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GCS - Generalized Compressed Storage of multi-dimensional arrays

Authors Pearu Peterson
Created 2020-12-13


An array is a structured collection of array elements. An array element is a pair of its associated index and a value.

The element index is unique to each array element and it enables locating the corresponding element in the array structure. It is convinient to use tuples of integers as element indices such that the length of the tuple defines the dimensionality of the array and each item in the tuple is within an allowed range of integer values. The lenghts of all ranges define the shape of the array.

The element value is usually a numerical value from some field (integers, real numbers, complex numbers, etc) as we want to define array operations that involve arithmetic operations with array elements. We also assume that the values of all array elements are from the same field --- this is manifested by defining a single value type for all array elements.

For example, consider a 2-dimensional array with 6 elements that have the following indices and values:

Indices Values
(0, 0) 1
(0, 1) 2
(0, 2) 3
(1, 0) 4
(1, 1) 5
(1, 2) 6

The shape of this array is (2, 3).

To visualize arrays, in particular, the 2-dimensional arrays, we shall use the table represenation of arrays where the row indices correspond to the first index item and the column indices to the second index item. For instance, the 2-dimensional array above has the following table representation:

  1 2 3
  4 5 6

where the two rows correspond to the first index values (0 or 1) and the three columns to the second index values (0 or 1 or 2).

Array storage formats

There exists many formats that can be used for storing array elements in some storage device, say, computer memory.

Strided memory layout

The most efficient general storage scheme is strided storage format where only the values of array elements are stored while the corresponding elemenent indices can be computed from the memory address of the array element, and vice-versa, from the index of an array element one can compute the location of the array element value in memory. To enable these computations, one needs to define a tuple of integer valued strides. Then the memory location of the value of an array element with index tuple indices is offset + sum(strides[i] * indices[i], i=0,...,N-1) where N denotes the dimensionality of the array and offset is an offset from a memory address.

For example, if the strides tuple is (3, 1) and offset is 0 then the array in previous example would have the following indices, values, and memory locations:

Indices Values Memory location
(0, 0) 1 0
(0, 1) 2 1
(0, 2) 3 2
(1, 0) 4 3
(1, 1) 5 4
(1, 2) 6 5

and the values would be layout in memory in the following order:

1 2 3 4 5 6

Other choices of strides tuple are possible, for instance, take strides=(-1, -2), offset=5, and then we have

Indices Values Memory location
(0, 0) 1 5
(0, 1) 2 3
(0, 2) 3 1
(1, 0) 4 4
(1, 1) 5 2
(1, 2) 6 0

with the following memory layout for values:

  6 3 5 2 4 1

Coordinate storage format (COO)

Notice that in strided storage format the values of all array elements are stored in computer memory. In some occasions, the values of only specific elements need to be stored. For instance, when most of the values of array elements are known to be equal, say, to zero, then a considreable storage saving can be achieved if only elements with non-zero values are stored. The so-called coordinate storage format (COO) allows storing only specific elements but this requires that both the indices and valus of specified elements are explicitly stored in computer memory. According to COO storage format, the indicies and values of specified elements are stored in two arrays, indices and values, that use, say, the strided storage format as described above.

For example, consider a 2-dimensional array with shape (2, 3) that has the following specified elements:

Indices Values
(0, 1) 1
(1, 0) 2
(1, 2) 3

This array in the table representation is as follows

  X 1 X
  2 X 3

where X denotes the placeholder for unspecified elements.

This array in COO storage format is represented by arrays of indices and values as follows (using table representation for simplicity):


  0 1 1
  1 0 2


  1 2 3

COO storage format can be easily generalized to use it for storing the specified elements of a multi-dimensional array: the shape of indices array would be (N, NSE) where N is the dimensionality of the array and NSE is the number of specified elements.

Compressed Row/Column Storage formats (CRS/CCS)

(Compressed row/column storage formats are also known as compressed sparse row/column storage formats CSR/CSC. Here we avoid the usage of "sparse" as it is ambiguous adjective and the discussed array formats are sparsity agnostic.)

While COO storage format is a popular format for storing sparse arrays because of its simplicity, it is not the most efficient storage format from the view point of processing sparse arrays, say, for matrix multiplication operations. The so-called compressed row storage (CRS) format is a certain specialization of the COO storage format where the row indices are stored in a special way that makes algorithms using loops over row indices particularly processor efficent. The CRS format also saves some storage space because row indices are stored in a compressed way.

As an example, let's consider a 2-dimensional array with a shape (4, 5) that has the following table representation:

  X X 1 X 2
  3 X X 4 X
  5 X 6 7 X
  X X X 8 9

In the COO storage format, this array reads


  0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
  2 4 0 3 0 2 3 3 4


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In the CRS storage format, the first row of indices (corresponding to row indices of the array elements) is rewritten to hold the cummulative number of column elements for each row: the first and second rows contain 2 elements, the third row contains 3 elements and the last again the two elements. So, the cummulative number of column elements for all rows is 2, 2+2=4, 2+2+3=7, 2+2+3+2=9, respectively. In the CRS format, the array reads:

compressed row indices, crow_indices:

  0 2 4 7 9

column indices, col_indices:

  2 4 0 3 0 2 3 3 4


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Notice that the first item of crow_indices corresponds to the index of first row that contains specified elements and the last item in crow_indices is always equal to the number of specified elements, that is, the size of col_indices and values arrays.

Analogously to CRS, one can define compressed column storage format (CCS) where the array column indices are rewritten in compressed form. For example, the sample array above in the CCS format reads:

row indices, row_indices:

  1 2 0 2 1 2 3 0 3

compressed column indinces, ccol_indices:

  0 2 2 4 7 9


  3 5 1 6 4 7 8 2 9

Similarly to COO storage format, the CRS/CCS formats can be generalized for multi-dimensional arrays, however, many different generalizations have been proposed because for N-dimensional array there is a freedom of selecting which dimension indices will be rewritten in compressed way. Recall, that for N=2, we have two choices leading to CRS and CCS storage formats. For N>2 cases, one can define more than two different storage formats that are parameterized by the choice of compressed dimension, or more generally speaking, combinations of compressed dimensions.

Generalized Comporessed Storage format (GCS)

For generalizing CRS/CCS formats to storing N-dimensional arrays, we are going to use and generalize the basic idea behind the GCRS/GCCS formats introduced in "Efficient storage scheme for n-dimensional sparse array: GCRS/GCCS" ( use dimensionality reduction to map the N-dimensional indicies to 2-dimensional indices and apply the standard CRS format for storing the elements in the dimensionality reduced 2-dimensional array. The authors of the paper described this method for just one possible reduction scheme that efficency may not be optimal for array operations in general (they split the N dimensions to odd and even dimensions and then used dimensionality reduction such that the odd and even dimensions map to row and column dimensions, respectively) and having a choice of mixing dimensions would allow more optimal data locality for array operations that could enhance array processing performance.

The basics of dimensionality reduction

Consider a N-dimensional array and the strided storage format. The values of array elements are stored in a computer memory as a linear chunk of data that could be considered as a 1-dimensional array by its own. This view of an N-dimensional array is the dimensionality reduction from N to 1. The dimensionality reduction has reverse operation, the dimensionality promotion, that maps 1-dimensional indices (index) to N-dimensional indices. The N-to-1 dimensionality reduction and 1-to-N dimensionality promotions are described by the strides and shape tuples.

If indices is a N-tuple of integers and index is an integer, then the N-to-1 dimensionality reduction is as a map of N-dimensional indices to 1-dimensional index:

  index = sum(indices[i] * strides[i], i=0, ..., N-1)

The 1-to-N dimensionality promotion is defined as a map of a 1-dimensional index to N-dimensional indices:

  indices[i] = index // strides[i]  mod shape[i],   i=0, ..., N-1.

This formalism can be easily generalized to N-to-M dimensionality reduction and M-to-N dimensionality promotion for arbitrary N and M such that M < N. In this document we consider only N-to-2 dimensionality reductions and its reverse for the sake of simplicity in introducing the GCS format, however, the tools in provide implementations for general M-to-N dimensions reductions.

There is a number of ways to perform the N-to-2 dimensionality reduction depending of the choice of mapping the subsets of N dimensions to row or column indices. For example, consider a 3-dimensional array with shape (2, 3, 8) and its dimensionality reduction to 2-dimensional array. We have the following choices:

  1. map the first two dimensions to reduced row dimension and the last dimension to reduced column dimension, the dimensionality reduced array will have shape (2*3, 8);

  2. map the first dimension to reduced row dimension and the rest dimensions to reduced column dimension, the dimensionality reduced array will have shape (2, 3*8);

  3. map the last dimension to reduced row dimension and the first two dimensions to reduced column dimension, the dimensionality reduced array will have shape (8, 2*3);

  4. map the last dimension to reduced row dimension and the first two dimensions, swapped, to reduced column dimension, the dimensionality reduced array will have shape (8, 3*2);

etc. In total, there are 12 variatons to reduce the dimensionality of a 3-dimensional array to a 2-dimensional array. To describe the dimensions mappings, we will introduce a tuple of dimensions permutations and a tuple of dimensions partitioning.

The tuple of dimensions permutations describes the swapping of axes before performing the dimensions reduction. It is a N-tuple of integers containing any permutation of the tuple (0, 1, ..., N-1).

In general, the tuple of dimensions partitioning is a (M-1)-tuple of positive ordered integers less than N-1, that defines the partitioning of the dimensions permuations tuple into M parts. For M=2 case, the parts correspond to the reduced row and reduced column dimensions and the tuple of dimensions partitioning contains only one integer value.

For example, define dimensions=(2, 4, 1, 3, 0) as the dimensions permuation of a 5-dimensional array and let partitioning=(3, ) be the dimensions partitioning tuple. Then the 3rd, 5th, and 2nd dimensions are mapped to reduced row dimension and the 4th, and 1st dimensions are mapped to reduced column dimension:

  row_dimensions = (2, 4, 1)
  col_dimensions = (3, 0)

For N-to-2 dimensionality reductions, there exist two reduction stride tuples that define N-to-1 dimensionality reductions of dimensions in row_dimensions and col_dimensions, respecitively:

  row_strides[i] = product(shape[row_dimensions[k]], k=1, ..., Nr - 1 - i),  i=0, ..., Nr - 1
  col_strides[j] = product(shape[col_dimensions[k]], k=1, ..., Nc - 1 - j),  j=0, ..., Nc - 1

where Nr = len(row_dimensions) and Nc = len(col_dimensions).

For example, let shape=(2, 3, 4, 5, 6), dimensions=(2, 4, 1, 3, 0), and partitioning=(3,), then we have

  row_strides = [6*3, 3, 1] = [18, 3, 1]
  col_strides = [2, 1]

Now, we have everything needed for mapping N-dimensional indices to GCS row and column indices. Given a tuple of indices, we can compute

  row_index = sum(row_strides[i] * indices[row_dimensions[i]], i=0, ..., Nr - 1)
  col_index = sum(col_strides[j] * indices[col_dimensions[j]], j=0, ..., Nc - 1)

and vice-versa, we can compute N-dimensional indices from the given GCS row and column indices:

  indices[row_dimensions[i]] = (row_index // row_strides[i])  % shape[row_dimensions[i]]
  indices[col_dimensions[j]] = (col_index // col_strides[j])  % shape[col_dimensions[j]]

where i=0, ..., Nr - 1 and j=0, ..., Nc - 1.

For example, let's consider a 3-dimensional array with shape (2, 3, 4) with the following elements specified:

Indices Values
(0, 0, 1) 1
(0, 0, 2) 2
(0, 0, 3) 3
(0, 2, 1) 4
(1, 0, 0) 5
(1, 0, 3) 6
(1, 2, 0) 7
(1, 2, 2) 8
(1, 2, 3) 9

To reduce its dimensionality to 2, let's use dimensions permutation tuple (0, 1, 2) (read: no dimensions are swapped), and partitioning tuple (2,) (read: the first two dimensions are mapped to reduced row dimension and the last dimension is mapped to reduced column dimension). Then we have the following mapping of indices:

Indices Reduced row index Reduced column index
(0, 0, 1) 0 1
(0, 0, 2) 0 2
(0, 0, 3) 0 3
(0, 2, 1) 2 1
(1, 0, 0) 3 0
(1, 0, 3) 3 3
(1, 2, 0) 5 0
(1, 2, 2) 5 2
(1, 2, 3) 5 3

This represents the array of dimensionality reduction:

X 1 2 3
X 4 X X
5 X X 6
7 X 8 9

that could be stored in COO format:


  0 0 0 2 3 3 5 5 5
  1 2 3 1 0 3 0 2 3


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

or in CRS format:


  0 3 3 4 6 6 9


  1 2 3 1 0 3 0 2 3


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

For partitioning=(1,) (the first dimension is mapped to the reduced row dimension and the last two dimensions are mapped to the reduced column dimension), the array of dimensionality reduction is:

X 1 2 3 X X X X X 4 X X
5 X X 6 X X X X 7 X 8 9

or in CRS format:


  0 4 9


  1 2 3 9 0 3 8 10 11


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

For dimensions=(2, 1, 0), partitioning=(1,) (the last dimension is mapped to the reduced row dimension and the first two dimensions swapped are mapped to the reduced column dimension), the array of dimensionality reduction is:

X 5 X X X 7
1 X X X 4 X
2 X X X X 8
3 6 X X X 9

or in CRS format:


  0 2 4 6 9


  1 5 0 4 0 5 0 1 5


  5 7 1 4 2 8 3 6 9

Notice that the choice of dimensions mapping can result in different memory layouts for arrays of dimensionality reductions that can be advantageous or disadvantageous for further processing of dimensionality reduced arrays. Also, the required storage size of array data depends on the choice of dimensions mapping.

The following table illustrates all possible mappings for a 3-dimensional array with shape (2, 3, 4) (the array element indices are encoded into the corresponding element values, for instance, the value 112 indicates that the corresponding element index is (1, 1, 2)):

Row / Column dimensions 2-D reduction array
[0] / [1, 2] 000 001 002 003 010 011 012 013 020 021 022 023
100 101 102 103 110 111 112 113 120 121 122 123
--- ---
[0] / [2, 1] 000 010 020 001 011 021 002 012 022 003 013 023
100 110 120 101 111 121 102 112 122 103 113 123
--- ---
[1] / [0, 2] 000 001 002 003 100 101 102 103
010 011 012 013 110 111 112 113
020 021 022 023 120 121 122 123
--- ---
[1] / [2, 0] 000 100 001 101 002 102 003 103
010 110 011 111 012 112 013 113
020 120 021 121 022 122 023 123
--- ---
[2] / [0, 1] 000 010 020 100 110 120
001 011 021 101 111 121
002 012 022 102 112 122
003 013 023 103 113 123
--- ---
[2] / [1, 0] 000 100 010 110 020 120
001 101 011 111 021 121
002 102 012 112 022 122
003 103 013 113 023 123
--- ---
[0, 1] / [2] 000 001 002 003
010 011 012 013
020 021 022 023
100 101 102 103
110 111 112 113
120 121 122 123
--- ---
[0, 2] / [1] 000 010 020
001 011 021
002 012 022
003 013 023
100 110 120
101 111 121
102 112 122
103 113 123
--- ---
[1, 0] / [2] 000 001 002 003
100 101 102 103
010 011 012 013
110 111 112 113
020 021 022 023
120 121 122 123
--- ---
[1, 2] / [0] 000 100
001 101
002 102
003 103
010 110
011 111
012 112
013 113
020 120
021 121
022 122
023 123
--- ---
[2, 0] / [1] 000 010 020
100 110 120
001 011 021
101 111 121
002 012 022
102 112 122
003 013 023
103 113 123
--- ---
[2, 1] / [0] 000 100
010 110
020 120
001 101
011 111
021 121
002 102
012 112
022 122
003 103
013 113
023 123