library for layering components in React
- react-gcal-events-list A Reusable component that pulls events from your google calendar
- reactdi Dependency injection for ReactJS components
- qrcode.react component for use with React A
- react-swf Shockwave Flash Player component for React
- react-unmount-listener-mixin React mixin for listenable componentWillUnmount
- react-sortable\w React A sortable list component built
- react-anything-sortable A sortable component with IE8 compatibility
- react-controllables Easily create controllable components
- react-datalist polyfill for Reactjs A
- react-pad Authoring tool for React components
- ogre.js Object graph manager, built with ReactJS in mind
- react-scroll-components A set of components that react to page scrolling
- react-fullscreen-component Create fullscreen toggles
- react-frozenhead Make your whole page a React component and render it on the server
- react-document-title declarative, nested, stateful document.title
- react-tags A simple wrapper around React.DOM
- react-datepicker by @misino Datepicker component for application using Facebook React
- react-datepicker by @Hacker0x01 A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
- react-styles Utility to manage styles for React JS components
- react-stylesheet A component for React to declare stylesheet dependencies
- react-table-sorter-demo A React.js Table Sorter Component
- react-table-component React Table Component for creating a very basic html table
- react-input-placeholder Input is a small wrapper around React.DOM.input
- react-infinite-scroll An infinite scroll component for React
- react-ellipsis Ellipsis component for React
- react-pillbox Pillbox component for React
- react-intl React Internationalization Component
- react-tokeninput Tokeninput component for React
- react-select-box An accessible select box component for React
- react-ladda React wrapper for Ladda buttons
- react-list A versatile infinite scroll React component
- olay-react Olay implemented as a React component
- reactable Fast, flexible, and simple data tables in React
- react-tabs React tabs component
- react-simpletabs Just a simple tabs component
- react-draggable React draggable component
- react-dnd Flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control
- react-sticky component for React-based apps
- js-object-to-table JavaScript objects drawing themselves into a table using React
- react-kaomoji A React component for displaying Japanese emoticons
- react-calendar Calendar that inspired by React philosophy
- react-element-pan React component for allowing panning of DOM-elements
- react-anchor Functional factory to create react anchor components
- react-bootstrap-daterangepicker/time picker for react (using Bootstrap) A date
- react-bootstrap-datetimepicker A react.js datetime picker for Bootstrap
- react-bootstrap-multiselect(with bootstrap) A multiselect component for react
- react-colorpicker Colorpicker for React
- react-commits-graph A React component to render an svg graph of git commits
- react-layout Dynamic subview layout for React
- react-weather's API Example React weather app using forecast.io
- react-sparkline React component for rendering simple sparklines
- react-component-width-mixin React mixin which sets width
- react-micro-bar-chart React component for micro bar-charts rendered with D3
- react-horizontal-bar-chart Simple horizontal bar chart component, using D3 scales only
- react-infinity A UITableView Inspired list and grid display
- react-timeago A simple time-ago component for React
- react-stylePrefixr A simple utility for React.js to help deal with style vendor prefixes
- react-spinkit A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
- react-html-elements-styleguideReact styleguide component
- react.animate State animation plugin for react.js
- react-animate React animation mixin
- react-star-rating-input React.js component for entering 0-5 stars
- react-star-rating A simple star rating component built with React.
- react-data-components React components and mixins for manipulating data
- react-number-editor(textfield) component for react Number editor
- react-localstorage Simple localstorage mixin for react
- react-sortable-data React Mixin to sort data easily
- react-widgets Suite of ui input widgets including combobox, multiselect, datepicker and more
- react-select Rich Select Component
- react-video React component to load video from Vimeo or Youtube
- react-captcha A react.js reCAPTCHA for Google
- react-cassette-player Vector-based HTML5 Audio Player
- react-tagsinput A simple react component for inputing tags.
- react-autolink An autolink mixin for React
- react-emoji An emoji mixin for React
- react-portal(not just) modals and lightboxes to document.body A transportation of
- react-hotkeys Declarative hotkey and focus area management for React
- react-datagrid A carefully crafted DataGrid for React
- react-panels A multipurpose tabbed panel with many features
- [react-magic-move] (https://github.com/ryanflorence/react-magic-move) A utility that creates the effect of moving DOM nodes, based upon portals
- autoresponsive-react A Magical Layout Libary For React
- Belle Set of easy to style React Components with great UX
- react-input-color React input color component with hsv color picker
- react-medium-editor React wrapper for medium-editor
- react-progress-label Progress label component
- react-input-slider React input slider component
- react-ui-tree React tree component with drag and drop support
- react-frame React components within an iframe for isolated css styling
- react-inline-grid Predictable flexbox based grid for React using Redux and Immutable-js
- rodal A React modal with animations
- react-scrollbar Simple ScrollArea component built for React
- react-experiments Implement A/B tests with randomized parameterizations of your components
- react-slide-deck For swipe, tabs, carousel, one page scroll. With animation hooks. tweening, tween callbacks
- react-resizable-box Resizable component for React
- react-ios-switch React switch component
- react-motion-menu Motion menu component powered by React Motion
- react-listview-sticky-header Turn listview with section headers that stick to the top
- react-expandable-listview Create listview with expandable section headers
- react-keydown Lightweight keydown wrapper for React components
- searchkit Components to build user interfaces for elasticsearch
- grommet The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications
- react-resizable-and-movable Resizable and movable component for React
- react-sidebar An app like sidebar for React including touch support
- react-motion An spring-based animation library, similar to Rebound.js
- sweetalert-react Using sweetalert in React
- react-joyride React Joyride - Create walkthroughs, tours and tooltips for your apps