This projects demonstrates the ideal way to make api calls in flutter. The app consists of a basic auth flow. User can register, login, update its credentials and remove from the app covering the basic http methods GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE.
The project-repo consist of two directories, flutter_client (our frontend client app written in flutter) and go-server backend server written in golang. The go-server is a small API based microservice written using gin-gonic.
- Computer
- Golang
- Flutter
To run golang backend server:
cd flutter_api_call/go-server
make run or go run main.go
To run flutter app:
cd flutter_api_call/flutter_client
flutter pub get
flutter run
Some common structures:
Success `json:"success"` // boolean
ErrorMessage `json:"error_message"` // string
Status `json:"status"` // Status
Name `json:"name"` // string
Email `json:"email"` // string
* Method: POST
* Request: RegisterRequest{
Email `json:"email"` // string
Name `json:"name"` // string
Password `json:"password"` // string
ConfirmPassword `json:"confirm_password"` // string
* Response: Response{}
* Method: POST
* Request: LoginRequest{
Email `json:"email"` // string
Password `json:"password"` // string
* Response: LoginResponse{
Name `json:"name"` // string
Email `json:"email"` // string
* Method: GET
* Response: ListResponse{
Status `json:"status"` // Status
Users `json:"users"` // []User
* Method: PATCH
* Request: UpdateRequest{
Email `json:"email"` // string
OldPassword `json:"old_password"` // string
NewPassword `json:"new_password"` // string
ConfrimPassword `json:"confirm_password"` // string
* Response: Response{}
* Method: DELETE
* Request: DeleteRequest{
Email `json:"email"` // string
Password `json:"password` // string
* Response: Response{}