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Pure functional, type-safe, composable asynchronous and concurrent programming for .net

From side-effect to effect

An Effect system is an api that allows you to represent side-effects at type level, without actually performing them, so that you can model and compose side-effect-full processes using just pure functions.

NuGet install

dotnet add package NBB.Core.Effects

So how do you create effects?


var eff = Effect.Pure(5)

Effects.from impure functions

var eff = Effect.From(System.Guid.NewGuid);


static class ConsoleEffects
    internal class WriteLine
        internal record SideEffect(string Value) : ISideEffect;

        internal class Handler : ISideEffectHandler<SideEffect, Unit>
            public Task<Unit> Handle(SideEffect sideEffect, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
                return Unit.Task;

    internal class ReadLine
        internal record SideEffect : ISideEffect<string>;

        internal static string Handle(SideEffect _) => System.Console.ReadLine();

public static class Console
    public static Effect<Unit> WriteLine(string value) =>
        Effect.Of<ConsoleEffects.WriteLine.SideEffect, Unit>(new(value));

    public static Effect<string> ReadLine = Effect.Of<ConsoleEffects.ReadLine.SideEffect, string>(new());

Registering custom effect handlers

public static class DependencyInjectionExtensions
    public static IServiceCollection AddConsoleEffects(this IServiceCollection services)
            .AddSingleton<ISideEffectHandler<ConsoleEffects.WriteLine.SideEffect, Unit>,
            .AddSideEffectHandler<ConsoleEffects.ReadLine.SideEffect, string>(ConsoleEffects.ReadLine.Handle);
        return services;

Composing effects

Effect composition is based on the functor, applicative and monad algebras

Chaining effects with Then (Map, Bind)

You can map/bind the value inside an effect using Then.

public static readonly Effect<Unit> Main =
    Console.WriteLine("What is your name?")
        .Then(name => Guid.NewGuid.Then(userId => Greet(name, userId)));

Sequencing effects

Sequence produces an effect from a sequence of effects, when interpreted, it will interpret the list of effects one after the other.

public static readonly Effect<Unit> Main =
    Effect.Sequence(new List<Effect<Unit>>
        Console.WriteLine("Good bye!"),

Concurrent effects

Produces a compound effect, that when interpreted, it will concurrently interpret the two composed effects

public static readonly Effect<Unit> Main =

LINQ to effects

public static readonly Effect<Unit> Main =
    from id in Guid.NewGuid
    from name in GetNameById(id)
    let name1 = name.ToUpper()
    from _ in Console.WriteLine(name1)
    select Unit.Value;

Interpreting effects

Usually effect interpretation is done once in the program entry-point.

using NBB.Core.Effects;

await using var interpreter = Interpreter.CreateDefault(services => services.AddConsoleEffects());
await interpreter.Interpret(Program.Main);