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Creating Databases

Before start

First, in order to create a Database resource, a DbInstance resource is necessary. This defines the target server where the database must be created. Database resources require DbInstance. One or more DbInstance(s) are necessary for creating Database(s)

Check if DbInstance exists on cluster and running.

$ kubectl get dbin

The result should be like below.

NAME              PHASE      STATUS
example-generic   Running   false

If you get No resources found., go to how to create DbInstance

For more details about how it works check here



Create Database custom resource

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Database"
  name: "example-db"
  secretName: example-db-credentials # DB Operator will create secret with this name. it contains db name, user, password
  instance: example-gsql # This has to be match with DbInstance name
  deletionProtected: false # Protection to not delete database when custom resource is deleted
    enable: false # turn it to true when you want to use back up feature. currently only support postgres
    cron: "0 0 * * *"
      - name: USER_PASSWORD
        template: "{{ .Username }}-{{ .Password }}"
        secret: true
    CONNECTION_STRING: "jdbc:{{ .Protocol }}://{{ .UserName }}:{{ .Password }}@{{ .DatabaseHost }}:{{ .DatabasePort }}/{{ .DatabaseName }}" 
    PASSWORD_USER: "{{ .Password }}_{{ .UserName }}"

With credentials.templates you can add new entries to database ConfigMap and Secret. This feature uses go templates, so you can build custom string using either predefined helper functions:

  • Protocol: Depends on the db engine. Possible values are mysql/postgresql
  • Hostname: The same value as for db host in the connection configmap
  • Port: The same value as for db port in the connection configmap
  • Database: The same value as for db name in the creds secret
  • Username: The same value as for database user in the creds secret
  • Password: The same value as for password in the creds secret

Or getting data directly from a data source, possible options are.

  • Secret: Query data from the Secret
  • ConfigMap: Query data from the ConfigMap
  • Query: Get data directly from the database

When using Secret and ConfigMap you can query the previously created secret to template a new one, e.g.:

      - name: TMPL_1
        template: "test"
        secret: false
      - name: TMPL_2
        template: "{{ .ConfigMap \"TMPL_1\"}}"
        secret: true
      - name: TMPL_3
        template: "{{ .Secret \"TMPL_2\"}}"
        secret: false

When using Query you need to make sure that you query returns only one value. For example:

      - name: POSTGRES_VERSION
        secret: false
        template: "{{ .Query \"SHOW server_version;\" }}"

Make sure to set .templates[].secret to true when templating sensitive data, db-operator will not detect it automatically. By default, secret is set to false, so new entry will be added to the ConfigMap

secretsTemplates are deprecated and will be completely replaced by credentials.templates in the v1beta2, so please, make sure to migrate, or let the webhook take care of it later. You can't use both: secretsTemplates and credentials.templates at the same time, please choose only one option

With secretsTemplates you can add fields to the database secret that are composed by any string and by any of the following templated values:

- Protocol: Depending on db engine. Possible values are mysql/postgresql
- UserName: The same value as for database user in the creds secret
- Password: The same value as for password in the creds secret
- DatabaseHost: The same value as for db host in the connection configmap 
- DatabasePort: The same value as for db port in the connection configmap 
- DatabaseName: The same value as for db host in the creds secret

If no credentials.templates and secretsTemplates are specified, a default connection string example will be added to the secret:

CONNECTION_STRING: "jdbc:{{ .Protocol }}://{{ .UserName }}:{{ .Password }}@{{ .DatabaseHost }}:{{ .DatabasePort }}/{{ .DatabaseName }}" 

For postgres it's also possible to drop the Public schema after the database creation, or to create additional schemas. To do that, you need to provide these fields:

  dropPublicSchema: true # Do not set it, or set to false if you don't want to drop the public schema
  schemas: # The user that's going to be created by db-operator, will be granted all privileges on these schemas
    - schema_1
    - schema_2

If you initialize a database with dropPublicSchema: false and then later change it to true, or add schemas with the schemas field and later try to remove them by updating the manifest, you may be unable to do that. Because db-operator won't use DROP CASCADE for removing schemas, and if there are objects depending on a schema, someone with admin access will have to remove these objects manually.

There is a support for Postgres Database Templates. To create a database from template, you need to set .spec.postgres.template. It's referencing to a database on the Postgres server, but not to the k8s Database resource that is created by operator, so there is no validation on the db-operator side that a template exists.

After successful Database creation, you must be able to get a secret named like example-db-credentials.

$ kubectl get secret example-db-credentials

It contains credentials to connect to the database generated by operator.

For postgres,

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    created-by: db-operator
  name: example-db-credentials
type: Opaque
  POSTGRES_DB: << base64 encoded database name (generated by db operator) >>
  POSTGRES_PASSWORD: << base64 encoded password (generated by db operator) >>
  POSTGRES_USER: << base64 encoded user name (generated by db operator) >>
  CONNECTION_STRING: << base64 encoded database connection string >>

For mysql,

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    created-by: db-operator
  name: example-db-credentials
type: Opaque
  DB: << base64 encoded database name (generated by db operator) >>
  PASSWORD: << base64 encoded password (generated by db operator) >>
  USER: << base64 encoded user name (generated by db operator) >>
  CONNECTION_STRING: << base64 encoded database connection string >>

You should be able to get configmap with same name as secret like example-db-credentials.

$ kubectl get configmap example-db-credentials

It contains connection information for database server access.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    created-by: db-operator
  name: example-db-credentials
  DB_CONN: << database server address >>
  DB_PORT: << database server port >>
  DB_PUBLIC_IP: << database server public ip >>

By default, ConfigMap and Secret are created without an Owner Reference, so they won't be removed if the Database resource is removed. If you want it to be deleted too, you need to turn on the cleanup function.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Database"
  name: "example-db"
  cleanup: true

If this feature is enabled, then Database becomes an owner of Secrets and ConfigMaps, and by removing a database, you'll also remove them.


By using the secret and the configmap created by operator after database creation, pods in Kubernetes can connect to the database. The following deployment is an example of how application pods can connect to the database.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: example-app
  replicas: 1
      app: example
        app: example
      - name: example-app
        image: "appimage:latest"
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          value: /run/secrets/postgres/POSTGRES_PASSWORD
        - name: POSTGRES_USERNAME
              key: POSTGRES_USER
              name: example-db-credentials # has to be same with spec.secretName of Database custom resource
        - name: POSTGRES_DB
              key: POSTGRES_DB
              name: example-db-credentials # has to be same with spec.secretName of Database custom resource
        - name: POSTGRES_HOST
              key: DB_CONN
              name: example-db-credentials # has to be same with spec.secretName of Database custom resource
        - mountPath: /run/secrets/postgres/
          name: db-secret
          readOnly: true
      - name: db-secret
          defaultMode: 420
          secretName: example-db-credentials # has to be same with spec.secretName of Database custom resource


To check Database status

kubectl get db example-db

The output should be like

example-db    Ready   true     false       example-generic    4h39m

Possible phases and meanings

Phase Description
Creating On going creation of database in the database server
InfoConfigMapCreating Generating and building configmap data with database server information
InstanceAccessSecretCreating When instance type is google, it's creating access secret in the namespace where Database exists.
BackupJobCreating Creating backup Cronjob when backup is enabled in the spec
Finishing Setting status of Database to true
Ready Database is created and all the configs are applied. Healthy status.
Deleting Database is being deleted.


PostgreSQL extensions listed under spec.postgres.extensions will be enabled by DB Operator. DB Operator execute CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS on the target database.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Database"
  name: "example-db"
  secretName: example-db-credentials
  instance: example-gsql
  deletionProtected: false
      - pgcrypto
      - uuid-ossp
      - plpgsql

When monitoring is enabled on DbInstance spec, pg_stat_statements extension will be enabled. If below error occurs during database creation, the module must be loaded by adding pg_stat_statements to shared_preload_libraries in postgresql.conf on the server side.

ERROR: pg_stat_statements must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries