- 📱 Dashboard update
- 🎉 100 new or updated icons (thanks Kport1, Basings, Actuallyhuman, GitGitro, Maciej-klupp, Joserebelo, Totoroot, Mrandyrew95, GrantMoyer, Ayecptn, Ojppe, Dgcampbe, Lavin-Tom, Yetanother-user and Akp37!)
- 🔥 4698 icons in total!
- 🎉 84 new or updated icons (thanks Yetanother-user, Toxcien, Ojppe, Basings, Kreativ7, Lavin-Tom, Aliervo, Ronaldloyko, Kaiserdragon2, Petlyh, Prirai, Grrrrr, Kerioneesh, Wwwwwwari, MagiX13, Tieu1991 and Totoroot!)
- 🔥 4606 icons in total!
- 🎉 96 new or updated icons (thanks Duese, Aloxe, Yetanother-user, toxcien, prirai, ojppe, andmagdo. Petlyh, Hassancreative, Maciej-klupp!)
- 🔥 4622 icons in total!
- 🎉 126 new or updated icons (thanks Maciej-Klupp, Calciume, Toxcien, Joelchrono12, KristhianX, Dgcampbe, tieu1991, EvysGarden, Lavin-tom, Shreyanshs31, Andmagdo, Endim8, ZuperZeus, Aao-fyi!)
- 🔥 4560 icons in total!
- ✨ For the two F-Droid users that are using Arcticons Light, it's now light again and not dark :)
- ✨ A lot of old icons with tiny bugs are now normal again.
- 📅 Two new sets of dynamic calendar icons, one for Google Calendar and an updated one for Proton Calendar
- 🎉 79 new or updated icons (thanks Lavin-tom, Petlyh, RahulTPatil)
- 🔥 4388 icons in total!
- ✨ Icon requests should be fixed now.
- 🎉 38 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Plasmid-zz, Hassancreative, Ktutsch, Lavin-tim, Jammo2k5)
- 🔥 4310 icons in total!
- 🚀 Shoutout to Sam Beckman! Thanks a lot!!
- 📈 You can request 5 icons per update now.
- ✨ Updated the candybar dashboard, the bug where you couldn't request one icon is gone now.
- 🎉 46 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Dgcampbe, Baltevl, GreenPeteUK, Ktutsch, RahulTPatil, Dalaeance, Lavin-Tom, Frod0r, JoelChrono12, ElijahElliotP)
- 🔥 4283 icons in total!
- ✨ Improvements on existing icons.
- 🎉 64 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Ktutsch, Tieu1991, EdwinRodger, Adamsdesk, Lunar-21, LovelyParanoia, ElijahElliotP)
- 🔥 4256 icons in total!
- 🆕 A new app category.
- 🧱 Sorry for breaking the Google icons, that should be fixed now.
- 🎉52 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Ktutsch, Quantenzitrone, Joelchrono12, Tieu1991, MrMannWood, EdwinRodger)
- 🔥 4200 icons in total!
- 🎉 105 new or updated icons (thanks Joelchrono12, Quantenzitrone, Kaiserdragon2, Ktutsch, Tieu1991, rYR79435, LovelyParanoia)
- 🔥 4101 icons in total!
- 🇺🇦
- 🎉 100 new or updated icons (thanks Joelchrono12, Quantenzitrone, Kaiserdragon2, Ktutsch, JapanYoshi, SolarisSonne)
- 🔥 4000 icons in total! This is huge btw!!!
- 🇺🇦
- 🌞 Priority requests via Ko-Fi
- 🌐 Browsers have more variation now
- 🎉 40 new or updated icons (thanks Joelchrono12, Quantenzitrone, Kaiserdragon2)
- 🔥 3900 icons in total!
- 🌞 I now accept premium requests via Ko-Fi. If you want to see your icons quickly, this might be a great option for you!
- 🎉 32 new or updated icons (thanks Totoroot and Hacknorris)
- 🔥 3860 icons in total!
- 🎉 47 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Joelchrono12, Hassancreative, FilloBuccia)
- 🔥 3776 icons in total!
- 🎉 130 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Joelchrono12, Quantenzitrone, Filipkemuel, Beanie0815, Hassancreative, CSMNN, Giannis05, Yetanother-user, FREEZEball)
- 🔥 3730 icons in total!
- 🎉 91 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Csmnn, Quantenzitrone, Giannis05)
- 🔥 3600 icons in total!
- ℹ️ You can request icons again, but only one at the time! We still have a lot of requests so please be patient and carfull with it, and consider donating to support the pack.
- 🎉 56 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Aloxe, Quantenzitrone, No-Meanings, Giannis05, hassancreative)
- 🔥 3509 icons in total!
- 🎉 80 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Aloxe, Quantenzitrone, Otemachi, Juvss, Totoroot!)
- 🔥 3453 icons in total!
- 🎉 164 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, JoelChrono12, Ddavidd, Fanfu, Quantenzitrone, Totoroot, Aloxe, Vitordematos!)
- 🔥 3372 icons in total!
- ℹ️ There's a new privacy policy because we didn't have one before.
- 🎉 115 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, JoelChrono12, Ddavidd, Fanfu!)
- 🔥 3214 icons in total!
⚠️ Icon requests are still disabled.
- Calendars should be working again
- New dynamic proton calendar icons
- Realigned lowercase letter icons
- Renamed some icons
- 📁 Category tabs! In the app, you can now scroll through some neat categories like: folders, calendars, letters & numbers.
- 🎉 164 new or updated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, JoelChrono12, Ddavidd!)
- 💡 Some additional fixes by: ail1020, DannyGJdeJong & Aman9das.
- 🔥 3071 icons in total!
⚠️ Due to the many icon requests we're getting, we've decided to pause this feature temporarily. That gives us some time to clear the current queue, thanks for your patience and support!
- 🎉 52 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Ddavidd!)
- 🔥 2910 icons in total!
- 🎈 With this release, Arcticons is a year old (First version was released 5 Nov 2020)
⚠️ Arcticons is growing faster than ever before, but were also getting numerous icon requests from you! Managing this costs a lot of time, so please be patient with your requests (there are ~200 requests open right now).- 🎉 210 new or updated icons (thanks Quantenzitrone, JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Dgcampbe, Hassanncreative, Ali1020, Conny3496, Petlyh, Jostmorgenstern)
- 🔥 2860 icons in total!
- ✨ Support for Android 5 is back!
- 🎉 100 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Chaptergy, Ayysmkz)
- 🔥 2650 icons in total!
- ✨ Support for Android 7 is back!
- 🎉 50 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, HassanCreative, Aa0-fyi)
- 🔥 2550 icons in total!
- ♾️ Support for Omega Launcher
- 🌐 A new fancy website for Arcticons
- 🎉 151 new or updated icons
- 🔥 2500 icons in total! (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Eninkey, Dmoonfire, Fanfu, Bragefuglseth, Dgcampbe, Aman9Das, Suburbanno, Hassancreative, Aa0-fyi, Mdb571 & DreadedLama & Quantenzitrone)
- 🎉 109 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Quantenzitrone, Eninkey, Dmoonfire, Fanfu, Bragefuglseth, Dgcampbe & Aman9Das)
- 🔥 2367 icons in total!
- ✔️ The F-Droid build works again
- 🔮 A new date widget (thanks Aman9Das)
- 🎉 70 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Eninkey, Quantenzitrone & Aman9Das)
- 🔥 2252 icons in total!
- A Brand new dashboard with great new features like: Build in icon-requests Choosing a launcher to apply the icons to Better about pages Two clock widgets: Analogue & Digital An in app icon count Higher resolution icons than ever before (256px) (Made possible with a huge thanks to Aman Das!)
- 🎉 80 new & upated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, JoelChrono12, Eninkey, Dgcampbe, Fanfu & Aman9Das)
- 🔥 2183 icons in total!
- 🎉 53 new & upated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Aman9das, Dgcampbe, Bellaston & Quantenzitrone!)
- 💸 Redesigned support screen
- 🔥 2105 icons in total
- 🎉 50 new & upated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Aman9das, Yuhuitech & Quantenzitrone!)
- 🔡 Better font scaling for people that use large fonts
- 🔥 2054 icons in total
- 🆕 Besides the traditional white icons, there's also a new black version available for light mode users!
- 🎉 55 new & upated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Ail1020 & Chaptergy!)
- 🔥 2004 icons in total
- 🎉 51 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Ail1020, Quantenzitrone & chaptergy!)
- 📁 10 new folder icons for your sorting needs
- ❌ Deleted one double icon
- 🔥 1950 icons in total
- 🎉 38 new icons (thanks GreenPete, Ail1020, Chaptergy, EinoHR & JoelChrono12!)
- 🔥 1900(!) icons in total
- 🎉 49 new icons (thanks GreenPete & JoelChrono12!)
- 🔥 1871 icons in total
- 🎉 60 new icons (thanks ObsidianChickenz & Arnavpurani!)
- ✨ 2 updated icon
- 🔥 1822 icons in total
- 🎉 47 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Renesat, Batcastle & GreenPete!)
- ✨ 1 updated icon
- 🔥 1762 icons in total
- 33 new icons (thanks GreenPete, Arnavpurani, Bydariogamer & ThomasTraineau!)* 1 updated icons
- 1 updated icon
- 1715 icons in total
- 33 new icons (5 thanks to GreenPete)
- 3 updated icons
- 43 new icons (4 thanks to Gd4pL4E)
- 2 updated icons
- some small menu tweaks
- 50 new icons (thanks to Greenpete!)
- The final part of the redesign crusade, there are now 241(!) icons that look a lot cleaner!
- 24 new icons
- Some double icons are removed and replaced with existing ones
- 1558 icons in total!
- Adaptive icon & some new bright colors
- Part two of my ongoing redesign crusade, with this time 100(!) redesigned icons!
- 26 new icons (thanks to Renesat)
- 1563 icons in total!
- Laucher support for a lot more different ones!
- 58 new & updated icons (thanks to ChadFacs & Fakegamer666)
- 1537 icons in total!
- 78 new icons (thanks to Lelio-Brun, ModdedGamers, Hal47, Saijin-Naib, lomanotte, klaviatur & fanfu)
- 1500 icons in total!
- Dynamic calendar suport, the calendar icon now changes automaticly every day if your launcher supports it!
- 145 new icons (thanks to Rhodney, RuffaWuffa, Lelio-Brun & Fanfu)
- 1422 icons in total!
- 91 new icons (thanks to Dunexus, fanfu & me)
- 1277 icons in total!
- 56 new icons (thanks to fanfu & austenadler)
- 1191 icons in total!
- 108 new icons (thanks to aaronhatesregex, RuffaWuffa, csmnn, austenadler, fanfu & 0slav!)
- 1140 icons in total!
- Improved search function
- 61 new icons & revisited some old ones (thanks to aaronhatesregex, 0slav, livmackintosh, TBog)
- 1033 icons in total!
- Search, you can now search for icons in the app!
- 10 new icons & revisited some old ones (thanks to amine250, studio315b & slav)
- New update with various improvements to existing icons and added 8 icons.
- First update with over 60 new icons and various changes to existing ones!
- Initial release with over 900 icons!
- Thanks: Dkanada (for creating the app)