+++ title = "Curriculum Vitae" +++
@@column12 @@container
@@row @@column11 Center @@ @@column12 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas @@ @@
@@row @@column11 Institute @@ @@column12 Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid @@ @@
@@row @@column11 Address @@ @@column12 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3, 28049 Madrid (Spain) @@ @@
@@row @@column11 Position @@ @@column12 Tenured scientist (Condensed matter, theory) @@ @@
@@row @@column11 Office @@ @@column12 216 @@ @@
@@row @@column11 Phone @@ @@column12 (+34) 91 334 9079 @@ @@
@@row @@column11 e-mail @@ @@column12
@@ @@
@@column11 *IDs* @@
@@column12 [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pt3gvQgAAAAJ), ORCID [0000-0002-7920-5273](http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7920-5273),
ResearcherID [A-4795-2010](http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-4795-2010)
@@ @@
@@ @@ @@
# Academic career
@@column11 *Mar 2017 - present* @@
@@column12 Tenured Scientist at the [ICMM](http://www.icmm.csic.es) - [CSIC](http://www.csic.es) (Madrid, Spain)@@
@@column11 *April 2015 - Mar 2017* @@
@@column12 Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the [ICMM](http://www.icmm.csic.es/) - [CSIC](http://www.csic.es/) (Madrid, Spain)@@
@@column11 *Nov 2012 - Mar 2015* @@
@@column12 Postdoctoral Research Associate at the [ICMM](http://www.icmm.csic.es/) - [CSIC](http://www.csic.es/) (Madrid, Spain), with [Prof. F. Guinea](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5FPqkUgAAAAJ)@@
@@column11 *Nov 2009 - Oct 2012* @@
@@column12 JAE-Doc Research Associate at the [IEM](http://www.iem.cfmac.csic.es/) - [CSIC](http://www.csic.es/) (Madrid, Spain), with [Prof. J. González](http://perso.ya.com/gonzalezc/home.html)@@
@@column11 *Aug 2008 - Oct 2009* @@
@@column12 Research Associate at [Lancaster Univesity](http://www.lancs.ac.uk/) (UK) with [Prof. H. Schomerus](http://www.lancs.ac.uk/depts/physics/staff/schomerus/)@@
@@column11 *Mar 2005 - Jul 2008* @@
@@column12 Research Associate at the [Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik](http://www.tfp.uni-karlsruhe.de/) ([Karlsruhe Univesity](http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/), Germany) with [Prof. G. Schön](http://www.tfp.uni-karlsruhe.de/schoen)@@
@@column11 *14th Jan 2005* @@
@@column12 Viva for PhD thesis titled [Non-perturbative approaches to transport in nanostructures and granular arrays](http://digital.csic.es/bitstream/10261/33681/1/ThesisSan-Jose.pdf)@@
@@column11 *Sep 2000 - Sep 2004* @@
@@column12 PhD studies under the direction of [Prof. Francisco Guinea](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5FPqkUgAAAAJ) ([ICMM](http://www.icmm.csic.es/) - [CSIC](http://www.csic.es/) - Spain)@@
@@column11 *Sep 1999 - Sep 2000* @@
@@column12 Pre-doctoral research project on "Resonant scattering in light waveguides", with [Prof. J. Sáenz](http://www.uam.es/gruposinv/MoLE/page/index_uk.html) ([Autónoma University](http://www.uam.es/), Madrid, Spain)@@
@@column11 *Feb 1999* @@
@@column12 Graduate degree in Theoretical Physics by the [Autónoma University](http://www.uam.es/) (Extraordinary Graduate Award)@@
@@column11 *Sep 1994 - Feb 1999* @@
@@column12 Undergraduate studies in [Autónoma University](http://www.uam.es/) (Madrid, Spain)@@
# Scientific conferences
September 2-6 2024, "EPS-CMD31 conference", (Braga, Portugal). Minicolloquium Organizer.
<p>July 15-19 2024, <strong>Quantum Designer Physics 2024</strong>, (San Sebastián, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Quantica.jl: simulating tight-binding systems in the Julia language</i> </br>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Helical modes and Majoranas in encapsulated graphene bilayers</i></br>
<p>July 3-6 2023, <strong>"Control of Ultrafast (Attosecond and Strong Field) Processes Using Structured Light" (CUPUSL23)</strong>, (Dresden, Germany) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Quantica.jl: simulating tight-binding systems in the Julia language</i> </br>
<p>June 22-23 2023, <strong>"Stories in the flatland (with a twist in the end)", Symposium in honor of Prof. Francisco Guinea</strong>, (Madrid, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Helical modes and Majoranas in encapsulated graphene bilayers</i> </br>
<p>July 18-21 2022, <strong>Quantum Designer Physics 2022</strong>, (San Sebastián, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Majorana-like Coulomb spectroscopy in the absence of zero bias peaks</i> </br>
<p>March 14-18 2022, <strong>APS March Meeting 2022</strong>, (Chicago - online) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Majorana bound states in encapsulated bilayer graphene</i> </br>
<p>October 4-5 2021, <strong>IOP-EPS mini-colloquium: Real-space simulations of topological matter and disordered materials</strong>, (Paris - online) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Engineering Majoranas in 2D crystals: three graphene-based recipes</i> </br>
<p>March 15-19 2021, <strong>APS March Meeting 2021</strong> (online) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Flat bands in magic-angle vibrating plates</i> </br>
<p>April 4-5 2019, <strong>SP2 Workshop 2019</strong> (Granada, Spain) </p>
<p>January 14-15 2019, <strong>KITE quantum transport software workshop</strong> (Porto, Portugal) </p>
<p>April 20th 2018, <strong>Symposium in honor of Prof. Schön's 70th birthday</strong> (Karlsruhe, Germany) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Moiré patterns in 2D crystals</i> </br>
<p>October (23-25) 2017, <strong>2D Materials and Interfaces for Spintronics</strong> (Barcelona, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Opportunities for Majoranas in 2D</i> </br>
<p>September (4-8) 2017, <strong>XXIV International summer school "Nicolás Cabrera": Quantum transport in topological materials</strong> (Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Overview of MathQ, a Mathematica simulator for quantum systems</i> </br>
<p>July (18-19) 2017, <strong>GEFES Simposium "Quantum Materials And Technologies"</strong> (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Zero-energy pinning from interactions in Majorana nanowires</i> </br>
<p>May (14-20) 2017, <strong>Majorana States In Condensed Matter: Towards Topological Quantum Computation</strong> (Mallorca, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene</i> </br>
<p>May (8-9) 2017, <strong>Workshop "New Trends in Material Science"</strong> (Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Zero-energy pinning of Majorana in nanowires</i> </br>
<p>February (22-26) 2016, <strong>Spinograph Workshop 2016 - New trends in 2D materials </strong> (IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Controlling Commensuration in Graphene/hBN multilayers</i> </br>
<p>February (16-19) 2016, <strong>NanoPT-2016 International Conference</strong> (Braga, Portugal) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene</i> </br>
<p>January (13-15) 2016, <strong>IX GEFES Meeting 2016</strong> (Cuenca, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene</i> </br>
<p>July (13-17) 2015, <strong>Interaction effects in graphene and related materials</strong> (San Sebastian, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene</i> </br>
<p>June (22-26) 2015, <strong>Graphene Week 2015</strong> (Manchester, UK) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Majorana Zero Modes in Graphene</i> </br>
<p>May (13-17) 2015, <strong>Microsoft Numerics Meeting</strong> (Copenhaguen, Denmark) </p>
<p>March (2-6) 2015, <strong>APS March Meeting 2015</strong> (San Antonio, USA) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Majorana bound states without topological superconductivity</i> </br>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>SNS junctions in nanowires with spin-orbit coupling: role of confinement and helicity on the sub-gap spectrum </i> </br>
<p>September (23-24) 2014, <strong>Mini-workshop “Topological Nanodevice Modeling” </strong> (Delft, The Netherlands) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>MatG, a quantum simulator</i>
<p>February (18-21) 2014, <strong>GraphEsp2014</strong> (Lanzarote, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Stacking boundaries and transport in bilayer graphenes</i>
<p>June (10-14) 2013, <strong>Novel 2D materials: Tuning electronic properties on the atomic scale</strong> (Bremen, Germany) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Properties of small-angle twisted graphene bilayers</i>
<p>September (10-14) 2012, <strong>Trends in Nanotechnology TNT2012</strong> (Madrid, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>AC Josephson effect and Majorana Fermions</i>
<p>January (24-27) 2012, <strong>Reunión bianual GEFES</strong> (University of Seville, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Localization in twisted graphene bilayers</i>
<p>January (9-13) 2012, <strong>Fundamental Aspects of Graphene and Other Carbon Allotropes</strong> (KITP, Santa Barbara, USA) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral+Poster]</strong>: <i>Non-Abelian gauge fields in Moiré graphene bilayers</i>
<p>October 18th, 2011, <strong>Graphene for Future Emerging technologies</strong> (CSIC, Madrid,Spain) </p>
<p>September 27th, 2011, <strong>Graphene: transport and spintronics</strong> (ICMM, Madrid,Spain) </p>
<p>April (11-14) 2011, <strong>ImagineNANO 2011 - Graphene</strong> (Bilbao, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Graphene Ratchets</i>
<p>March (13-19) 2010, <strong>APS March Meeting</strong> (Portland, USA) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Quantum pumping in graphene</i>
<p>August (1-8) 2009, <strong>Graphene</strong> (Benasque, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Pseudospintronics in bilayer graphene</i></br>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Quantum pumping in graphene</i></br>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Strains and magnetic fields in suspended graphene</i></br>
<p>September (9-14) 2007, <strong>Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics and Nanoelectronics</strong> (Mojacar, Spain)</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Geometrical spin dephasing in quantum dots</i></br>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Pseudodiffusive magnetotransport in graphene</i></br>
<p>August (29-31) 2007, <strong>CFN Summer School on Nanoelectronics</strong> (Bad Herrenalb, Germany) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Invited]</strong>: <i>Spin qubits</i>
<p>August 2006, <strong>MCRTN International School on the Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics</strong> (Balaton, Hungary) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral+Poster]</strong>: <i>Geometrical spin dephasing in quantum dots</i>
<p>April (2-7) 2006, <strong>MCRTN Spring School ’Quantum Optics and Computation’</strong> (Riomaggiore, Italy). </p>
<p>March 2006,<strong> EuroSQIP meeting</strong> (Paris, France). </p>
<p>October (2-5) 2005, <strong>Marie Curie RTN Network meeting, Nanoscale Dynamics and Quantum Coherence</strong> (Catania, Italy)</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Current conserving model of inelastic scattering</i>
<p>November 2003, <strong>Full Counting Statistics Workshop</strong> (Marseille, France) </p>
<p>October (1-4) 2003, <strong>Spin and Charge Transport in nanostructures - Euroconference</strong> (Mallorca, Spain) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Coherence and Coulomb blockade in single electron devices: A unified treatment of interaction effects</i>
<p>September (1-5) 2003, <strong>Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence and Computation, Marie Curie RTN Network meeting</strong> (Braga, Portugal)</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Poster]</strong>: <i>Coherence and Coulomb blockade in single electron devices: A unified treatment of interaction effects</i>
<p>April 2002, <strong>Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence and Computation, Marie Curie RTN Network meeting</strong> (Rome, Italy) </p>
<p>March, 2002, <strong>Quantum Information, European Science Foundation</strong> (San Feliu de Guixols, Spain) </p>
<!-- <li>
<p>September, 2001, <strong>TDCEM</strong> (Oporto, Portugal)</p>
</li> -->
<p>September, 2001, <strong>Novena Escuela de Otoño de Física Teórica</strong> (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)</p>
<p>April (24 - 28) 2001 , <strong>Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence and Computing - Marie Curie RTN Network meeting</strong> (Mátrafüred, Hungary) </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Oral]</strong>: <i>Resonant Scattering and radiative forces in 3D light waveguides</i>
<p>Septiembre, 2000, <strong>Forces and Tunnel 2000</strong> (Toledo, Spain)</p>
<p>September, 2000, <strong>Octava Escuela de Otoño de Física Teórica</strong> (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)</p>
<p>November, 1999. <strong>Field Emission EUROFE 99</strong> (Toledo, Spain)</p>
<ol reversed>
<p><strong> Seminar series in Quantum Tinkerer group</strong>, Delft, Netherlands, 23rd October 2023 (online)</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Quantica.jl: simulations of tight-binding systems in the Julia language</i>
<p><strong>Theory Seminar series in LPS Orsay</strong>, Paris, France, 27th January 2022 (online)</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Three Graphene-based Recipes for Majorana Bound States</i>
<p><strong>Seminarios alternativos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)</strong>, Madrid, Spain, 26th April 2018</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Moiré patterns and spontaneous deformations in 2D crystals</i>
<p><strong>Ciclo Jóvenes Investigadores Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)</strong>, Madrid, Spain, 14th October 2016</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Topology: a new perspective on electronic systems</i>
<p><strong>Seminarios alternativos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC)</strong>, Madrid, Spain, 14th May 2014</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Stacking boundaries in graphene multilayers</i>
<p><strong>Universidad Autónoma de Madrid [C-V]</strong>, Madrid, Spain, 11th April 2012</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Non-Abelian gauge fields in twisted graphene bilayers</i>
<p><strong>Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)</strong>, workshop on <i>The Physics of Graphene</i>, Santa Barbara, USA, 4th January - 30th March, 2012 </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i><a href="http://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/graphene12/twisted/">Twisted graphene bilayers</a></i>
<p><strong>Complutense University</strong>, Madrid, Spain, 26th October 2011</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Single-parameter pumping in graphene</i>
<p><strong>ICMM (CSIC)</strong>, Madrid, Spain, 17th March 2011</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Non-adiabatic pumping in graphene</i>
<p><strong>IFISC/Universitat de les Illes Balears</strong>, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 6-9 April 2009</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Pseudospintronics in bilayer graphene</i>
<p><strong>Universtät Karlsruhe</strong>, Karlsruhe, Germany, 15-18 December 2008</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Pseudospintronics in bilayer graphene</i>
<p><strong>Lancaster University</strong>, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 9-27 May 2008</p>
<p><strong>Freiburg University</strong>, Freiburg, Germany, November 2007</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Universal scaling of current fluctuations in disordered graphene</i>
<p><strong>Budapest Technical University</strong>, Budapest, Hungary, 7-19 January 2007</p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Geometric spin manipulation and relaxation</i>
<p><strong>University of Basel</strong>, Basel, Switzerland, November 2006 </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Geometric spin manipulation and relaxation</i>
<p><strong>ICMM (CSIC)</strong>, Madrid, Spain third week of September 2006 </p>
<div class="colbox-blue">
<strong>[Seminar]</strong>: <i>Geometrical spin relaxation</i>
<p><strong>Escuola Normale Superiore</strong>, Pisa, Italy, week ending October 2005 </p>
<p><strong>Escuola Normale Superiore</strong>, Pisa, Italy, from March to May 2004 </p>
<p><strong> Marseille University</strong>, Marseille, France, 19 - 29 November 2003</p>
<p><strong>Ecole Normale Superieure</strong>, Paris, France, July 2003</p>
<p><strong>Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP)</strong>, Santa Barbara, USA, 14th November -12th December, 2002 </p>
<p><strong>Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)</strong>, Santa Barbara, USA, 14th November -13th December, 2001 </p>
Press interview about our Nature article on Majoranas in full shell nanowires for El Pais - January 13th, 2023.
Radio interview about topological materials and quantum computation for Universo Paralelo (Radio Círculo) - July 18th, 2018.
Youtube Interview about quantum technologies and topological materials for Fundación BBVA - September 18th, 2017.
TV Interview about Quantum Computation for La2 Noticias, TVE2 - September 12th, 2017.
Journal article titled 'Materiales 2D'. Rafael Roldán, Andres Castellanos-Gomez, Pablo San-Jose. Revista Española de Física 31 (3), (2017).
Press interview for Servimedia, titled 'La antimateria: el reverso oculto de todo lo que nos rodea' - April 16th, 2017.
Journal article sobre el Premio Nobel de Física 2016. A Cortijo, E Prada, P San-Jose, R Aguado, J Fernández-Rossier. *Revista Española de Física 30 (4), 7-9 (2016).
Press interview, about the 2016 Physics Nobel price by La Vanguardia, titled 'El Nobel de Física abre la puerta a una revolución tecnológica' - October 4th, 2016.
Radio interview about Majoranas in graphene, in the program "Luciérnagas" (rtvd.org) - April 5th, 2016.
Press interview about graphene by Europa Press, titled 'La tecnología apuesta por el grafeno' - April 3rd, 2016.
Radio interview about graphene Majoranas and quantum computation, in the program "Principio de Incertidumbre" (Canal Extremadura) - March 12th, 2016.
Press interview for SINC, titled 'Demostrado: se pueden obtener partículas de Majorana en grafeno' - March 4th, 2016.
Radio interview about rare earths in the program "Más de uno" (Onda Cero) - May 14th, 2015.
Press interview for the science section INnovadores of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, titled 'Del petróleo al coltán, las materias primas que pueden hacer tambalear a la geopolítica mundial' - June 6th, 2014.
Press interview for RTVE, titled 'El grafeno tricapa, un cristal que se puede reconfigurar con un campo eléctrico' - May 6th, 2014.
School presentation at the 'Príncipe de Asturias' primary school, titled 'El Grafeno' - January 28th, 2014.
Press interview for the science section EM2 of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, titled 'El periódico electrónico y enrollable llegará en 2015' - October 12th, 2012.
Press interview for the science section EM2 of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, titled 'Pantallas flexibles: la revolución del grafeno' - November 25th, 2011.
School presentations titled 'Materiales asombrosos'
- Presentation for students from IES 'La Laguna', on March 18th, 2011.
- Presentation for the Week of Science (CSIC), on November 15th, 2011.
- Presentation at the IES Los Olivos, on the May 21st, 2012.
- Presentation at the IES Julio Caro Baroja on May 23rd, 2012.
- Presentation at the IEM (CSIC) on June 27th, 2012.
- Presentation at the IES Fortuny, on November 13th, 2012.
- Presentation at the Saint Anne's School, on January 8th, 2013.
- Highlighted on the DIGITAL.CSIC homepage, from May 14th till May 24th, 2015.
Press interview for El Público titled 'Una mina de lápiz basta para estudiar la "partícula de Dios"'- February 28th, 2011.
Journal interview for Physics World (February 1st, 2011), titled 'Theorists turn to graphene for clues to Higgs'. Also featured in Nature, and other media.
Press interview for the science section Eureka of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, titled '"Superteflón" para el hogar del futuro' - November 14th, 2010.
"Introduction to Graphene", classes in official Master "Nanophysics and Advanced Materials" UCM, Madrid, 21st-23rd November 2023 [3 hours].
"Introduction to Graphene", classes in official Master "Nanophysics and Advanced Materials" UCM, Madrid, 15th-17th December 2020 [3 hours].
"Introduction to Graphene", classes in official Master "Nanophysics and Advanced Materials" UCM, Madrid, 27th-28th November 2018 [3 hours].
Course on "An introduction to MathQ, a simulation platform for quantum systems", ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, 4th-5th July 2017 [6 hours].
Co-advisor to the PhD thesis by Luis González-Arraga "Modelling spin correlations in graphene and chiral molecules" (defended cum laude on May 11th, 2018).
Co-advisor to the PhD thesis by Francesca Finocchiaro "Quantum Transport And Topological Features In Two-Dimensional Materials" (defended cum laude on June 22nd, 2018).
Co-advisor to the PhD thesis by Fernando Peñaranda "Topological superconductivity in nanowires and two-dimensional crystals" (defended cum laude on April 19th, 2023).
Course on "Numerical simulations in Mathematica", as part of the Official Master Programme on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies (Autonoma University), Madrid, November 2010 [19.5 hours].
Co-advisor to the Diploma thesis by Petra Dietl, "Numerical studies of electronic transport through graphene nanoribbons with disorder", Karlsruhe, March 2009.
Advisor to the Diploma thesis by Burkhard Scharfenberger, "Spin-orbit interaction in quantum dot rings: spin manipulation and transport", Karlsruhe, September 2007.
Assitant for the tutor lectures on Statistical Mechanics (Theoretische Physik F, Karlsruhe University), Summer semester 2006 [29.5 hours].
- September (4-6) 2024, Minicolloquium in CMD31, Attosecond physics in condensed matter (Braga, Portugal) -- Organizer
- April (11-12) 2018, Kick-off workshop of the Spanish Network for 2D Materials (SP2) (Madrid, Spain) -- Organizer
- May (14-20) 2017, Majorana States In Condensed Matter: Towards Topological Quantum Computation (Majorca, Spain) -- Organizing - committee
- January (13-15) 2016, IX GEFES Meeting 2016 (Cuenca, Spain) -- Organizing committee
- October (1-10) 2003, Marie Curie Research and Tranining Network Meeting - Nanoscale Dynamics, Coherence and Computation (Majorca, Spain) -- Organizing committee