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Releases: phaserjs/phaser

Four Kings

17 Jun 01:33
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Version 2.4.9 - "Four Kings" - 16th June 2016

New Features

  • Phaser.Line.intersectsRectangle checks for intersection between a Line and a Rectangle, or any Rectangle-like object such as a Sprite or Body.
  • Group.getClosestTo will return the child closest to the given point (thanks @Nuuf #2504)
  • Group.getFurthestFrom will return the child farthest away from the given point (thanks @Nuuf #2504)
  • Animation.reverse will reverse the currently playing animation direction (thanks @gotenxds #2505)
  • Animation.reverseOnce will reverse the animation direction for the current, or next animation only (thanks @gotenxds #2505)
  • The way the display list updates and Camera movements are handled has been completely revamped, which should result is significantly smoother motion when the Camera is following tweened or physics controlled sprites. The Stage.postUpdate function is now vastly reduced in complexity. It takes control over updating the display list (calling updateTransform on itself), rather than letting the Canvas or WebGL renderers do this. Because of this change, the Camera.updateTarget function uses the Sprites worldPosition property instead, which is now frame accurate (thanks @whig @Upperfoot @Whoisnt @hexus #2482)
  • Game Objects including Sprite, Image, Particle, TilemapLayer, Text, BitmapText and TileSprite have a new property called data. This is an empty Object that Phaser will never touch internally, but your own code, or Phaser Plugins, can store Game Object specific data within it. This allows you to associate data with a Game Object without having to pollute or change its class shape.
  • TilemapLayers will now collide properly when they have a position that isn't set to 0x0. For example if you're stitching together several maps, one after the other, and manually adjust their scrollX/Y properties (thanks @Upperfoot #2522)
  • There are a bunch of new Phaser consts available to help with setting the angle of a Game Object. They are Phaser.ANGLE_UP, ANGLE_DOWN, ANGLE_LEFT, ANGLE_RIGHT, ANGLE_NORTH_EAST, ANGLE_NORTH_WEST, ANGLE_SOUTH_EAST and ANGLE_SOUTH_WEST.
  • Math.between will return a value between the given min and max values.
  • InputHandler.dragDistanceThreshold gives you more fine control over when a Sprite Drag event will start. It allows you to specify a distance, in pixels, that the pointer must have moved before the drag will begin.
  • InputHandler.dragTimeThreshold gives you more fine control over when a Sprite Drag event will start. It allows you to specify a time, in ms that the pointer must have been held down for, before the drag will begin.
  • InputHandler.downPoint is a new Point object that contains the coordinates of the Pointer when it was first pressed down on the Sprite.
  • There are two new Phaser consts available, for help with orientation of games or Game Objects. They are Phaser.HORIZONTAL, Phaser.VERTICAL, Phaser.LANDSCAPE and Phaser.PORTRAIT.
  • InputHandler.dragStopBlocksInputUp is a boolean that allows you to control what happens with the input events. If false (the default) then both the onInputUp and onDragStop events will get dispatched when a Sprite stops being dragged. If true then only the onDragStop event is dispatched, and the onInputUp is skipped.
  • Group.inputEnableChildren is a new property. If set to true will automatically call inputEnabled = true on any children added to, or created by, the Group.
  • PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.ignoreChildInput is a new property. If true then the children will not be considered as valid for Input events. Because this has been applied to DisplayObjectContainer it means it's available in Group, Sprite and any other display level object. Using this boolean you can disable input events for all children in an entire Group, without having to iterate anything or deep-set flags.
  • InputHandler._pointerOverHandler and _pointerOutHandler have new arguments silent - if true then they will not dispatch any Signals from the parent Sprite.
  • Pointer.interactiveCandidates is a new Array that is erased and re-populated every time this Pointer is updated. It contains references to all of the Game Objects that were considered as being valid for processing by this Pointer, during the most recent update. To be valid they must have suitable a priorityID, be Input enabled, be visible and actually have the Pointer over them. You can check the contents of this array in events such as onInputDown, but beware: it is reset every update.
  • Pointer.swapTarget allows you to change the Pointer.targetObject object to be the one provided. This allows you to have fine-grained control over which object the Pointer is targeting.
  • Input.setInteractiveCandidateHandler allows you to add a callback that is fired every time Pointer.processInteractiveObjects is called. The purpose of processInteractiveObjects is to work out which Game Object the Pointer is going to interact with. It works by polling all of the valid game objects, and then slowly discounting those that don't meet the criteria (i.e. they aren't under the Pointer, are disabled, invisible, etc). Eventually a short-list of 'candidates' is created. These are all of the Game Objects which are valid for input and overlap with the Pointer. If you need fine-grained control over which of the items is selected then you can use this callback to do so. The callback will be sent 3 parameters: 1) A reference to the Phaser.Pointer object that is processing the Items. 2) An array containing all potential interactive candidates. This is an array of InputHandler objects, not Sprites. 3) The current 'favorite' candidate, based on its priorityID and position in the display list. Your callback MUST return one of the candidates sent to it.
  • Group.onChildInputDown is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an onInputDown signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
  • Group.onChildInputUp is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an onInputUp signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
  • Group.onChildInputOver is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an onInputOver signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
  • Group.onChildInputOut is a new Signal that you can listen to. It will be dispatched whenever any immediate child of the Group emits an onInputOut signal itself. This allows you to listen for a Signal from the Group, rather than every Sprite within it.
  • Phaser.Weapon is a brand new plugin that provides the ability to easily create a bullet pool and manager. Weapons fire Phaser.Bullet objects, which are essentially Sprites with a few extra properties. The Bullets are enabled for Arcade Physics. They do not currently work with P2 Physics. The Bullets are created inside of Weapon.bullets, which is a Phaser.Group instance. Anything you can usually do with a Group, such as move it around the display list, iterate it, etc can be done to the bullets Group too. Bullets can have textures and even animations. You can control the speed at which they are fired, the firing rate, the firing angle, and even set things like gravity for them. Please see the Documentation for more details, or view the Weapon examples in the Examples repo.
  • BitmapData.smoothProperty is a new property that holds the string based prefix needed to set image scaling on the BitmapData context.
  • BitmapData.copyTransform allows you to draw a Game Object to the BitmapData, using its worldTransform property to control the location, scaling and rotation of the object. You can optionally provide
  • BitmapData.drawGroup now uses the new copyTransform method, to provide for far more accurate results. Previously nested Game Objects wouldn't render correctly, nor would Sprites added via addChild to another Sprite. BitmapText objects also rendered without rotation taken into account, and the Sprites smoothing property was ignored. All of these things are now covered by the new drawGroup method, which also handles full deep iteration down the display list.
  • Added the following new constants: Phaser.TOP_LEFT, Phaser.TOP_CENTER, Phaser.TOP_RIGHT, Phaser.LEFT_TOP, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER, Phaser.LEFT_BOTTOM, Phaser.CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_TOP, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER, Phaser.RIGHT_BOTTOM, Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER and Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT.
  • Rectangle.getPoint is a new method that returns a point based on the given position constant, such as Phaser.BOTTOM_LEFT. It returns the same result as calling Rectangle.bottomLeft (etc) but unlike those getters you are able to provide your own Point object.
  • The Game Object Bounds component has been updated to include two new properties: centerX and centerY. This means you can, for example, now get the horizontal center of a Sprite by called Sprite.centerX. These properties are also setters, so you can position the Game Objects, and it will take scale and anchor into consideration.
  • All Game Objects with the Bounds component; which includes Sprites, Images, Text, BitmapText, TileSprites and anything that extend these, now have the new method alignIn. It allows you to align the Game Object within another Game Object, or a Rectangle. You can specify one of 9 positions which are the new position constants such as: Phaser.TOP_LEFT or Phaser.CENTER (see above for the complete list). The Game Objects are positioned based on their Bounds, which takes rotation, scaling and anchor into consideration. You can easily place Sprites into the co...
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Watch Hill

19 May 11:44
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Version 2.4.8 - "Watch Hill" - 19th May 2016

New Features

  • BitmapData.copy, and by extension any method that uses it, including BitmapData.draw, drawGroup and drawFull, now all support drawing RenderTexture objects. These can either be passed directly, or be the textures of Sprites, such as from a call to generateTexture.
  • Arcade Physics has had a new world argument added to the following functions: distanceBetween, distanceToXY, distanceToPointer, angleBetween, angleToXY and angleToPointer. The argument (which is false by default), when enabled will calculate the angles or distances based on the Game Objects world property, instead of its x and y properties. This allows it to work for objects that are placed in offset Groups, or are children of other display objects (thanks @Skeptron for the thread #2463)
  • Arcade Physics Body has a new property worldBounce. This controls the elasticity of the Body specifically when colliding with the World bounds. By default this property is null, in which case Body.bounce is used instead. Set this property to a Phaser.Point object in order to enable a World bounds specific bounce value (thanks @VitaZheltyakov #2465)


  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @osev7 @staff0rd @galen-manuel)
  • Docs typo fixes (thanks @dedoubleyou1 @mortonfox @zeterain)
  • You can now access the intensity of the Camera shake effect via the getter / setter Camera.shakeIntensity. Useful if you wish to tween the intensity while running. (thanks @drhayes #2443)
  • The Arcade Physics overlap method would return false if two bodies were overlapping but neither had any velocity (i.e. they were embedded into each other)
  • PIXI.defaultRenderer is now set to null in Game.destroy, allowing it to be reset if a new Game instance is created on the same page (thanks @xtforgame ##2474)
  • BitmapData.drawGroupProxy is now capable of iterating through Sprites that have children, and also now uses the world positions for drawing instead. This change updates the functionality of BitmapData.drawGroup.
  • Text.setStyle has a new argument update which will optionally automatically call updateText after setting the new style (thanks @staff0rd #2478)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in the Arcade Physics overlap method where it would only detect overlaps up to the max bias threshold and no further (thanks @rgk #2441)
  • InputHandler.checkPointerDown and checkPointerOver will now test the worldTransform scale property of a Sprite. If zero it will fast return, where-as before it would incorrectly report an up event (thanks @jaapaurelio #2466)
  • Fixed a bug in Arcade Physics Body.preUpdate which would incorrectly apply the position of an offset Body (one which has had Body.setSize used on it) when combined with a Sprite with a non-zero anchor (thanks @SBCGames #2470)
  • If you set Game.renderType to Phaser.HEADLESS it will no longer render the output to the canvas. The canvas is still created (although not added to the DOM), as it's required internally, but no rendering now takes place on it (thanks @ForgeableSum #2464)
  • Sounds played using the Audio tag, that were paused and then resumed again (either directly in code, or via a game pause event) would not resume from the point at which they paused (thanks @rroylance #2473)
  • Sounds played using the Audio tag, set to loop, would get caught in an endless pause-play loop cycle (thanks @rroylance #2473)

Pixi Updates

Please note that Phaser uses a custom build of Pixi and always has done. The following changes have been made to our custom build, not to Pixi in general.

  • Sprites that had a tint on them, that then had their frame changed via either Sprite.frame or Sprite.frameName wouldn't re-tint the new frame, and would become stuck on the old frame in Canvas mode (thaks @spayton #2453)


22 Apr 14:19
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Version 2.4.7 - "Hinderstap" - 22nd April 2016

New Features

  • Added P2.Body.thrustLeft which will move the Body to the left by the speed given (thanks James Pryor)
  • Added P2.Body.thrustRight which will move the Body to the right by the speed given (thanks James Pryor)
  • Polygon now takes an array of arrays as a new type when constructing it: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]] (thanks @ShimShamSam #2360)
  • Text has a new property maxLines which is the maximum number of lines to be shown for wrapped text. If set to 0 (the default) there is limit. This prevents wrapped text from overflowing on a fixed layout (thanks @slashman #2410)
  • outOfCameraBoundsKill is a new boolean property that all Game Objects with the InWorld component has. If autoCull and this property are both true then the Object will be automatically killed if it leaves the camera bounds (thanks @jakewilson #2402)
  • Group.getByName searches the Group for the first instance of a child with the name property matching the given argument. Should more than one child have the same name only the first instance is returned.
  • BitmapData has a new property frameData which is a Phaser.FrameData container instance. It contains a single Frame by default, matching the dimensions of the entire BitmapData, but can be populated with additional frames should you wish to create animations from dynamic BitmapData textures.
  • FrameData.destroy will nullify the local arrays used to contain Frame instances.
  • SoundManager.muteOnPause is a new boolean that allows you to control if the Sound system gets muted automatically when a Phaser game pauses, such as when it loses focus. You may need to set this to false if you wish to control the audio system from outside of your Phaser game, i.e. from DOM buttons or similar (#2382)
  • You can now pass a TilemapLayer as a Texture to a TileSprite. A limitation of this is that if you pass it to a TileSprite it will make a fill pattern from the TilemapLayer at that instant it's passed, and it won't keep track of the layer in future should it update (thanks @jdnichollsc #1989)
  • Camera has a new property: lerp. This is a Point object, that allows you to control the amount of horizontal and vertical smoothing to be applied to the camera when it tracks a Sprite. It works both with and without deadzones, and is turned off by default. Set it to low values such as 0.1 for really smooth motion tracking (thanks to @WombatTurkey for the idea of adding this)
  • Camera.shake is a new function that creates a camera shake effect. You can specify the intensity, duration and direction of the effect. You can also set if it should shake the camera out of bounds or not.
  • Camera.flash is a new function that makes the camera 'flash' over the top of your game. It works by filling the game with the solid fill color specified, and then fading it away to alpha 0 over the duration given. This is great for things like hit effects. You can listen for the Camera.onflashComplete Signal.
  • Camera.fade is a new function that makes the camera fade to the color given, over the course of the duration specified. This is great for things like transitioning from one State to another. You can listen for the Camera.onFadeComplete Signal.
  • Camera.resetFX resets any active FX, such as a fade or flash and immediately clears it. Useful for calling after a fade in order to remove the fade from the Stage.
  • Phaser.Camera.ENABLE_FX is a const that controls if the Camera FX are available or not. It's true by default, but if you set it to false before boot then it won't create the Graphics object required to process the effects.
  • The Arcade Physics Body has two new properties: left and top. These are the same as Body.x and Body.y but allow you to pass the Body to geometry level functions such as Circle.contains.
  • World.separate has been optimized to cut down on the number of calls to intersect from 3 calls per Game Object collision check, to 2. So if you were colliding 50 sprites it will reduce the call count from 150 to 100 per frame. It also reduces the calls made to seperateX and seperateY by the same factor.
  • Two immovable bodies would never set their overlap data, even if an overlap only check was being made. As this is useful data to have this has been changed. Two immovable bodies will still never separate from each other, but they will have their overlapX and overlapY properties calculated now.
  • P2.Body.offset is now used and applied to the Sprite position during rendering. The values given are normal pixel values, and offset the P2 Body from the center of the Sprite (thanks @Mourtz #2430)


  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @jamesgroat @kiswa)
  • Docs typo fixes (thanks @thiagojobson @hayesmaker @EJanuszewski)
  • Removed a console.log from the TilingSprite generator.
  • Sound.position can no longer become negative, meaning calls to AudioContextNode.start with negative position offsets will no longer throw errors (thanks @Weedshaker #2351 #2368)
  • The default state of the internal property _boundDispatch in Phaser.Signal is now false, which allows for use of boundDispatches (thanks @alvinlao #2346)
  • The Tiled parser only supports uncompressed layer data. Previously it would silently fail, now it detects if layer compression is used and displays a console warning instead (thanks @MannyC #2413)
  • The Tiled parser now removes the encoding parameter so that a subsequent process doesn't try to decode the data again (thanks @MannyC #2412)
  • Ensure a parent container is a Group before removing from its hash (thanks @rblopes #2397)
  • The Game Object Input Handler now checks to see if the Object was destroyed during the onInputDown phase, and bails out early if so (thanks @zeterain #2394)
  • The Destroy component will now call TweenManager.removeFrom, removing any active tweens from the TweenManager upon the Game Objects destructions (thanks @PokemonAshLovesMyTurkeyAndILikeYouTwo #2408)
  • Tween.update will now return false (flagging the Tween for destruction) should the property every become falsey. This can happen if the object the Tween was tracking is destroyed, nulled or generally removed.
  • TweenData.repeatTotal is a new property that keeps track of the total number of times the Tween should repeat. If TweenData.start is called, as a result of the Tween repeatCount being > 0 then the child tween resets its total before re-starting.
  • The Debug canvas now listens for the ScaleManager.onSizeChange signal and resizes itself accordingly when running under WebGL. This means if your game size changes the Debug canvas won't be clipped off (thanks @francisberesford #1919)
  • Camera.follow now uses the Targets world property to seed the camera coordinates from, rather than its local position. This means Sprites that are members of offset Groups, or transformed display lists, should now be followed more accurately (thanks @rbozan #2106)
  • PluginManager.destroy is now called by Game.destroy.
  • Game.forceSingleUpdate is now true by default.
  • Video now uses MediaStreamTrack.stop() instead of MediaStream.stop() where possible, as the later is now deprecated in some browsers (thanks @stoneman1 #2371)
  • The Physics Manager will now throw a console warning if you try to enable a physics body using an unknown physics engine type (thanks @jakewilson #2415)
  • The Tileset class will tell you the name of the tileset image throwing the uneven size error (thanks @jakewilson #2415)
  • Emitter.start when used with a false explode parameter would cumulatively add particles to the current total. With quantity 10 the first call would emit 10 particles, the next 20, and so on. Calls to start will now reset the quantity each time. This is a behavior change from earlier versions, so if you relied on the old way please account for it in your code (thanks @BdR76 #2187)
  • You can now pass in your own Canvas element to Phaser and it will use that instead of creating one itself. To do so you must pass a Game Configuration object to Phaser when you instantiate it, and set the canvas property of the config object to be the DOM element you wish to use, i.e.: { canvas: document.getElementById('yourCanvas') } (thanks @Friksel #2311)
  • When loading Video with the asBlob argument set it now uses a 'blob' type for the XHR loader, and doesn't cast the resulting file as a Blob upon load. This fixes loading videos as blobs on Chrome for Android (thanks @JuCarr #2433)
  • When the Loader loads audio via the Audio tag, instead of Web Audio, it used to use Phaser.GAMES[].load as the callback handler, which would stop it from working if you had multiple Loaders set-up within Phaser. It now uses a local reference to _this instead (thanks @SBCGames #2435)

Bug Fixes

  • The mouseoutglobal event listener wasn't removed when the game was destroyed (thanks @stoneman1 #2345 #2344 #2342)
  • Fixed issue with IE crashing on this.context.close in the Sound Manager (thanks @stoneman1 #2349)
  • Phaser.World.centerX and Phaser.World.centerY only worked if the bounds had an origin of 0, 0. They now take into account the actual origin (thanks @fillmoreb #2353)
  • SoundManager.destroy now validates that context.close is a valid function before calling it (thanks @brianbunch #2355)
  • SoundManager.destroy doesn't close the context if it's being stored in PhaserGlobal (thanks @brianbunch #2356)
  • Fix typo in p2 BodyDebug.componentToHex that made most debug bodies appear reddish in color (thanks @englercj #2381)
  • Previously when a sprite was tinted and a new texture was loaded then the tint did not apply to the texture and the old tinted texture was used (thanks @CptSelewin #2383)
  • Negative lineSpacing in Text objects will no longer crop the bottom pixels off lines of text (thanks @gaelenh #2379 #2374)
  • BitmapData.copy, and by extension draw, drawFull, drawGroup, etc, would incorrectly handle drawing a tinted Sprite if it ...
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18 Feb 14:46
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2.4.6 is a point release that addresses 2 severe bugs, and should be used in place of 2.4.5 in all instances. The 2.4.5 change log appears after this one.

New Features

  • Added RandomDataGenerator.sign, which returns a -1 or 1 (thanks @taylankasap #2328)


  • StateManager.destroy now sets clearCache and clearWorld internally before clearing the current state, as otherwise they would have been left untouched, such as from Game.destroy (thanks @i-dimitrov #2138)

Bug Fixes

  • Groups now check for child.parent before calling removeFromHash (thanks @spayton #2323 #2338)
  • BaseTexture.destroy wasn't correctly removing the texture from the BaseTextureCache if it was a cached CanvasPool entry (such as Text objects use), causing drawImage errors in Canvas mode, and just blank textures in WebGL (thanks @civet #2339)
  • Loader.getAudioURL and Loader.getVideoURL were hardened to support query string file URLs and still work with uri pairs and data/blobs.

Version 2.4.5 - "Sienda" - 17th February 2016

New Features

  • You can use the new const Phaser.PENDING_ATLAS as the texture key for any sprite. Doing this then sets the key to be the frame argument (the frame is set to zero). This allows you to create sprites using load.image during development, and then change them to use a Texture Atlas later in development by simply searching your code for 'PENDING_ATLAS' and swapping it to be the key of the atlas data.
  • BitmapText.cleanText is a new method that will scan the given text and either remove or replace all characters that are not present in the font data.
  • ArcadePhysics.Body.onCeiling is a new complementary method to go with onFloor (thanks @yigitozdemir #1610)
  • Text.precalculateWordWrap allows you to run your text through the Text word wrap function, which is handy if you need to handle pagination on longer pieces of text (thanks @slashman #2277)
  • Sprite (and all Game Objects) have a new argument in their destroy method: destroyTexture. This boolean (which is false by default) controls if the BaseTexture of the Game Object should be destroyed or not. This is extremely useful in situations where you've got a lot of dynamic assets you no longer need, such as textures created from BitmapDatas. You must set the destroyTexture argument yourself. This can be done in a custom Game Object destroy method or as part of your state shutdown (#2261)
  • The Health Game Object component has a new method: setHealth which allows you to set the exact health amount. This is now used by the revive function.
  • Text.useAdvancedWrap allows you to swap between the Basic and the Advanced word wrapping functions. In Advanced it will wrap long-words and condense and trim excess white space (thanks @soldoutactivist #1811)
  • The Grunt script has been updated to enhance the intro / outro and Pixi defaults. Pixi has been split into intro / outro and main blocks, so you can exclude its intro cleanly. The excludes are now bound, so if you exclude the Phaser UMD it will do the same for Pixi as well (thanks @spayton #2192)
  • ArcadePhysics.worldAngleToPointer will get the angle (in radians) between a display object and the pointer, taking all parent rotations into account (thanks @mattrick16 #2171)
  • There is new documentation on building Phaser for Webpack and a new custom build grunt option (thanks @deiga #2331)
  • Device.safariVersion now holds the major version of the Safari browser.
  • Device.edge is a boolean that is set if running under the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Device.dolby is a boolean that is set if the browser can play EC-3 Dolby Digital Plus files
  • The Loader and SoundManager can now play Dolby Digital Plus files on supported devices.


  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @clark-stevenson @zimpy @iamfreee @milkey-mouse @juanmirod @danzel @staff0rd @sanchopancho13)
  • Docs typo fixes (thanks @zeterain @staff0rd @milkey-mouse @dick-clark @nlotz @s4wny @jonjanisch @Alaxe @cdelstad @tsphillips @rblopes @vrecluse)
  • Emitter methods at, explode, flow, kill, revive, setAlpha, setRotation, setScale, setSize, setXSpeed, setYSpeed and start now return the Emitter instance for better method chaining (thanks @samme #2308)
  • Tilemap.hasTile will now return false if the Tile doesn't exist in the coordinates given (which can happen if the coordinates are out of bounds) (thanks @cy-ryo-fujiwara #2304)
  • Update FrameData to check if both the numeric index was set and exists. Should fix Phaser Tiled integration as a result (thanks @Weedshaker #2298)
  • Loader.loadUpdate now gets one final call when the loading is complete (before it would end and then call loadComplete, but if you had a callback bound to loadUpdate you'd never get that final 100% load event). (thanks @nexiuhm @McFarts #2297 #2296)
  • The TypeScript definitions now have Phaser exported as a module in the header. This allows you to import / require the Phaser TypeScript defs (thanks @PixelWaffles #2255)
  • BitmapData.setHSL now accepts 0 as a valid parameter (thanks @FracturedShader #2209)
  • Force the usage of typescript 1.4.1 in the package.json so that the TypeScript defs with comments is rebuilt properly again (thanks @vulvulune #2198)
  • A tiny logic update in the StateManager (thanks @jaminscript #2151)
  • The Style object passed in to Phaser.Text is now cloned instead of referenced. This means you can adjust single Text instances without invaliding other Text objects using the same style object (thanks @asyncanup #2267)
  • Added a typescript section to the bower and npm configs to support tsd link (thanks @mjohnsonengr #2189 #2180)
  • SoundManager.destroy now calls AudioContext.close (thanks @stoneman1 #2237)
  • Sound.onEndedHandler now sets Sound.currentTime to be Sound.durationMS (thanks @stoneman1 #2237)
  • BitmapData would always create a private _swapCanvas which was a clone of its main canvas used for advanced movement operations. This no longer happens. The swap canvas is created only as needed, by those functions that use it (specifically moveH and moveV), meaning a BitmapData will now use half the amount of memory it used to, and you'll have half the amount of canvas DOM elements created (unless you make heavy use of the move functions).
  • Tweens with 'yoyo' set on them couldn't be re-used again because the start and end properties were left in a reversed state. When a yoyo tween ends it now restores the reversed values (thanks @SBCGames #2307)
  • The width and height values passed to the Game constructor are now passed through Math.floor first. This ensures you can never create a game width non-integer dimensions, which has all kinds of implications - from browser performance to breaking things like TileSprite rendering (#2262)
  • Tilemap.getObjectIndex has been removed as it didn't work correctly in most cases, and it's easier to just scan the Tilemap.objects object directly anyway (#2242)
  • GameObject.revive will now set the health amount to 100 instead of 1, bringing it in-line with the maxHealth default value.
  • Moved the Sound.disconnect after the Sound.stop call in Web Audio (#2280)
  • BitmapData.drawGroup can now handle drawing Emitters and BitmapText objects that are part of the Group.
  • SoundManager.setTouchLock is no longer set if SoundManager.noAudio is true, or if the PhaserGlobal setting disableAudio is true (thanks @bcjordan #2206)
  • Loader.audiosprite is renamed to Loader.audioSprite (the old one still works for legacy reasons) (thanks @epaezrubio #2145)
  • EarCut now replaces PolyK, which fixes advanced Graphics mask triangulation issues such as #1941
  • Camera.checkBounds now takes the scale of the Camera into account (thanks @ForGorNorPor #2263)
  • InputHandler.consumePointerEvent has been removed, as it was never used internally anyway, so was misleading (thanks @GregoryAveryWeir #2227)
  • Events.onDragUpdate has a new 6th property fromStart which is a boolean. You can determine if the event was the result of the start of a drag movement or not by polling it (#2155)
  • SinglePad.onDownCallback has been moved to the end of the method, so that DeviceButton.start is now called before the callback fires, meaning if you check the status of the button in the onDownCallback it will now be fully activated (thanks @suicidepills #2159)
  • The z property assigned to children of a Group now starts from zero instead of 1, this is an internal change mostly but if you relied on the z property for some reason then please be aware of this (thanks pantoninho)

Bug Fixes

  • Buttons (or any Sprites) that don't have a texture, but have children, would incorrectly render the children under WebGL due to the baseTexture.skipRender property (thanks @puzzud #2141)
  • TilemapParser accidentally redeclared i when parsing the ImageCollections which would cause an infinite loop (thanks DanHett)
  • BitmapData.update causes a snowballing memory leak under WebGL due to a Context.getImageData call. BitmapData.clear used to call update automatically but no longer does. This resolves the issue of the Debug class causing excessive memory build-up in Chrome. Firefox and IE were unaffected (thanks @kingjerod #2208)
  • Pausing a Sound that used a Marker for playback would fire the onMarkerComplete signal by mistake as well as stop the fadeTween. This Signal is now only dispatched if Sound.stop is called and the Sound isn't paused (thanks Corin)
  • BitmapText.text would throw an undefined Texture error if you used a character in your text string that didn't exist in the font data.
  • Animation.stop will now stop the named animation only if the name argument is passed and matches the currently running animation (thanks @samme #2299 #2301)
  • TilemapParser accidentally redeclared i when parsing Tilemap Layers (thanks @ttencate and @aweber1 #2244 #2233 #2281)
  • Added removeAll to TweenManagers stub, so the call from the StageManager doesn't throw an error in a custom build (thanks @Retrocad...
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17 Feb 13:53
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New Features

  • You can use the new const Phaser.PENDING_ATLAS as the texture key for any sprite. Doing this then sets the key to be the frame argument (the frame is set to zero). This allows you to create sprites using load.image during development, and then change them to use a Texture Atlas later in development by simply searching your code for 'PENDING_ATLAS' and swapping it to be the key of the atlas data.
  • BitmapText.cleanText is a new method that will scan the given text and either remove or replace all characters that are not present in the font data.
  • ArcadePhysics.Body.onCeiling is a new complementary method to go with onFloor (thanks @yigitozdemir #1610)
  • Text.precalculateWordWrap allows you to run your text through the Text word wrap function, which is handy if you need to handle pagination on longer pieces of text (thanks @slashman #2277)
  • Sprite (and all Game Objects) have a new argument in their destroy method: destroyTexture. This boolean (which is false by default) controls if the BaseTexture of the Game Object should be destroyed or not. This is extremely useful in situations where you've got a lot of dynamic assets you no longer need, such as textures created from BitmapDatas. You must set the destroyTexture argument yourself. This can be done in a custom Game Object destroy method or as part of your state shutdown (#2261)
  • The Health Game Object component has a new method: setHealth which allows you to set the exact health amount. This is now used by the revive function.
  • Text.useAdvancedWrap allows you to swap between the Basic and the Advanced word wrapping functions. In Advanced it will wrap long-words and condense and trim excess white space (thanks @soldoutactivist #1811)
  • The Grunt script has been updated to enhance the intro / outro and Pixi defaults. Pixi has been split into intro / outro and main blocks, so you can exclude its intro cleanly. The excludes are now bound, so if you exclude the Phaser UMD it will do the same for Pixi as well (thanks @spayton #2192)
  • ArcadePhysics.worldAngleToPointer will get the angle (in radians) between a display object and the pointer, taking all parent rotations into account (thanks @mattrick16 #2171)
  • There is new documentation on building Phaser for Webpack and a new custom build grunt option (thanks @deiga #2331)
  • Device.safariVersion now holds the major version of the Safari browser.
  • Device.edge is a boolean that is set if running under the Microsoft Edge browser.
  • Device.dolby is a boolean that is set if the browser can play EC-3 Dolby Digital Plus files
  • The Loader and SoundManager can now play Dolby Digital Plus files on supported devices.


  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @clark-stevenson @zimpy @iamfreee @milkey-mouse @juanmirod @danzel @staff0rd @sanchopancho13)
  • Docs typo fixes (thanks @zeterain @staff0rd @milkey-mouse @dick-clark @nlotz @s4wny @jonjanisch @Alaxe @cdelstad @tsphillips @rblopes @vrecluse)
  • Emitter methods at, explode, flow, kill, revive, setAlpha, setRotation, setScale, setSize, setXSpeed, setYSpeed and start now return the Emitter instance for better method chaining (thanks @samme #2308)
  • Tilemap.hasTile will now return false if the Tile doesn't exist in the coordinates given (which can happen if the coordinates are out of bounds) (thanks @cy-ryo-fujiwara #2304)
  • Update FrameData to check if both the numeric index was set and exists. Should fix Phaser Tiled integration as a result (thanks @Weedshaker #2298)
  • Loader.loadUpdate now gets one final call when the loading is complete (before it would end and then call loadComplete, but if you had a callback bound to loadUpdate you'd never get that final 100% load event). (thanks @nexiuhm @McFarts #2297 #2296)
  • The TypeScript definitions now have Phaser exported as a module in the header. This allows you to import / require the Phaser TypeScript defs (thanks @PixelWaffles #2255)
  • BitmapData.setHSL now accepts 0 as a valid parameter (thanks @FracturedShader #2209)
  • Force the usage of typescript 1.4.1 in the package.json so that the TypeScript defs with comments is rebuilt properly again (thanks @vulvulune #2198)
  • A tiny logic update in the StateManager (thanks @jaminscript #2151)
  • The Style object passed in to Phaser.Text is now cloned instead of referenced. This means you can adjust single Text instances without invaliding other Text objects using the same style object (thanks @asyncanup #2267)
  • Added a typescript section to the bower and npm configs to support tsd link (thanks @mjohnsonengr #2189 #2180)
  • SoundManager.destroy now calls AudioContext.close (thanks @stoneman1 #2237)
  • Sound.onEndedHandler now sets Sound.currentTime to be Sound.durationMS (thanks @stoneman1 #2237)
  • BitmapData would always create a private _swapCanvas which was a clone of its main canvas used for advanced movement operations. This no longer happens. The swap canvas is created only as needed, by those functions that use it (specifically moveH and moveV), meaning a BitmapData will now use half the amount of memory it used to, and you'll have half the amount of canvas DOM elements created (unless you make heavy use of the move functions).
  • Tweens with 'yoyo' set on them couldn't be re-used again because the start and end properties were left in a reversed state. When a yoyo tween ends it now restores the reversed values (thanks @SBCGames #2307)
  • The width and height values passed to the Game constructor are now passed through Math.floor first. This ensures you can never create a game width non-integer dimensions, which has all kinds of implications - from browser performance to breaking things like TileSprite rendering (#2262)
  • Tilemap.getObjectIndex has been removed as it didn't work correctly in most cases, and it's easier to just scan the Tilemap.objects object directly anyway (#2242)
  • GameObject.revive will now set the health amount to 100 instead of 1, bringing it in-line with the maxHealth default value.
  • Moved the Sound.disconnect after the Sound.stop call in Web Audio (#2280)
  • BitmapData.drawGroup can now handle drawing Emitters and BitmapText objects that are part of the Group.
  • SoundManager.setTouchLock is no longer set if SoundManager.noAudio is true, or if the PhaserGlobal setting disableAudio is true (thanks @bcjordan #2206)
  • Loader.audiosprite is renamed to Loader.audioSprite (the old one still works for legacy reasons) (thanks @epaezrubio #2145)
  • EarCut now replaces PolyK, which fixes advanced Graphics mask triangulation issues such as #1941
  • Camera.checkBounds now takes the scale of the Camera into account (thanks @ForGorNorPor #2263)
  • InputHandler.consumePointerEvent has been removed, as it was never used internally anyway, so was misleading (thanks @GregoryAveryWeir #2227)
  • Events.onDragUpdate has a new 6th property fromStart which is a boolean. You can determine if the event was the result of the start of a drag movement or not by polling it (#2155)
  • SinglePad.onDownCallback has been moved to the end of the method, so that DeviceButton.start is now called before the callback fires, meaning if you check the status of the button in the onDownCallback it will now be fully activated (thanks @suicidepills #2159)
  • The z property assigned to children of a Group now starts from zero instead of 1, this is an internal change mostly but if you relied on the z property for some reason then please be aware of this (thanks pantoninho)

Bug Fixes

  • Buttons (or any Sprites) that don't have a texture, but have children, would incorrectly render the children under WebGL due to the baseTexture.skipRender property (thanks @puzzud #2141)
  • TilemapParser accidentally redeclared i when parsing the ImageCollections which would cause an infinite loop (thanks DanHett)
  • BitmapData.update causes a snowballing memory leak under WebGL due to a Context.getImageData call. BitmapData.clear used to call update automatically but no longer does. This resolves the issue of the Debug class causing excessive memory build-up in Chrome. Firefox and IE were unaffected (thanks @kingjerod #2208)
  • Pausing a Sound that used a Marker for playback would fire the onMarkerComplete signal by mistake as well as stop the fadeTween. This Signal is now only dispatched if Sound.stop is called and the Sound isn't paused (thanks Corin)
  • BitmapText.text would throw an undefined Texture error if you used a character in your text string that didn't exist in the font data.
  • Animation.stop will now stop the named animation only if the name argument is passed and matches the currently running animation (thanks @samme #2299 #2301)
  • TilemapParser accidentally redeclared i when parsing Tilemap Layers (thanks @ttencate and @aweber1 #2244 #2233 #2281)
  • Added removeAll to TweenManagers stub, so the call from the StageManager doesn't throw an error in a custom build (thanks @RetrocadeNet #2284)
  • Loader.binary would return a success even if the xhr'd file returned a 404 or similar (thanks @milkey-mouse @mhstar89 #2251 #2250)
  • When loading audio or video from blob or data URIs, the local variable was replaced too soon, throwing errors in getAudioURL and getVideoURL (thanks @milkey-mouse @jackfreak #2236 #2234)
  • Tween.hasStarted parameter was set to false when the tween was created, but not set again when the tween was stopped or ends. If Tween.start is used more than once the onStart callback is called only the first time (thanks @javivi91 #2199)
  • During a WebGL context loss the Phaser Cache was referencing the wrong local object (thanks @allenevans #2285)
  • The Video game object used an anonymous bound function for both the 'ended' and 'playing' event listeners, meaning that they were never removed properly (thanks @ramalhovfc #2303)
  • BitmapData.shiftHSL incorrectly used Math.limitValue, now updated to use Math.clamp (thanks @FracturedShader #2222)
  • The Loader was deleting the next...
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15 Oct 11:13
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New Features

  • Emitter.emitParticle now has 4 new optional arguments: x, y, key and frame. These allow you to override whatever the Emitter default values may be and emit the particle from the given coordinates and with a new texture.
  • Group.resetChild is a new method that allows you to call both child.reset and/or child.loadTexture on the given child object. This is used internally by getFirstDead and similar, but is made public so you can use it as a group iteration callback. Note that the child must have public reset and loadTexture methods to be valid for the call.
  • Group.getFirstDead, Group.getFirstAlive and Group.getFirstExists all have new optional arguments: createIfNull, x, y, key and frame. If the method you call cannot find a matching child (i.e. getFirstDead cannot find any dead children) then the optional createIfNull allows you to instantly create a new child in the group using the position and texture arguments to do so. This allows you to always get a child back from the Group and remove the need to do null checks and Group inserts from your game code. The same arguments can also be used in a different way: if createIfNull is false AND you provide the extra arguments AND a child is found then it will be passed to the new Group.resetChild method. This allows you to retrieve a child from the Group and have it reset and instantly ready for use in your game without any extra code.
  • P2.Body.removeCollisionGroup allows you to remove the given CollisionGroup, or array of CollisionGroups, from the list of groups that a body will collide with and updates the collision masks (thanks @Garbanas #2047)
  • Filter.addToWorld allows you to quickly create a Phaser.Image object at the given position and size, with the Filter ready applied to it. This can eliminate lots of duplicate code.
  • Tiled 0.13.0 added support for layer data compression when exporting as JSON. This means that any .tmx stored using base64 encoding will start exporting layer data as a base64 encoded string rather than a native array. This update adds in automatic support for this as long as the data isn't compressed. For IE9 support you'll need to use the new polyfill found in the resources folder (thanks @noidexe #2084)
  • You can now load single layer Pyxel Edit TileMaps as an atlas (thanks @joshpmcghee #2050)
  • Canvas.getSmoothingPrefix will return the vendor prefixed smoothing enabled value from the context if set, otherwise null.
  • The Random Number Generator can now get and set its state via rnd.state. This allows you to do things like saving the state of the generator to a string that can be part of a save-game file and load it back in again (thanks @luckylooke #2056 #1900)
  • Device.iOSVersion now contains the major version number of iOS.
  • The new PointerMode enumeration value has been added for better simple input discrimination in the future, between active pointers such as touch screens and passive pointers, such as mouse cursors (thanks @pnstickne #2062)
  • Button.justReleasedPreventsOver controls if a just-release event
    on a pointer prevents it from being able to trigger an over event.
  • Button.forceOut expanded to accept a PointerMode value such that it
    can be controlled per-input mode.
  • Phaser.KeyCode is a new pseudo-type used by the Keyboard class (and your code) to allow for separation of all the Keyboard constants to their own file. This stops the JSDocs from becoming 'polluted' and allows for easier future expansion (thanks @pnstickne #2118 #2031)


  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @clark-stevenson @milkey-mouse @timotei @qdrj @Garbanas @cloakedninjas)
  • Docs typo fixes (thanks @rwrountree @yeluoqiuzhi @pnstickne @fonsecas72 @JackMorganNZ @caryanne)
  • Math.average has been optimized (thanks @rwrountree #2025)
  • When calling GameObject.revive the heal method is called to apply the health value, allowing it to take into consideration a maxHealth value if set (thanks @bsparks #2027)
  • Change, ..) to use slice instead (thanks @pnstickne #2034 #2032)
  • BitmapData.move, moveH and moveV have a new optional wrap argument allowing you to control if the contents of the BitmapData are wrapped around the edges (true) or simply scrolled off (false).
  • Time.desiredFps has moved to a getter / setter.
  • Time.physicsElapsed and Time.physicsElapsedMS are no longer calculated every frame, but only when the desiredFps is changed.
  • Time.update has been streamlined and the updateSetTimeout and updateRAF methods merged and duplicate code removed.
  • Time.desiredFpsMult is a pre-calculated multiplier used in Game.update.
  • Time.refresh updates the Time.time and Time.elapsedMS values and is called automatically by Game.update.
  • DeviceButton was setting a duration property on itself, which went against the read only getter of duration (thanks @winstonwolff)
  • Added Node.js v4 stable to Travis config (thanks @phillipalexander #2070)
  • Optimised Canvas.getSmoothingEnabled, Canvas.setSmoothingEnabled and Canvas.setImageRenderingCrisp.
  • The Physics Editor Exporter (found in the resources folder of the repo) has had an option to prefix shape names and optimize JSON output added to it (thanks @Garbanas #2093)
  • Touch.addTouchLockCallback has a new argument onEnd which allows the callback to fire either on a touchstart or a touchend event.
  • The SoundManager now detects if the browser is running under iOS9 and uses a touchend callback to unlock the audio subsystem. Previous versions of iOS (and Android) still use touchstart. This fixes Apple's screw-up with regard to changing the way Web Audio should be triggered in Mobile Safari. Thanks Apple (thanks @MyCatCarlos for the heads-up #2095)
  • InputHandler.validForInput now checks if the game object has input.enabled set to false and doesn't validate it for input if that's the case.
  • The default Button.onOverMouseOnly value has changed from false to true. If you used this in your touch enabled games then please be aware of this change (#2083)
  • BitmapData.clear now automatically calls BitmapData.update at the end of it.
  • New Color stub added for the custom build process. Contains just the bare minimum of functions that Phaser needs to work. Cuts file size from 48.7KB to 7.4KB. Note: Do not stub this out if using BitmapData objects.
  • New DOM stub added for the custom build process. Contains just the bare minimum of functions that Phaser needs to work. Cuts file size from 14.8KB to 2.4KB. Note: Do not stub this out if using the full Scale Manager.
  • New Scale Manager stub added. Removes all Scale Manager handling from Phaser! But saves 75KB in the process. If you know you don't need to scale the Phaser canvas, or are handling that externally, then you can safely stub it out in a custom build.
  • Added the PIXI.PolyK, PIXI.WebGLGraphics and PIXI.CanvasGraphics files to the Graphics custom build option. They weren't used anyway and this removes an extra 40.2KB from the build size.
  • Phaser.Create no longer automatically creates a BitmapData object when it starts. It now only does it when you first make a texture or grid.
  • New Create stub added for the custom build process. Cuts file size by 8KB.
  • You can now exclude the FlexGrid from custom builds, saving 15KB.
  • The ScaleManager no longer creates a Phaser.FlexGrid if the class isn't available (i.e. excluded via a custom build)
  • Time.suggestedFps is now defaulted to Time.desiredFps for the first few frames until things have settled down (previously it was null) (thanks @noidexe #2130)
  • Text with anchor 0.5 and word wrap would have an extra space added to its width calculations, this is now adjusted for (thanks @nickryall #2052 #1990)
  • ScaleManager.getParentBounds now checks if parentNode has an offsetParent before calling getBoundingClientRect on it (thanks @McFarts #2134)

Bug Fixes

  • Loader.bitmapFont wouldn't automatically set the atlasURL value if just the key was given.
  • The Loader would put the baseURL and/or path in front of data: and blob URLs (thanks @rblopes #2044)
  • When the Text width was being calculated it would add the strokeThickness value twice, causing an alignment offset (thanks @nickryall #2039)
  • Sound.onEndedHandler has a fix for AudioBufferSourceNode listener memory leak (thanks @Pappa #2069)
  • Game.update could call updateLogic multiple times in a single frame when catching up with slow device frame rates. This would cause Tweens to advance at twice the speed they should have done (thanks @mkristo)
  • Added useCapture flags to removeEventListener in MSPointer class (thanks @pmcmonagle #2055)
  • Under setTimeOut (or when forceSetTimeOut was true) the Time was incorrectly setting Time.timeExpected causing game updates to lag (thanks @satan6 #2087)
  • Fixes edge case when TilingSprite is removed before render (thanks @pnstickne #2097 #2092)
  • Camera.setBoundsToWorld only adjusts the bounds if it exists (thanks @prudolfs #2099)
  • Keyboard.addCallbacks didn't check to see if the arguments were null, only if they were undefined making the jsdocs misleading.
  • ScaleManager.getParentBounds now takes any transforms into account to get the correct parent bounds (thanks @jdnichollsc #2111 #2098)
  • Cache.addBitmapFont now applies a default value for the x and y spacing if the arguments are omitted (thanks @nlotz #2128)
  • Removed use of the tilePosition property in the Phaser.Rope class as it isn't implemented and caused calls to Rope.reset to crash (thanks @spayton #2135)
  • ScaleMin and ScaleMax stopped working in Phaser 2.3.0 due to an incorrect transform callback scope (thanks @brianbunch #2132)

Pixi Updates

Please note that Phaser uses a custom build of Pixi and always has done. The following changes have been made to our custom build, not to Pixi in general.

  • CanvasRenderer.mapBlendModes optimised to cut down on file size.
  • PIXI.WebGLRenderer.updateTexture now returns a boo...
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24 Aug 14:51
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New Features

  • Loader.images is a new method that allows you to pass an array of image keys, and optionally the URLs to the Loader and have them all added to the load queue in one go.
  • TweenManager.frameBased allows you to control if all newly created Tweens update based on the physics step (i.e. frame based) or the system clock (time based). A frame based tween will use the physics elapsed timer when updating. This means it will retain the same consistent frame rate, regardless of the speed of the device. The duration value given should be given in frames. If the Tween uses a time based update (which is the default) then the duration is given in milliseconds. In this situation a 2000ms tween will last exactly 2 seconds, regardless of the device and how many visual updates the tween has actually been through.
  • Tween.frameBased does the same as TweenManager.frameBased but allows you to set the value on a per-tween basis.
  • BitmapText.smoothed is a new boolean property that allows you to set texture smoothing on a bitmap font or not. By default smoothing is always on, but you can turn it off which helps for bitmap fonts created from pixel art style character sets.
  • Text.addFontStyle and Text.addFontWeight allow you to apply font weights and styles to specific characters in a Text object. For example you can now include bold or italics within single Text objects (thanks @jdnichollsc #1950)
  • PIXI.CanvasPool is a new static global created to deal with the issue of resource leaks and continuous DOM node build-up when creating lots of Text or BitmapData objects, or when calling generateTexture on any display object. The CanvasPool will do its best to re-use out dated canvas elements rather than filling up the DOM with new ones.
  • Sprite.setTexture has a new destroyBase parameter - set this to true if you know the base used a generated texture that isn't being used by any other sprites. This will free-up the canvas for further re-use by other calls to generateTexture or Text objects.
  • Line.midPoint will return a Point object where the x and y values correspond to the center (or midpoint) of the Line segment.
  • Line.rotateAround allows you to rotate a Line around the given coordinates (in world space)
  • Line.centerOn will position the Line so that its midpoint lays on the coordinates given.
  • BitmapData.line draws a line to the BitmapData in the color and thickness specified.
  • BitmapData.op is a handy short-code to get and set the canvas global composite operator.
  • BitmapData.drawFull draws the given Game Object or Group to a BitmapData and then recursively iterates through all of its children, including children of Game Objects and Groups. It can draw Text, BitmapText, Sprites, Images, Emitters and Graphics objects. It's perfectly valid to pass in as the parent object, and it will iterate through the entire display list.
  • Phaser.TilemapParser.INSERT_NULL is a new boolean that controls what happens when the parser encounters an empty tile: When scanning the Tiled map data the TilemapParser can either insert a null value (true) or a Phaser.Tile instance with an index of -1 (false, the default). Depending on your game type depends how this should be configured. If you've a large sparsely populated map and the tile data doesn't need to change then setting this value to true will help with memory consumption. However if your map is small, or you need to update the tiles (perhaps the map dynamically changes during the game) then leave the default value set (thanks #1982)


  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @clark-stevenson @vrecluse @yahiko00 @cloakedninjas @qdrj)
  • JSDoc typo fixes (thanks @Cowa @yahiko00 @qdrj @stuff)
  • = false is used if the browser supports it, otherwise it falls back to VideoStream.stop.
  • Text can now accept undefined or null as the text argument in the constructor and will cast it as an empty string.
  • Point.rotate uses a faster and simpler rotation function when no distance argument is specified.
  • Setting a P2.Body from Static or Kinematic to Dynamic will now automatically adjust the Body.mass to be 1 (thanks @wayfu #2005)
  • Pointer.withinGame is no longer automatically set to false in the Pointer.stop method. Instead it will check if the Pointer actually is within the stage bounds and only set withinGame to false if it's outside the bounds.
  • MSPointer now has an onPointerUpGlobal handler for when the pointer is released outside of the canvas, but still within the browser window. This means that in IE11 a Sprites onInputUp event will now trigger even when outside the canvas (thanks @bvargish #2000)
  • MSPointer now has handlers for the pointer being over and outside of the canvas element, which sets the Pointer.withinGame booleans accordingly. It also triggers the Mouse.mouseOutCallback and Mouse.mouseOverCallback callbacks respectively.
  • The MSPointer event listeners have been renamed to all lower-case, i.e. 'pointerDown' is now 'pointerdown'.

Bug Fixes

  • Pointer.isDown was reset before the Input.onUp event, meaning you couldn't get the Pointer duration from within the event.
  • Pointer.isDown was reset before the Input tap calculations, meaning onTap wouldn't dispatch (thanks @stovenator #1953)
  • InputHandler.pointerOver would get stuck in an 'isOver' state if the Sprite changed its visibility during an onUp callback (thanks @Cristy94 #1955)
  • If you override the P2 mpx functions, to define your own px to meters values, the P2 Debug Bodies would ignore it (thanks @vrecluse #1957)
  • ArrayUtils.numberArrayStep would return an empty array if a single parameter was given, instead of a single step array (thanks @pooya72 #1958)
  • Text with tints applied wouldn't update properly in Canvas mode.
  • Removed use of the deprecated enterFullScreen and leaveFullScreen signals from the Scale Manager (thanks @mmanlod #1972)
  • BitmapText with tints applied wouldn't update properly in Canvas mode (thanks @Pajamaman #1969)
  • Group.cacheAsBitmap would be incorrectly offset in Canvas mode (thanks @mkristo #1925)
  • Text.setTextBounds didn't add the x and y values to the width and height offsets.
  • Line.rotate used a calculation method which resulted in the line growing (or shrinking) in length over time the more it was rotated. The new method never changes the lines length.
  • BitmapText.font failed to pull the new font from the Phaser Cache, stopping it from updating properly (thanks @AbrahamAlcaina #2001)
  • Video.stop now removes the 'playing' event listener, which stop Videos set to loop from throwing errors after being destroyed.
  • Tilemap.createFromObjects has been strengthened so that will only create Sprites for matching gids/ids/names. It also only sets the Sprite width and height values if they are present in the Tiled data (thanks @pparke #2012)
  • TilingSprite._renderCanvas wasn't correctly allowing for pixel rounding (thanks @ximop #2022)
  • Cache.addSpriteSheet didn't include default values for the frameMax, margin and spacing arguments (thanks @vladkens #2017 #2018)
  • Tilemap.shuffle was calling the deprecated Phaser.Utils.shuffle, which has now moved to Phaser.ArrayUtils.shuffle.
  • Enabling a filter on a display object that had a multiply blend mode set would cause the object to become invisible. The two cannot be combined, so when you set a filter on a display object it now automatically resets the blend mode to NORMAL. The same does not happen in reverse however, so if you've got a filter set and then change the blend mode to multiply it will still break. Be careful to capture this yourself (thanks @wayfu #1994)


29 Jul 14:06
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  • TypeScript definitions fixes and updates (thanks @clark-stevenson @shivinsky)
  • JSDoc typo fixes (thanks @DrkSephy)
  • TilemapLayer - Fixed unmatched and context.restore calls (thanks @MortimerGoro #1934)
  • Cache.getFrame has a new cache parameter (that defaults to the Image cache, but can be changed to any other)
  • Cache.getFrameCount has a new cache parameter (that defaults to the Image cache, but can be changed to any other)
  • Cache.getFrameData has a new cache parameter (that defaults to the Image cache, but can be changed to any other)
  • Cache.hasFrameData has a new cache parameter (that defaults to the Image cache, but can be changed to any other)
  • Cache.getFrameByIndex has a new cache parameter (that defaults to the Image cache, but can be changed to any other)
  • Cache.getFrameByName has a new cache parameter (that defaults to the Image cache, but can be changed to any other)
  • Device.canPlayVideo now checks for ogv as a valid file extension for OGG video files (thanks @JB-Tellez #1928)
  • Phaser.Sound will now automatically check the Cache to see if the audio file it is using is still there or not. If not then it will automatically called Sound.destroy on itself. If you do not desire this result then you should ensure that you undertake all house-keeping yourself, and properly destroy Sound objects before calling Cache.removeSound (#1946)

Bug Fixes

  • DeviceButton would try to set altKey, shiftKey and ctrlKey even for Joypads (thanks @zatch #1939)
  • Pointer.move would accidentally reset the isDown status of the Pointer on touch devices, which broke things like Sprite input events when built to native apps or run locally (#1932 #1943)
  • Pointer.onDown (and input enabled items like Buttons) would fail on FireFox / Linux and CocoonJS (#1944 #1945)

Ionin Spring

24 Jul 12:54
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This is a small point release that updates the Creature runtimes and fixes a couple of small cache issues.

It also modifies the Grunt build scripts so that all third party libs (such as Creature, P2, gl-matrix and PIXI) are now kept well and truly outside of Phaser. They are defined and placed first in the build files. So no more PIXI hiding within the Phaser namespace or UMD patching for Phaser required.


  • The Creature Runtimes have been updated to the latest versions and the Phaser.Creature class updated to use them.
  • GameObjectFactory.creature is a new method to help with quick Creature animation object creation.
  • Cache.getPixiTexture will now search the image cache if it couldn't find a texture in the PIXI.TextureCache global array, if it finds a matching image in the image cache then it returns a new PIXI.Texture based on it.
  • Cache.getPixiBaseTexture will now search the image cache if it couldn't find a BaseTexture in the PIXI.BaseTextureCache global array.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Cache.getKeys to use the _cacheMap (thanks @jamesgroat #1929)
  • Safari on OSX wouldn't recognise button presses on trackpads (thanks JakeCake)
  • Cache.removeImage now calls destroy on the image BaseTexture, removing it from the PIXI global caches without throwing a warning.


22 Jul 14:36
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Note: Revision a of Phaser 2.4.0 includes a fix to the build files that stopped some PIXI classes being undefined (such as TilingSprite). Nothing in the framework itself changed.

API Changes

  • RenderTexture.render now takes a Matrix as its second parameter, not a Point object. This brings it in line with Pixi and allows you to perform much more complex transformations on the object being rendered. If you need to replicate the old behavior please use RenderTexture.renderXY(sprite, point.x, point.y) instead.
  • PIXI.DisplayObject.updateTransform has a new optional parameter parent. If the DisplayObject doesn't have a parent (i.e. it isn't on the display list yet) then in the past updateTransform would fail. This meant you couldn't do things like scale or rotate a Sprite and then draw it to a RenderTexture or BitmapData, as calls to updateTransform would be ignored. The new checks now look to see if the parent parameter is set. If so this takes priority over the actual parent and is used to modify the transform (note that it doesn't reparent the DisplayObject, it merely uses it for the transform.) If there is no parent (explicitly or via the parameter) then it falls back to use Phaser.World as the parent. If it can't reach that then no transform takes place.
  • If Phaser.Sound.noAudio has been set then Phaser.Loader will not load any audio files. No errors are thrown, but all calls to and Loader.audiosprite are silently ignored. noAudio can be set either via the PhaserGlobal global var or is set if the device your game is running on has no audio playback support.
  • Files can now be added to the Loader with an absolute URL even if you have a Loader.baseURL set. In previous versions the baseURL would still be prepended to the file URL, but the Loader now checks if the a file URL begins with http or // and skips prepending the baseURL to it.
  • Phaser.StateManager would incorrectly call loadUpdate and loadRender while the game was paused or if the State didn't have an update or render method defined, even after the loader was completed. Although this is a bug fix it's still an API change should you have been using the loadUpdate/Render calls in the old way. Also the StateManager no longer calls preRender unless the State create method has finished. If the State doesn't have a create method then preRender runs immediately.
  • Frame.uuid has been removed (was flagged as deprecated for several releases). This has a two-fold effect: First it means that the property no longer exists and secondly it means that the AnimationParser (the class responsible for loading sprite sheets and texture atlases) no longer has to call either RandomDataGenerator.uuid OR populates the PIXI.TextureCache. The first saves some CPU time and the second saves memory by not creating references to textures it doesn't ever use. The PIXI.TextureCache is now ignored by Phaser other than for the __missing and __default textures.
  • Phaser.AnimationParser methods JSONData, JSONDataHash and XMLData have all had their cacheKey parameter removed as it's no longer used.
  • Input.deleteMoveCallback no longer takes an integer as its parameter. Now you have to give it the original callback and context in order to remove it. This is to protect against index invalidation (see the fixed Bugs list)
  • Group.add and Group.addAt will only create a Physics Body on the child if it doesn't already have one. This is a change from 2.3 where it would replace the physics body property with the new body, but this could lead to garbage build-up over time, so you should now properly destroy the body before changing it.
  • Button game objects now have Input.useHandCursor set to true by default.
  • Phaser.BitmapText no longer extends PIXI.BitmapText but replaces it entirely.
  • Phaser.Text no longer extends PIXI.Text but replaces it entirely. Phaser.Text now natively extends a Phaser Sprite, meaning it can be enabled for physics, damaged, etc.
  • Mouse.button and MSPointer.button have been deprecated and are no longer set (they remain at -1). They never supported complex button events such as holding down 2 buttons and releasing just one, or any buttons other than left and right. They have been replaced with the far more robust and accurate Pointer DeviceButton properties such as Pointer.leftButton, Pointer.rightButton and so on.
  • Phaser.DeviceButton is a new class that handles a specific button on an input device, for example the middle button of a mouse, the eraser button of a stylus or a shoulder button on a Gamepad.
  • Phaser.DeviceButton.shiftKey is a boolean that holds if the shift key was held down or not during the last button event.
  • Phaser.DeviceButton.altKey is a boolean that holds if the alt key was held down or not during the last button event.
  • Phaser.DeviceButton.ctrlKey is a boolean that holds if the control key was held down or not during the last button event.
  • Phaser.GamepadButton has been removed and now uses DeviceButton instead. Three internal API changes took place: processButtonDown is renamed to start, processButtonUp is renamed to stop and processButtonFloat is renamed to padFloat. If you extended GamepadButton in your own code you need to replace it with DeviceButton.
  • MSPointer now checks the pointerType property of the DOM event and if it matches 'mouse' it will update Input.mousePointer, rather than Input.pointer1 (or whatever the next free Pointer was).
  • Time.suggestedFps is now only populated if Time.advancedTiming is enabled.

p2.js Upgraded to version 0.7.0

Phaser has been upgraded internally to use the new release of p2 physics. All Phaser based API call signatures remain unchanged unless listed below.

For the full list of p2 additions please read their change log.

  • The P2.Body.onBeginContact arguments have changed. It now sends 5 arguments: The Phaser.P2.Body, the p2.Body, the p2 Shape from Body A, the p2 Shape from Body B and the contact equations array. Note that the Phaser.P2.Body may be null if you collide with a 'native' p2 body (such as the world bounds). However the p2.Body argument will always be populated.
  • The P2.Body.onEndContact arguments have changed. It now sends 4 arguments: The Phaser.P2.Body, the p2.Body, the p2 Shape from Body A and the p2 Shape from Body B. Note that the Phaser.P2.Body may be null if this is the end of a contact with a 'native' p2 body (such as the world bounds). However the p2.Body argument will always be populated.
  • P2.Body.applyImpulse allows you to apply an impulse to a Body. An impulse is a force added to a body during a short period of time.
  • P2.Body.applyImpulseLocal allows you to apply an impulse to a point local to the Body. An impulse is a force added to a body during a short period of time.
  • P2.Body.getVelocityAtPoint gets the velocity of a point in the body.

Build Updates

  • The Grunt build script now lets you exclude four new modules: rope, tilesprite, creature and video.
  • Rope removes the ability to create Rope sprites and also removes the PIXI.Rope and PIXI.Strip classes.
  • TileSprite removes the ability to create Tile Sprites and also removes the PIXI.TilingSprite class.
  • Creature is not enabled by default, but allows you to control support for Creature bone based animations.
  • Video removes the ability to render Videos and video streams to textures.
  • Pixi is no longer an optional module. Phaser no longer uses any main stream branch of Pixi and has multiple fixes and tweaks internally through-out it. Therefore it's now no longer possible to replace the version of Pixi that Phaser uses with any other version, so we removed the option from the custom list. Over time we will do away with the Pixi globals and merge it fully into Phaser to avoid conflicts with any other version of Pixi present.

New Features

  • All calls to Loader methods that add files to the queue, such as Loader.image or Loader.atlas, now have the URL as an optional parameter. If not set Loader will assume the URL to be based on the key given. For example the following: game.load.image("boom", "boom.png") can now be expressed as just game.load.image("boom"), or game.load.atlas("player", "player.png", "player.json") can now be shortened to game.load.atlas("player"). Please see the freshly updated jsdocs for full details.
  • Loader.atlas and Cache.addTextureAtlas will now automatically determine the format of the JSON data (array or hash) when added to the Cache. You no longer need to specify it explicitly if JSON, only if XML.
  • Added support for the Creature Automated Animation Tool. You can now create a Phaser.Creature object which uses json data and a texture atlas for the animations. Creature is a powerful animation tool, similar to Spriter or Spine. It is currently limited to WebGL games only, but the new libs should prove a solid starting point for anyone wanting to incorporate Creature animations into their games.
  • Tilemap.getTileWorldXY has a new optional parameter: nonNull which if set makes it behave in the same way as getTile does (thanks @GGAlanSmithee #1722)
  • Group.hash is an array (previously available as Group._hash, but protected) into which you can add any of its children via Group.addToHash and Group.removeFromHash. Only children of the Group can be added to and removed from the hash. The hash is used automatically by Arcade Physics in order to perform non z-index based destructive sorting. However if you don't use Arcade Physics, or it isn't a physics enabled Group, then you can use the hash to perform your own sorting and filtering of Group children without touching their z-index (and therefore display draw order).
  • Group.physicsSortDirection is a new property allowing you to set a custom sort direction for Arcade Physics Sprites within the Group hash. Previously Arcade ...
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