Taiwan Ground Motion Model and Ground-Motion Database
- update 2006 Pingtung earthquake Ztor and path (EQSN =239, 240)
- update site database to version 7.5
- remove PGA, Sa ==0 record 14051957.P16.31903600.MNS
- read Brian dataset (2017.12.14)
- update event classification to event_classification_20170206
- update distance calculation (sgm.for.Person_20171228.RDS, CCLD20180105/p4cf.out) (from Brian).
- update Rmax estimation (Rmax_c_TNGA_Adjusted_2018_01_16_for_Person.RDS) (from Brian).
- update station information from Dr. Kuo (NCREE) for STA_ID=MTN119.
- #22 remove two records without NS component time history.
- #23 remove record with spike on time history.
- remove duplicated records (34) with same station ID.
- remove EQID=1(1981_0129_0451_36), STA_ID=SMART1-M11 with SA value = -999.
- Data number -> 44,600
- #21 Update the Vs30 of MTN stations in Chi-Chi event. (9 records)
- Fix #20 EQ: 1995_0223_0519_03 (Pfile:02230518.P95) (EQSN:038) only have 21 records
- Fault rupture models for the two new events occurred in 2016 (the Meinong event, Category A, and the deep intra-slab event, Category B)
- 21 new finite fault models obtained by Dr. Lee of IES.
- Subduction earthquake source scaling relations recommended by the PEER NGA-Sub project. This update does not affect Category A events or crustal events.
- Path data for new entries for the two 2016 events and updated fault rupture models.
- Path data for BATS subduction zone records.
- add ChiChi recordings (recorded by IES’s MTN network).
- update site database to version 7.0
- add SMART1 data from NGA-West2
- add BATS data from NGA-Sub
- add 2016 Meinong earthquake and 20160531 north Taiwan deep intraslab earthquake data
- add NPP data
- update site database to version 6.0
- add column ID.eqcatalog for SSC eqid.
- add column within30 for the flag of earthquake within 30km buffer zone.
- add column "eq.type.crust" for "eq.type" = "shallow crustal" or "deep crustal"
- fixed the duplication of site database with STA_ID=TAP105. (previous flatfile will have two Vs30 and Z1.0 values of TAP105 station)
- update earthquake flag column from NCREE to version 20171113.
- add earthquake flag column from NCREE.
- add Mw_source column.
flag | type |
0 | Mainshock |
!=0 | fore- and after- shock (EQID from eq.catalog indicate the EQID of foreshock or aftershock) |
flag_sub | type |
0 | Shallow or Deep Crustal Earthquake |
1 | Beneath Ryukyu Interface Crustal Earthquake |
2 | Beneath Маnilа Interface Crustal Earthquake |
3 | In Front of Ryukyu Trench Earthquake |
4 | In Front of Маnilа Trench Earthquake |
5 | Ryukyu Intraslab Earthquake |
6 | Маnilа Intraslab Earthquake |
flag_crustal_type | type |
0 | Other Earthquake |
1 | Shallow Crustal Earthquake |
2 | Deep Crustal Earthquake |
3 | Shallow Oceanic Earthquake |
4 | Deep Oceanic Earthquake |
flag_cmp | type |
0 | Taiwan Region |
1 | Pacific Region |
2 | China Region |
flag_feq | type |
0 | Non-fault earthquake |
1 | Fault earthquake |
- add event type classification "eq.type.SSC" from SSC's eq activity rate calculation result. see SSHAC_GM_v4_20161228_document.md for newest column documnetation.
- using new earthquake catalog (SSHAC_Catalog_final.TXT, 20161222), reselect fault plane from focal mechanism, recalculate distanace metric(by Brian Chiou).
- reorganize columns, only keep suggested column for each variable. see SSHAC_GM_v4_20161224_document.md for newest column documnetation.
- rename and reorder column, remove some unused columns. see TNGA_v3_20161014_document.md for newest column documnetation.
- add instrument type from sgm.index to database
Instrument |
A800 |
A800 |
A800 |
- add raw PGA from sgm.index to database
PGA.raw.Z | PGA.raw.NS | PGA.raw.EW |
11.48 | 30.63 | 16.27 |
20.58 | 39.24 | 54.55 |
50.24 | 100.97 | 84.70 |
- add Rmax columns provide by Brain
GM.Type | EQID | Mag | EQ.BCH | Net1 | Rcut1 | Net2 | Rcut2 | N | Ncut | epsilon | Sigma | minSigma | TL1 | Rmax1 | TL2 | Rmax2 |
rawPGA.max | 0006 | 5.42 | FALSE | CWB | NA | TitanCWB | NA | 22 | 0 | 2 | 0.5105791 | 0.5 | 0.004 | 136.97375 | NA | NA |
rawPGA.max | 0008 | 5.53 | FALSE | CWB | NA | TitanCWB | NA | 36 | 0 | 2 | 0.5318822 | 0.5 | 0.004 | 67.48952 | NA | NA |
rawPGA.max | 0009 | 5.27 | FALSE | CWB | NA | TitanCWB | NA | 91 | 0 | 2 | 0.5747993 | 0.5 | 0.004 | 71.87381 | NA | NA |
- add suggested column Rrup.sugg, Rjb.sugg, Rhypo.sugg, Rx.sugg, Ry.sugg, Depth.sugg, Ztor.sugg, Strike, Dip, Rake, Vs30_class, hwflag, Rx.sugg, Ry.sugg, Z1.0_sugg
fault.type.ccld | Rrup.sugg | Rjb.sugg | Rhypo.sugg | Rx.sugg | Ry.sugg | Depth.sugg | Ztor.sugg | Strike | Dip | Rake | Vs30_class | hwflag |
RO | 83.62194 | 82.75383 | 86.19036 | 0 | 0 | 11.37 | 0.010322 | 191 | 17 | 33 | 1 | 0 |
RO | 119.90682 | 119.30303 | 122.48636 | 0 | 0 | 11.37 | 0.010322 | 191 | 17 | 33 | 1 | 0 |
RO | 48.59453 | 47.48563 | 51.32261 | 0 | 0 | 11.37 | 0.010322 | 191 | 17 | 33 | 0 | 0 |
- remove duplicated station records
- update nga-sub to V08
- update Site information from SiteDatabase_SSHAC_v4.0
- fix directivity paramter for cat == A
- update earthquake information and records of event 318 (Pfile = "23211230.P10", EQ_ID="2010_1121_1231_46")