Usage: ./pdfix_app [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--help-all-md Show all help in MD format
name | description |
batch |
Run commands in a batch. The document is not saved to the output path if a command does not modify it. |
make-accessible |
Makes PDF Accessible. Converts PDF to fully compliant PDF/UA.If you have image-only PDF, please use OCR command before. |
add-tags |
Add tags to PDF. |
extract-data |
Extract PDF data into JSON/XML |
pdf2table |
Extracts tables detected in the PDF into CSV files.Output should point to the folder where separate CSV files will be saved. |
pdf2txt |
Extract text from PDF |
pdf2image |
Extract images from PDF |
extract-highlighted-text |
Extract highlighted text from PDF |
pdf2html |
Converts PDF to HTML , output is the HTML file created duringconversion. All necessary files generated during the conversion aresaved in the same folder as the output file. |
pdf2json |
Extract PDF data into JSON |
preflight |
Preflight document template and output the config |
ocr |
Converts scans or images-only PDF documents into searchable, editable PDF files. |
import-data |
Import form data from JSON |
acroform2json |
Extract PDF Form Fields into JSON |
json2acroform |
Import PDF Form Fields from JSON |
render-page |
Render Page |
digital-signature |
Sign PDF |
add-comment |
Add comment to PDF |
remove-comments |
Remove comments from PDF |
flatten |
Flatten all annotations into the PDF content. |
embedfonts |
Embeds fonts into PDF |
watermark |
Add watermark to PDF |
parse-pds-objects |
Tag operations on PDF |
create-document |
Create new PDF |
create-page |
Create new page in PDF |
move-page |
Move one page in document |
delete-pages |
Delete pages from PDF |
insert-pages |
Insert pages from PDF to another |
document-metadata |
Get and set document metadata as XML |
license |
License related commands |
pages2json |
Convert PDF Pages into JSON |
bmk2json |
Convert PDF Bookmarks into JSON |
tags2json |
StructTree to JSON |
content2json |
Page Content to JSON |
dests2json |
Extract Named Destivations into JSON |
test |
test commands |
test-open-document |
test open document commands |
test-incremental-save |
test incremental save |
test-imposition |
test imposition |
create-documents |
Create new PDF files |
render-pages |
Render Pages |
redact |
Redact content using all redaction annotations. |
pocess-control |
test commands |
undo-redo |
undo-redo test command |
tag |
Tag operations on PDF |
remove-security |
Add tags to PDF. |
test-edit-page-object-mcid |
Edit page object mcid. |
Internal commands
-m,--email TEXT Registration e-mail address
-k,--key TEXT License key
--settings-path TEXT PDFix SDK settings
-i,--input TEXT Input file
-o,--output TEXT Output file or replace input file if not set
Run commands in a batch. The document is not saved to the output path if a command does not modify it.
-p,--password TEXT Open password
-c,--command TEXT Batch command JSON file
--progress Print out the batch commands progress output if set
Makes PDF Accessible. Converts PDF to fully compliant PDF/UA.If you have image-only PDF, please use OCR command before.
--password TEXT Open password
-c,--command-path TEXT Command file path. Default make accessible command will be used if it's empty.
-l,--lang TEXT The language to assign to the PDF document
-t,--title TEXT The title to assign to the PDF document
Add tags to PDF.
--password TEXT Open password
-c,--config-path TEXT Config file path.
--preflight Preflight document template before processing
Extract PDF data into JSON/XML
--password TEXT Open password
-c,--config_path TEXT:FILE Config file path
--preflight Preflight document template before processing
-f,--format ENUM:{0,1} integer value defining the data file output format (0-JSON, 1-XML)
-p,--page-number INT the page number from which to extract data, default -1 extracts from all pages
--doc-info extract document general information (metadata, num pages, etc.)
--doc-outlines extract document outlines (bookmarks)
--doc-acroform extract document forms (AcroForm)
--doc-struct-tree extract document structure tree (tags)
--page-info extract page general information (number, crop box, rotation)
--page-content extract page objects (raw data)
--page-map scrape page data (logical content extraction)
--page-annots extract page annotstions
--text extract page map text elements or content text objects
--tables extract page map tables structure
--images extract page map image elements or page contnet images
--bbox extract element or object bbox
--text-style extract text style of text element
--text-state extract text state of text object or element
--graphic-state extract page object's graphic state
Extracts tables detected in the PDF into CSV files.Output should point to the folder where separate CSV files will be saved.
Extract text from PDF
-c,--config_path TEXT:FILE Config file path
-p,--page INT Page number from which text will be extracted (Default value -1 extract all pages
Extract images from PDF
-w,--page-width INT with of the rendered page in pixels used for scaling the images
-f,--format ENUM:{1,2} integer value defining the image output format (1-PNG, 2-JPG)
-q,--quality INT:INT in [0 - 100]
image quality. For JPG means the compression level otherwise it’s ignored
Extract highlighted text from PDF
-c,--config-path TEXT path to config file
Converts PDF to HTML , output is the HTML file created duringconversion. All necessary files generated during the conversion aresaved in the same folder as the output file.
--password TEXT Open password
-c,--config-path TEXT Path to config file
-w,--page-width INT Page width
-a,--append-html TEXT Append HTML code from file
-p,--page INT Convert specific page
-f,--flags INT Conversion flags
--export-js exports document JavaScript into HTML.
--text-size retain original text size in created HTML.
--text-color page number from which image will be created.
--no-external use inline css, js and embeded images and fonts.
--no-external-css use inline css instead of the external file.
--no-external-js use inline javascript instead of the external file.
--no-external-img use embedded based encoded images.
--no-external-font use embedded based encoded fonts.
--gray-background use gray background and page padding.
--no-page-render do not render page.
--export-fonts exports embedded TrueType fonts into HTML using CSS3.
--preflight Preflight document template before processing
--type ENUM:{0,1,2} integer value defining the conversion type (0-Original content layout type, 1-Responsive content layout type, 2-Derivation)
--format ENUM:{1,2} integer value defining the image output format (1-PNG, 2-JPG)
Extract PDF data into JSON
--password TEXT Open password
-c,--config_path TEXT:FILE Config file path
--preflight Preflight document template before processing
-f,--flags INT Conversion flags
Preflight document template and output the config
-f,--format ENUM:{0,1} integer value defining the data file output format (0-JSON, 1-XML)
Converts scans or images-only PDF documents into searchable, editable PDF files.
-l,--lang TEXT OCR language
-d,--data-path TEXT:DIR path to Tesseract ORC data.
Import form data from JSON
--password TEXT Open password
-j,--json-path TEXT:FILE Path to JSON file
-f,--flatten Flatten PDF
Extract PDF Form Fields into JSON
--password TEXT Open password
--widgets include information about the form field annotations - widgets.
Import PDF Form Fields from JSON
-j,--json-path TEXT:FILE Path to JSON file
Render Page
-f,--format ENUM:{1,2} integer value defining the image output format (1-PNG, 2-JPG)
-r,--rotate ENUM:{0,90,180,270}
page rotation in degrees
--password TEXT Open password
-p,--page-number INT page number from which image will be created.
-l,--left INT integer value specifying the page left of the clipping region in device units
-t,--top INT integer value specifying the page top of the clipping region in device units
-w,--width INT integer value specifying the width of the page left clipping region in device units
-g,--height INT integer value specifying the height of the page left clipping region in device units
-q,--quality INT:INT in [0 - 100]
integer value defining the image output quality (0-100)
-z,--zoom FLOAT floating point number of zoom level
Sign PDF
-x,--pfx-path TEXT:FILE Path to .pfx file with signature.
-p,--pfx-password TEXT Password for .pfx file.
Add comment to PDF
Remove comments from PDF
Flatten all annotations into the PDF content.
Embeds fonts into PDF
Add watermark to PDF
-m,--image-path TEXT:FILE Path to image file used for watermark
-s,--start-page INT First page where the watermark is placed [0].
-e,--end-page INT Last page where the watermark is placed [last page].
--order-top INT:NUMBER Control watermark z-order (0-bottom, [1]-top)
--percentage Use percentage values instead of points
--h-align ENUM:{1,2,3,6}:NUMBER
Horizontal alignment ([1]-left, 2-right, 3-justify, 6-center)
--v-align ENUM:{4,5,6}:NUMBER
Vertical alignment ([4]-top, 5-bottom, 6-center)
--h-value FLOAT:NUMBER Horizontal image offset [0]
--v-value FLOAT:NUMBER Vertical image offset [0]
--scale FLOAT:NUMBER Image scale [1]
--rotation FLOAT:NUMBER Image counter-clockwise rotation in degrees [0]
--opacity FLOAT:NUMBER Image opacity [1]
Tag operations on PDF
--password TEXT Open password
Create new PDF
Create new page in PDF
-p,--after-page INT page number after which the new page will be inserted.
Move one page in document
-f,--from INT page number of the page to move
-t,--to INT new location of the page to move.
Delete pages from PDF
-f,--from INT page number of first page to delete.
-t,--to INT page number of the last page to delete.
Insert pages from PDF to another
-s,--src TEXT:FILE Source file
-a,--after INT Page number after which pages will be inserted
-f,--from INT Page number of first page to insert
-t,--to INT Page number of the last page to insert
Get and set document metadata as XML
-x,--xml-path TEXT Path to .xml file with metadata.
License related commands
-a,--activate TEXT activate license using the key online or offline if --license-path is set, or request activation if --request-path is set
--request create activation request, --license-path should be set to write request to, used only in combination with --activate
--license-path TEXT path to a license file
-d,--deactivate deactivate license online, for offline deactivation --license-path should be set
-u,--update update license online, for offline update --license-path should be set
-s,--status print license status
-r,--reset reset local license
Convert PDF Pages into JSON
--password TEXT Open password
-p,--page-number INT page number, [0] default all pages)
--text exports page text
Convert PDF Bookmarks into JSON
--password TEXT Open password
StructTree to JSON
Page Content to JSON
-p,--page-number INT page number.
Extract Named Destivations into JSON
--password TEXT Open password
test commands
-m,--image-path TEXT Path to image file used for watermark
test open document commands
test incremental save
test imposition
Create new PDF files
count UINT Document count
thread-count UINT Thread count
-c,--count UINT Document count
-t,--thread-count UINT Thread count
Render Pages
-f,--format ENUM:{1,2} integer value defining the image output format (1-PNG, 2-JPG)
-r,--rotate ENUM:{0,90,180,270}
page rotation in degrees
--page-from INT page number from which rendering will be exectuted
--page-to INT page number to which rendering will be exectuted
-l,--left INT integer value specifying the page left of the clipping region in device units
-t,--top INT integer value specifying the page top of the clipping region in device units
-w,--width INT integer value specifying the width of the page left clipping region in device units
-g,--height INT integer value specifying the height of the page left clipping region in device units
-q,--quality INT:INT in [0 - 100]
integer value defining the image output quality (0-100)
-z,--zoom FLOAT floating point number of zoom level
--thread-count UINT maximal number of threads to be used
Redact content using all redaction annotations.
-p,--page-number INT page number where redaction mark will be created.
-l,--left INT integer value specifying the top of the redaction mark on page
-b,--bottom INT integer value specifying the bottom of the redaction mark on page
-w,--width INT integer value specifying the width of the redaction mark on page
-g,--height INT integer value specifying the height of the redaction mark on page
test commands
undo-redo test command
Tag operations on PDF
Add tags to PDF.
--password TEXT Open password
Edit page object mcid.