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How to Start on Boot

Claude Pageau edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 15 revisions is a bash script that runs as a background task after a short wait period. If the script is run a second time it will display the pid of the background task. can be edited using nano to send verbose logging to a log file when running as a background task. See code comments for changing the default behavior. Default is no redirection of verbose logging. There is a 10 second wait in the script to allow time for RPI startup services to complete before starting This can be increased if there is a problem.
IMPORTANT: Change the variable verbose=False to suppress console messages, otherwise messages will be sent to the foreground console session and may cause problems.

Make sure the files in rpi-speed-camera folder are all owned by pi before running process in background as user pi. To change ownership execute the following command

sudo chown -R pi:pi /home/pi/rpi-speed-camera/*
ls -Rl /home/pi/rpi-speed-camera | more

To auto launch and/or on boot-up of raspberry pi, perform the following

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

In nano add the following command to the rc.local file just before the exit 0 command. This will launch pi-timolo and the webserver in the background running under the pi user (not root). Note the webserver startup is optional.

su pi -c "/home/pi/rpi-speed-camera/ start > /dev/null"
su pi -c "/home/pi/rpi-speed-camera/ start > /dev/null"

ctrl-x y to save and exit nano editor

Reboot RPI and test operation by triggering motion and checking images are successfully saved to your images folder (link to html/images).

sudo reboot

Login and check if and or webserver is running or verify they are running under pi user

ps -ef | grep python | grep -v grep

To stop the speed-cam and or webserver background task.

cd ~/rpi-speed-camera
./ stop 
./ stop

You can also do this using