- Increase Python 3 compatibility
- Add realm as an argument to unauthorized exceptions, its presence causing a WWW-Authenticate header to be emitted.
- Set location header during __init__ of redirect exceptions.
- Drop support for Python 3.3, add support for Python 3.6.
- Use str(self) as detail if it is not set.
- Add a setHeader method to add a response header to an HTTPException.
- upgradeException now also supports finding an HTTPException class with the same name as a non-HTTPException class.
- Use HTTPException.body_template when title and detail are set.
- Add new title and detail attributes to HTTPException.
- Add exception classes for all HTTP status codes.
- Implement basic subset of Response features in HTTPException class.
- Mark exceptions with appropriate zope.publisher interfaces.
- Add a new common base class zExceptions.HTTPException to all exceptions.
- Add compatibility with PyPy and Python 3.
- Arguments to the Unauthorized exception are assumed to be utf8-encoded if they are bytes.
- Released as separate package.