- python >= 3.9
- flatpak-builder
git clone https://github.com/zapzap-linux/zapzap.git
cd zapzap
# add flathub remote
flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
# installing required packages
flatpak install --user --assumeyes flathub org.kde.Platform//6.5 com.riverbankcomputing.PyQt.BaseApp//6.5
Generates a unique file for installation and distribution
# Building and Running
python _packaging/flatpak/build_single_file.py
At the end, the file for installation will be in the 'export' folder with the name zapzap.flatpak. For installation:
flatpak install export/zapzap.flatpak