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173 lines (136 loc) · 6.51 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (136 loc) · 6.51 KB


These scripts should work with Python 3.4 or later. In order to install the required dependencies in a virtual environment, run:

python3 -m venv conversion-venv
. conversion-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Converting data

Two main types of data can be converted with these scripts: image volumes, and surface meshes.

Converting image volumes

Here is a summary of the steps needed for converting volumetric images to the Neuroglancer precomputed chunk format.

Two types of data layout are accepted as input:

  • Volumes in NIfTI format (or any other format readable by Nibabel). See JuBrain for an example.
  • Series of 2D slices. See BigBrainRelease.2015 for an example.
  1. Write the metadata for the full-resolution image in JSON format. If your input data is readable by Nibabel, you can use --generate-info do do the job. Here is an example with minimal metadata (note that the resolution is expressed in nanometres):

        "type": "image",
        "data_type": "uint8",
        "num_channels": 1,
        "scales": [
                "size": [151, 188, 154],
                "resolution": [1000000, 1000000, 1000000],
                "voxel_offset": [0, 0, 0]
  2. Create metadata for all scales using on the previously created JSON file. This step writes a file named info in the current directory, which is needed by Neuroglancer as well as by all the subsequent steps. You are advised to create a fresh directory for each dataset.

    If your image contains discrete labels, you will need to pass --max-scales=1, because scale pyramids are not (yet) supported for labelled data.

    At this stage you may want to run, which displays the number of chunks that will be created, and their uncompressed size. Thus, you can make sure that you have enough disk space before proceeding.

  3. Convert your data to raw full-resolution chunks by using one of these scripts:

  4. Compute downscaled pyramid levels using The scales are computed by local averaging, so this step is not suitable for images containing discrete labels.

    At this point the raw-format data is ready to be displayed in Neuroglancer.

  5. Finally, you can convert the raw chunks to a compressed format using one of:

    • (lossy JPEG compression, see --jpeg-quality)
    • (lossless compression, recommended for discrete labels).

    You will need to generate these compressed chunks in a separate directory from the raw chunks, and generate a suitable info file by using the --encoding parameter to

Converting surface meshes

A surface mesh can be displayed in two ways in Neuroglancer: associated with a segmentation label as part of a segmentation type layer, or as a standalone mesh layer.

A standalone mesh layer needs a mesh in the VTK ASCII format. can be used to convert a mesh from GIfTI to that format.

A mesh associated with a segmentation label needs to be in a Neuroglancer-specific binary precomputed format. or can be used to convert meshes to this format. Additionally, you need to add a mesh key to the info file of the segmentation volume, and provide one JSON file per segment, as described in the Neuroglancer documentation of the precomputed format. At the moment this must be done manually.

Different conventions for physical coordinates

Beware that Neuroglancer departs from the NIfTI convention in associating physical coordinates to voxels: Neuroglancer associates physical coordinates to the corner of a voxel, whereas NIfTI specifies that they refer to the centre of a voxel. Therefore, images will be offset by half a voxel relative to meshes if you do not compensate for this offset.

For standalone meshes, this offset can be compensated for by using the transform URL parameter. For pre-computed segmentation meshes however, there is no way of specifying a different transform for the image and the associated meshes: the offset must be applied to the vertex coordinates. This can be achieved by using the --coord-transform option.

Please note that if you want to display images correctly with respect to physical coordinates (e.g. stereotaxic coordinates), you have to use the transform parameter as well. The transform.json which is output by does takes the half-voxel shift into account.

Serving the converted data


A Docker image running a specially-configured nginx web-server is available for serving the converted data: neuroglancer-docker (directly available on Docker Hub).


Alternatively, you serve the pre-computed images using Apache, with the following Apache configuration (e.g. put it in a .htaccess file):

<IfModule headers_module>
    # Needed to use the data from a Neuroglancer instance served from a
    # different server (see
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

# Data chunks are stored in sub-directories, in order to avoid having
# directories with millions of entries. Therefore we need to rewrite URLs
# because Neuroglancer expects a flat layout.
Options FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "^(.*)/([0-9]+-[0-9]+)_([0-9]+-[0-9]+)_([0-9]+-[0-9]+)$" "$1/$2/$3/$4"

<IfModule mime_module>
    # Allow serving pre-compressed files, which can save a lot of space for raw
    # chunks, compressed segmentation chunks, and mesh chunks.
    # The AddType directive should in theory be replaced by a "RemoveType .gz"
    # directive, but with that configuration Apache fails to serve the
    # pre-compressed chunks (confirmed with Debian version 2.2.22-13+deb7u6).
    # Fixes welcome.
    Options Multiviews
    AddEncoding x-gzip .gz
    AddType application/octet-stream .gz